Agenda - 2024-05-08AGENDA LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD Wednesday, May 8, 2024 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Library 706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 The Library closes at 7pm, please arrive prior to 7pm Staff Contact: Donna Harlan, 503-697-6583, dharlan@lakeoswego.city 503-697-6583 706 4TH STREET PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Virtual Access This meeting will be held in person. To participate remotely, please email the staff contact at least 24 hours before the meeting. ADA Accommodation Requests lakeoswego.city/accommodation 503-635-0282; Relay 711 Please allow four business days to process your request. Translation Services Traducción o interpretación 翻译或传译 통역혹은번역 503-534-5738 Kent Watson, Chair ∙ Patricia Walls, Vice Chair ∙ Antoinette Awuakye ∙ Lilisa Hall ∙ Mark Pontarelli ∙ Ed Steinberg ∙ Patrick Walsh Melissa Kelly, Staff Liaison ∙ Allison Korkola, Youth Liaison ∙ Trudy Corrigan, Council Liaison Joy Fabos, Alternate ∙ Jake Jordan, Youth Alternate 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 13, 2024 Minutes and April 17, 2024 Summary Notes 4. PUBLIC COMMENT The purpose of Public Comment is to allow community members to present information or raise an issue regarding items not on the agenda or regarding agenda items that do not include a public hearing. A time limit of three minutes per individual shall apply. Public Comment will not exceed thirty minutes in total. If you are unable to attend the meeting and prefer to provide public comment in writing, please email the comment to the staff contact listed above at least 24 hours before the meeting. 5. DIRECTOR’S REPORT 5.1 Strategic initiatives progress report 5.2 Lake Oswego Reads 2024 debrief 5.3 Library District Advisory Committee May meeting agenda 6. OLD BUSINESS 6.1 Revisit project questions from April’s joint work session 6.2 Reminder of Boards & Commissions recruitment dates 7. NEW BUSINESS 7.1 Discuss June meeting Page 2 503-697-6583 706 4TH STREET PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY 8. CHAIR’S REMARKS 9. YOUTH LIAISON REMARKS 10. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT 11. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: June 12, 2024