June 2024 HelloLO 0
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Celebrate the 4th With Star Spangled Festivities Transparency and
, i li' l , li,IA I • Trust i n Every Drop
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�►♦ s P 2024 Water Quality Report Now
,r , .1, - IN* - -, ' Available
,., Clean drinking water is an essential resource
—� i
we rely on every day. Lake Oswego's tap water
a� meets or exceeds every State and Federal
.4 ?;r; VW 7 standard for safe drinking water. Sourced from
"'fart the Clackamas River, your drinking water goes
��,_ 4 , ,i � � , f ' .�` through state-of-the-art treatment designed to
f eliminate pathogens like bacteria and viruses.
Know your H2O by reading your 2024 Water
/" Quality Report by June 30th and enter to win
$100 off your next utility bill! Learn all about
The City of Lake Oswego has an amazing lineup of Star Spangled Parade where your water comes from, how it is treated,
activities for the community to celebrate all things July 4,from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. what it is tested for, and meet some of our water
red, white, and blue! Celebrate this 4th of July in style! Deck yourself professionals who work 24/7 to ensure your
out in red,white, and blue, and roll out with your drinking water is there when you need it.To view
Millennium Concert Band friends and neighbors for the spectacular Star the report visit lakeoswego.city/2024-water-report
July 3,from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Millennium Plaza Park Spangled Parade. Get ready to be dazzled by the array or call 503-534-5741 to request a mailed copy.
Commence the Star Spangled festivities with a of festive floats, toe-tapping musical performances,
concert paying tribute to our Veterans, featuring and a colorful cavalcade of vehicles, including some Interested in learning more about your water?
Lake Oswego's esteemed Millennium Concert adorable four-legged participants strutting their Sign up to attend an upcoming tour at the
Band.Attendees will be treated to a captivating stuff down A Avenue to Millennium Plaza Park. water treatment plant.Tours take approximately
repertoire, blending military and marching 1 1/2 hours and are limited in size. Learn more:
compositions, ensuring a truly memorable The parade features Lake Oswego's very own fire lakeoswego.city/publicworks/water.
experience. The event will also include the dignified engine, the stirring sounds of an authentic Fife &
Lake Oswego Honor Guard Presentation of Colors Drum Band, the enthusiasm of Boy Scouts and
alongside a heartfelt tribute honoring our local Girl Scouts, the timeless charm of classic cars, and aors Corn ni u n ity
Veterans. so much more!
Continued on page 3 Roundtable
If I Were I4ayor - Contest Winners June 13f Mayo0 to 7p.m.
Join us for the Mayor's Roundtable! The Mayor's
Con ratUlatlOrlS� Roundtable is a lively community forum to hear
g directly from Mayor Buck and Council members
The 'If I Were Mayor' contest is an annual contest on top issues or goals of the community.
sponsored by the Oregon Mayors Association c Continued on page 4
(OMA.) Students grades 4-12, including home-
s1114 chooled students, from all over Oregon share their LGBTQIA+ Pride
creative and inspirational ideas of what their city ,, I ,
would look like if they were mayor.
i I , . Month
After considering over 50 entries - an overwhelming . ' `? In June, the City honors LGBTQIA+ Pride
increase of 42% from last year- first, second and ®�1 ""� month. This month,we encourage people to
third place winners were selected in the following
recognize the significant impact of the LGBTQIA+
categories: Posters (grades 4-5) and Essays (grades Vculture and advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights.
6-8). And the 2024 winners are:
• Kenzie James - 1st place, Poster Join the City to honor achievements and
• Gia Hill- 2nd place, Poster - contributions of the LGBTQIA+ community
• Torben Grosse-Wortmann- 3rd place, Poster 44"It. with a raising of the Progress Pride Flag on
• Leuca Wanford- 1st place, Essay Photo L to R:Drishti Singh(Youth Leadership Council), Torben Sunday,June 2 at 4:30 p.m. at City Hall, 380
• Megan Rim - 2nd place, Essay Grosse-Wortmann,Jad Chahin,Megan Rim,Kenzie James, A Avenue. The event, which includes a reading
Jad Chahin- 3rd place, Essay Leuca Wanford, Gia Hill and Mayor Joe Buck. of the Pride Month proclamation, takes place
• immediatelythe LO for LOve's
and Kenzie James, 1st place poster winner,were both following
To see their entries, please visit lakeoswego.city/ entered in the OMA statewide contest for If I Were Pride Festival. For more information, visit
citymanager/2024-if-i-were-mayor-contest-winners. Mayor. This year, 25 cities participated and 18 essays lakeoswego.city/community/pride-flag-raising-
To everyone who submitted an entry, we appreciate were submitted for judging.A BIG congratulations event.
the time you spent and your thoughtful ideas. to Leuca Wanford for placing 1st in the statewide To learn more about the historical origins
contest! Leuca will be recognized this July at the and celebratory events this month, please visit
In addition, Leuca Wanford, 1st place essay winner OMA Summer Conference in Klamath Falls. lakeoswego.city/celebrate-diversity.
