Adopted Budget in Brief FinalLake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Biennial Budget in Brief 2023-25 Lake Oswego City of Table of Contents Budget Message Financial trends and property taxes Budget Summaries Departments and Programs Budgets* Capital Projects..............................................................43 Appendix City Manager’s Budget Message...................................... i-1 Budget Process and Philosophy........................................ i-5 General and Economic Information................................. i-10 Financial Trends - Resources............................................ i-11 Financial Trends - Requirements..................................... i-12 Financial Trends - Property Taxes................................... i-14 Adopted Budget for 2023-25 Biennium.......................... i-16 Citywide Ending Fund Balance.......................................... i-18 General Fund Summary.................................................... i-19 General Revenue.............................................................. i-20 General Fund Police.........................................................................2 Parks & Recreation.............................................................3 Fire.........................................................................4 Library..........................................................................5 Planning.......................................................................6 Adult Community Center................................................. 7 Municipal Court................................................................8 Redevelopment.............................................................9 City Council....................................................................10 Sewer....................................................................12 Water..................................................................13 Street........................................................................14 Stormwater..................................................................15 System Development Charges........................................16 Assessment Project.........................................................17 Bicycle Path.....................................................................17 Parks Recreation Center Fund............................................20 Building.......................................................................21 Parks Bond Capital Project Fund...........................................22 City/LORA Debt Service.....................................................23 Bonded Debt Service.........................................................23 ACC Endowment.................................................................24 Library Endowment............................................................24 Capital Reserve Water........................................................25 Capital Reserve...................................................................26 Tennis Facility......................................................................27 Trolley................................................................28 Tourism..........................................................29 Public Art............................................................................30 Golf Course..........................................................................31 Other Other Funds Public Works Support Services Departments and Programs Engineering............................................................34 Public Works Support Services............................................35 Information Technology......................................................36 Finance...............................................................37 City Manager’s Office..........................................................38 Facilities Management.......................................................39 City Attorney’s Office..........................................................40 Human Resources...............................................................41 Risk Management...............................................................42 General Nondepartmental.................................................42 Positions and Salary Ranges.............................................. 58 Historical Summary of Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Positions............................................................................ 64 Budget Resolution..............................................................66 Cover photo of Ginko Leaf by Ron Brake, 2021 Photo Contest. For additional budget information visit City’s website: www.lakeoswego.city /finance/adopted-city-budget-2023-25-biennium *Department websites are linked to this document - click on heading of their respective department budget page. Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 BUDGET COMMITTEE City Council Joe Buck, Mayor Ali Afghan Trudy Corrigan Massene Mboup Aaron Rapf Rachel Verdick John Wendland Citizen Members Lin Carson, Chair Elisabeth Zeller, Vice Chair Alfred Calabria Steve Dodds Shannon Grindy Gary Rebello Shima Salehi Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Budget Message Budget Message Budget Process and Philosophy Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 PRESENTED TO City of Lake Oswego Oregon For the Biennium Beginning July 01, 2021 Executive Director GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Distinguished Budget Presentation Award The Government Finance Officers Association of the United Stated and Canada (GFOA) presented a Distinguished Budget Pre- sentation Award to the City of Lake Oswego, Oregon, for its biennial budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021. In order to receive this award, a government unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan, and as a communications device. Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CITY MANAGER’S BUDGET MESSAGE FOR THE 2023-25 BIENNIUM Mayor Buck, Chair, Members of the Budget Committee, and Citizens of Lake Oswego:  I am pleased to submit the 2023‐2025 Budget for Budget Committee consideration.  This  budget positions the City well to deliver effective and efficient municipal services that cultivate  an exceptional quality of life for everyone in Lake Oswego. Budget Committee review and  deliberation is critical to ensuring that the City is a careful steward of the resources it manages  on behalf of the public.  As we have done in the past, we treat the operating departments in the General Fund as  enterprises, which is described in greater detail in the “Budget Process and Philosophy”  chapter.  This biennium, departments received an increase of 4.67% in the first year and 3.54%  in the second year of the biennium over their operating revenues, with the exception of the  Planning Department (0%).  Nine major issues stand out in this budget:  •The City is financially well positioned to begin the next biennium.  There are several factors that contribute to the City’s strong financial position.  The first is our reserves, built over time through adherence to policy.  The second is the stability of the City’s revenue streams, particularly our property tax revenues in the general fund.  The third is careful management of the costs of personnel, even while significant inflationary pressures ensued.  The City’s constructive working relationships with its three public employee unions is essential in ensuring that we provide fair and adequate compensation that is affordable to the City. •The City can manage high inflation for one biennium.  The City has seen cost increases for labor, goods and services, and capital projects because of inflationary pressures. However, at present, those costs are manageable, largely due to strong fiscal practices in past biennia.  Managing inflation means that with the exception of the programs added with the completion of the Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatics Center and one position added to address workload issues in the Building Division, the budget is largely a status quo budget, with no major changes in program and no additional personnel in the General Fund. •Capital costs continue to be uncertain.  In the 2021‐2023 biennium, several projects faced costs that are significantly higher than originally estimated.  This is due to competition in the construction market, a labor shortage in some trades, supply chain issues, and the overall effect of inflation.  Because of the continued volatility in the Fiscal Year 2023‐25 City Manager’s Budget Message i-1 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 construction market, the budget takes a conservative (or cautious) approach to capital  projects.    •Funding is allocated to the specific capital projects identified in the City Council’s goals. In particular, this budget includes: o Over $4 million in additional capital funds allocated to the completion of the Lake  Oswego Recreation and Aquatic Center (LORAC) to close the funding gap for this  high priority project.  The total cost of this project is now approximately $46 million, which includes a $16.25 million contribution from the Lake Oswego School District. o $3.5 million allocated to Phase I of the Rassekh Park project, which would enable construction of the skatepark portion of this park.  Phase II of this project, which includes a ballfield, playground, and picnic shelter is not funded in the budget. o A transfer of $2 million from the General Fund to the streets fund.  This is lower than the $3 million per year that was the amount of the transfer to streets in the past two biennia. o $5.7 million in pedestrian safety improvements in response to Council goals. •This budget includes significant new staff in the Parks and Recreation Department, in  anticipation that the LORAC will be fully operational in the second year of the biennium.   The aquatics program requires adding 4.9 full time, and 9.7 part time FTE.  The “dry‐ side” of the LORAC requires the addition of 1.6 full time and 4.3 part time FTE.  Finally,  the Municipal Golf Course will re‐open in the summer of 2024, and the budget includes  restoration of these services, and an increase of 1.4 FTE is budgeted for the golf course  reopening. •The addition of the LORAC will also substantially increase the budget of the Parks and  Recreation Department.  The budget reflects $2.37 million in revenue from a variety of  passes, entrance fees, class and program revenue, and an operating contribution from  the Lake Oswego School District.  This additional revenue covers approximately 85  percent of the estimated operating costs of the LORAC, and the balance is addressed by  an allocation of $430,000 in general fund operating revenues. The Budget Committee  will note that the 2021‐2023 budget included increased funding for Parks and Recreation  in anticipation of the opening of LORAC, so this general fund allocation does not  represent a true “increase” over the last biennium budget. •The budget includes 1.1 additional FTE in the Building Division to address workload  issues.  The Building Division is fully funded by building permit revenues, and the  additional staffing does not require a general fund subsidy. •The Budget does not include a contribution to the capital reserve.  In past biennium, the  City was able to direct “excess” ending fund balance to capital reserve. Instead of  directing ending fund balance to the reserve, the budget uses the projected ending fund  balance from the current biennium to fund the LORAC. •The budget includes advancing the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project to construction  beginning in 2024. i-2 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25i-3 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 i-4 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Budget Process and Philosophy The City of Lake Oswego approaches budgeting for General Fund departments similarly to how we budget for enterprise and special revenue funds. With enterprise funds (e.g., water, wastewater) and special revenue funds (e.g., transportation), departments must balance a fund’s budget. The number and level of positions, the cost of union contracts, and interest earnings on invested cash are important factors in the budget, as are the costs of materials and capital spending. There is no “spend it or lose it” incentive because spending in one budget period reduces the beginning balance in the following budget period. As such Department Directors focus on the long-term health of a fund and the service provided through the fund. Treating General Fund departments like enterprise-funds encourages a focus on outcomes, long-term thinking, and capital planning. There are five major elements to this approach: 1. Allocation of General Revenues to Major Programs. While many general fund departments generate some rev- enue, they are largely dependent on general taxes and fees (primarily property taxes and franchise fees). The first step in Lake Oswego’s budget process is allocating these general tax revenues to each program. Public Safety (police and fire) make up the largest allocation of general revenues. This is followed by parks and recreation, planning, library, and transfers to the street fund - all services that are strongly supported by Lake Oswego’s residents. These allocations of general revenues reflect the priorities the City Council has placed on funding city services, and they are consistent citizen expectations and best practices in each City service area. For 2023-25, we started with the alloca- tions approved by the City Council in the 2021-23 budget, and for the most part multiplied these amounts by the project- ed growth in general revenues, which were 4.67% for FY 2024 and 3.54% for FY 2025. 