April 2024 HelloLO ar 00 0 flojO THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO SUSTAINABILITY RESOURCE FAIR POST-STORM SATURDAY,APRIL 20, FROM (10 A.M.y TO 1 \PM �� COMMUNITY I ] ,� ■ . I mik kitly,„„„..„=--rFORUM_ ..:� . y tviv � 77' �: aa ' m APRIL 30, FROM 5:30 TO 7 PM. 1A---- - ._ 1 Following the historic January storm, the City I'? I '�" of Lake Oswego is hosting a post-winter storm r.Mi. _ I eu,-6E8` community forum on Tuesday,April 30. ; Yi � • BINGE t_ - " , The event will be held at Lake Oswego ! a ^ - City Hall, 380 A Avenue and will include a ' _ y presentation from the City and partners, as _ BUMBLEBEE well as an opportunity to discuss community BINGO I�l'ii emergency preparedness, resiliency, and �' Q] - available resources. � sir . � Y III `• Please join us for this community conversation. Join us at Lakeridge Middle School, 4700 Jean Road, • Food tastings from our schools' healthy, for the third annual Lake Oswego Sustainability sustainable meal program BOARDS & Resource Fair! Celebrate Earth Day and connect • Check out sustainability-focused materials from with organizations across our community who are the Lake Oswego Public Library COMM I S S ION S advancing sustainability. This year's fair will include •even more hands-on activities and free resources to Pick up a free native seedling for your yard INFORMATION SESSION - learn how you can helpprotect the environment, • Join S3G (Shifting Gears/Gifting Gear) tore- APRIL 18, 5TO6 P.M. save money, and live well: home sporting equipment to families that will enjoy it after your family has outgrown it Applications for the City's ten Advisory Boards • Learn about green homes, going solar, and Commissions are NOW OPEN. emergency preparedness, gardening, sustainable This event is hosted by the City of Lake Oswego SustainabilityAdvisoryBoard, Lake Oswego School For those interested in learning more, Mayor landscaping, recycling right, and more! g Buck will be hosting a Candidate Information Check out electric vehicles with an EV ride- District, Lake Oswego Sustainability Network, and Session on Wednesday,April 18 at Lake Oswego • and-drive Oswego Lake Watershed Council. City Hall, 380 A Avenue. Representatives from • Drop off your electronic waste for recycling by For more information, including the electronic each appointed body will share an overview Green Century Recycling waste accepted by Green Century Recycling, visit of their work, answer questions, and help • Sign up for volunteer activities with local groups www.lakeoswego.city/sustainability/sustainability- candidates determine where their skills and resource-fair-2024. perspective can do the most good. • Participate in arts and crafts activities for kids • 50+Advisory Board • Budget Committee • Development Review Commission OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGH SCHOOLERS • HEtorDI avisory Br arces Advisory Board The City's five youth programs are now recruiting! Learn more and apply today at www.lakeoswego.city/youth. • Library Advisory Board - 1 • Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources • Youth Leadership Council—YLC members Advisory Board learn about local government and pursue ,,-'-;, - ' II L- . • j, ,f rfal , �,, Planning Commission policy change. This two-year program Il% rs loll ,, - ,,,se fellow - • Sustainabili AdvisoryBoard culminates in a tripto Washington, DC. I�����1� _� ty g I I�I I J i .li a I; • Transportation Advisory Board • Youth Action Council—YAC members .�� i ' - Go to www.lakeoswego.city/boc for detailed create real-time change by identifying `r F overviews of each board, as well as the Boards unmet community needs and organizing offi .:?.. y programming to address them. 4. ! •✓ and Commissions application. • City Council Advisory Boards—High * ;' schoolers are represented on five of the City1 -"'--' A RA B AM E R I CA N Council's Advisory Boards, providing a I - i platform for non-voting residents to shape ,�.ri �" 1*: I tt �� HERITAGE MONTH City priorities. j �� • ,, 1 ' I i April is Arab American Heritage Month.Take • Library Teen Advisory Board—Library p' ; 1 time to celebrate the rich culture and heritage Teen Advisory Board members collaboratively -- shape the Lake Oswego Public Library's . I , of Arab Americans and honor the contributions _, till Arab Americans have made in science, medicine, programming. / ., law and business, education, technology, and • Junior Camp Counselors—An opportunity (1, government as well as art and culture. Learn for middle schoolers to get pre-employment more at www.lakeoswego.city/citymanager/ Lake Oswego's Mayor, City Councilors,staff and members experience by staffing City summer camps. of the Youth Leadership Council in Washington,DC. celebrate-arab-american-history-month-april. What's Inside Presorted Standard • Temporary Signal Coming to • Citywide Parking Reform • LO Reads Author Presentation • Community Calendar U.S.Postage Country Club Road Update • Picture Book Giveaway PAID • New Sidewalks on the • Stafford Road Traffic Impacts • Special Screening-The Black Insert Permit 124 Horizon • Outside the Art Room Stars • Urban&Community Forestry Lake Oswego,OR • ,Jean/Pilkington Intersection • Rassekh • Repair Fair • Reminder for Pet Owners • Recreation&Aquatic Center • Trillium Festival *****ECRWSS***** • Photo Contest and Golf Course • Drug Take Back Event POSTAL CUSTOMER For information about the City and its services, go to www.Iakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0257. COUNTRY CLUB ROAD NEW SIDEWALKS ON THE HORIZON ! TEMPORARY SIGNAL COMING Design is underway on five new sidewalk �,,`` E't - I 4,.E � � . TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD AND locations across the city: ti WEMBLEY PARK ROAD • Lanewood Street/Douglas Circle: from '- _ In fall 2024, the Lake Oswego School District is Boones Way to Twin Fir Road " Tannin to rebuild the Lake Oswego Junior High Y' \ planning g g • Pilkington Road: from Boones Ferry Road to �,L,, my, School, located on CountryClub Road. During �— t'4 Lakeview Boulevard4111K construction, students will be relocated to the • Uplands Elementary School Building campus. • Carman Drive: from Waluga Drive to Quarry �.. `" ``� Road ' To accommodate the additional school traffic • Tree Top Lane: from Overlook Drive to expected on Wembley Park Road, a temporary traffic Fernwood Drive - signal is being installed at the intersection of Country • Meadowlark Lane: from Overlook Drive to Club and Wembley Park Road. Ridge Pointe Drive g Board. The Pathways Program is part of the City Installation work is underway and will continue Design is almost complete for the new sidewalk and Council goal of providing safe pedestrian over the coming months. During the installation, on Lanewood Street/Douglas Circle, with facilities that encourage walking, rolling, the traveling public should expect intermittent lane construction expected to take place starting and riding, focusing on safe routes to school. closures in place on Country Club Road at Wembley this summer. Designs for the remaining four The program is funded through the Street Park Road from 9 a.m. —3 p.m. Monday to Friday. will continue through 2024, with construction Maintenance Fee. expected to start in summer 2025. The traffic signal installation is temporary and To learn more about our pathways program, visit will only be in place for the duration of the school These locations were prioritized for design and www.lakeoswego.city/pathways-program. construction, approximately two years. construction by the Transportation Advisory For more information, go to www.lakeoswego.city/ engineering/temporary-signal-country-club-road-and- JEAN/P I L K I N GTO N INTERSECTION wembley-park-road. CONSTRUCTION ON IMPROVEMENTS STARTING SOON Much-needed safety and transportation and reduced in the work area. Flaggers may direct improvements are about to begin at the Jean/ traffic at times. In mid-June through late August FRIENDLY REMINDER Pilkington Road intersection. The project when school is out, a full24/7 road closure will FOR PET OWNERS includes a new traffic signal, new stormwater be in place to all through traffic on Jean Road, infrastructure, highly visible pedestrian between Lakeview Boulevard and Pilkington IN LAKE OSWEGO PARKS AND crosswalks,Americans with Disabilities Act curb Road.To access businesses during the road NATURAL AREAS ramps, bike lanes, sidewalks, new pavement, closure, please use Pilkington Road or the east and some landscape planters. Work will be side of Jean Road. We are so lucky to have over 632 acres of parks, constructed in phases over the course of spring natural spaces, and facilities in Lake Oswego.As we and summer 2024. For more information about the project, visit enjoy these spaces together, let's obey the rules and be www.lakeoswego.city/engineering/pilkingtonjean- good community members! During construction, some lanes may be shifted rd-intersection-improvements. J ' lie I CITYWIDE PARKING REFORM UPDATE 'll"( The Climate-Friendly and Equitable now working to develop regulations for Citywide 7� Communities (CFEC) program was established Parking Reform to comply with the second phase by the State of Oregon in 2020 to address climate of the CFEC rules, which require reducing or ;�t pollution through a reduction in greenhouse eliminating minimum parking requirements "4,...