What's Inside
Presorted Standard • Emerald Ash Borer Workshop • Wastewater Treatment Facility • Public Golf Course • Parks Plan 2040
U.S.Postage • Fireworks Safety • Businesses:Time to Clean • Juneteenth • Pride Flag Raising Event
PAID • 1st Street Paving and Road Your Catch Basins! • Adult&Kids Summer Library • Farmers' Market
Permit 124 Closure • Independence Day Challenge • People's Choice-Vote Today
Lake Oswego,OR • Backflow Testing Due July 15 Illumination • First Tuesday Music:CelloBop • Inviting Vines
• Jean Road Closure • Summer of Concerts • Controlling the Cost of • Festival of the Arts
*****ECRWSS***** • Water Wisely • Recreation&Aquatics Center College • Community Calendar
For information about the City and its services, go to www.Iakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0257.
Fireworks Safety Emerald Ash Borer - Workshop
Legal fireworks in Oregon can be sold from June 23 June 22, 10 to 1 1 :30 a.m. at ^' ` '�
through July 6 of each year. Lighting and watching Foothills Park 199 Foothills Road � 'ti
fireworks can be fun and exciting, but the Lake r ,
Oswego Fire Department reminds everyone that even The City is pleased to offer another free Urban °,u.
legal fireworks can be dangerous and unpredictable. and Community Forestry Workshop.
The safest way to avoid fireworks related fires, injuries, The invasive pest emerald ash borer (EAB) arrived . �''-'` , ,��
and property damage is to not use fireworks. in Oregon nearly two summers ago in Forest - �- ,, -- AP .
If you still choose to use legal fireworks, please use Grove,just 30 miles northwest of Lake Oswego. ,, N \ .
extreme caution when lighting fireworks. Here are a This tiny green insect has the potential to wipe out :;W ' ,..
few important safety tips: native and non-native ash in only a few years if ° • '.,.
• Have an adult light fireworks and keep matches left untreated. ih
and lighters secured at all times (didyou know t ""`<" -,
g Join ISA Certified Arborist Christine Johnson
sparklers can heat up to 1,200 degrees?) of Todd Prager &Associates to learn about the ) .
Always have water available and light fireworks invasive pest and how to prepare for its future `
• well awayfrom vegetation or structures establishment in our area.
g The insect is small and easy to overlook. The most striking detail
• Never re-light a "dud" firework!Wait 15-20 is the shiny,green shell that sometimes glitters gold, copper, or
For more information and to register, go to purple in sunlight.Its body is less than half an inch long and an
minutes and then soak it in a bucket of water lakeoswego.city/planning/workshop-series. eighth of an inch wide. Image courtesy newbrunswicktoday.com.
• Always soak used fireworks in a bucket of water
overnight prior to discarding in the outdoor trash
• Keep pets indoors while fireworks are being used First Street Paving and Road Closu re
in your neighborhood First Street between A Avenue and Evergreen • On-street parking will be prohibited on First
Reminder, "illegal fireworks" under State of Oregon Street will be fully closed to all vehicular traffic Street between A and Evergreen, and also on
law are any fireworks that explode, fly into the air, or between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Monday,June Evergreen Street, between First and Second
travel more than six feet on the ground or 12 inches 3 for paving activities. Paving may shift to the Street.
into the air. Illegal fireworks include but are not following week, pending weather. • Please park on adjacent side streets or public
limited to: bottle rockets, roman candles, firecrackers, During work hours: parking areas outside the work area.
and mortars.
• No vehicular access will be allowed in or out Schedules are subject to change. Thank you
For more information and safety tips, please visit of the public parking lots on First Street at for your patience while we complete this work.
lakeoswego.city/fireworks or call the Fire Department the Windward or Lakeview e.Villa
at 503-635-0275. g For more information, go to lakeoswego.city/
• Sidewalks will remain open for business, pavement/2024-pavement-rehabilitation.
Ba c kf I ow Test i ng pedestrian, and bike access.
