Approved Minutes - 1947-05-06 PMCity HallZ.
O swego , .., Oregon
. ..' . May 6 , 1947. "
Regdlar meeting of .the City Council was .called to,o'rder by Mayor
Heppeard ; all a ounc ilmen were. present.
r:H: 1:Hempel,'Oregon'City, of the` Seventh Dai,/Adventis t Churoh',,.�
was granted permitfor-singing on streets and taking up eoileo-
tions, during the .'month: of May.
Mr.C.M.Eyskell submitted bid for ooat-ing'City.Hall roof for $44.40.
Recorder'was instructed to write Mr.Hyskell that his bid was
accepted. All..cso:unoilmen, voted- Ye;s-.
Matter of salaries and applications for manager and life guards was
:. d-1scuss.ed..-. - : No.: action was,. taken,.. ion- -.the, hiring of, help.- Question
of salaries was referred to the Park Department.
Sporseen.&.Associates' letter, with regard to furnishing city
engineering servioes on retaining fee basis, was'read and the
Recorder asked to advise Sporseen & Associates that at this time
there is no need for services'of this nature.:
Fire Chief Wm.Asplund was given permission to attend the Firemen's
Convention, May 26, . 27 and 28, at Hood River.
The Mayor and.Couneilmen were invited by Fire Chief Asplund to
attend the Volunteer Fire Department meeting at the Masonic Hall on
® May 19th.
Mrs.Maude Thames wrote again about police officer closing po'stoffice
and turning o.ut l'ights.' Council instructed Recorder to make copy -
of letter received from the'Posioffice Inspector and send it to her.
Heine Fryer, on behalf.of the Chamber of -Commerce, a large.number of
citizens, and Messrs.Goss, Roeht,and Parelius,'brought to the
attention of -the Council the -danger of fishing from the North Shore
bridge,, also the condition in which some fishermen leave the place.
After considerable discussion, Council passed Ordinance No.346
prohibiting fishing from streets. On motion by Councilman Inkster,
seconded by Councilman Bugge, the ordinance was passed. Councilmen
Needham and Worthington did -not vote. Allot her councilmen voted,
Yes; carried and so ordered.
Ordinance #345, amending Ordinance #303, to.include coin amusement
devices, was read. On motion duly made and seconded, all Council-
men, except Hughes and Bugge, voted Yes; carried and'so ordered.
Moved by Councilman Inkster, seconded by Councilman Needham, that'
new police oar be purchased by trading in the present police car;
either Ford or Plymouth, for6dditiona1.300.00: Motion carried.
Mayor Heppeard appointed O.C.Ro.ehr, Colin Livingstone and Earle Goss
�. on the Budget Committee -for the 3 -year term, and Floyd Bender for "
'18 -year term to'saooeed Easton Miller.
Bills presented to the Finance Committee were approved for payment.
'� On motion by Councilman Inkster, seconded by Councilman Worthington,
(B4inuteslll y. 6
that bills be allowed
and vouchers issued -to cover; all_Council-
._ . _.
There being no
further business, the -meeting �djcurned:
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