\illgas emissions. More specifically, the CFEC rules elsewhere in the city by December 31, 2024. w_.� require that cities in the states eight metropolitan �, `' -11140areas—including Lake Oswego—implement Staff has been conducting targeted outreach toprovide information and receive public requirements related to electric vehicle charging, parking reform, housing, and transportation input on the City's efforts to comply with planning. the CFEC requirements for parking reform / y f throughout the past several months, and a CFEC rules related to parking reform require Citywide Parking Reform Community Forum that the City either reduce or eliminate minimum event is now tentatively scheduled for June. Leash Up: For the safety of all park visitors, it is parking requirements in many areas of the city, For more information on the Citywide Parking required that you keep your pups on a leash at all including both the Downtown and Lake Grove Reform project, see the project website at times. Town Centers. The City has already complied www.lakeoswego.city/planning/pp-22-0001- with the first phase of CFEC by applying implementation-state-requirements-climate- Scoop the Poop: Remember to pick up after your state rules that eliminate minimum parking friendly-and-equitable-communities. pets. It is a small act that makes a big difference for our communityand environment. requirements within one-half mile of Tri-Met Bus Line#35, which covers a broad corridor on For questions, contact Erik Olson, Long Range Enjoy the Dog Parks: Lake Oswego has several the east side of the city along Highway 43/State Planning Manager, at eolson@lakeoswego.city or popular and well-maintained dog parks, including Street and Downtown Lake Oswego. The City is 503-697-6524. Hazelia,West Waluga, Pilkington, and McNary. Visit www.lakeoswego.city/parksrec/off-leash-dog-areas for STAFF O R D ROAD park openings and hours, and for detailed park rules. TRAFFIC IMPACTS PHOTO CONTEST Work on the Recreation &Aquatic Center with _ waterlines and PGE pole replacement will result in1110 Enter your best images in the 16th annual City of lane closures and flaggers on Stafford Road in April. Lake Oswego Photo Contest for a chance to win! In The hours of work will be 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.Work each category, first place winners will receive a$150 is weather-dependent, and schedules are subject to - gift card; second place winners a$100 gift card; and change. Please follow all posted signs and directions third place winners a $50 gift card. Please visit from flaggers. , �., www.lakeoswego.city/photocontest for contest details For the latest information, go to www lakeoswego. l and to submit photos online. city/parksrec/parks-recreation-projects. _ I I A All A , CITY COUNCIL y 503-635-0215 ' CITY MANAGER Joe Buck Ali Afghan Trudy Corrigan Massene Mboup Aaron Rapf Rachel Verdick John Wendland Martha Bennett Mayor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor 503-635-0215 jbuck@lakeoswego.city aafghan@lakeoswego.city tcorrigan@lakeoswego.city mmboup@lakeoswego.city arapf@lakeoswego.city rverdick@lakeoswego.city jwendland@lakeoswego.city HceeoL.0. PARKS & RECREATION CITY LIBRARY Parks&Recreat F SUMMER CATALOG & CAMP GUIDE i s�I I n j� , � � 1 O11F b �. 