Agenda Item - 2024-04-02 - Number 10.1 - Presentation - Annual Police Department Update 10.1
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2023 Annual Reporting
April 2 , 2024
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2023 ( r a izati al Chart •_ o
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CHIEF vcEST 1910_
Administrative • POLIG� •
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Patrol Administrative Communications Records
Lieutenant Lieutenant Manager Lead
I r
3 Records
r 2 Operations Clerks
' � 7 _...., .,.__
Administrative Detective Patrol apart Supervisors 1
2 2 l',..—
Day Shift Swiug Shift Grace Shift Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant
Sergeants Sergeant Sergeants I
e I 1 Training 1 Training I Shift Leads
7 I Coordinator Support 4 Adult , I
7 7 Detectives Resource
- . .0
Officers Officers Officers officer Officer I
Officer I 2 3 2
Behavioral Motors CSOs SROs
Health '. . 13
Specialist Operators
.� 1
DispatchCallCounts & Police Incidents
Total LO CO M Call Count 27,303
• Total 911 calls = 22,525 23,405
• Total Non-emergency (Inbound/outbound)Calls = 80, 18,472
859 20,380
Total incidents in 2023 = 27,303
• Total incidents are comprised of Calls for Service (CFS) 6,094 6,608 6,923
and Self-Initiated Activity (S-INT).
2UZ3 CFS = 20,380
• 2023 5-I NT = 6,923 2021 2022 2023
4tiA S
G°`� Total Incidents CFS S-INT
°R E - Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
CallsforService ( CFS )
In 2023, there were approximately 27,303
incidents resulting in 3,581 case numbers
taken across Part I and Part II crimes,
crashes, alarms, arrests, and misc. offenses.
• Part I Crimes Include: Homicide, Rape,
Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary,
Larceny, Vehicle Theft, and Arson. 640 703
8 lal 5 0
• Part II Crimes Include: Simple Assault, Forgery, 523
Fraud, Embezzlement, Stolen Property, _
Vandalism, Weapons Laws, Prostitution, and 432
Sex Crimes. Misc. Offenses
• Misc. Offenses/Activity Include: Alarms, DHS1 Part I Crimes
cases, DUII, Property calls, Suspicious Activity, Part II Crimes
Welfare Checks, and similar calls for service. Arrests
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
Specific offense types are noted for cases taken in 2021 through 2023. Many offenses
overlap with other reported crimes adding to the complexity of the investigation.
429 427
235 230
90 92 103 91 78 76 78 59
IIm � 69• I . 8 3 4 II 1 . 22 9 22 8 7 8
Crashes / Hit Assault Burglary Robbery Stolen Vehicle Recovered Theft Weapon
& Runs or Parts Stolen Offense
0-1' os Vehicles
• 2021 i 2022 2023
c�� n°`� Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
2021 2022 2023
Speed 269 Speed 1413 Speed 1360
Cell Phone 675 Cell Phone . 546 Cell Phone 652
Traffic Device 247 Traffic Device - 331 354
Driving 241 Driving • 256 Driving 292
Uninsured Uninsured Uninsured
Driving Driving Driving
Suspended 222 Suspended 212 204
3,706 Violations Cited 4,095 Violations Cited 4,394 Violations Cited
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
Oregon STOP Report
In 2017, HB 2355 required law enforcement to report on all discretionary traffic and pedestrian
stops to the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission (CJC).
LOPD data is collected primarily through our Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system following
the conclusion of a self-initiated traffic or pedestrian stop.
CJC examines the data and potential discrepancies to see why they exist:
• Unknown reason, driving behavior differences, racial profiling, officer deployment patterns, differences in exposure
to police
3 analysis models used multiple years of data :
• Decision to Stop (a.k.a. veil of darkness) examines stops at night compared to day
• KPT Hit Rate (searching and finding evidence/contraband)
• NOTE: Not enough data to complete analysis
• Predicted disposition (disposition of similar stops)
* LOPD was not identified as having a statistically significant disparity in any of the tests performed on the
STOP data this year*
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E° -- Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
Oregon STOP Report — LOP D
Stop Summary
Lake Oswego PD stopped a total of 7,143 drivers and pedestrians in the 2023 evaluation year. Their stops are
disaggregated in the table below by race/ethnicity and gender
Asian or Middle Not
White Latinx Black Native PI Eastern Given Total
Female 2,423 169 77 33 186 42 0 2,935
Male 3,186 437 233 33 163 140 0 4,192
Non binary 14 0 2 0 0 0 0 16
Not Provided 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 5,623 606 312 66 349 182 0 7,14
Stop Reason & Outcome Summary
The following table provides the numcer of stops by reason for the step (e.g. speeding) and the stop
disposition (e_g_ arrest}_
Speeding Other Moving Equipment,
Violations Violations Licensing & Other Total
'Warning 996 1,526 1,103 3,625
Citation 1,369 1,416 695 3,430
Arrest 4 25 9 38
Total 2,369 2,967 1,807 7,143
Use of Force - Information
What is reported?
