Approved Minutes - 1937-05-04.
Gity Hall,
oswe f-p, Ora l
. May,4,1937.\r meeting of the Cit.-; Council c~:l.led to order ’ by Mayor bw ing. c.. All Coupe ihmn present . --Hino of’ prav :ous met iqg read and o;)proved I+-- Vart~s bills read and ajpI roved by the f inenct comtnit tee.--Moved by dalzell’oecond , by Goa that the bi.11:; be allowed and wnrrunts drzwn t.:
COVCI: on roll call ;JretietIt votillg “yea” CON.*~~C) and SO ordered. Mr,l).‘~~i~itera WI%. preuent and asked for yermicaion
to Oomtruct a neptio tat& on Lots 2 & 3 &~ke Viev! illae on account of him not being a.ble t0 connect with th8 8ewer as tho newer line was it; the Lake and the Alake level. would have to be Lowered n lenst 10 ft. to make the connection ~ermias ion granted. I
l,!r.Dadi.le 1:‘ reilorted for the water committee on the water softener and that he had written Seattle ;‘later Supt. and 1x1s inf ormad th:] t they were not w ing Corro-
dicidc sto, ,and Mr.Young repreuentlng the Corrddicida ’ re ported that ha had not received the deai,red informat ion from the h+o:\ off lae, Mr.“owler,repreuenting the Lakeside Engineering’ Corp. ,agoko on wntar softeners recomtiendad that the .City employe anA Engineer to draw up piano and speoif ications DS to ths needs of the City and asked for bids etc., Next order of bus inoyv was to f il i the vacancy of Councilman cauoed by the reoignntion of ;.i;,lIohrbaugh The, Mayor 3a kad for n qina t ions for the off ice and the . following ‘:~~zre nominated hIr,i~,J.Sul.Iivan,mr.~~,E.John~pn, :..
there be ing no further nomination the Mayor declared 8ame
closed and f-.?le bn.Lloto distributed for vote with the following rseulta ,Sullivan recc iv tng three votes and Johnson recsiving two votao ,thc Mayor there uyon declared mr.Su.lJivnn elected. 51 There being no further business the Council adjourned, .@b (_ \k’
E,J,Duia, City Recorder,
city hall Oawe go, Ore. May, 18,1937, ilegulnr meeting of the City Council. onllad to order by .Uting hMyor Xnkster,-- Mayor Wing and Councilman Goss absent. No LIins,-- Various bill.8 read and apyroved by the f Lrlance cotnmitteo moved by I)alzel.l oeoond by Sadfltlk that the billa bc nlloaed and warrants drawn to cover on roll
eall q, iiTY~dP::c&O~al~:Sl,teS *y 3” uarried and 80 ordered. for the water committee on the water softener and that ‘he had heard from yome other usaru i of Coro&icide eta. ,and that ho thought if so:116 arrangement
could be made with the Corrodicido Mfg. ,to give this a trial
for a txriod of one month it would bo aanier to decide&r, XXKX~WMJ a;q~oif.tod QH Q comittae~ of one to inveutignte this matter fur%Iter.bIovcd by Worthington slecond by YulliVatl
that the t:\,ltter be tabled till We next meet ing,wI*?ied and
uo ordered.