1 so Get ready to dive into summer fun with our I „ a- - LAKE OSWEGO READS �•,met upcoming activities and camp guides that have ,,'�. , �[ � .: __ AUTHOR PRESENTATION. " somethingfor everyage and ability. Keepan eye a'; '\/ g ry Y � r G THRITY UMRIGAR , . on your mailboxes because they're on their way. TRRITT 6MRI6pR Join us for an engaging evening with our featured LO Reads 2024 Registration opens on April 6 for residents. For an I author,Thirty Umigrar.Thanks to the Friends of Lake Oswego Public �I Library,Ms.Umrigar will discuss her book Honor and answer :` ..,, online version go to www lakeoswego.city/parksrec. , IL I il questions from the Lake Oswego community.Remember to bring = your copy of Honor if you would like it autographed by the author. _ R This event is free,but does require a ticket.The event will be filmed for livestreaming and later viewing. OUTSIDE THE ART ROOM I TEEN SHOWCASE AND AUCTION 11111111 Thursday,April 25 F I7:00pm©Lakeridge High School Parks & Recreation ispp— 44 nrsirr �i teaming up with the Q ' R sa 'l,t y ,� ��:�� �`�` Youth Action Council .. LAKE OSWEGO READS AUTHOR PRESENTATION: for its annual Outside THRITY UMRIGAR THE Pthe Art Room event on Thursday, April 25, 7 p.m. at Lakeridge High School Friday,April 19, from A IL, f rOOM This event is free, but does require a ticket you can pick up at the Lake 6 to 8 p.m. at Christ �J Church Parish. Oswego Library. TEEN ART SHOWCASE Join us for an evening of + AUCTION Join us for an engaging evening with our featured LO Reads 2024 art with Lake Oswego's author, Thrity Umrigar! Thanks to the Friends of Lake Oswego Public talented youth artists. FRIDAY, APRIL 19 Library, Ms. Umrigar will be with us for an in-person presentation on Support local talent and 6-8PM April 25, to discuss her book Honor and to answer questions from the participate in a silent Lake Oswego community. In this tender and evocative novel about love, 1060 CHANDLER RD hope, familial devotion, betrayal, and sacrifice, Umrigar shows us two auction benefiting the rprr EVENT;OPEN TO ALL AGES Y g Children's Healing Art Ility.I.D,A rj. courageous women trying to navigate how to be true to their homelands Project (CHAP). This VIEW AT WWW.LOTEENSCENE.ORG and themselves at the same time. Remember to bring your copy of Honor event is free and open to if you would like it autographed by the author. all ages and features live music, amazing art, a kids' art clinic, and more! Ms. Umrigar will be joined in conversation by Oregon author, Sindya For more information, please visit www.lakeoswego.city/parksrec/outside- Bhanoo. Ms. Bhanoo is the author of the acclaimed collection of short art-room-teen-art-showcase-auction-1. stories, Seeking Fortune Elsewhere. You may also hear excerpts of the stories and meet Ms. Bhanoo at her presentation at the Lake Oswego PROJECT UPDATES Library on Tuesday,April 16 at 5:30 p.m. Ways to Watch: BASS E KH • In person at the Lakeridge High School Auditorium at 7 p.m. Doors Work continues on vv'w"v open at 6:30 p.m. This event is free, but does require a ticket you can Rassekh Park this April, b T2,1, pick up at the Lake Oswego Library. with the installation = ; ' • TVCTV will film the event for livestream and later viewing. It will of new street lights - it` , _ p— be broadcast live on TVCTV television channels as well as on the on Stafford Road and o- - - 4 ,.'' °-' Library's YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/LakeOLib. I the addition of new electrical service to The Lake Oswego Reads Passport drawing will take place at the event. the park. The gravel T Winners need not be present to win. overflow lot near Hazelia Lakeridge High School is located at 1235 Overlook Dr., Lake Oswego. Park will be closed For more information, please contact Nancy Niland at nniland@ intermittently during _ _ lakeoswego.city or 503-675-2538. installation, however, the library book drop- off will remain open. STORYTIME AND PICTURE BOOK GIVEAWAY The skatepark will be Saturday, April 13, 10:30 a.m. wrapping up concrete Bring the entire family z�\\ Nii work this month and to the Children's Library _1 will begin adding the final touches and finishes to the park. Following for a reading of Thrity completion of the skatepark, the project team will begin asphalt paving Umrigar's picture book, � . for the reconstructed pathway along Stafford Road as well as the internal Sugar in Milk. Signedp cUCAR // pathways, driveway, and parking lot. Then, the team will prepare the copies of the book will I N M I L K building pad and utility stubs for the future restroom building. be available for free, I l while supplies last, 4 RECREATION & AQUATIC CENTER AND GOLF thanks to the generous - I Stor time COURSE community support of \ '0 y our 2023 fundraisingSe ir Progress continues at the -y , % _ campaign and a site, with the formwork s v .. d -._ _, matching grant from ' � BOOk around the recreational - ' the Friends of the Lake )7// ���� Giveaway