Approved Minutes - 1947-08-05 PM(Ili.nutea of July 15th meeting cont*d...p.2) iaot 6n;`by-.Couric1linan•-'1, nkster, seconded .by. C�ounciIman'-.Wbr.thington, that -bills •-be:'a,ll0Wed: and•;voucher issued to: cover:. All Councilmen ' voted IttEst'.." Mr. DuU--'exp'lained' what type--o.'f rpumip .would. be, re.quire.d for the. ,new¢: well.at the Old Spring Site, and Council asked Mr.Duis-- to mase .:u:p'-:: specifications. Council discussed Parelius :emdaivating ..on State ,St.,, -which is endanger- ing the. alley, also Hemlock 'at. 'was.. again.: discussed, but no action. taken in either case. There being no further business, the- Council• adjourned. Frank A.Schulz,Re.corder _Z 'ity Ha1:1, ,Oswego.; ur:e:ggQ. ® August 51, 1947 , _... Regular*-me.et'ing �of� 'th:e City CoundiT a�as..,ealled :t.q; ,o.rder by Mayor ,Heppeard. All councilmen. present. 1 r.Da.vies` applied for license: to take over, Herb. Seaman*.s. place. :Recorder -fts-: ins.trucaed ..t o'' e- gn ,applicati.on::` i. M%claude Smith asked that 6th at., between X and G, be opened. `This was. referred to Mr.Duia. Mr'.ain_ith al'so`':incjuired' if `easement couZd,:.be: given for• sever to, ,connect *ith.-'s'ever•aI• `d*ellinga- iri this disari'c.t..- This ,was Lrefe;rred `.to . t'he -Street a-nd Sewer, .Cormni.ttees, :. _ . ::... The . Kiwanls Club, Yr. Smith stated, is willing to, :place, @yclone: fence $roan �Gity 'Park,"' „.k M163,-was �r.eferred to the Park Gommitte.e. lr/Beall asked for permit to 'place- two build iggs:,on.,ozie;lot:.. Council advised, him to see. Recorder. -' The Rivers ide'Rursl=Fire DietTict matter was left-. to. ;the: Fire 'Comniitt.ee ,..to arrange.meeting between the'two organizations. Recorder was requested to write Mr.Par.eLius, and as.k. him: to appear,`,at the next council meeting, regarding the condition of the alley, : due .to ' excavations. "in, back: of`-his :grop6rrty'',•on: State.,* St,*-, �rs.8.locuiuts:' T.ett.er regar'd:ing 'crit througYi maple S:t•reet, from her residence to Lee Srt..,.was'-.referre.d' to:; -the, Street. Commit te.e,.,and Recorder..was instructed to advise her-of Councills action,. A (Mi.nut.ea August 5th meeting contfd...,.p.2:) The question of sewer disposal was discussed but no action taken. lrayoxi-He.ppeard. stated -that Mr:.Paul-1EuurpkW_- grvposed :.build. ng ,4partm;ents albng=Tryon Creek and:-,as,ked_ tha,,cd.8c_peratioh,;of :the-,.City,.;:Counc l i.n providing for sewer disposal. Recorder was requested to .iLA— z phy advising that Council feels symp4thetic and willing to co-operate; how- ever,' ass" nog pleas: laaYe. _been aubmritted, the:•,Co_=cil- does: not _cons-ider this- binding;- j Kayok Heppe.ard appointed the following named on the Library Nasrds :Na�orse,.,.4 year-Aarm. ., .. -.. :...a. _ ::.Strachan,;: 4 year P.i .Harranond, 3 year term-, -, w R.Bunn.ett, R year. temi,, and .',._�•__..�L".HSat�ilek, lyeart,telx�a. -.._ '•..�}'• c.. ... . - ...�• The Council gave Vm,Asplund permission to. attend the. Police S"chool at Eugene. in 2'epteznber.. _ Koti.oa by Councilman. Reedham., seconded by Councilman Inkster, that salaries .'of. Chief _Knowles::and . m. plund ,be increased. 825.00 per month from Tuly lst. All Councilmen voted Yes, 'Recorder'vas askedd to giver Councilman Inkster, Hughes- and Bugge, list of aalariea -paid C1ty'empl,oyees;, .for their consideration of matter of increasing salaries. ° RRecorde:r was.