Approved Minutes - 1947-09-02 PMOswego, Or n September W947 The regular meeting;of'the City Council was called to order by Mayor Hep- peard. Counci],f an;.Griinm and Recorder Frank A.Schulz, absent. Minutes r taken by Councilman Inkster,, David;.Tp;nes 'i-nguired about the- dyer_ property in South; bs.ilvego where a house is- partly 011 city street. Jones :lsas,'de.e.d and after itywas_ registered the- street: hestreet was ,,dedicated. The. Council is. willing to hale: to,enter quit claim suit.c,toeleiar controvers'y'., Attorney Phillips;:.for.11en Mor.r,is._ preaented a. petition. to change zone. Paid 50;OO�f.e.eand was' 'referred. to:.the City, Attorne-k,',' _ T:Clock.arid Ja•cki Tucker and Peterson, appeared before Council about sewer between. F ,andyF,131o'ck 7: , 1hey; w ,.11, meet :.w'ith, the, Sewgr. Corimittee Saturday'aty9­6'clock. Resolution and.:osdinance to,.add�50�;.per,month to water.;bi11- for. sewd-ge..dis._ posal fund was'adopted, to be voted"on by the citizens 't" the"' special elec- tion Oct9ber<,7,•:; Tmotion1was made: by Counci,lman.Inkster•. and" seconded,,by,'Cauncilm.an. . Needham that this -shall be passed: Al.l Councilmen present voted Yes. c c ;}. c:" Motioa Bills: presented to the finance committee were approved'. -or.,pqyment. by Councilman 71orthington and 'seconded by Councilman Hughes: that billsbe. allowed and.Lvouche.rs issued ta. cover. .x.1.1. Counc i.lm;en, eseat . voted Yes. Street improvement of A_ Ave..' to be paid for out of .tate funds -rias die -cuss -ed. Motion ,by—C.o^unc.ilman Buggeands seconded ,by.. Councilman, Vo,rthigZton that State .. funds will be asked for. to cover the improvement. Al.4Q;ouncilmen present voted Yes:. Fire contract with Riverside Rural Fire Bistrict.,was 4is,eu8sed and deferred to next meeting for action. Bids were received for.Chevrolet'truck' li ton dump truck, from Carlson, $2657...00; Dodge from Bender, (`1„ton,j .2.49,00.. These• ;bids..do, .not. include the extras.. It was moved by..Councilmah .Inkster and seconded` by Councilman Needham that this be oteferred to the Street Committee. All Councilmen present voted Yes. Letter from J.R.Frumm. to- va.ctate Blocks 26 and 28. This was referred to the.Stree-t Committee; Motion by Councilman Hughes, and seconded by,Councilman Worthington that bid from.Pump Pipe. & Power Co. be accepted. - Reject all other bids. Passed by all Councilmen present. Report by Street Goramitte.e. about' Parelius property on State St He has con- sented to certain improvements which have not yet been complied with.. It was agreed to send W.h.Knowles- to Oregon Juvenile Council at Gearhart,, Oct.9th 11th. ®Letter from 11r.hundquis.t asking for permit to put in trailer house. According to Ordinance this. request was denied. -No further' business. ]meeting adjourned. FraJdk A.Schulz,R oec rder