2. Carryover Savings. As noted above, for enterprise and special revenue funds, any savings during a fiscal year or biennium adds to the next budget period’s beginning balance, which in turn provides flexibility in funding one-time expenses such as equipment or capital improvements. This budget includes the same incentive for general fund departments, by allowing them to carry over savings and depart- ment revenues that exceed projections as a beginning balance for the department. These balances must be used for one-time expenditures that are consistent with Council priorities. 3. Departmental Contingency Accounts. All general fund programs in every city include contingency amounts, but they are hidden in the form of padded line items. In Lake Oswego’s budget, we encouraged department managers to set aside some portion of their beginning balance in a clearly identified contingency budget, rather than hidden within line items. This contingency services as a buffer for higher than expected costs in other line items. And of course, if the contingency account isn’t needed in the current budget period, it carries forward into the next budget period. The carryover savings program and combined departmental contingency accounts have made the City of Lake Oswego resilient to outside shocks to the financial environment. i-5 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Budget Process and Philosophy 4. Responsibility for Personnel Costs. One could argue that the cost of employees is outside the control of operating managers. Salaries are set by union contracts (approved by the City Council) or by a citywide classification system. Pension costs are set by the state. Healthcare costs are also set by union contracts or through citywide contracts. However, operating managers set the number and level of positions in their depart- ments. The cost of wages, health care and other benefits are known, and Department Directors are well aware of the trade-offs between personnel spending and other costs, such as materials and equipment. After the general fund managers receive their share of general revenues, they must bal- ance their costs, including personnel costs. The finance department projects the salary and benefit costs for each current employee, but the department heads have to add them into the budget. In other words, operating managers are responsibility for all the costs of providing service, including staff costs. 5. Internal Fees for Service. To be able to provide city services, we have to account for money, recruit staff and pro- cess the payroll, provide legal advice, maintain buildings, operate a computer network, and provide other internal support services. The City of Lake Oswego uses a sophisticated cost allocation model - developed by an independent expert and updat- ed by the Finance Director - to charge internal service costs to the city operating departments. The model includes an allocation of costs to general fund programs, such as police and library service, but since most of the expenses are also accounted for in general fund units (HR, IT, Finance, etc.), there is no need to transfer these amounts between funds, so they haven’t been shown separately. We now show these amounts as a component of the cost of general fund services. By fully expensing these costs, we are able to show corresponding revenue for the support service departments, so like their direct service peers, these programs become self-balancing accounts. The direct service departments are the cus- tomers of the support service departments, and the fees represent the cost of internal “contracts” for services. Managing the Bottom Line The final budget adopted by the City Council set a total appropriation (spending limit) for each program in the general fund, and appropriations by categories of expense in other funds. Where it really matters is in how the budgets are managed. Enterprise and special revenue fund managers have always had to manage the bottom line: regardless of estimates and authorizations (the budget), actual spending can’t exceed actual total available resources. The same is true for the managers of general fund and central service programs. Actual expenses can’t exceed resources. If carryover savings are less than projected, or if departmental revenues come in below projections, the manager will have to offset this on the expense side. On the other hand, if a department generates additional revenue, these funds can be used in future budget years. i-6 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Fiscal Health and Financial Policies A financial policy that has served Lake Oswego well is to use one-time resources (e.g., beginning balances) to fund one time expenditures, such as capital, equipment, or special projects. The City has also been well serviced by adhering to Council-adopted policies for the overall General Fund balance and capital reserve practices. By policy, the City sets aside 30% of general fund operating costs. This practice both recognizes that the majority of general fund resources are property taxes, which are levied in July but not collected until November and December and that the City needs to reserve funds for emergencies. The City also has a practice of placing any “excess” funds into a capital reserve fund. In past fiscal years, this practice has protected the City against changes in the economy or construction costs. In the 2023-2025 budget, all excess funds have been allocated to high priority capital projects, including the Recreation and Aquatic Center and skatepark, and there is no contribu- tion to the capital reserve fund. Budget Information Improvements To make budget information more widely available, the City provides web-based budget information. We also use an interactive budget dashboard that allows operating managers and citizens an at-a-glance overview of all city financial performance, with the ability to drill down to more detailed data. We also use a Capital Im- provement Dashboard for real-time tracking of multi-year capital projects, showing the total project budget and the amount spent to date (across fiscal years). Biennial Budget Well-managed cities pay attention to the long-term consequences of decisions. Every year, we update a six-year projection of general fund revenues and expenditures, and we adopt a two-year (biennial) budget. For 2023-25, we are continuing a biennial budget format. This doesn’t, however, mean it is a static document: the City Council can and should amend it as needed. The real-time budget dashboard allows the Council and public to monitor financial performance throughout the period, and a mid-biennium review in the spring of 2024 will give the City Council an opportunity for mid-course fine-tuning. Budget Process and Philosophy i-7 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 i-8 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 General & Economic Information Financial Trends Financial Trends i-9 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 GENERAL AND ECONOMIC INFORMATION Lake Oswego is located in northwestern Oregon, south of the Portland metropolitan area, in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties. These are among the five counties that comprise the Portland‐Vancouver Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area. The City's economy is linked with that of the metropolitan area, which is based on manufacturing, national and international trade, and service industries.   Primarily a residential community, Lake Oswego has a low level of industry and retail‐based commercial activity.  Most newer commercial development is along Kruse Way,  a corridor on the west side near Interstate 5 — a prime section of the beltway around the southwest Portland Metro area. The city's population increased steadily during the 1980s and early 1990s (about 5% annually), and has increased to an estimated 39,480. The State of Oregon, population is increasing  at about 1.2% annually. There is a slight increase from 2015 to 2020 with new development in downtown Lake Oswego.  Future growth is estimated at about 0.6% per year. The Bureau of Labor Statistics for the U.S. Department of Labor tracks the Consumer Price Index (CPI‐U) for most U.S. cities. The CPI‐U is a leading economic indicator that measures inflation, which is central to assessing the cost of living and whether living standards are rising or falling. The graph to the right shows the annual percentage change in this measure and compares the Portland area with the rest of the country.  In 2022, Portland's annual growth rate was greater than the rest of the country; about 8.2% compared to the US average of 6.5%. This graph compares the City of Lake Oswego's population to the City's number of full‐time equivalent (FTE) employees over the past two decades. For the 2023‐25 biennium, the City budgeted 382.6 FTE.  Expressed in per capita terms, the FTE count is 9.3 employees per thousand of population.   ‐  1,000,000  2,000,000  3,000,000  4,000,000  5,000,000  10,000  20,000  30,000  40,000  50,000 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Population Trends City of Lake Oswego (left scale) State of Oregon (right scale) ‐1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9%Percent Change in Average Annual CPI‐U Index U.S. Average West‐Class B/C 2003‐05 2005‐07 2007‐09 2009‐10 2010‐11 2011‐12 2012‐13 2013‐14 2014‐15 2015‐16 2016‐17 2017‐18 2018‐19 2019‐21 2021‐23 Pop 35,860 36,075 36,100 36,698 36,620 36,725 36,769 36,990 37,105 37,300 37,425 37,490 38,215 39,135 40,801 Emp 337 337 345 357.4 355.8 354.5 362.5 352.1 350.1 347.3 344.8 344.3 345.3 346.7 358.8 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 15,000 30,000 45,000 City Population vs. Number of City Employees (FTEs) General & Economic Information i-10 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Financial Trends - ResourcesFINANCIAL TRENDS - RESOURCES For the 2023‐25 biennium, total General Revenues allocated to various General Fund departments totaled $93.9 million.  A summary of general  revenues can be found on page i‐20. Property tax revenue is the major source of general  resources for the City.  Those revenues along with franchise fees and state shared revenues are included in the allocation. The above graph compares the City's total millage rate (based upon the largest tax code area) to other cities in the Portland metro region.  Measure 5, passed by voters in 1990, divided property tax levies into three categories and established limits for each category.  The categories and limits for each are:  Education ($5.00 per $1,000 RMV), Government ($10.00 per $1,000 RMV), and a third category that is exempt from the limitations (usually general obligation debt). City Council <1% City Manager's  Office 1% Redev 1% Library 4% Municipal Court 1% Adult Community  Center 3% Planning 6% Police 33% Fire 27% Parks & Recreation 24% Allocation of General Revenues 2023‐25 $0.00 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 Hillsboro Tualatin Tigard Sherwood Oregon City Wilsonville West Linn Lake Oswego Gresham Beaverton Milwaukie Portland 16.8822 17.3162 17.6090 18.1890 18.2713 19.1283 19.1327 19.3270 19.6835 20.8324 21.4442 26.6773 Comparison of Total Property Tax Rates in Portland Metro Area ‐Fiscal Year 2022‐23 Excluded from Measure 5 Limitations Government Education i-11 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 FINANCIAL TRENDS - REQUIREMENTS Requirements were balanced to 2023‐25 resources at $456.9 million.  As the pie chart to the left shows, about 41% of the biennium's requirements are budgeted in the General Fund. The remaining budgeted requirements are allocated between the remaining funds — with small funds grouped in "Other". The General Fund primary services include Police, Fire, Parks & Recreation, General Administration, Planning, and Library. The above graph depicts operating budgets for the direct service programs within the City.   For the purpose of this graph, operating budget consists of personnel services, materials and services, and internal fees for service.   Beginning July 1, 2019 Golf is included with Parks & Recreation. General 41% Sewer 14%Water 10% Street 7%Stormwater 3% Building 3% Other 22% Requirements by Fund 2023‐25 $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 2015‐16 2016‐17 2017‐18 2018‐19 2019‐20 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 63.1 61.8 68.4 71.8 74.3 75.9 77.7 80.0 88.0 92.8 Total  Budgeted Operating Expenditures by City ServiceBuilding Stormwater Other Planning Streets Library Sewer Water Parks & Rec Fire Police In  Mi l l i o n s Financial Trends - Requirements i-12 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 FINANCIAL TRENDS - BONDED DEBT The columns in the above graph show the City's total general obligation (G.O.) debt. ORS 287A.050 sets a legal limit on G.O. bonded indebtedness at 3% of the total real market value in the city. The City's G.O. bonded indebtedness has stayed less than 1%, well below this limit.  In the last several years, the City has issued debt to fund large public infrastructure improvement and replacement projects such as the Lake Oswego Interceptor Sewer ($110 million), and the Lake Oswego Tigard Water Partnership ($96 million). A City Council adopted policy is for total outstanding indebtedness not to exceed $250 million, not including voter approved general obligation bonds. There are new Parks bonds included beginning in fiscal year 2022‐23. $0 $50,000,000 $100,000,000 $150,000,000 $200,000,000 $250,000,000 $300,000,000 $350,000,000 $400,000,000 $450,000,000 $500,000,000 20 0 5 ‐06 20 0 6 ‐07 20 0 7 ‐08 20 0 8 ‐09 20 0 9 ‐10 20 1 0 ‐11 20 1 1 ‐12 20 1 2 ‐13 20 1 3 ‐14 20 1 4 ‐15 20 1 5 ‐16 20 1 6 ‐17 20 1 7 ‐18 20 1 8 ‐19 20 1 9 ‐20 20 2 0 ‐21 20 2 1 ‐22 20 2 2 ‐23 20 2 3 ‐24 20 2 4 ‐25 General Obligation Bonded Indebtedness All GO bonds Series3 $0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 LO‐Tigard Water  Partnership Lake Oswego Interceptor Sewer Boones Ferry Road / East End In  Th o u s a n d s City‐wide Outstanding Debt Principal  Stormwater Parks Streets Sewer Water LORA Parks ‐ Projected Financial Trends - Bonded Debt i-13 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 PROPERTY TAXES Inside L.O.  School Dist. Outside L.O.  