- relcidasted to -ask ler- Aboat-, firemen. goi,ng"..into ,the Retirement Systeq. Commending the Zoning Committee: -for, the -splendid: non-in1g:_9 .was pawed by the Council. y0rdinanee:,348:, . - _ •- � • ....:. � . ....., :. _ , : . , .. , .. , To -be known as the Zoning Ordinance, was ao,cepted -with chdiii gd bn Faye 17; = s}tru tt ral' .repairs .mss. changed.:-fr,om 10% to -15%;, replacement including alterations -was. chan'ged..froa,-65 tci .l0(7"�,� .alas- the,builadng damaged changed to 100%., Motion by -Councilman Needham,$ seconded by C6tincil`man Bugge , that this. rd�rnance - be.'".accepted:.. The following Counci•Imen vatect :Yes,: 'Needham, Bugle, `,Inks er'and Mayor Heppeard; Xo, jbkthington,, _Grina- ark:. 8ughed, 3D%Du.ia reported on the new wall and Council passed-Resolutiorz �i43 `that, Recorder advertise for bida..;as :per; the ape-cifica;.tions on file. Ux.Duia presented map of _ proposed road work ,to be done `during t next year'; estimated cost $1.01,182«62; - ...: . DEr.Duis was asked to=find. out..coat and type of;.trq . , needed': v The bridge vaork>oxi %Torth--Shorac Roadd.--for stone: wall,.. is to,be..s.tarted c:.... , . August "4th by:Mr.Caa�rellg according to report by:. r.Du s. (Min I utez . Auguls 5th meetingcorittd....p0a)- Bills-, presented to the Finance. Committee were approved for pa$ment.-­.-. B�otion by" Councilman T#ksb6�­,-adicondid. by., C,ounc,ilman.'he_edhamt-. that, bills. .,,--,All Counc'i.lmen.vote.dTe,&,.,.i SW7'&ll:6i6d,an vouch Therebeing-nd further business, the meeting 44journed., Frank. :-.Re.--aorder,, J 'City Hall - Oswego, Oregon - `19 1'947 was s a all. ed.''t'd- 'drde��, by, Mayor Heppeard. C�oRegular meeting of "the` "City Couricil uncilm&n.,V_brthkngP:oq.. absent, 1 n. Mr.Kenneth Parelius Appeared bef orer -th - Couha"'! I �-r4spbnse to' -aur- 1'etter regarding the - :bondit,lo'n.,in t.h.e alley in back of his property on State St. After 0-obaiderablei discussion' the -,matter Waq, refi'rred-'tothe. atre-.et,'.-' committee to go over 'the ground Sa''turclay at. -9'"6t`cldck -with" Mr ton ft-.'_ would be .6'dt',ib fac t Ory, f yr. S'.lmon,. 'asked I cents per, cu. or the ter. we are using 't was ,the - Bayberry .Road water aerVica- whe.'re'. their r water. agreed that we take 't 'ke the reacting- 'o'n' ', n'the services- , which we havewhich. will save Mr. -Murphy -placing -master meter on this line. als:6­m_­e'nti6hed. -,:tha"t "new- -service-"on. `t346br'-Lake..Fdr0.9 Drive, -charged_ -00 s.evrer extension wIAdh'a'!!e-'hot his' property be -ch d $200 o: . =No Action. was taken on this. matter. ­- lft;.Va_llman -asked to connect er. ' with -'the Lake- Forest as the. -l=ine Driie sewer , has n6t..ben taken c-itY'Council� 4dvise-d* 11r.lWallmdri -to -take this, up with MrXur'phy'.' Tom Rau asked f or .,culvert in. alley at'A between 6th and 7th Streets'.and was advised to 'take"'ihis matter' ul'5'with'Mr,.'Dul:s'*.'.. The. bids for the. new pump were opened and the following were: received= Fairbanks Morse -&.-Power. Co. 2511.50 R.I.Wadd & Co. 24821.10 S-pencer Machine Go. 2288.00 -Machinery.* ........ 2595. 00 Vorthington P=p_& Resolution No.145 to give- the Wla.ter Committee-. authority to accept or reject the bids; I Motion ,by Councilman Bugge.9 seconded by Councilman.Gri that his.. resolution be adopted. All Councilmen present voted Yes. IT±..,Toseph_R.Frt= asked to vacate Blocks 26 and 28. After discussion, Mr.-Yrum was advised to write letter regarding re.platting and vacating- these.