"The application of physical techniques or tactics, chemical agents, or weapons
to another person. It is not a use of force when a person allows him/herself to Officer Contact Reason
be searched, escorted, handcuffed, or restrained." This definition necessitates
LOPD officers, outside of the cooperative actions mentioned above, document in
a use of force report:
• Any force used on a subject, e.g. physical control, Taser, pepper spray, firearm,
etc.; and/or
• Any force tool that is displayed and perceived by a subject for the purpose of 14%
gaining compliance, e.g. Taser displayed, OC displayed, firearm displayed, etc.
Annual .(evievr,
All use of force incidents are reviewed by a department team comprised of
trainers and supervisory staff in order to: Officer
• Identify any trends in the use of force by department members Dispatch to
• Identify any training recommendations 86%
• Identify any equipment recommendations
• Identify any policy revision recommendations
Use of Force - Incidents
Out or the 27,303 inciaents in 2023, only .giro or tnose incidents, 27303
less than 1%, resulted in a use of force 23405 25080
• 2022 was .22%
• 2021 was .38%
Injuries during use of force in 202?
• POLICY: Any circumstances where a person whom force was used
exhibits signs of physical distress, has visible injury, or expresses a
complaint of injury or continued pain, a supervisor is notified and
medical assistance is obtained. This threshold for injury/pain
description is less than what Oregon Revised Statue (ORS) defines as
"physical Injury" or "serious physical injury."
• With this lower and more cautious threshold, officers routinely mark
Total Incidents
injuries as present in their reports, but outside of 2 canine bites, 41111v
injuries consisted mostly of minor scrapes; 3 total injuries noted to 4111I Force incidents
5 AOA Force
subjects (.01% of incidents resulting in injuries), 3
Airy Incidents
• No officer injuries Subjects
2021 injured
• i nere were no reported claims against the city related to 2022
officer use of force. 2023
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
Use of Force - Incidents
Total Uses of Force & Officers Force Incidents Involving K9 Display & Use of Force
Involved Multiple officers, Multiple Force
Types, & Multiple Subjects
52 22
154 139 31 33
iiliII 17 8146
39 4110 4
5 LI8
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
•Total Uses of Force • Officers Involved • Incidents with Multiple Officers Using Force • Total K-9 Displays/Uses of Force
• Incidents with Officers Using Multiple Force Types • Total K-9 Bites
on Same Subject
• Incidents Officers Used Force on Multiple Subjects • K-9 Units Assisting Outside Agencies
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
Use of Force — Force Types
All Force Displayed &/or Used - 2023 All Force Actually Used or Pointed At - 2023
Box-In/Blocking imm 5.0% Box-In/Blocking ' 5.0%
Spike Strips 0.7%
K-9 Bite 1.4% Spike Strips 0.7%
K-9 Displayed 4.3% K-9 Bite 1.4%
Rifle Displayed 3.6%
Handgun Displayed 36.7% Rifle Pointed at 0.7%
OC Used 2.2% Handgun Pointed at 8.4%
OC Displayed 0.0%
Taser Displayed 6.5% OC Used 2.2%
40mm Used 2.9% 40mm Pointed at 3.6%
40mm Displayed 5.0%
Physical Control 30.9% Physical Control 30.9%
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
Use of F — Common Factors & Demographics
Use of Force — Overall Common Incident Factors Use of Force — Overall Race & Gender Totals
Elude/Resist 23 White Male 24
Other Property Crimes 8 White Female 15
Behavioral Health 19 Black Male 5
Weapons Involved 18
Asian Male 2
Warrant Arrest 7
Hispanic Male 7
Stolen Vehicle 5
Black Female 0
Other Person Crimes 19
DUD 4 Hispanic Female 0
Domestic Violence 11 Unknown • 1
c�� n°°`� Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
ofForce — Common Factors Demographics
Use &
Common Incident Factors - White Male Common Incident Factors - White Female
Behavioral Health 8 1 Behavioral Health 11
Other Property Crimes 4 1 Other Property Crimes ' 1
Other Person Crimes . 9 Other Person Crimes . 4
Warrant Arrest 2 Warrant Arrest i 4
Elude/Resist 8 Elude/Resist 7
DUI! — 1 DUI! 0
Stolen Vehicle 1 1 Stolen Vehicle 1
Weapon Involvement 12 Weapon Involvement 2