School Dist. Total Prior year's actual assessed value, 2022‐23 $8,770,153,501 $429,459,960 $9,199,613,461 Plus estimated increases in assessed value: General growth @ 3%263,104,605     12,883,799      275,988,404      Estimation for new construction 87,276,322        ‐ 87,276,322         Less urban renewal agency's estimated excess assessed value over its frozen tax base (641,822,575)    ‐ (641,822,575)     2023‐24 estimated assessed value $8,478,711,853 $442,343,759 $8,921,055,612 Tax rate: Permanent tax rate authority (5.0353 / 4.5884)Gross levy Net Levy Proposed tax rate levied 4.9703               4.5884             @ 100%@ 94% 2023‐24 permanent taxes levied $42,141,742 $2,029,650 $44,171,392 41,521,000$   2023‐24 bonded debt tax rate and bonded debt levy 0.2201             $1,963,830 1,846,000       Total net levy (estimated current property taxes to be collected, excluding delinquencies)  43,367,000$   Inside L.O.  School Dist. Outside L.O.  School Dist. Total Prior year's estimated assessed value, 2023‐24 $9,120,534,428 $442,343,759 $9,562,878,187 Plus projected increases in assessed value: General growth @ 3%273,616,033     13,270,313      286,886,346      Projection for new construction 90,767,375        ‐ 90,767,375         Less urban renewal agency's projected excess assessed value over its frozen tax base (673,585,782)    ‐ (673,585,782)     2024‐25 projected assessed value $8,811,332,054 $455,614,072 $9,266,946,126 Tax rate: Permanent tax rate authority (5.0353 / 4.5884)Gross levy Net Levy Projected tax rate levied 4.9703               4.5884             @ 100%@ 94% 2024‐25 permanent taxes levied $43,794,963 $2,090,540 $45,885,503 43,132,000$   2024‐25 bonded debt tax rate and bonded debt levy 0.2256             $2,090,426 1,965,000       Total net levy (projected current property taxes to be collected, excluding delinquencies)  45,097,000$   Property Taxes Proposed Fiscal Year 2023‐24 Calculation Property Taxes Proposed Fiscal Year 2024‐25 Calculation Property Taxes i-14 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 The purpose of the following summaries is to provide an over- view of the City’s resources and requirements for the current budget. Budget Summaries Adopted Budget 2023-25 Biennium Citywide Ending Fund Balances General Fund Summary General Revenue i-15 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Adopted Budget for the 2023-25 Biennium Budget Notes:     1) General Fund revenue reflects Internal Charges for Services from departments within the General Fund as well as those           charged to departments outside the General Fund.     2) Beginning July 1, 2019 Golf is included with Parks & Recreation, instead of being a stand‐alone fund.     3) The change in balance for Public Works reflect the land acquisition for the future Sewer plant and SDC contribution to the LORAC. *Major Funds 6,671,000  ‐  ‐  ‐  271,000  452,000  3,011,000   ‐  50,131,000  ‐  1,619,000  7,763,000  3,507,000  Total 139,239,898$ 317,747,000$ 456,986,898$ 100.0%123,954,000$ 97,703,000$  Total Other 31,246,748 55,580,000 86,826,748 19.0%12,256,000  Capital Reserve Water (6)3,001,441 2,070,000 5,071,441 1.1% ‐ ‐  Capital Reserve  (5)2,444,125 40,000 2,484,125 0.5% ‐  Library Endowments 4,918,443 240,000 5,158,443 1.1% ‐ ‐  ACC Endowment 2,404,810 130,000 2,534,810 0.6% ‐  Parks Recreation Center 144,520 23,536,000 23,680,520 5.2% ‐ ‐  Parks Bond  (4)9,426,781 150,000 9,576,781 2.1% ‐  Public Art 105,955 514,000 619,955 0.1% ‐ 408,000  Trolley 494,602 218,000 712,602 0.2% ‐  Tourism 80,250 548,000 628,250 0.1% ‐ 78,000  Tennis Facility 176,554 1,008,000 1,184,554 0.3%571,000  Bonded Debt Service 878,772 3,911,000 4,789,772 1.0%‐ ‐  Building 5,885,697 6,143,000 12,028,697 2.6%3,408,000  Engineering 1,284,798 9,952,000 11,236,798 2.5%8,277,000 2,451,000  City/LORA Debt Service  ‐ 7,120,000 7,120,000 1.6% ‐  OTHER Total Public Works (3)73,473,177 111,758,000 185,231,177 40.5%13,055,000  Bicycle Path 308,231 58,000 366,231 0.1%‐ ‐  Assessment Project 900,369 78,000 978,369 0.2%‐  Systems Development Charges (SDC)18,954,849 2,846,000 21,800,849 4.8%‐ ‐  Public Works Support Services 1,106,137 4,416,000 5,522,137 1.2%3,445,000  Sewer *24,946,332 38,477,000 63,423,332 13.9%1,927,000 22,257,000  Stormwater *3,863,521 10,512,000 14,375,521 3.1%1,023,000 4,172,000  Street *10,056,670 22,194,000 32,250,670 7.1%1,101,000  Water *13,337,068 33,177,000 46,514,068 10.2%5,559,000 14,320,000  34,519,973 150,409,000 184,928,973 40.5%98,643,000 40,901,000  249,708 3,096,000 3,345,708 ‐ 3,096,000  290,978 1,716,000 2,006,978 1,050,000 666,000  363,176 1,889,000 2,252,176 1,719,000 170,000  766,266 2,567,000 3,333,266 1,287,000 1,280,000  300,138 4,523,000 4,823,138 4,022,000 576,000  344,446 4,752,000 5,096,446 3,807,000 945,000  393,537 4,913,000 5,306,537 3,434,000 1,304,000  43,665 452,000 495,665 48,000 425,000  33,243 1,216,000 1,249,243 469,000 747,000  629,081 2,582,000 3,211,081 930,000 1,900,000  507,829 3,047,000 3,554,829 2,057,000 986,000  21,422,299$ 4,981,000$ 26,403,299$  $                      ‐ 1,375,000$  1,196,124 6,960,000 8,156,124 5,188,000 2,662,000  30,292,000 33,971,564 13,155,000 10,501,000  2,451,496 11,345,000 13,796,496 7,654,000  Total General PUBLIC WORKS 1,224,594 35,632,000 36,856,594  Finance City Manager's Office Facilities Management City Attorney's Office Human Resources Risk Management Planning Adult Community Center Municipal Court Redevelopment City Council Information Technology GENERAL  (1) General * (Dept 100 and 190) Police Fire Parks & Recreation  (2) Library 3,679,564  Proposed Budget for the 2023-25 Biennium RESOURCES Department Description Beginning  Balance Revenue Budget Total Percent of  Total Personnel  Services Materials &  Services 28,566,000 6,882,000  623,829 30,446,000 31,069,829 25,257,000 3,879,000  ++ i-16 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Adopted Budget for the 2023-25 Biennium Debt    Service Transfers $‐4,220,000$  ‐‐  ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐  ‐ ‐4,220,000 11,642,000 2,000,000 11,254,000 ‐ 1,593,000 ‐ 231,000 ‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ 24,720,000 2,000,000 7,120,000 ‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ 4,170,000 ‐ ‐‐ ‐352,000 ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐7,136,000 ‐‐ ‐150,000 ‐66,000 ‐1,800,000 ‐‐ 11,290,000 9,504,000 36,010,000$ 15,724,000$  4) A $30 million Park Bond went to the voters in May 2019 for park development and facilities. The first issue of $24 million was November 2019. The second issue will be at the end of fiscal year 2023. Funds will primarily be used for the LORAC. 5)Capital Reserve Fund includes a reserve for library capital and general equipment. 6)Capital Reserve Water Fund includes a reserve for capital related to the Water Treatment Plant and intake facilities. (10,525,000) 99,798,000$ 373,189,000$ 10,102,674$ 42,688,082$ 31,007,142$ 456,986,898$ (55,442,000)$  26,384,000 66,105,000 ‐1,831,505 18,890,243 86,826,748 (1,760,000)  ‐ ‐ ‐  ‐ 5,071,441 5,071,441 2,070,000  1,800,000  ‐  ‐ 684,125 2,484,125  (20,000)  ‐ 66,000  ‐  ‐ 5,092,443 5,158,443 174,000  ‐ 150,000  ‐  ‐ 2,384,810 2,534,810  (9,426,000)  23,680,000 23,680,000  ‐ 520 ‐23,680,520 (144,000)  2,440,000 9,576,000  ‐ 781 ‐9,576,781  (53,000)  144,000 552,000  ‐ ‐67,955 619,955 (38,000)  ‐ 271,000  ‐ 441,602 ‐712,602  (15,000)  ‐ 430,000  ‐ 198,250 ‐628,250 118,000  ‐ 1,023,000  ‐ 161,554 ‐1,184,554  (371,000)  ‐ 4,170,000  ‐ ‐619,772 4,789,772 (259,000)  95,000 6,514,000  ‐ 545,000 4,969,697 12,028,697  ‐  25,000 10,753,000  ‐ 483,798  ‐ 11,236,798 (801,000)  ‐ 7,120,000  ‐  ‐  ‐ 7,120,000  (41,308,000)63,160,000 153,066,000 ‐30,820,577 1,344,600 185,231,177 78,000   ‐ ‐ ‐  ‐ 366,231 366,231 58,000  ‐‐ ‐  ‐ 978,369 978,369  (693,000)  9,200,000 9,200,000  ‐ 12,600,849  ‐ 21,800,849 (6,354,000)  45,000 5,109,000  ‐ 413,137  ‐ 5,522,137  (4,693,000)  5,100,000 10,526,000  ‐ 3,849,521  ‐ 14,375,521 (14,000)  16,430,000 26,887,000  ‐ 5,363,670  ‐ 32,250,670  (9,729,000)  23,000,000 58,438,000  ‐ 4,985,332  ‐ 63,423,332 (19,961,000)  9,385,000 42,906,000  ‐ 3,608,068  ‐ 46,514,068  (3,609,000)10,254,000 154,018,000 10,102,674 10,036,000 10,772,299 184,928,973 ‐  ‐3,096,000 249,708  ‐  ‐ 3,345,708 ‐  ‐1,716,000 290,978  ‐  ‐ 2,006,978  ‐  ‐1,889,000 363,176  ‐  ‐ 2,252,176 ‐  ‐2,567,000 766,266  ‐  ‐ 3,333,266  ‐  ‐4,598,000 225,138  ‐  ‐ 4,823,138 (75,000)  ‐4,752,000 344,446  ‐  ‐ 5,096,446  (21,000)  175,000 4,913,000 393,537  ‐  ‐ 5,306,537 ‐  ‐473,000 22,665  ‐  ‐ 495,665  (248,000)  ‐1,216,000 33,243  ‐  ‐ 1,249,243 ‐  ‐2,830,000 381,081  ‐  ‐ 3,211,081  (890,000)  ‐3,043,000 511,829  ‐  ‐ 3,554,829 4,000  ‐7,850,000 306,124  ‐  ‐ 8,156,124  (2,873,000)  ‐11,161,000 2,635,496  ‐  ‐ 13,796,496 184,000  9,509,000 33,165,000 806,564  ‐  ‐ 33,971,564  (326,000)  60,000 29,196,000 1,873,829  ‐  ‐ 31,069,829 1,250,000  510,000 35,958,000 898,594  ‐  ‐ 36,856,594   $‐ 10,036,000$ 10,772,299$ 26,403,299$ (614,000)$  REQUIREMENTS Capital Outlay Expense    Budget Department  Contingency Contingency Ending Balance /  Reserve for Future Total Change in  Balances  $‐ 5,595,000$  ++= i-17 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Citywide Ending Fund Balances BN 2021‐23 BUDGET BN 2023‐25 ADOPTED BN23 to BN25  CHANGE General Fund Restricted or Non‐Spendable Tree Citation Reserve 357,889$         615,576$         257,687$                Commitments and Assignments 30% of Operations Requirement 17,857,831      20,198,299      2,340,468               Risk Management Contingency 600,000           610,000           10,000                    Department Balances 6,122,623        9,487,098        3,364,475               Total General Fund 24,938,343      30,910,973      5,972,630               Utility Funds, Engineering, Public Works 46,604,901      32,648,975      (13,955,926)           Park Bond Fund & Parks Rec Center Fund 4,624,766        1,301                (4,623,465)             ACC Endowment 2,007,585        2,384,810        377,225                  Library Endowments 4,482,637        5,092,443        609,806                  Building Fund 4,822,930        5,514,697        691,767                  Capital Reserve Fund General Capital Reserve 62,124              184,125           122,001                  Library Set Aside 500,000           500,000           ‐                               Parks Facility Set‐aside 1,800,000        ‐                         (1,800,000)             Capital Reserve Water Fund 3,000,000        5,071,441        2,071,441               Other Funds*1,592,256        1,489,133        (103,123)                 City Total 94,435,542$    83,797,898$    (10,637,644)$         *Other Funds include Bonded Debt, Tennis, Golf, Trolley, Tourism, and Public Art. ▪30% of Operations Requirement:  Per Financial Policy, the City reserves 14% of the annual General Fund operating budget in Contingency, and 16% of the annual operating budget in Ending Fund Balance. ▪Department Balances represent General Fund departments using or saving resources for one‐time items or for future capital or operational needs. ▪Available General Fund resources above policy minimum requirements were appropriated to Parks projects and the Street Fund. Notes i-18 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 General Fund Summary OVERVIEW Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐2023 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources: Beginning Fund Balances 31,036,692$        30,009,590$  28,485,454$     34,519,973$      34,519,973$     34,519,973$      Property Taxes 36,693,827          38,239,374    80,186,000       85,600,000         85,600,000        85,600,000         Franchise Fees 2,760,446            2,933,008       5,526,000         7,765,000           7,765,000          7,765,000           Intergovernmental 6,130,831            6,946,940       20,121,000       12,116,000         12,116,000        12,116,000         Licenses and Fees 1,745,371            1,925,121       4,217,000         4,365,000           4,365,000          4,365,000           Fines & Forfeitures 1,002,039            842,338          1,816,000         1,850,000           1,850,000          1,850,000           Sales & Services 5,269,004            5,660,641       10,441,000       13,562,000         13,562,000        13,562,000         Miscellaneous Revenues 1,441,242            1,738,577       690,000            987,000              987,000             987,000              Charges for Services 8,489,000            8,820,000       19,167,000       22,152,000         22,152,000        22,152,000         Transfers 26,988                 627,399          240,000            2,016,000           2,016,000          2,016,000           Other Financing Sources 45,387                 7,900              ‐                         ‐                           ‐                          ‐                           Total Resources 94,640,827$       97,750,888$  170,889,454$  184,932,973$    184,932,973$   184,932,973$    Requirements: Personnel Services 39,019,899$        40,358,964$  88,818,000$     98,643,000$      98,643,000$     98,643,000$      Materials & Services 16,328,958          16,697,974    38,041,000       40,901,000         40,901,000        40,901,000         Debt Service 44,065                 26,894            58,000              ‐                           ‐                          ‐                           Transfers to Other Funds 8,200,350            5,690,000       17,285,000       4,220,000           4,220,000          4,220,000           Capital Outlay 1,037,965            2,024,311       2,177,000         10,254,000         10,254,000        10,254,000         Contingency ‐                            ‐                       15,012,623       20,138,674         20,138,674        20,138,674         Unappropriated End Balance 30,009,590          32,952,745    9,497,831         10,776,299         10,776,299        10,776,299         Total Requirements 94,640,827$       97,750,888$  170,889,454$  184,932,973$    184,932,973$   184,932,973$    Highlights ▪Beginning Balances include the General Fund reserves and department balances. ▪Contingency includes the minimum 14% policy requirement, the departments' operating contingencies, an amount for   risk management, and amounts restricted for tree citations and small unspent grant monies. The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City