Approved Minutes - 2024-03-20 PM APPROVED: 04/10/2024 �LA 6 �s� HISTORIC RESOURCES ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES o March 20, 2024 GREGO� CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Paul Espe, Staff Coordinator, called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm, in the Fir Conference Room, 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR, and then called the roll. Present: Kasey Holwerda, Chair; Meg Matsushima, Vice Chair; Denise Bartelt; Mary Bosch; and Robin Quon Absent: Sharon Mirarchi; Veronica Park; Paul Lyons, Alternate Member; and Rachel Verdick, City Council Liaison Staff Present: Paul Espe, Associate Planner/Historic Resources Advisory Board Staff Coordinator Guests: Paul Pappas; Shannon Davis, Director of Architectural History with ASM Affiliates; Emily Steele, Architectural Historian with ASM Affiliates; and Laura Kung, Senior Architectural Historian with ASM Affiliates 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 15, 2024: There were no suggested adjustments. Vice Chair Matsushima moved to approve the Minutes of February 15, 2024. Seconded by Robin Quon and passed unanimously. 2. COUNCIL UPDATE - Councilor Rachel Verdick Councilor Verdick was not in attendance to share her update. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Paul Pappas shared "The History of Reese Road and the Tualatin Plains Highway;" noting that the original road was established in approximately 1820, stretching from Morgan City all the way out to the Plains, and was the primary route used by the area founding pioneers and Indian tribes. The name of Tualatin Plains Road was changed to Oregon City Highway, then to the Old Oregon City Highway, and finally to Rosemont Road in 1912 when Lake Grove was plotted. He shared that Reese Road was the only remaining patch of the original highway now going through Lake Oswego (showing photo overlays of Lake Oswego's street grids). He also noted that 8 headstones (dating from the late 1800s and early 1900s) were found during the construction of Kruse Village on Meadows Road and Carman Drive in 2013. Chair Holwerda suggested that the neighborhood association could request a grant to install a plaque detailing this history. Mr. Pappas will share the Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service. 503-635-0290 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY APPROVED: 04/10/2024 photos of the headstones with staff. Mary Bosch asked if any of the other communities had recognized this roadway. Mr. Pappas replied that he was not aware of any. Robin Quon recommended that this be written up for the upcoming "Hello LO" printing; offering to assist with drafting the article. Denise Bartelt asked if the City would be willing to list the street as a Landmark. Staff will look into this. Chair Holwerda requested that this topic be added to the next agenda. 4. RECONNAISSANCE LEVEL SURVEY- Discussion of recent survey work conducted in Lake Grove (presented by Shannon Davis, Director of Architectural History with ASM Affiliates) Ms. Davis shared that they were able to finish ahead of schedule (that day); noting that they made contact with many of the homeowners during the survey. She explained that approximately 1/5 of the 120 total homes viewed, were coded as "ES" (could potentially be considered for individual Historic designation). For the homes they could not see from the road, they gained permission to view 1/3 of them, and for the other 2/3, they substituted in homes originally coded as a "2" in the initial review. She agreed that there was no longer eligibility to create a Historic District for the Lake Grove neighborhood, given the number of homes no longer being of original construction. Ms. Davis affirmed that they did review the Giant Burger and included it on the list that could be considered for designation. She noted that many of the properties contained homes of mid-century style versus the pre-war bungalows that were previously predominant. Ms. Davis relayed that she had reviewed several roads and did not think that Reese Road could be designated as a Historic Landmark, as the setting and alignment contained too many changes. She indicated that they would submit their report by April 15, 2024. 5. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Chair Holwerda shared that she spoke with Jeannie McGuire about her award and that Jeannie was very touched but was not sure if she would be available to accept the award. Kasey relayed that the Heritage House Council offered their space for the reception, at no cost. Staff noted that he did not believe they could change the date of the ceremony with the City Council; however, someone could accept the award on Jeannie's behalf at that time, then it could be represented to her at a later time. Chair Holwerda stated that she would keep members informed about Jeannie's status. Chair Holwerda then relayed that the Friends of Luscher Farm (FOLF) asked the Parks Board to be included in any distribution of the "Metro Share Dollars" coming to the Parks Department ($1M requested for road and other property improvements from the $2M fund). Members discussed the recent Land Use Application submitted to the County. 