Domestic Violence 9 Domestic Violence 2
Common Incident Factors — Hispanic Male Common Incident Factors — Black Male
Behavioral Health 0 Behavioral Health 0
Other Property Crimes 0 Other Property Crimes 1
Other Person Crimes 2 Other Person Crimes 1
Warrant Arrest 0 Warrant Arrest 1
Elude/Resist 1 Elude/Resist 1
DUI! 0 DUI! 0
Stolen Vehicle 1 Stolen Vehicle 1
Weapon Involvement 1 Weapon Involvement 3
Domestic Violence 0 Domestic Violence 1
ofForce — Common Factors Demographics
Use &
Common Incident Factors - Asian Male Common Incident Factors — Unknown Subject
Behavioral Health 1 Behavioral Health 0
Other Property Crimes 0 Other Property Crimes 1
Other Person Crimes 1 Other Person Crimes 1
Warrant Arrest 0 Warrant Arrest 0
Elude/Resist mi 1 Elude/Resist 1
DUB 1 DUI! 0
Stolen Vehicle 0 Stolen Vehicle ` 1
Weapon Involvement 1 Weapon Involvement 0
Domestic Violence 0 Domestic Violence 0
What is a complaint? There are basically 2 types:
Formal Complaints: Personnel complaints include any allegation of misconduct of improper job
performance that, if true, would constitute a violation of department policy or federal, state, or
local law, policy or rule. Personnel complaints may be generated internally (e.g. a supervisor
notices a violation of department policy) or by the public. These complaints are formally
Informal Complaints: Inquires about conduct or performance that, if true, would not violate
policy, law, or a rule. These complaints may be handled informally when they simply require an
explanation or clarification on a policy, procedure, or response to a particular incident (e.g.
citizen unhappy they received a traffic citation). The department may still track these complaints
if a community member wants to file a formal complaint.
RE G O Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
Out of 27,303 total incidents in 2023
11 • .01% of all incidents resulted in
external/citizen complaint
9 • 1 complaints remains under
8 investigation
• .01% of all incidents resulted in an
internal complaint
• 1 complaint resulted in employee
4 termination
3 115
• No use of force complaints
2023 • Received 2 bias-based policing
complaints — unfounded
Total Complaints Internal Complaints Citizen/External Complaints
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
B h vi r I Health Specialiste a o a
99 91
• 3 days per week in Lake Oswego (+ on-call)
• 1 day a week in West Linn (+ on-call) 32 33 28
14 12
Training Hours Responses Responses w/o Responses Phone
• Coordinated multiple LOPD & WLPD training classes w/PD PD w/ARO Outreach
on mental health ■ 2022 12023
• Coordinated multiple LO and WL community based
training on mental health and suicide awareness BHU & WLPD
• Coordinated two 40-hour Crisis Intervention
Trainings (CIT) 68
Interagency BHU Data Management Program 34 43 35
• Helped procure stand alone data management
program with Oregon City and Milwaukie to assist 12
with BHU specific information capture and charting. 1
Responses w/PD Responses w/o PD Phone Outreach
. 2022 ■2023
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
Overdoses in Lake Oswego - Overview
18 11
� 15
4 4
Fatal Non-Fatal Total Overdoses
2021 2022 2023
Overdosesin Lake Oswego — Naloxon
13 11
4 5 5
0 1 0 1
Fatal: Naloxone Fatal: Naloxone Not Non-Fatal: Naloxone Non-Fatal: Naloxone
Administered Administered Administered Not Administered
o:lA -6� • 2021 2022 2023
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°R E G° — Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.
Overdosesin Lake Oswego - Data
Transported to Hospital Percentage of Cases with Multiple
2023 5 A
2023 16%
2022 =mr 1 MIS
2021 13 2 2022 22%
Yes No , 2021 I 26%
Gender Age
2023 . 18 14 , Average Age 35 33 39
2022 II3 9 Oldest Age 81 76 87
2021 3 Youngest Age 14 14 6
Male Female 2021 2022 2023
Overdoses in Lake Oswego — SubstancesType
5 5 5' 111111
3 3
I. 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11
I� 3 3 3
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its associated materials, please - ,,,parcE ,'' , _ . ...L
visit the LORD website at; '� ;N. A
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Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service.