pool, weatherproofingr'"`the walls, and installing � '��= _ �NOswego Public Library. �windows this month. ,`�� ��, The Lake Oswego / / Electrical work continues, 7:1:s,,,.. Public Library is located at 706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego. For more and installation - .,er,) , 4 �' ` " information, contact the Children's desk at 503-697-6580 or visit the components for the pool i. , Library's website at www.lopl.org/kids. mechanical areas are ,r ,r illi advancing. In addition, ,. :i \, = LAKE OSWEGO READS the natatorium building, �,:, \ � _ a PEMB (pre-engineered ' ) j � Throughout the month of April, enjoya varietyof educational, insightful, r..:� g metal building), will be r --- VA fun and tasty programming to accompany our author's book. For a full installed, along with the �;; 1 __ list of LO Reads events, please visit wwwlakeoswego.city/loreads. maintenance building for , the golf course,which is made from the same material. We hope you can join us for many of our events! For more information or to register for Parks &Recreation programs, For details on these and other Library programs, please visit visit www.lakeoswego.city/parksrec or call 503-675-2549. www.lakeoswego.city/library or call 503-636-7628. /IJIOL.O. 3 MIMS THE BLACK STARS FROM THE R 2 "Y.TO THE GOLD COAST Communit SPECIAL SCREENING ON SATURDAY, APRIL 20, y FROM 12:30 TO 3 PM. Calendar Join the City of Lake Oswego and Word is Bond at the Lake Theater Event dates are subject to change. for a special screening of"THE BLACK STARS," a captivating - `' !fi , documentary that chronicles the journey of eight young Black men More details are available online at: www.lakeoswego.city/calendar from Portland, Oregon. These individuals embark on a transformative two-week leadership expedition to Ghana, guided by the non-profit ',�, For more information, call 503-675-3992. organization,Word is Bond. A r • L. P Following the screening, there will be an engaging discussion panel L I, I�E l * b .t 1 Monday • LOReads Art Show,6pm I i I / I • DEI Advisory Board,6pm moderated by Word is Bond and featuring students from Lake Oswego and Lakeridge High Schools Black Student Unions. It promises to be Wm AC 2 Tuesday • City Council Meeting,4pm • Music:Juliet Terrill,LIB,5:30pm an enlightening conversation that delves into the film's themes and the experiences of the participants. Don't miss out on this thought-provoking event! 3 Wednesday LOReads Transformations of Modern India,5:30pm For more information, visit wwwlakeoswego.city/community/special-screening-black-stars. 4 Thursday 5 Friday • Blood Drive,City Hall,9:30am-3pm REPAIR FAIR 6 Saturday • Trillium Festival,gam • Repair Fair, 10am-lpm SAT U R DAY, APRIL 6, 10 A.M. TO 1 P M. 7 Sunday • Stewardship Work Party,Woodmont Do you have something broken you've been bicycles,jewelry and tools to be sharpened. It's a Park, 1-3pm meaning to fix?Join us at the free Repair Fair, fun way to learn how to repair items, save money, 8 Monday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Lake Oswego Adult and keep things from going into the trash. 9 Tuesday • Heritage Tree Celebration,LIB,5:30pm Community Center, 505 G Avenue. Visitors can 10 Wednesday • HRAB Meeting,6pm bring in broken items and work with experienced Visit www.clackamas.us/recycling/repairfair for • LAB Meeting,7pm fixers to try to fix it. Items can include: small more information. 11 Thursday • LOReads Persistence of Power electronics and home appliances, clothing (clean), Structures,5:30pm • Teen Advisory Board,6pm 12 Friday • Living Well Dance,CCP,7pm TRILLIUM FESTIVAL 13 Saturday • Trees For Pollinators,Iron Mtn Park, loam-12pm SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 9 A.M. TO 2 PM. • Picture Book Giveaway,LIB, 10:30am Welcome Spring at the Annual Trillium Festival at Tryon Creek 14 Sunday • LOReads Party,2pm 4 State Natural Area, 11321 South Terwilliger Boulevard. This 15 Monday • SAB Meeting,6:30pm educational event celebrates the season of renewal in the forest • DRC Meeting,7pm and beyond. For 44 years, Friends of Tryon Creek has celebrated 16 Tuesday • City Council Meeting,3pm the return of the Trillium, an early-season perennial native to our • Author:Sindya Bhanoo,LIB,5:30pm local forests. This beautiful white flower awakens each year in late 17 Wednesday • PNAB Meeting,MC,4pm ilk February and early March, and slowly turns to a reddish-purple by 18 Thursday • Barnyard Tales,Luscher, 10:30am the end of April or early May, making it a wonderful beginning to • B&C Information Session,5-6pm , the spring wildflower season. • TAB Meeting,7pm This year's Festival activities include: a native plant sale, habitat- 19 Friday • Outside the Art Room,CCP,6-8pm friendly gardening resources fair, and interactive nature stations for • LOReads Hindustani Classical Vocal all ages. For more information, visit Friends of Tryon Creek at Concert,6pm www tryonfriends.org/calendar/trillium-festival-1. 