Approved Minutes - 1935-12-03with ttire OouraciI tte x to work out a auitable Alun for the o� arutiun and tine mairitenunce of the Dire Dept. arried and .vo ordered. turd the foc.lorring oittjzens al)pointeda R -H Cuahmall) 'I.A.Coon, C.A.Moora t Moved by Truliin,;er second by ''lorthington that the Council t1YIT11c Mr U.Cuo}xnan for ti:tr ;rersonal efforts made in the Robtrirron fire at Brairwood,efirried, and uo ordered Tile neoorder prusen ted the :annual Financial; report :after cornu dincttsaiojr it w,aa rro\,,jd by Trullinti:er second by 8udilek tht, t the recorders report be acceijed --arrieed and ao 'ordered. Gotne complaint wa* filed drat the >,t'tarchal was patroling traffic, to much on the Statc Highvrtty etc. lir Nhriner was question-ing regarding tete $KAx mutter and the Council advised hire nxi to discontinue this practice. There being no further business tho Council adjourned,b E.J.Duis, Ilrb3� Recorder, a City Hall, Oswuga , ore . Dece!abe i , 3, 11,i3b . Rea;1111+r meeting of the (lity (council ct?llud to order by Mayor NWing.-•-All Councilrre�n present,.- Vins of previous meeting read and approved.-- Various bi.11c PPX turd approved by the fin>)noe connrritte.e moved by Tru11 tn;;-ar second by Sud ilek that the bills be allovied and wsr;•ants drawn to cover on .roll Caall all preoent vott"S yyes" carried :and co ordered. Regular order of buo'inemi Jupsendad and the sewer qurrst ion discussed. The notice of tite approval Of tite upplicstion in ','1utjhirSt.on D.C. Wats re -ad Mr. R-1- kavis expl;Aned tho oititation tae -to the plana arid specifications and that about two weeks times would 'be needed to whip thein ill.nitt,pe fjr the on1ling of bids etc. 1tov-sd by Trullinrrer•seoond by .ladilek that Hr.;. �.I,ckavis.be authorized to: complete t.i,e plans and apeeifieationol the se•rrer syntem in pr.aparutton. of the election etc., carried and so ordored. 11ovad by 'Northinrion second by Trullinger . that the Cost -of ttatr=oompld.Uun-•of the pinnu and,- uvecif ic:.4t ion for the sewer aye tem shall n ,t excaad $300.00,carried and so ordered. Moved by Trullinger :sedond by ,pons that the, amount of the cost unvo.lved io tho completion of*tine plans be 'paid out of the General blind and if the election carries the General Flind be reimbursed front tate proceeds of the Sewor 8 rndo, erarriad' and _oo ordered. It Has agrood upon that Air O. C.Roajjr go uilotad With tho legal end in regard- to the oullinr of n s;•aCtOl election for the troller system# Oeo.Oriffy reported that tite Fire Depttrtme6t would raea t the 2nd Redneudray in tile -month for purt,oae Of election of off icers.Coungiln-tan "ouo reported taut the Mayor'u fire eoirL►itteo had been urtable fjo far to meet with the fi.•o dupart,.ient cocamiLteU in regard to a new fire department. ordinanob, and usko'd that the election be deferred until after the meeting of the cajnaiittxee. Ur.LicVoy and Chief B000n made talks in .•s- pard to conditiono in fire dehnrtn}ent, lioved by ;3rndtlek second by Trullinver iml that the City Recorder have u telaphone inutolled in the Fire Dc;­? rtin nt. Vot an extension of the City knono.ct)z,ried and r3o orue:`od. ouncil adj r;urned t,) the call of Ox ;drjyor. Re c o•syder. ��ii�tt�,Q14v.4% �A.1 1"1(v Regular meeting of the Oity &Ouno 1 called to order by the Mayor,,-All Counoilmon prevent.-M6ne;: of previous meeting read and approved.--Various bills read and approved by the finance coidmittee.-Moved by Trullinger aeoond by Sadilek that Ule bills be allowed and warrants drwn to cover on roll )all all present voting "yes" carried and so ordered► Councilman (tons report-id that they had meet with the Yire Dept.dommittee and theyhad tutdvA plans in mind one ryas to leave the '�opartnient as it is except that the 'ohief and a few ether officers would be appointed, the other plan was that the Uity would pay the men be paid a. small fqe per month and make them City e4ployee►$,also thatjhe had written Hood River for a copy of their ordinance t"date he had not received the dAsired ordino6ce and when these r plans noul+d be drawn submitted. to the fire Sept. for their discussion. Chief Surfus Pf Oregon City, gave an in'terecting talk about fire fighting eto., general liqour license renewale were presented. Moved by Inkster second Py Rohrbaugh that the recorder be authorized to approve all renewal vigour lioenee, carried and so ordered. Bower System appltoutio and the approval of eome was discussed moved by Trulinger second by Sadilek that the Oity call a Special Bond Election on Y:xiday Jan,3,1936,oarried and sot ordered. The reeolut,%orn calling this election waP read and x4qt adopted copy of which is herewith a;t taohed and made a part of those minutes. The tolloriing citizens were appointed by the (O unoil to o'ot as elotion boards s WJMS 110. 1# wA NO.2. J.lY.Kingf Judge Bella Robeitoon,Judge Wnj Kingkade,Judge LoOeea Swann,Judge 1trs.S•S.Rohrbauggh1Judge. Yre".Stta Davideon,Judga $rs.J.O.Haines)alark NrOJ.B.Worthington iGlerk Minnie "linefelter,(llerk kril-P.H.Jarieoh, Clerk, Mrs.Dora Brandt,Alternot.o, Hen'.ry Yates '- alternate, Moved By V.H.Sadilek second by F.O Inkster)That tge mayor and Recorder be Authorized t<� renew the 66#000,00, note of and for the Water Deptetwith the Oswego State Bank for a period of six monthe anei pay interest due ' on present note Deo.2811036..On roli' call all present g votin *yea,' carried and so orderei. Adjourned I R.404is,Reoorder.