and is used to account for most financial activity that is not accounted for in other, more specialized, funds. This fund’s primary source of revenue is property taxes. It also receives certain intergovernmental revenues like lodging taxes, state cigarette and liquor taxes, franchise fees, sales and services for fire contracts  and parks  and recreation activities, as well as reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of the City’s urban renewal agency. General Fund reserves, one gauge of a city’s longer‐term financial health, include a risk management contingency, general operating contingency, and unappropriated ending fund balance. Lake Oswego’s General Fund accounts for general government services such as police, fire, parks and recreation, planning, and  library. Additionally, it includes the city administrative functions such as finance, human resources, city management, legal services informational technology, and facilities management. Biennial Budgets i-19 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 General RevenueGeneral Revenue Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐2023 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Beginning Balance 17,925,495$         21,732,920$   19,242,831$      21,422,299$   21,422,299$   21,422,299$    Property Taxes 36,191,951           74,933,199     80,186,000        85,600,000     85,600,000     85,600,000      Franchise Fees 2,811,460              5,693,455       5,526,000          7,765,000       7,765,000       7,765,000        Intergovernmental 1,225,215              2,793,336       11,296,000        2,969,000       2,969,000       2,969,000        Licenses & Fees 1,071,110              1,306,060       1,775,000          1,915,000       1,915,000       1,915,000        Miscellaneous Revenues 1,762,689              2,191,779       350,000             650,000           650,000           650,000            General Revenue (35,895,000)          (75,344,000)    81,233,000        (93,918,000)    (93,918,000)    (93,918,000)     Charges for Services 200,000 (3,400)              ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐  Total Resources 25,292,920$         33,303,349$   199,608,831$   26,403,299$   26,403,299$   26,403,299$    ▪Property Taxes are based upon assessed value information from the counties and expected growth. ▪Intergovernmental revenue includes State Revenue Sharing (liquor and cigarette taxes). ▪General Revenue category above is a negative due to general revenue allocated out to various General Fund departments: Proposed       2023‐25 Approved  2023‐25 Police 31,092,000$    Fire 25,326,000 Parks & Recreation 22,505,000 Planning 5,398,000 Library 3,818,000 ACC  2,383,000 Municipal Court 1,282,000 City Manager's Office 804,000 Redevelopment 608,000 City Council 452,000 Risk Management 250,000 Total $   93,918,000 $   93,918000 $   93,918,000 Budget Notes Biennial Budgets $   31,092,000 25,326,000 22,505,000 5,398,000 3,818,000 2,383,000 1,282,000 804,000 608,000 452,000 250,000 $   31,092,000 25,326,000 22,505,000 5,398,000 3,818,000 2,383,000 1,282,000 804,000 608,000 452,000 250,000 Adopted 2023‐25 i-20 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Department and Program Budgets These are departments in the General Fund that provide a direct service to Lake Oswego citizens and customers. They generate some of their own revenue as well as receive a portion of general revenues, such as property taxes, to fund their operations. General Fund (Direct) Police Fire Parks & Recreation Library Planning Adult Community Center Municipal Court Redevelopment City Council 1 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Police Annual Budgets 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 1,064,480$             1,170,832$      807,384$        1,224,594$     1,224,594$     1,224,594$      Department Revenues 2,225,068               4,101,633        3,840,000       4,540,000       4,540,000       4,540,000        General Revenues 11,714,000             25,238,000      28,589,000     31,092,000     31,092,000     31,092,000      Proceeds Sale of Capital Assets 5,162                       27,946              ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Resources 15,008,710$           30,538,411$    33,236,384$   36,856,594$   36,856,594$   36,856,594$    Requirements Personnel Services 10,716,672$           23,548,985$    26,070,000$   28,566,000$   28,566,000$   28,566,000$    Materials & Services 941,920                  1,961,688        2,156,000       2,635,000       2,635,000       2,635,000        Internal Fees for Services 1,784,000               3,531,000        3,717,000       4,247,000       4,247,000       4,247,000        Capital Outlay 213,286                  368,007           340,000           510,000           510,000           510,000            Department Contingency ‐                                ‐                         953,384           898,594           898,594           898,594            Total Requirements 13,655,878$           29,409,680$    33,236,384$   36,856,594$   36,856,594$   36,856,594$    FTE 68.5 68.5 74.0 74.0 74.0 74.0 2019‐20 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 EST Total Incident Calls *23,079 20,844 23,045 26,400 Part I Crimes 611 686 771 714 Part II Crimes 1,293 1,360 1,628 1,636 911 Calls Answered 21,199 27,888 22,697 23,200 Non‐Emergency Calls 89,533 77,030 64,822 90,042 *Refinements in data analyzing within records management system allowed for updated crime stats to be pulled ▪Major Department Revenue includes contracts for dispatch services at approximately $1,300,000,  State 911 reimbursement approximately $360,000, and citation revenue split with Municipal  Court approximately $400,000. ▪Internal fees for service is the department's cost share for administrative support services. ▪Increase in Materials and Services is due to servicing police and dispatch equipment to  a heightened level as needed with the new police facility within City Hall. ▪Capital Outlay is for police vehicle replacements. ▪Department Contingency includes personnel cost offsetting prior year due to planned increase  in hiring and training efforts. The remaining balance will be committed to "soft costs" associated with maintaining, repairing, and replacing police and dispatch equipment. Biennial Budgets Key Performance Indicators Budget Notes 2 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Parks & Recreation Annual Budgets 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 1,282,211$             819,858$        1,766,521$     3,679,564$     3,679,564$     3,679,564$      Department Revenues 1,315,479               4,524,291       3,384,000       5,957,000       5,957,000       5,957,000        General Revenues 7,798,000               16,424,000     16,000,000     22,505,000     22,505,000     22,505,000      Internal Charges for Services 84,000                     101,000           104,000           30,000             30,000             30,000              Proceeds Sale of Capital Assets 1,311,606               23,171             ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Resources 11,791,296$           21,892,320$   21,254,521$   33,971,564$   33,971,564$   33,971,564$    Requirements Personnel Services 3,769,125$             8,737,415$     10,079,000$   13,155,000$   13,155,000$   13,155,000$    Materials & Services 2,702,618               5,802,499       6,449,000       7,562,000       7,562,000       7,562,000        Internal Fees for Services 1,113,000               2,160,000       2,537,000       2,939,000       2,939,000       2,939,000        Debt Service 44,065                     70,959             58,000             ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Transfers 228,467                  ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Capital Outlay 3,114,163               1,957,666       883,000           9,509,000       9,509,000       9,509,000        Department Contingency ‐                                ‐                        1,248,521       806,564           806,564           806,564            Total Requirements 10,971,438$           18,728,539$   21,254,521$   33,971,564$   33,971,564$   33,971,564$    FTE 38.1 42.4 44.4 44.8 66.3 66.3 Prior to fiscal year 2018‐19, Golf was accounted for in its own fund. The 2019‐21 figures includes Golf (see separate golf budget page for history). 2019‐20 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 EST Number of participants in recreation  activities, programs, and events 233,001 207,497 216,270 220,000 Adult recreation program cost recovery 89%76% 79.0%82% ▪Department revenue includes recreation program fees and usage fees. ▪Charges for services are for services provided to the tennis facility. ▪Materials & Services include continuation of the Invasive Species Removal Program $70,000; the Habitat Enhancement program $250,000; classes and parks maintenance supplies; and costs for the concert series.  Other programs include parks and open space maintenance, Swim Park, Teen Center, and other recreation programming. ▪Internal fees for service is the department's cost share for administrative support services.   Adopted 2023‐25 ▪Includes Recreation and Aquactics Center and golf course opening FY24‐25. ▪Expenditures include $400K for Parks Plan 2040 project. ▪FTE and personnel cost increases are due to the addition of  21.9 FTE in conjunction with the opening of the Lake Oswego  Recreation and Aquatics Center. ▪Capital outlay includes general fund portion of the LORAC and Rassekh Park development. Key Performance Indicators Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 3 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Fire Annual Budgets 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 1,735,221$             1,501,105$       1,229,816$     623,829$        623,829$        623,829$         Department Revenues 2,445,502               5,517,091          4,778,000       5,120,000       5,120,000       5,120,000        General Revenues 10,154,000             20,767,000       21,888,000     25,326,000     25,326,000     25,326,000      Proceeds Sale of Capital Assets 19,455                     5,570                 ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Resources 14,354,178$           27,790,766$     27,895,816$   31,069,829$   31,069,829$   31,069,829$    Requirements Personnel Services 10,915,270$           22,537,896$     22,931,000$   25,257,000$   25,257,000$   25,257,000$    Materials & Services 1,165,793               2,361,063          1,957,000       1,936,000       1,936,000       1,936,000        Internal Fees for Services 726,000                  1,616,000          1,845,000       1,943,000       1,943,000       1,943,000        Capital Outlay 46,010                     82,707               750,000           60,000             60,000             60,000              Department Contingency ‐                                ‐                          412,816           1,873,829       1,873,829       1,873,829        Total Requirements 12,853,073$           26,597,666$     27,895,816$   31,069,829$   31,069,829$   31,069,829$    FTE 52.0 52.0 52.0 52.0 52.0 52.0 2019‐20 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 EST Fire Responses 124 125 123 118 Medical Responses 2,689                       2,765 3,114 3,412 Other Incident Responses 1,579                       1,756 1,412 1,622 Percent of priority medical incidents  where total response time is 8  minutes or less 93.62% 93.45% 94.62%92% ▪Department revenue includes fire district contracts for Lake Grove, Riverdale, and Alto Park.   ▪Internal fees for service is the department's cost share for administrative support services. Adopted 2023‐25 ▪Materials and Services: $77,000 is reserved for the Mobile Emergency  Responder Radio Coverage (MERRC) Program. ▪Capital Outlay is for a vehicle replacement. ▪Contingency is set aside for future engine purchase in BN25‐27. Biennial Budgets Key Performance Indicators Budget Notes 4 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Library Annual Budgets 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 1,399,341$              1,616,014$      1,631,469$     2,451,496$     2,451,496$     2,451,496$       Department Revenues 3,174,793                 6,640,327        6,770,000        7,461,000       7,461,000       7,461,000         General Revenues 1,560,000                 3,279,000        3,509,000        3,818,000       3,818,000       3,818,000         Transfers 26,658                      54,387              60,000             66,000             66,000             66,000               Total Resources 6,160,792$              11,589,728$    11,970,469$   13,796,496$   13,796,496$   13,796,496$     Requirements Personnel Services 2,891,495$              6,111,030$      7,117,000$     7,654,000$     7,654,000$     7,654,000$       Materials & Services 914,874                    1,704,693        2,579,000        1,970,000       1,970,000       1,970,000         Internal Fees for Services 586,000                    1,286,000        1,578,000        1,537,000       1,537,000       1,537,000         Capital Outlay 152,409                    53,896              ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                          Department Contingency ‐                                 ‐                         696,469           2,635,496       2,635,496       2,635,496         Total Requirements 4,544,778$              9,160,969$      11,970,469$   13,796,496$   13,796,496$   13,796,496$     FTE 33.7 33.7 33.7 33.7 33.7 33.7 2019‐20 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 EST Registered Borrowers 24,237 25,558 25,547 26,000 Total Circulation 724,552 564,285 780,227 796,000 Total Holds Filled 126,802 219,804 162,720 142,000 Total Library Materials 33,235 17,128 33,139 30,000 Total Library Program Attendance 18,129 25,558 16,485 25,000 NOTE:  COVID pandemic disrupted services in 2020 and 2021 ▪Internal fees for service is the department's cost share for administrative support services.  