6. NEW BUSINESS 6.1 Boards and Commissions Work Plan Framework and Recruitment Schedule: Chair Holwerda noted that Denise Bartelt's and Sharon Mirarchi's terms expire in June, and they would need to reapply to continue on as members of HRAB. Staff added that applications will be accepted between April 1, 2024 and May 13, 2024, then interviews will be scheduled toward the end of May, 2024, and, finally, the Mayor will confirm the appointments on June 3, 2024. Historic Resources Advisory Board Meeting Minutes March 20, 2024 Page 2 of 4 APPROVED: 04/10/2024 6.2 Historic Preservation Grant/Lakewood Neighborhood - Update: Mary Bosch thanked Chair Holwerda for her help, then shared that they finally have a meeting set on Sunday, with the high school students and their adult mentor, to look at ideas for creating the App that will provide historical information on the homes in the Lakewood neighborhood. 6.3 2040 Parks Plan - Update: Vice Chair Matsushima informed members that the 3rd meeting was held on February 29, 2024, where they continue to perform outreach regarding expanded access to water (the lake, river, and splash pads). Members discussed the lawsuit over access to the lake through City property. Vice Chair Matsushima then explained how the Parks Department was mapping the areas of play for children and areas of exercise and sport, to find the gaps in access, including a breakout of areas of concern regarding low-income/multifamily access, mobility/ADA access, and wildfire tinder-points. 6.4 Preservation Month 2024: Staff stated that they will need to use the same calligrapher as was used last year for the certificate, and that he was working with Dave Arpin to put together a collage of the properties Jeannie McGuire worked on. Denise Bartelt suggested that staff contact Andre, at the Clinker Press in Tualatin. Members agreed to look at this as an option going forward. Robin Quon suggested having a blow- up of the collage to share at the reception, also offering to provide some flowers for decorating. Vice Chair Matsushima also volunteered to assist with getting or making things for the reception. Staff reminded members that articles for the "Hello LO" May publication are due April 1, 2024. Mary Bosch will provide a write-up on the Lakewood Neighborhood Grant. 6.5 Farmers Market Dates -June 8, 2024/July 13, 2024: Staff passed around a signup sheet for members to fill in. Chair Holwerda relayed she will be out of town on both dates now. The signup sheet will be passed around again at the next meeting, and if not enough people were available for June 8th, Chair Holwerda instructed staff to cancel that date. 7. OLD BUSINESS 7.1 16715 Phantom Bluff Court (Sundeleaf House): Chair Holwerda noted that the owners recently applied to remove an original colonnade, to raise the roof, and to do some other things but she and Vice Chair Matsushima denied the request (a garage addition was approved a few years ago). Vice Chair Matsushima remembered the owners talking about this during the garage addition time period, and that they were not encouraging about it at that time. 7.2 4101 Southshore Boulevard (Bates House): Staff relayed that a hole was bashed through the wall in the right-of-way (ROW) to create a driveway for the house, as HRAB was not supportive of the full wall removal. 7.3 791 4th Street (Brown/Vose House): There were no updates on this topic. 7.4 1850 Northshore Boulevard (Jantzen Estate): Chair Holwerda shared that something will be changed with the non-historic guest house. Staff added that they were in the "completeness review" phase and that the entry gate was off but would be replaced with a Historic Resources Advisory Board Meeting Minutes March 20, 2024 Page 3 of 4 APPROVED: 04/10/2024 gate that was designed by Richard Sundeleaf. Members discussed the square footage and design of the guest house. 7.5 15840 Boones Ferry Road (Giant Hamburgers): Staff indicated that the potential owners were in the "due diligence" phase; researching whether they could create a new hamburger stand in that building (expanding the building to accommodate more people). Chair Holwerda suggested that they support anything that retained the original view of the structure. 7.6 1032 Westward Ho Road (Patton House): Chair Holwerda added this home to the list, as there was a "Sale Coming Soon" sign in the front yard. Denise Bartelt invited all members to view the house on April 6, 2024. ADJOURNED at 7:06 pm Next Meeting: April 10, 2024 Respectfully Submitted, Paul Espe, Associate Planner Historic Resources Advisory Board Meeting Minutes March 20, 2024 Page 4 of 4