Due July 15 Jean Road Closure Starts Mid-June
In plumbing, a cross connection is created if a water
supply pipe is connected to a water source that Transportation safety improvements are underway Jean/Pilkington Improvement Project
pp y p p Temporary Traffic Changes
could contaminate the drinking water supply, such at the Jean/Pilkington Road intersection. In mid- �e',.'ea
as irrigation systems, hot tubs, pools, and private June through late August when school is out, a full e��
wells. Backflow, or the reverse flow of water from 24/7 road closure will be in place to all through CITY
traffic onJean Road, between Lakeview Boulevard MAINTENANCE o`
the cross connection, may contaminate the water.To CENTER �,
and Pilkington Road.To access businesses during Y
protect the public water system, customers with cross SHOPPING
connections are required b law to install a backflow the road closure, please use Pilkington Road or the d CENTER
prevention assembly and have it pass an annual test east side of Jean Road. PROL za ooD
Jean Rd Jean
by a certified tester. In Lake Oswego, backflow testing Pilkington and Jean Road businesses will remain
must be completed by July 15. open throughout construction, so please come out �, a
For more information, email backflow@lakeoswego.city, to support them!Watch for the blue cones and blue �1.0 a a
visit lakeoswego.city/publicworks/backflow-and-cross- business access signs to access driveways. ._
summClosed During 1
connection-control-program or call 503-534-5674. Work Area with Temporary
For more information about the project, visit o L=oes,00'e,so
Rachel Ln
Wa to r Wi se l y intersection-improvements.
Use the Weekly Watering Number Having a beautiful landscape and saving water in the Wastewater Treatment Facility Project
summer doesn't have to be a contradiction—you can Over the last couple months, the project team The next steps include preparing and advertising
have both, and it's easier than you think!Whether has been evaluating alternative competitive a Request for Qualifications, followed by a
you water with a hose, in-ground sprinkler system, procurement delivery methods for implementing Request for Proposals to engage an entity to
or something in between, you can water efficiently the next phase of the Wastewater Treatment finalize designs, construct the new facility, and
outdoors with these three easy tips: Facility project.At the May 7 City Council operate and maintain it.
1. Measure how much water you're using: take meeting, the Council approved moving forward
15 minutes today to see how long it takes your with the Design-Build-Operate-Maintain For more information on the project, visit
sprinkler/hose to water an inch and you'll be set (DBOM) delivery method. www.lakeoswegowastewaterfacility.org.
to water efficiently all summer long!
2. Sign up for the Weekly Watering Number: it's free and will tell you how much to water each Businesses: Time to Clean Your Catch Basins!
week based on weather in your zip code. Sign up Catch basins are used to capture stormwater in time for removing debris from catch basins before
to get it via text or email and start watering wise. parking lots prior to discharging to our streams. the heat bakes the sediment into place.Trust us,
3. Learn more ways to save water outdoors: there are Cleaning your catch basin protects our waterways it's way easier to tackle now than later.
so many ways to save water outdoors during the but also safeguards properties from localized
hottest part of the year, and bonus, saving water flooding. Failure to keep catch basins clean is a violation
will save money!Already done every tip on the of Lake Oswego Municipal Code 38.24.520
All catch basins in parking lots are the and subject to fines. For more information, visit
list? Head indoors to save even more water. responsibility of the private property owner to lakeoswego.city/publicworks/catch-basins.
Learn more at lakeoswego.city/conservation. maintain and clean. Early summer is the perfect
Joe Buck Ali Afghan Trudy Corrigan Massene Mboup Aaron Rapf Rachel Verdick John Wendland Martha Bennett
Mayor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor 503-635-0215
jbuck@lakeoswego.city aafghan@lakeoswego.city tcorrigan@lakeoswego.city mmboup@lakeoswego.city arapf@lakeoswego.city rverdick@lakeoswego.city jwendland@lakeoswego.city
Parks & Recreation City Library
Star-Spangled Parade Continued from page 1 LIBRARY CLOSURE
But the fun doesn't stop there!After the parade, head to Millennium Juneteenth -Wednesday,June 19
Plaza Park for an afternoon of non-stop entertainment. Groove to the
lively tunes of Bon Bon Vivant, feel the patriotic pride as the Oregon Adult Summer Library Challenge
SenateAires perform the National Anthem, and brace yourself for the June 1 through August 31
excitement of a pie-eating contest. This year's theme is Read Renew Repeat. Register at www.lopl.org/
Indulge in a variety of mouthwatering treats and refreshing beverages summer and log your reading online for the chance to win weekly prizes
from local restaurants. and to be entered into the Grand Prize drawing.We'll be hosting optional
Adult Summer Library Challenge events in support of this theme. Attend
Traffic Impacts &Road Closures: There are several road closures these optional events and earn additional chances to win.
and traffic impacts due to the parade and staging site. For details, go to
lakeoswego.city/parksrec/2024-star-spangled-parade-celebration. Just for signing up, you'll receive a weekly e-newsletter with Summer
Library Challenge tips and encouragement, and can pick up a reading
Independence Day Illumination journal and coupon for the BOOKtique at the Adult Services desk.
