Approved Minutes - 1947-05-15 PM•
Oswego, Oregon
May 14, 1947
The Public Hearing Meeting was called to order by President Moulton.
Mr. Papulski, Bickner and Savage were absent. Only three people'
attended this meeting, including the Mayor.
Mr. Moulton explained in full the zones and, their uses. The map
was presented showing in color the districts which was discussed and
accepted. Nelson Grocery, Allen,Morris•and Ted Gilbert were'placed in.
non -conforming u -se." A clause to be,inserted about -any -use not especially
mentioned are to be referred to the City Council. This meeting covered
the district north of the tracks.
Meeting adjourned.
.-d.,,.c. Gtr
Frank A. Schulz, Secretary
Oswego, Oregon
May 15, 1947
The public hearing meeting was -called to order by President Moulton.
The evening was devoted to the district of .Lakewood and Old Town.
,Since no particular moves -were made, -the meeting adjourned.
'rank A. Schulz, Secretary '
Oswego, Oregon
May 16, 1947
The public hearing meeting was called to order by President Moulton.
The evening was devoted to the South Oswego district.
No particular dis'cus'sion ensued; so the meeting adjourned.
Frank A. c u z,-. ecretary