Adopted 2023‐25 ▪Department Revenues includes the levy from the County Library District of about $7.4 million, replacement fees, and donations. ▪Contingency funds may be dedicated to building maintenance and capital improvements as needed.  Key Performance Indicators Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 5 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Planning Annual Budgets 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 2,041,480$              1,418,529$     1,124,804$     1,196,124$     1,196,124$     1,196,124$      Department Revenues 652,977                   1,406,921       1,326,000       1,562,000       1,562,000       1,562,000        General Revenues 2,699,000                5,398,000       5,398,000       5,398,000       5,398,000       5,398,000        Total Resources 5,393,457$             8,223,450$    7,848,804$    8,156,124$    8,156,124$    8,156,124$     Requirements Personnel Services 1,795,422$              3,953,829$     4,792,000$     5,188,000$     5,188,000$     5,188,000$      Materials & Services 263,506                   970,823          1,100,000       894,000          894,000          894,000           Internal Fees for Services 916,000                   1,957,000       1,651,000       1,768,000       1,768,000       1,768,000        Capital Outlay ‐                                ‐                       36,000            ‐                       ‐                       ‐                        Department Contingency ‐                                ‐                       269,804          306,124          306,124          306,124           Total Requirements 2,974,928$             6,881,652$    7,848,804$    8,156,124$    8,156,124$    8,156,124$     FTE 14.5 14.5 15.5 15.7 15.7 15.7 2019‐20 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 EST Land Use Applications Reviewed 53 45 79 61 Administrative Land Use Decisions  within 4‐6 week cycle 80%85%88%90% All Tree Removal Permits 1,808 1,806 2,205 1,547  ‐Type 2 Tree Apps 344 303 348 213 Annexations (Applications/Acres)10/7.05 9/8.58 11/9.13 14/14.89 Pre‐Applications 70 83 115 84 ▪Internal fees for service is the department's cost share for administrative support services.   Adopted 2023‐25 ▪Materials & Services includes consultants on HB 2003, and Urban Community Forestry Plan Update. ▪Contingency reserve is for future downturn in development. ▪FTE change is due to the reallocation of the community development director (‐0.2) to Building and  administrative support (0.4) from Building. Key Performance Indicators Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 6 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Adult Community Center Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 208,784$                184,446$        232,487$        507,829$         507,829$          507,829$         Department Revenues 388,064                  708,383           507,000           514,000           514,000            514,000            General Revenues 977,000                  2,054,000       2,191,000       2,383,000        2,383,000         2,383,000        Transfers ‐                                600,000           180,000           150,000           150,000            150,000            Total Resources 1,573,848$             3,546,829$     3,110,487$     3,554,829$      3,554,829$       3,554,829$      Requirements Personnel Services 828,210$                1,753,344$     1,932,000$     2,057,000$      2,057,000$       2,057,000$      Materials & Services 365,192                  459,600           526,000           526,000           526,000            526,000            Internal Fees for Services 196,000                  350,000           372,000           460,000           460,000            460,000            Capital Outlay ‐                                600,000           ‐                        ‐                         ‐                         ‐                         Department Contingency ‐                                ‐                        280,487           511,829           511,829            511,829            Total Requirements 1,389,402$             3,162,944$     3,110,487$     3,554,829$      3,554,829$       3,554,829$      FTE 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.3 8.3 8.3 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 EST Meals Served and Delivered 15,000 15,451 17,000 ▪Department revenue includes meals, network fees, program fees, donations, and County grants. ▪Transfers are from the ACC Endowment Fund for allowed uses for center expenditures including program  support and/or improvements. ▪Internal fees for service is the department's cost share for administrative support services.   Adopted 2023‐25 ▪FTE changed due to the removal of a temporary clerical position (‐0.1), temporary driver (‐0.1),  temporary kitchen aid (‐0.1), and temporary assistant utility worker (‐0.2) while the part time head cook increased (0.2). Key Performance Indicators Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 7 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Municipal Court Annual Budgets 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 327,173$                479,481$        487,369$        629,081$        629,081$        629,081$         Department Revenues 793,248                  1,237,426       1,262,000       1,300,000       1,300,000       1,300,000        General Revenues 527,000                  1,107,000       1,179,000       1,282,000       1,282,000       1,282,000        Total Resources 1,647,421$             2,823,907$     2,928,369$     3,211,081$     3,211,081$     3,211,081$      Requirements Personnel Services 369,711$                775,649$        881,000$        930,000$        930,000$        930,000$         Materials & Services 344,229                  533,847           570,000           670,000           670,000           670,000            Internal Fees for Services 454,000                  942,000           1,032,000       1,230,000       1,230,000       1,230,000        Department Contingency ‐                                ‐                        445,369           381,081           381,081           381,081            Total Requirements 1,167,940$             2,251,496$     2,928,369$     3,211,081$     3,211,081$     3,211,081$      FTE 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 ▪Municipal Court fines revenue are divided 60/40 with the police department. ▪Materials & Service is mostly comprised of fees and taxes paid to the Court, County, and State. ▪Internal fees for service is the department's cost share for administrative support services.   ▪Contingency includes future equipment/furniture needs for the court office. Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 8 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Redevelopment Annual Budgets 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 23,372$                  23,141$           61,691$             33,243$           33,243$           33,243$            Department Revenues 674,000                  1,204,260       1,219,000          608,000           608,000           608,000            General Revenues ‐                                ‐                        ‐                          608,000           608,000           608,000            Total Resources 697,372$                1,227,401$     1,280,691$       1,249,243$     1,249,243$     1,249,243$      Requirements Personnel Services 146,287$                381,420$        418,000$           469,000$        469,000$        469,000$         Materials & Services 2,944                       6,109               12,000               22,000             22,000             22,000              Internal Fees for Services 525,000                  765,000           830,000             725,000           725,000           725,000            Department Contingency ‐                                ‐                        20,691               33,243             33,243             33,243              Total Requirements 674,231$                1,152,529$     1,280,691$       1,249,243$     1,249,243$     1,249,243$      FTE 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 ▪Department revenue is the reimbursement from the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency (LORA) to cover expenditures of this department including internal fees for service. ▪General Revenues are to replace funds from the LORA East End District since it is nearing its maximum indebtedness. ▪Internal fees for service is for the department's cost share for administrative support services.   Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 9 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 City Council Annual Budgets 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 51,553$                  22,188$           31,460$           43,665$           43,665$           43,665$            Department Revenues 16                             ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         General Revenues 138,000                  261,000           399,000           452,000           452,000           452,000            Total Resources 189,569$                283,188$        430,460$        495,665$        495,665$        495,665$         Requirements Personnel Services 18,635$                  41,415$           48,000$           48,000$           48,000$           48,000$            Materials & Services 148,746                  217,592           343,000           425,000           425,000           425,000            Department Contingency ‐                                ‐                        39,460             22,665             22,665             22,665              Total Requirements 167,381$                259,007$        430,460$        495,665$        495,665$        495,665$         ▪Major expenses in City Council materials & services include various memberships thoughout the region, state, and nation. The largest expense is the $160,000 in municipal grants for the biennium. ▪Materials & Services also includes the Chamber Foundation Village Flower Baskets program, and Council administrative expenses. ▪The community survey is typically conducted every other year at a cost of $20,000. ▪The City Council Goals can be found on the their respective webpage. Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 10 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Public Works Sewer Water Street Stormwater Systems Development Charges Assessment Project Bicycle Path Department and Program Budgets 11 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Sewer Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 20,774,535$           21,162,217$   17,216,773$   24,946,332$   24,946,332$   24,946,332$    Department Revenues 15,295,621             31,353,147     33,282,000     38,477,000     38,477,000     38,477,000      Proceeds from Bond Sale ‐                                25,492,360     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Proceeds Sale of Capital Assets ‐                                59,387             ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Resources 36,070,156$           78,067,111$   50,498,773$   63,423,332$   63,423,332$   63,423,332$    Requirements Personnel Services 725,592$                1,550,695$     1,786,000$     1,927,000$     1,927,000$     1,927,000$      Materials & Services 3,895,709               11,279,024     11,970,000     17,974,000     17,974,000     17,974,000      Internal Fees for Svcs 1,288,000               2,959,000       3,462,000       4,283,000       4,283,000       4,283,000        Debt Service 5,944,937               36,768,377     11,251,000     11,254,000     11,254,000     11,254,000      Capital Outlay 3,053,701               4,496,969       7,780,000       23,000,000     23,000,000     23,000,000      Contingency ‐                                ‐                        14,249,773     4,985,332       4,985,332       4,985,332        Unappropriated Ending Balance 21,162,217             21,013,046     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Requirements 36,070,156$           78,067,111$   50,498,773$   63,423,332$   63,423,332$   63,423,332$    FTE 7.2 7.2 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 ▪Department revenue includes sewer fee revenue, utility penalties, SDC and line charges from the City of Portland, investment income, and zone of benefit fees.                  Adopted 2023‐25 ▪Materials & Services includes root cutting, line cleaning and Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) program contracts, condition assessment,  inflow/infiltration program analysis, utility rate anlaysis, and remittance to the City of Portland and Clean Water Servives for sewer  treatment.  This also includes funding for purchase of properties associated with development of a new wastewater treatment plant. ▪Capital Outlay includes annual system wide rehabilitation, finishing Blue Heron Canal sewer rehabiltation, Lake Oswego Interceptor  Sewer (LOIS) manhole and repairs and upgrades, Blue Heron 2  (T‐BH‐1), and part of Foothills Road Interceptor (T‐L1‐1) in  conjunction with the new wastewater treatement facility construction. ▪FTE modified within the Sewer department by moving utility billing clerks to Finance (‐0.8) and adding from Water (0.7) and Stormwater (0.1) to a utility worker, which results in no net change. ▪The cost to build the new wastewater treatment plant is estimated at around $185 million with Lake Oswego’s share being  approximately 70%.  This cost does not include the cost of financing, O&M for 30‐years, land acquisition, or demolition  and remediating the existing plant.  Currently, the preliminary total estimated cost for all of those items is about $428 million.   The costs and share on these items is actively being negotiated with Portland and will be fully developed in early 2024, when a  final decision is anticipated to be made by both Lake Oswego and Portland. Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 12 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Water Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 13,448,048$           15,001,195$    12,579,485$      13,337,068$    13,337,068$    13,337,068$     Department Revenues 16,410,268             32,107,279       32,563,000        33,177,000       33,177,000       33,177,000       Transfer from LO‐Tigard Fund ‐                                ‐                         2,000,000          ‐                         ‐                         ‐                          Proceeds from Bond Sale ‐                                ‐                         60,000,000        ‐                         ‐                         ‐                          Proceeds Sale of Capital Assets ‐                                2,000                 ‐                           ‐                         ‐                         ‐                          Total Resources 29,858,316$           47,110,474$    107,142,485$    46,514,068$    46,514,068$    46,514,068$     Requirements Personnel Services 2,341,706$             5,201,225$       5,972,000$        5,559,000$       5,559,000$       5,559,000$       Materials & Services 3,394,611               7,652,482         12,452,000        9,931,000         9,931,000         9,931,000         Internal Fees for Svcs 1,511,000               3,334,000         3,543,000          4,389,000         4,389,000         4,389,000         Debt Service 6,424,742               11,645,500       70,470,000        11,642,000       11,642,000       11,642,000       Transfers ‐                                ‐                         3,000,000          2,000,000         2,000,000         2,000,000         Capital Outlay 1,185,062               3,809,109         6,440,000          9,385,000         9,385,000         9,385,000         Contingency ‐                                ‐                         5,265,485          3,608,068         3,608,068         3,608,068         Unappropriated Ending Balance 15,001,195             15,468,158       ‐                           ‐                         ‐                         ‐                          Total Requirements 29,858,316$           47,110,474$    107,142,485$    46,514,068$    46,514,068$    46,514,068$     FTE 19.9 19.9 21.2 19.3 19.3 19.3 2019‐2020 2020‐2021 2021‐22 2022‐23 EST Gallons of Drinking Water Produced 3.62 billion 4.13 billion 3.96 billion 4.0 billion (est) Percent of Water Quality Standards  met or exceeded 100%100%100%100% ▪Department revenue includes consumer water sales, bulk water sales, utility penalties, meter installations,  investment income, work order charges, sundry income, and Tigard's share of water production costs (starting in FY2017). ▪Internal Fees for Service covers general administrative services, insurance, engineering services, operations support services, and electrician services and maintenance services by Motor Pool. Adopted 2023‐25 ▪Materials and Services include Annual Consumer Confidence Report, contract for membership, professional design services,    water management and conservation plan updates, Regional Water Providers dues, Clackamas Water Providers dues,  miscellaneous fees and permits, and utility rate analysis. Also includes finishing the purchase and installation of Advance Metering  Infrastructure (AMI) meter preplacement project materials and installation costs. ▪Capital Outlay includes a new loader for maintenance, new back‐up power generator at the Water Treatment Plant, upgrades to the McVey and Touchstone pump stations, water quality monitoring equipment installations, and mainline replacement projects. ▪FTE changed due to moving utility billing specialists to Finance (‐1.2) and moving a utility worker to Sewer (‐0.7). Biennial Budgets Key Performance Indicators Budget Notes 13 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Street Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 8,567,239$             2,119,641$        6,647,088$     10,056,670$   10,056,670$   10,056,670$    Department Revenues 6,099,333               13,340,026        13,103,000     18,194,000     18,194,000     18,194,000      Transfer from General Fund 3,160,000               6,000,000          12,875,000     4,000,000       4,000,000       4,000,000        Proceeds from Bond Sale ‐                                12,523,141        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Proceeds Sale of Capital Assets ‐                                24,650                ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Resources 17,826,572$           34,007,458$      32,625,088$   32,250,670$   32,250,670$   32,250,670$    Requirements Personnel Services 490,645$                1,026,936$        1,125,000$     1,101,000$     1,101,000$     1,101,000$      Materials & Services 1,610,905               3,465,313          4,006,000       3,712,000       3,712,000       3,712,000        Internal Fees for Services 1,577,000               3,302,000          3,610,000       4,051,000       4,051,000       4,051,000        Debt Service ‐                                1,254,178          1,594,000       1,593,000       1,593,000       1,593,000        Capital Outlay 12,028,381             17,291,322        16,585,000     16,430,000     16,430,000     16,430,000      Contingency ‐                                ‐                           5,705,088       5,363,670       5,363,670       5,363,670        Unappropriated Ending Balance 2,119,641               7,667,709          ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Requirements 17,826,572$           34,007,458$      32,625,088$   32,250,670$   32,250,670$   32,250,670$    FTE 4.0 4.0 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 2019‐20 2022‐23 Pavement Condition Index ‐ every 3  years 69 75 ▪Department revenue includes the street maintenance fee, motor vehicle fees and gas tax from State Revenue Sharing, investment income, insurance reimbursement, and sundry income.     ▪Internal Fees for Service covers general administrative services, insurance, engineering services, Public Works support services, electrician services, and maintenance services by Motor Pool. Adopted 2023‐25 ▪Materials & Services includes sidewalk repairs, proactive right‐of‐way tree maintenance, and removal of invasive species  in the right‐of‐way. ▪Capital Outlay includes new 5‐Yard dump truck and backhoe.  Capital projects include A Ave/5th St pedestrian signal upgrades,  ADA sidewalk ramp retrofit/replacement, Lakeview Blvd roadway improvements, Stafford/Overlook sidewalk gap project,  Stafford/Bergis pedestrian signal installation and enhancements,  school zone flasher upgrades, and City share for All Roads Transportation Safety (ARTS) Grant funded improvements for signal upgrades throughout the city. It also includes pathway projects on Douglas Way, Lanewood, Hallinan, and Boca Ratan; as well as starting the next set of school‐related pedestrian  route improvements.  Roadway improvements will include spot repair and patching throughout the city.   ▪Personnel charges decreased due to reallocation of an electrician (‐0.5) to Public Works Electrical Division. Key Performance Indicators Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 14 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Stormwater Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 1,961,392$             1,529,939$      1,889,684$     3,863,521$     3,863,521$       3,863,521$      Department Revenues 3,597,069               7,993,078        9,118,000       10,512,000     10,512,000       10,512,000      Proceeds Sale of Capital Assets ‐                                9,667                ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         ‐                         Total Resources 5,558,461$             9,532,684$      11,577,684$   14,375,521$   14,375,521$    14,375,521$    Requirements Personnel Services 403,360$                884,037$         941,000$        1,023,000$     1,023,000$       1,023,000$      Materials & Services 361,024                  619,526           871,000           1,169,000       1,169,000         1,169,000         Internal Fees for Services 1,333,000               2,622,000        2,659,000       3,003,000       3,003,000         3,003,000         Debt Service 224,087                  452,250           454,000           231,000           231,000            231,000            Capital Outlay 1,707,051               2,846,090        3,105,000       5,100,000       5,100,000         5,100,000         Contingency ‐                                ‐                         3,547,684       3,849,521       3,849,521         3,849,521         Unappropriated Ending Balance 1,529,939               2,108,781        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         ‐                         Total Requirements 5,558,461$             9,532,684$      11,577,684$   14,375,521$   14,375,521$    14,375,521$    FTE 3.9 3.9 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 ▪ ▪Internal Fees for Service covers general administrative services, insurance, engineering services, operations support services, services, electrician services and maintenance services by Motor Pool. Adopted 2023‐25 ▪Materials and Services includes services needed to meet the State of Oregon's MS4 permit requirements and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) requirements, and other state and federal regulatory responsibilities. Includes the starting phase for a new stormwater  master plan. ▪Capital Outlay includes Daniel Way Stream Stabilization, 5th/Lake Bay improvements, Lakeview Blvd storm conveyance system, under  ground injection control (UIC) system upgrades, Redfern Ave drainage, and other minor stormwater improvements. ▪FTE decreased due to redistribution of utility worker (‐0.1) to sewer. Biennial Budgets Budget Notes Department revenue includes the stormwater water fee, utility penalties, and investment income.   15 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 System Development Charges Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance Parks & Recreation 6,535,179$             6,403,529$      5,647,140$     7,767,733$     7,767,733$     7,767,733$      Street 2,341,967               1,434,867        1,690,553       2,488,353       2,488,353       2,488,353        Water 1,924,029               2,539,020        3,369,871       4,225,383       4,225,383       4,225,383        Sewer 2,908,404               3,314,328        3,900,640       4,426,921       4,426,921       4,426,921        Stormwater 137                          8,150                17,762             46,459             46,459             46,459              Total Beginning Balances 13,709,716             13,699,894      14,625,966     18,954,849     18,954,849     18,954,849      Department Revenues Parks & Recreation 742,879                  2,372,042        1,298,000       950,000           950,000           950,000            Street 623,252                  884,176           1,002,000       1,006,000       1,006,000       1,006,000        Water 614,991                  879,317           584,000           602,000           602,000           602,000            Sewer 405,923                  554,544           297,000           276,000           276,000           276,000            Stormwater 8,012                       8,409                11,000             12,000             12,000             12,000              Total Department Revenues 2,395,057               4,698,488        3,192,000       2,846,000       2,846,000       2,846,000        Total Resources 16,104,773$           18,398,382$    17,817,966$   21,800,849$   21,800,849$   21,800,849$    Requirements Materials and Services Parks ‐ Prof & Tech Svcs 10,889$                  26,357$           ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                       Total Materials and Services 10,889                     26,357              ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Capital Outlay Parks Projects 863,641                  3,225,944        750,000 7,700,000       7,700,000       7,700,000        Street Projects 1,530,352               836,121           1,098,000       1,500,000       1,500,000       1,500,000        Total Capital Outlay 2,393,993               4,062,065        1,848,000       9,200,000       9,200,000       9,200,000        Contingency Parks & Recreation ‐                                ‐                         6,195,140 1,017,733 1,017,733 1,017,733 Street ‐                                ‐                         1,594,553 1,994,353 1,994,353 1,994,353 Water ‐                                ‐                         3,953,871 4,827,383 4,827,383 4,827,383 Sewer ‐                                ‐                         4,197,640 4,702,921 4,702,921 4,702,921 Stormwater ‐                                ‐                         28,762 58,459 58,459 58,459 Total Contingency ‐                                ‐                         15,969,966     12,600,849     12,600,849     12,600,849      Unappropriated Ending Balance Parks & Recreation 6,403,528               5,523,270        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Street 1,434,867               1,482,922        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Water 2,539,020               3,418,337        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Sewer 3,314,327               3,868,872        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Stormwater 8,149                       16,559              ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Unappropriated End Balance 13,699,891             14,309,960      ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Requirements 16,104,773$           18,398,382$    17,817,966$   21,800,849$   21,800,849$   21,800,849$    The significant reduction in Street SDC income is because of changes in approved rates. Adopted 2023‐25 ▪Capital Outlay is for the LORAC Project for $7.7 million; the Jean & Pilkington intersection improvement totaling $1.5 million. Biennial Budgets Budget Notes 16 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Assessment Project Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 506,832$                740,985$        856,590$      900,369$      900,369$      900,369$       Department Revenues 234,153                  65,582             102,000         78,000           78,000           78,000            Total Resources 740,985$                