July 4,from 8 p.m. to 10:45 p.m., Foothills Park
Continue celebrating the 4th of July with an electrifying concert featuring The Lake Oswego Public Library is located at 706 Fourth Street. For
Kalimba: The Spirit of Earth,Wind & Fire, hailed as the nation's premier more information, contact the Adult Services desk at 503-697-6581.
tribute to the legendary Earth,Wind & Fire. Cap off the festivities with This program is made possible by the Friends of the Lake Oswego Public
a dazzling laser light show, painting the night sky with a breathtaking Library.
symphony of colors. This remarkable and one-of-a-kind display promises
to captivate audiences of all ages. Watch as the lasers take flight around Summer LibraryChallenge for Kids
10:15 p.m. Remember to bring your blankets, pillows, and low-sand g
chairs to secure the perfect spot. June 1 through August 31
Sign up online at www.lopl.org/summer to track your summer reading,
complete fun challenges, and enter your LO City Park scavenger hunt
Summer of Concerts finds. Visit the Children's Library for a FREE book just for signing up
July will kick off our annual concert season. Check out the amazing courtesy of the Friends of the Lake Oswego Public Library. Read all
lineup at Millennium, Foothills, and Westlake Parks. Get your low-back summer long and earn raffle tickets for our end-of-summer grand prize
beach chairs, coolers, and dancing shoes ready. For more information, drawing. This program is available for kids entering 6th grade and under
visit lakeoswego.city/concerts. (babies, too!).
For more information, contact the Children's desk at 503-697-6580
Projects or visit the Library's website www.lopl.org/kids. This program is made
possible by the Friends of the Lake Oswego Public Library.
Lake Oswego Recreation & Aquatics Center
Construction is
advancing steadily at the First Tuesday Music: CelloBop
Lake Oswego Recreation 3- ,' Live or virtual- Tuesday,June 4, 5:30 G.30 p.m.
&Aquatics Center. "
The pre-engineered d
metal building (PEMB) _
structure, which will r LAKE OSWEGO PUBLIC LIBRARY
cover the competition
and recreational pool a -
areas, is taking shape. .�r
Upon completion of MUSIC ,
the structure, the roof . `.
installation will follow. ?4s,OSkv,
Inside the facility, WITH /
significant progress is being made. Drywall installation and taping are e�'C L1g�P
well underway in the office, front lobby, and fitness areas. In the cardio C E L L O B O P
room, framing efforts continue, and electrical work is progressing in the NE 4, 2024 I 5:30 - 6:3 0 PM
gym area.
Lake Oswego Public Golf Course Gideon Freudmann is a composer, performer, and cello innovator who
It's that time of year where we've activated the irrigation system to ensure has been redefining the role of the instrument for over three decades.
the grass continues to thrive and strengthen. He is best known for his unique blend of classical, jazz, folk, rock, blues,
Under the guidance of our esteemed golf architect and designer, Dan and funk music that he calls "CelloBop." Gideon's solo performances
Hixon, we have strategically planted new trees throughout the course to often include improvisation and the use of technology to sample, loop,
enhance its beauty and playability. and layer tracks in real-time to create music that is complex, nuanced,
creative, and compelling. He has recorded 21 CDs and composed music
We are excited to announce that the golf course will open in conjunction for film and dance. Gideon has also published several string ensembles
with the new Recreation &Aquatic Center later this year. Stay tuned for and has been performing and teaching with Young Audiences in Oregon,
more updates as we prepare for this highly anticipated launch! Massachusetts, and Connecticut for over 30 years. He has toured the US,
Europe,Australia &Taiwan.
Ju n etee n th For more information, please contact April Younglove at 503-534-5667
or ayounglove@lakeoswego.city. This presentation is made possible by the
June 16, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Millennium Plaza Park Friends of the Lake Oswego Public Library.