20 Saturday • Sustainability Resource Fair, loam-lpm • Oak Woodland Restoration, loam • The Black Stars,Lake Theater, 12:30pm DRUG TAKE BACK EVENT 21 Sunday • Nature Scavenger Hunt,Freepons Park, 1-3pm SAT U R DAY, APRIL 27, 10 A.M. TO 2 P M. • LOReads Classical Indian Dance,2pm To help community members properly dispose be removed, or medical waste. For information 22 Monday • Planning Commission,6:30pm of unwanted or expired medications, the City on how you can safely dispose of these items, 23 Tuesday • LOReads Law,Tradition,and Power is holding a one-day-only drug take-back event. call Metro Recycling at 503-234-3000. in Modern India,5:30pm This collection event will take place from 10 a.m. 24 Wednesday • Preschool Nature Walk,Springbrook Please put all pill/tablet medications into a sealed Park, 10:30a to 2 p.m. at the Lake Oswego Adult Community m Center, 505 G Avenue. This event will be a drive- plastic baggie or leave them in their original 25 Thursday • LOReads Author Presentation, thru collection - please stay in your vehicles. container (if in original container, cross out Lakeridge HS,7pm personal information.) If you bring in a liquid, gel 26 Friday In addition to prescription and over-the-counter or cream medication, please put the bottle or tube 27 Saturday • Be A Tree Hero,9 11am medications, the following will be accepted: in a sealable plastic bag to prevent leaks. • Oregon White Oak Planting Party, • Vape pens and E-cigarettes WITHOUT Woodmont Park, loam-12pm batteries will be accepted. Batteries must be For more information, contact Bonnie Hirshberger • Drug Take Back,ACC, 10am-2pm removed ahead of time or they will not be at 503-675-3992 or bhirshberger@lakeoswego.city. 28 Sunday accepted. 'Ill 29 Monday • DEI Advisory Board,6pm • Unknown medicines and veterinary - 30 Tuesday •• Post-Storm Community Forum,City medications. Ill Illi �— Hall,5:30pm The following items will not be accepted: ACC Adult Community Center • Medications from businesses such as nursing ° CCP Christ Church Parish homes, doctor's offices or any other institutional I - - - DRC Development Review Commission or business - this collection event is for t2 ;gp _= i HRAB Historic Resources Advisory Board Uy ^3u V_ "3 LAB Library Advisory Board individual households only. '� Ki- gg fo 'qg5 o LIB LO Public Library • EpiPens, intra-venous solutions, injectables, _,, 1~, 0 MC Maintenance Center inhalers, syringes, chemotherapy medications, $ -` PNAB Parks, Rec&Natural Resources Advisory Board vaping devices that have batteries that cannot L ` SAB Sustainability Advisory Board TAB Transportation Advisory Board The City of Lake Oswego fosters a welcoming and inclusive community CITIZEN INFORMATION SPECIALIST AND HELLOLO EDITOR/WRITER where all people have the opportunity to thrive and have equitable Bonnie Hirshberger • 503-675-3992 • bhirshberger@lakeoswego.city F access to City services. For Americans with Disabilities Act or Civil Contributing writers: �< O�4 Rights Title VI accommodations,translation/interpretation services,or Quin Brunner, City Manager's Office Robin Krakauer,Parks&Recreation ,� more information call 503-635-0270 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1. Guilian del Rio, City Manager's Office Erik Olson,Planning (- 4111 Donna Harlan, Library Madison Thesing, City Manager's Office U Q I Hablat usted espaflol?Le proporcionaremos una traduccion gratuita de Morgan Nolen,Arborist Amanda Watson, Sustainability este boletin. Katy Kerklaan,Engineering GREGO. of a 6FAIL.F33-?01 k1fr°1 T tlC901 ��-oFAlal 7Fo tLIEl" 13 This newsletter is printed on Processed Chlorine Free 100% Tisv recycled content paper,using soy-based ink. 213t1+, (*Alt) LI-Ej?� LRAII21it* 1 nf._Z1*0 For information about the City and its services, go to www.lakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0257. .//eeeoL.n.