Approved Minutes - 2024-06-17 PM
Development Review Commission Minutes
June 17, 2024
The Commissioners convened at 6:00 PM, via Zoom.
Members Present: Chair Randy Arthur, Dwight Sangrey, John Dewes, Kristen Bates, Helen
Leek, and Russ O’Connor
Members Absent:
Staff Present: Johanna Hastay, Planning Manager; Evan Boone, Deputy City Attorney; and
Kat Kluge, Administrative Assistant
Chair Arthur called for a Moment of Silence in Vice Chair Poinsette’s memory, after relaying
information regarding his recent passing. Chair Arthur extolled Vice Chair Poinsette's thoughtful,
quiet, and insightful comments as being an important source of guidance to the DRC. He shared
that he had anticipated Vice Chair Poinsette succeeding him as Chair of the DRC, being an integral
part of the Commission. He then noted that Vice Chair Poinsette's family would be accepting a
posthumous Distinguished Service Award, at the July 16, 2024 City Council meeting.
January 23, 2024: There were no revisions noted.
Commissioner Sangrey moved to approve the Minutes of January 23, 2024. Seconded by
Commissioner O’Connor and passed 6:0.
Chair Arthur expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to serve as Chair of the DRC; working
with Commissioners of their caliber. He thanked members, Mayor Buck, the City Councilors, City
staff, and citizens for their support of the DRC. Chair Arthur then noted that nominations were
opened prior to the meeting, and that each Commissioner was uniquely skilled and able to fill
these positions very well.
Commissioner Sangrey requested a summary review regarding the change of dates for the terms
of members and election of officers. Johanna Hastay, Planning Manager, replied that the City
Manager's office set the following terms of service: the officers elected this evening would serve
Development Review Commission Minutes
June 17, 2024 Page 2 of 2
for 6 months, then would be up for reelection in January (the start of the new term cycle) and it
would not count against a new 2-year term. Evan Boone, Deputy City Attorney further explained
that these elections were taking place to fill the vacancy left by Chair Arthur's end of term.
Chair Arthur read the nominations received prior to the meeting: Chair - Commissioners Sangrey,
Leek, and O’Connor (Commissioners Leek and O’Connor requested to withdraw their names from
consideration as Chair, while Commissioner Sangrey stated that he would be delighted to serve, if
elected) / Vice Chair - Commissioners O’Connor and Dewes (Commissioner Dewes requested to
withdraw his name from consideration, while Commissioner O’Connor stated that this was an
opportunity he was very much interested in, having served with Commissioner Sangrey on the
Board of Directors at Mountain Park for many years, and that he enjoyed working with each
member of the DRC).
Chair Arthur moved to elect Dwight Sangrey as Chair of the DRC for FY25. Seconded by
Commissioner Leek and passed 6:0.
Chair Arthur moved to elect Russ O’Connor as Vice Chair of the DRC for FY25. Seconded by
Commissioner Leek and passed 6:0.
Ms. Hastay thanked Chair Arthur for his service to the DRC; inviting him to return to the July 1,
2024 meeting, where he would be presented with a Distinguished Service Award.
She then updated DRC members on upcoming meetings:
July 1, 2024 has an application for a major variance request for a nonconforming garage, the
presentation of Chair Arthur’s award, and the introduction of the DRC’s 2 new members.
July 15, 2024 has the potential Findings from July 1st’s hearing and a Type II Tree Removal
August 5, 2024 has the potential Findings from July 15th’s hearing and possibly an appeal on a
staff-level decision for a 2-parcel Minor Partition.
August 19, 2024 has the potential Findings from August 5th’s hearing.
Chair Arthur adjourned the meeting at 6:21 PM (passing the gavel to incoming Chair Sangrey).
Respectfully submitted,
Kat Kluge, Administrative Support