Celebrate the end of slavery with the City and Respond to Racism as
we come together for a community-wide commemoration.Join us for
an inspiring event filled with meaningful moments, including a special Controlling the Cost of College
keynote address from Libra Forde, the esteemed executive director of the Saturday,June 15, 2 to 3 p.m.
Women's Foundation of Oregon. Parents and teens, do your future plans include college?Are you
Experience the power of music with captivating performances and wondering how you're going to pay for it?Join us for an in-depth look
embrace the joy of dancing. Explore nonprofit booths, indulge in at planning to pay for college with financial advisor Jamison McAndie.
From FAFSA forms to merit scholarships, take the first steps on the path
delicious offerings from food vendors, discover unique creations from
talented artisans, and watch a performance by the McDaniel Cheer Team. to fund your education!
The main program starts at 12 p.m., promising a memorable celebration If you have questions, please email librarian Todd Feinman at
that honors history, promotes unity, and fosters a brighter future for all. tfeinman@lakeoswego.city.
For more information or to register for Parks &Recreation programs, For details on these and other Library programs, please visit
visit lakeoswego.city/parksrec or call 503-675-2549. lakeoswego.city/library or call 503-636-7628.
HAL.O. 3
Parks Plan 2040 Community
Neighborhood Workshops Comingto a Park Near You! mile,
g p . . El Calendar
Join us for an evening of fun, games, frozen treats, More information can be 0
and the opportunity to share your ideas for local found on the project website •
parks •
and recreation projects with the project team. at lakeoswe o ci / arks- •' • Event dates are subject to change.
p l p J g ' ty P r'• More details are available online at:
• June 7, 4 to 6 p.m. -Westlake Park plan-2040 or by scanning the r o4 www lakeoswego.ciry/calendar
• June 21, 4 to 6 p.m. - Hazelia Field QR code.
El 4
• June 28, 4 to 6 p.m. - Foothills Park ■ f'I I For more information, call 503-675-3992.
I'Aayor s Corn m u n i ty Roundtable
1 Saturday • Summer Library Challenge Begins Continued from page 1 • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm
Share your thoughts on Thursday,June 13 from • Parks Plan 2040: Learn what the plan entails, 2 Sunday • Pride Flag Raising Event,City Hall,
5:30-7 p.m. at City Hall for a dynamic discussion where the City is in the process, and how 4:30pm
on two key topics: community members can get involved in 3 Monday • DRC Meeting,7pm
• Sustainability & Climate Action Plan: Hear shaping this essential 15-year vision for the 4 Tuesday • Music:CelloBop,LIB,5:30pm
future of parks and recreation in Lake Oswego. • City Council Meeting,5:30pm
an update on the City's goals and progress, as
well as opportunities for community members For more information, please visit lakeoswego.city/ 5 Wednesday Chautauqua Lecture Series,Oswego
to engage in addressing the climate crisis and citycouncil/mayor-bucks-community-roundtable-8 Heritage Council,5:30pm
building a sustainable community. or contact Kim Vermillion at 503-675-3984. 6 Thursday
7 Friday • Parks Plan 2040 Neighborhood
Workshop,Westlake Park,4pm
Farmers' Market 8 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm
Saturdays through October 5, 8:30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. 9 Sunday
Have you been out to the market this year? The market boasts over 80 vendors weekly, featuring an 10 Monday • Planning Commission,6:30pm
array of superior produce, meats, seafood, nuts, cheese, baked goods, artisan crafts, and much more. 11 Tuesday
With many new additions, you'll delight in exploring the diverse offerings. For more information, visit 12 Wednesday • HRAB Meeting,6pm
13 Thursday • Mayor's Roundtable,City Hall,5:30pm
14 Friday • Millennium Dance Band,CCP,7pm
Inviting Vines 15 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm
This year, the Friends of Rogerson Clematis Collection's Inviting Vines event has expanded to two days. 16 Sunday • Juneteenth Event,MPP, I lam
On Friday,June 28, enjoy workshops and a lunch, then on Saturday,June 29, enjoy a breakfast with 17 Monday • SAB Meeting,6:30pm
horticulturalist David Mattern followed by four private garden tours. The Rogerson Clematis Garden • DRC Meeting,7pm
will be on full display to tour and plants will be on sale. Event tickets are available online at the FRCC 18 Tuesday • City Council Meeting,3pm
website: www.rogersonclematiscollection.org/inviting-vines-2024. • Author:David G.Lewis,LIB,5:30pm
19 Wednesday • Juneteenth-CITY OFFICES CLOSED
People's Choice - Vote Today! 20 Thursday
21 Friday • Festival of the Arts
Each year, a public committee of city leaders, artists, board members, and residents nominate five • Parks Plan 2040 Neighborhood
artworks from the rotating Gallery Without Walls exhibition for the People's Choice award. The City of Workshop,Hazelia Field,4pm
Lake Oswego purchases the winning artwork for its permanent outdoor collection.Anyone who resides 22 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm
or works in Lake Oswego is eligible to vote. • Festival of the Arts
0-. r'.'` �' ',, ' " }; • Emerald Ash Borer Workshop,
� � ; t,; � Foothills Park, 10-11:30am
# 4-4:. it
23 Sunday • Festival of the Arts
I'r •, t ' 1 i 24 Monday • Planning Commission,6:30pm
��,,.. 25 Tuesday
g �, 26 Wednesday • Become a Junior Park Ranger,
- - �"- Rossman Park,2pm
r �.:_ 27 Thursday
C* _.
i . 28 Friday • Inviting Vines,Luscher,9am
Walkabout The Watcher LandDance 1 Puro Corde In the Mystery • Parks Plan 2040 Neighborhood
Artist:Joel A.Heide Artist:Scott Foster Artist:Jennifer Kapnek Artist: Ben Dye Artist:Sharon Warman Workshop,Foothills Park,4pm
and Mike Suri Agnor
29 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm
Votes can be cast in person, by mail, and online until Friday,June 14, at 5 p.m. Ballots are available at City • Inviting Vines,Luscher,9am
Hall, the Arts Council,Adult Community Center, and Library.To vote online, visit artscouncillo.org. • Life is a Cabaret,LIB,2-3:30pm
30 Sunday
Festival of the Arts - June 21 through 23
1 Monday • DRC Meeting,7pm
What completes a summer afternoon while sipping a cold - ,•- 2 Tuesday • Music:Bossa PDX,LIB,5:30pm
beverage and strolling through amazing art?You guessed it,
t �- 3 Wednesday • Millennium Concert Band,MPP,7pm
live music. _ `
On June 22 at 6 p.m., eveningrising t A 4 Thursday • July 4th-CITY OFFICES CLOSED
kick off the with star � �--� -tr--
• Star Spangled Parade&Celebration,
Jacquie Roar. Then, don't miss an excuse to get those boots a loam
•;€;, �
on and dance some honky tonk as Robert Henry &The : 1. ,� J • Independence Day Illumination:
Repeaters take to the main stage at 7:30 p.m. in George c i i�!f - Concert&Laser Lightshow,Foothills
Rogers Park. Find a complete list of music details at www. g °"'•-' Park,8pm
lakewood-center.org or call 503-636-1060. 1
CCP Christ Church Parish
Six exhibits, Missoula Children's theatre, demos and amazing - t i DRC Development Review Commission
food, and live music makes for a great family weekend. - m LIB LO Public Library
The Festival of the Arts is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts _o MPP Millennium Plaza Park
Photo(Left to Right):Trent Wakefield,Jacob Mauro, (0 HRAB Historic Resources Advisory Board
institution. The Festival is free with a suggested donation. Robert Henry,Matt Haugen,Justyn Lewis. LAB Library Advisory Board
The City of Lake Oswego fosters a welcoming and inclusive community
PUBLIC INFORMATION SPECIALIST AND HELLOLO EDITOR/WRITER where all people have the opportunity to thrive and have equitable
Bonnie Hirshberger • 503-675-3992 • bhirshberger@lakeoswego.city F access to City services. For Americans with Disabilities Act or Civil
Contributing writers: O� �� Rights Title VI accommodations,translation/interpretation services,or
Guilian del Rio, City Manager's Office Robin Krakauer,Parks&Recreation ,�, more information call 503-635-0270 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1.
Donna Harlan, Library Wendy Riley,Arts Council (r
Morgan Nolen,Arborist Kim Vermillion,City Manager's Office U Q I Habla usted espaflol?Le proporcionaremos una traduccion gratuita de
Katy Kerklaan,Engineering este boletin.
GREGO& of z z 6FAILF2?01 A1fr°I T tlC101 ��-oFAlal 7Fo tLI:F
13 This newsletter is printed on Processed Chlorine Free 100%
Nov recycled content paper,using soy-based ink. 213t1 (*Alt) rl ? ITCLRAtt1jt*5 1 rlit,P-ZIX.
For information about the City and its services, go to www.lakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0257.