806,567$        958,590$      978,369$      978,369$      978,369$       Requirements Reserve for Future Expenditure ‐$                             ‐$                      958,590$      978,369$      978,369$      978,369$       Unappropriated Ending Balance 740,985                  806,567           ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                       Total Requirements 740,985$                806,567$        958,590$      978,369$      978,369$      978,369$       ▪Revenues are related to the City's financing of sewer hookups. Bicycle Path Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 155,210$                187,988$        240,615$      308,231$      308,231$      308,231$       Department Revenues 32,778                     60,379             54,000           58,000           58,000           58,000            Total Resources 187,988$                248,367$        294,615$      366,231$      366,231$      366,231$       Requirements Reserve for Future Expenditure ‐$                             ‐$                      294,615$      366,231$      366,231$      366,231$       Unappropriated Ending Balance 187,988                  248,367           ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                       Total Requirements 187,988$                248,367$        294,615$      366,231$      366,231$      366,231$       ▪Revenue comes from 1% of the City's highway fund state shared revenues. Biennial Budgets Biennial Budgets Budget Notes Budget Notes Bicycle Path 17 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 18 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Other Funds Parks Recreation Center Fund Building Parks Bond Capital Project Fund City/LORA Debt Service Bonded Debt Service ACC Endowment Library Endowment Capital Reserve Water Capital Reserve Tennis Facility Trolley Tourism Public Art Golf Course Department and Program Budgets 19 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Parks Recreation Center Fund Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance ‐$                             ‐$                      1,500,000$     144,520$        144,520$        144,520$         Department Revenues ‐                                ‐                        7,500,000       16,400,000     16,400,000     16,400,000      Transfer from Parks Bond ‐                                2,000,000       7,000,000       7,136,000       7,136,000       7,136,000        Total Resources ‐$                             2,000,000$     16,000,000$   23,680,520$   23,680,520$   23,680,520$    Requirements Capital Outlay ‐$                             597,531$        15,000,000$   23,680,000$   23,680,000$   23,680,000$    Contingency ‐                                ‐                        1,000,000       520                  520                  520                   Unappropriated Ending Balance ‐                                1,402,469       ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Requirements ‐$                             2,000,000$     16,000,000$   23,680,520$   23,680,520$   23,680,520$    ▪Intergovermental is funding from the Lake Oswego School District. ▪Transfers are bond proceeds from the parks bonds capital project fund. ▪Capital Outlay is for the LORAC. Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 20 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Building Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 3,956,455$               4,527,812$         4,865,930$     5,885,697$     5,885,697$     5,885,697$      Department Revenues 2,759,256                 4,856,211           5,587,000       6,143,000       6,143,000       6,143,000        Proceeds Sale of Capital Assets ‐                                  ‐                           10,000             ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Resources 6,715,711$               9,384,023$         10,462,930$   12,028,697$   12,028,697$   12,028,697$    Requirements Personnel Services 1,187,778$               2,270,384$         2,640,000$     3,408,000$     3,408,000$     3,408,000$      Materials & Services 751,121                    1,546,809           2,307,000       2,359,000       2,359,000       2,359,000        Internal Fees for Services 249,000                    477,000              603,000           652,000           652,000           652,000            Capital Outlay ‐                                  ‐                           90,000             95,000             95,000             95,000              Contingency ‐                                  ‐                           545,000           545,000           545,000           545,000            Unappropriated Ending Balance 4,527,812                 5,089,830           4,277,930       ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Requirements 6,715,711$               9,384,023$         10,462,930$   12,028,697$   12,028,697$   12,028,697$    FTE 9.1 9.1 9.1 10.2 10.2 10.2 2019‐20 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 EST New Single Family Homes 59 57 64 66 Total Residential Permits 2,767 3,159 3,410 3,200 Residential Permit Valuation $39,559,201 57,853,571 $65,911,000 $66,000,000 New Commercial Buildings 6 0 4 12 Total Commercial Permits 1,161 894 1,076 1,000 Commercial Permit Valuation $159,694,323 45,654,608 $83,147,020 $105,000,000 ▪Department revenue includes building permit and plan check fees and pass through amounts for State, School District and Metro excise taxes.   ▪Per state law, Building Division revenue is a dedicated fund to support building permit, plan review, inspection services and expenses.  Adopted 2023‐25 ▪Revenue estimates Include these projects:  North Anchor, Golf Course Facilities, LORAC, 23 unit townhouse, new Lake Oswego middle school, and the Habitat for Humanity project. ▪FTE increase reflects the allocation split of the Community Development Director (0.2), changing a part time inspector to full time (0.3),  an addition of a full time inspector (1.0), and reallocation of administrative support (‐0.4). ▪Materials & Services includes third party backup services. ▪Capital Outlay consists of replacment vehicles and a drone for inspections. Biennial Budgets Key Performance Indicators Budget Notes 21 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Parks Bond Capital Project Fund Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance ‐$                               ‐$                      22,824,766$   9,426,781$     9,426,781$     9,426,781$      Department Revenues ‐                                 433,540           7,100,000       150,000           150,000           150,000            Proceeds from Bonds Issued ‐                                 25,220,212     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Resources ‐$                               25,653,752$   36,924,766$   9,576,781$     9,576,781$     9,576,781$      Requirements Materials & Services ‐$                               210,988$        ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                       Transfers ‐                                 2,000,000       7,000,000       7,136,000       7,136,000       7,136,000        Capital Outlay ‐                                 2,112,165       25,800,000     2,440,000       2,440,000       2,440,000        Contingency ‐                                 ‐                        4,124,766       781                  781                  781                   Unappropriated Ending Balance ‐                                 21,330,599     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Requirements ‐$                               25,653,752$   36,924,766$   9,576,781$     9,576,781$     9,576,781$      ▪Department revenue is for investment income. ▪Materials & Services is for the bond sale expense. Adopted 2023‐25 ▪Transfers are for the LORAC. ▪Capital Outlay is for the golf course renovation. Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 22 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 City/LORA Debt Service Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Department Revenues 3,617,408$             8,089,421$     8,687,000$     7,120,000$     7,120,000$     7,120,000$      Proceeds from Bonds Issued ‐                                16,803,890     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Resources 3,617,408$             24,893,311$   8,687,000$     7,120,000$     7,120,000$     7,120,000$      Requirements Materials & Services ‐$                             153,699$        ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                       Intergovernmental Expense ‐                                16,803,890     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Debt Service 3,617,408               7,935,722       8,687,000       7,120,000       7,120,000       7,120,000        Total Requirements 3,617,408$             24,893,311$   8,687,000$     7,120,000$     7,120,000$     7,120,000$      Bonded Debt Service Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 882,309$                991,827$        1,012,231$     878,772$        878,772$        878,772$         Department Revenues 2,018,301               3,781,894       3,435,000       3,911,000       3,911,000       3,911,000        Total Resources 2,900,610$             4,773,721$     4,447,231$     4,789,772$     4,789,772$     4,789,772$      Requirements Debt Service 1,908,783$             3,704,693$     3,647,000$     4,170,000$     4,170,000$     4,170,000$      Unappropriated Ending Balance 991,827                  1,069,028       800,231           619,772           619,772           619,772            Total Requirements 2,900,610$             4,773,721$     4,447,231$     4,789,772$     4,789,772$     4,789,772$      Biennial Budgets Biennial Budgets Bonded Debt Service 23 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 ACC Endowment Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 2,222,391$             2,365,710$     2,067,585$     2,404,810$     2,404,810$     2,404,810$      Department Revenues 143,319 807,994           120,000           130,000           130,000           130,000            Total Resources 2,365,710$             3,173,704$     2,187,585$     2,534,810$     2,534,810$     2,534,810$      Requirements Transfers ‐$600,000$        180,000$        150,000$        150,000$        150,000$         Reserve for Future Expenditure ‐ ‐ 2,007,585       2,384,810       2,384,810       2,384,810        Unappropriated Ending Balance 2,365,710               2,573,704       ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐  Total Requirements 2,365,710$             3,173,704$     2,187,585$     2,534,810$     2,534,810$     2,534,810$      ▪The Adult Community Center (ACC) endowment use is restricted for certain purposes. Library Endowme Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 3,597,984$             3,803,802$     4,342,637$     4,918,443$     4,918,443$     4,918,443$      Department Revenues 232,476 1,398,522       200,000           240,000           240,000           240,000            Total Resources 3,830,460$             5,202,324$     4,542,637$     5,158,443$     5,158,443$     5,158,443$      Requirements Transfers 26,658$54,387$           60,000$           66,000$           66,000$           66,000$            Reserve for Future Expenditure ‐ ‐ 3,782,637       4,392,443       4,392,443       4,392,443        Unappropriated Ending Balance 3,803,802               5,147,937       700,000           700,000           700,000           700,000            Total Requirements 3,830,460$             5,202,324$     4,542,637$     5,158,443$     5,158,443$     5,158,443$      ▪The City has two Library endowments.  The funds can be used for certain purposes and are restricted. Biennial Budgets Biennial Budgets Budget Notes Budget Notes Library Endowment 24 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Capital Reserve Water Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance ‐$                           ‐$                      ‐$                      3,001,441$     3,001,441$     3,001,441$      Department Revenues ‐                             ‐                        ‐                        70,000             70,000             70,000              Transfer from Water ‐$                           ‐$                      3,000,000$     2,000,000$     2,000,000$     2,000,000$      Total Resources ‐$                           ‐$                      3,000,000$     5,071,441$     5,071,441$     5,071,441$      Requirements Reserve for Future Expenditure ‐$                           ‐$                      3,000,000$     5,071,441$     5,071,441$     5,071,441$      Total Requirements ‐$                           ‐$                      3,000,000$     5,071,441$     5,071,441$     5,071,441$      ▪Transfer are the City's contribution toward future Capital requirements of the water production system as agreed to under  the LO‐Tigard Water Partnership.  Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 25 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Capital Reserve Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 526,355$                2,065,509$     3,071,124$     2,444,125$     2,444,125$     2,444,125$      Department Revenues 39,154                     121,627           10,000             40,000             40,000             40,000              Transfer from General Fund 1,500,000               7,845,000       3,400,000       ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Resources 2,065,509$             10,032,136$   6,481,124$     2,484,125$     2,484,125$     2,484,125$      Requirements Materials & Services ‐$                             4,192,701$     ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                       Transfers ‐                                ‐                        ‐                        1,800,000       1,800,000       1,800,000        Capital Outlay ‐                                2,767,460       2,519,000       ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Reserve for Future Expenditure ‐                                ‐                        3,962,124       684,125           684,125           684,125            Unappropriated Ending Balance 2,065,509               3,071,975       ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Requirements 2,065,509$             10,032,136$   6,481,124$     2,484,125$     2,484,125$     2,484,125$      ▪Reserve for Future Expenditure reflects $500,000 set aside for the library. ▪Transfer reflects $1,800,000 for the LORAC. Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 26 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Tennis Facility Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 760,667$               782,709$        386,708$        176,554$        176,554$        176,554$         Department Revenues 483,816                 624,851           958,000           1,008,000       1,008,000       1,008,000        Total Resources 1,244,483$           1,407,560$     1,344,708$     1,184,554$     1,184,554$     1,184,554$      Requirements Personnel Services 242,076$               397,486$        472,000$        571,000$        571,000$        571,000$         Materials & Services 123,698                 175,673           200,000           176,000           176,000           176,000            Internal Fees for Services 96,000                   261,000           371,000           276,000           276,000           276,000            Contingency ‐                              ‐                        301,708           161,554           161,554           161,554            Unappropriated Ending Balance 782,709                 373,401           ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Requirements 1,244,483$           1,407,560$     1,344,708$     1,184,554$     1,184,554$     1,184,554$      FTE 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 2019‐20 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 EST Tennis Center Cost Recovery 74%61%Closed 75% ▪FTE increase reflects the addition of one full time administrative support staff (1.0). Adopted 2023‐25 Key Performance Indicators Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 27 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Trolley Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 452,634$               473,652$        471,120$        494,602$        494,602$        494,602$         Department Revenues 120,787                 156,066           148,000           158,000           158,000           158,000            Transfer from General Fund 20,000                   40,000             60,000             40,000             40,000             40,000              Transfer from Tourism Fund ‐                              20,000             ‐                        20,000             20,000             20,000              Total Resources 593,421$               689,718$        679,120$        712,602$        712,602$        712,602$         Requirements Materials & Services 119,769$               197,271$        246,000$        271,000$        271,000$        271,000$         Contingency ‐                              ‐                        433,120           441,602           441,602           441,602            Unappropriated Ending Balance 473,652                 492,447           ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Requirements 593,421$               689,718$        679,120$        712,602$        712,602$        712,602$         ▪Materials and Services includes rail line maintenance. Biennial Budgets Budget Notes 28 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Tourism Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 820,657$              236,075$        166$                80,250$           80,250$           80,250$            Department Revenues 308,495                 366,586           509,000           548,000           548,000           548,000            Total Resources 1,129,152$           602,661$        509,166$        628,250$        628,250$        628,250$         Requirements Materials & Services 155,032$              58,858$           124,000$        78,000$           78,000$           78,000$            Transfers 130,000                 280,000           385,000           352,000           352,000           352,000            Capital Outlay 608,045                 203,630           ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Contingency ‐                              ‐                        166                  198,250           198,250           198,250            Unappropriated Ending Balance 236,075                 60,173             ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Requirements 1,129,152$           602,661$        509,166$        628,250$        628,250$        628,250$         ▪The Tourism Fund's department revenue comes from approximately 23% of the City's Local Lodging Taxes. ▪Materials & Services includes the City's contribution to the Festival of the Arts for $30,000 and utility expenses for the historic Iron Worker's Cottage.  ▪The transfers include to the Public Art Fund for the City's support of the Lake Oswego Arts Council and to the Trolley Fund for the Willamette Shoreline Trolley. Biennial Budgets Budget Notes 29 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Public Art Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 44,283$                57,679$           326,031$        105,955$        105,955$        105,955$         Department Revenues 13,396                  434,358           2,000               2,000               2,000               2,000                Transfers 130,000                260,000           365,000           512,000           512,000           512,000            Total Resources 187,679$              752,037$        693,031$        619,955$        619,955$        619,955$         Requirements Materials & Services 115,000$              371,435$        554,000$        408,000$        408,000$        408,000$         Capital Outlay 15,000                  53,800             117,000           144,000           144,000           144,000            Reserve for Future Expenditure ‐                             ‐                        22,031             67,955             67,955             67,955              Unappropriated Ending Balance 57,679                  326,802           ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Requirements 187,679$              752,037$        693,031$        619,955$        619,955$        619,955$         ▪Transfers are from the Tourism Fund. ▪Materials and Services is for the administration and maintenance of the City's Gallery Without Walls program. ▪Capital Outlay is for the purchase of public art, includes the annual People's Choice and art at LORAC. Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 30 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Golf Course Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 13,839$                 ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                       Department Revenues 622,694                 ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Transfer from General Fund 228,467                 ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Total Resources 865,000$              ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                       Requirements Personnel Services 390,975$              ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                       Materials & Services 340,025                 ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Internal Fees for Svcs 134,000                 ‐                         Total Requirements 865,000$              ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                      ‐$                       ▪Golf Course activities have been combined into the Parks & Recreation budget as of 7/1/19. Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 31 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 32 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Support Service Engineering Public Works Support Services Information Technology Finance City Manager’s Office Facilities Management City Attorney’s Office Human Resources Risk Management General Nondepartmental Support service departments provide internal support and administrative functions to the City’s direct service departments. Support services are reimbursed by internal fees for service. Department and Program Budgets 33 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Engineering Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 452,458$               870,523$        1,024,520$     1,284,798$     1,284,798$      1,284,798$      Department Revenues 470,752                 549,214           434,000           509,000           509,000           509,000            Charges for Services 4,305,101              8,948,100       9,420,000       9,443,000       9,443,000        9,443,000         Proceeds Sale of Capital Assets ‐                              3,660               ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         ‐                         Total Resources 5,228,311$           10,371,497$   10,878,520$   11,236,798$   11,236,798$    11,236,798$    Requirements Personnel Services 3,601,309$           7,174,782       8,040,000$     8,277,000$     8,277,000$      8,277,000$      Materials & Services 341,267                 1,250,223       938,000           904,000           904,000           904,000            Internal Fees for Services 382,000                 525,000       1,306,000       1,547,000       1,547,000        1,547,000         Capital Outlay 33,212                   25,473             60,000             25,000             25,000              25,000              Contingency ‐                              ‐                        534,520           483,798           483,798           483,798            Total Requirements 4,357,788$           8,975,478$     10,878,520$   11,236,798$   11,236,798$    11,236,798$    FTE 25.3 25.3 25.8 24.8 24.8 24.8 ▪Department revenue includes engineering fees, erosion control fees, street opening permits, investment income, and sundry income.  ▪Internal Fees for Service covers general administrative services, insurance, and maintenance services by motor pool. ▪Materials and Services includes annual software subscriptions, such as aerial photography update, regional parcel data  update for LO MAPs, and miscellaneous design services or analysis need for small engineering issues that are not yet identified projects or are driven by emergency events. ▪ ▪ Biennial Budgets Budget Notes Adopted 2023‐25 FTE changed 1.0 due to the completion of the Bones Ferry Road project, which reduced number of senior associate engineers. Capital Outlay is for small various survey instrumentation for GIS and survey work. 34 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Public Works Support Services Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 587,252$              734,346$        527,180$        1,106,137$     1,106,137$   1,106,137$      Department Revenues 42,977                  77,469             52,000             52,000$           52,000$         52,000$            Internal Charges for Services 2,042,000             3,579,000       3,872,000       4,364,000       4,364,000      4,364,000         Proceeds Sale of Capital Assets 24,530                  5,000               ‐                        ‐                        ‐                      ‐                         Total Resources 2,696,759$           4,395,815$     4,451,180$     5,522,137$     5,522,137$   5,522,137$      Requirements Personnel Services 1,209,230$           2,168,987$     2,852,000$     3,445,000$     3,445,000$   3,445,000$      Materials & Services 485,153                956,619           945,000           1,155,000       1,155,000      1,155,000         Internal Fees for Services 201,000                366,000           429,000           464,000           464,000         464,000            Capital Outlay 67,030                  152,501           146,000           45,000             45,000           45,000              Contingency ‐                             ‐                        79,180             413,137           413,137         413,137            Unappropriated End Balance 734,346                751,708           ‐                        ‐                        ‐                      ‐                         Total Requirements 2,696,759$           4,395,815$     4,451,180$     5,522,137$     5,522,137$   5,522,137$      FTE 10.0 9.5 9.6 10.5 10.5 10.5 ▪Department revenue includes fuel usage reimbursement from the School District, investment income, and sundry income.  ▪Internal fees for service is the department's cost share for administrative support services.   ▪Personnel costs increased by 0.9 FTE  due to reallocation of an electrician (0.5) from street, increasing Public Works  deputy director FTE (0.5), and reduction of a temporary Motor Pool position (‐0.1). ▪Materials and Services includes an agreement with Clackamas County to maintain all traffic signals and associated appurtenances; and funding for second phase of Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) software implementation and technology upgrades for paperless workflow. ▪Capital Outlay is for a replacement vehicle. Biennial Budgets Budget Notes Adopted 2023‐25 35 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Information Technology Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 495,831$              415,634$        605,077$        393,537$        393,537$       393,537$        Department Revenues 507                        84,503 ‐                        ‐                        ‐                       ‐                       Internal Charges for Services 1,962,000             4,222,000 4,162,000       4,913,000       4,913,000      4,913,000       Total Resources 2,458,338$           4,722,137$     4,767,077$     5,306,537$     5,306,537$    5,306,537$    Requirements Personnel Services 1,342,779$           2,679,843 3,116,000$     3,434,000$     3,434,000$    3,434,000$    Materials & Services 665,481                1,327,478 1,246,000       1,304,000       1,304,000      1,304,000       Capital Outlay 34,444                  ‐                        120,000           175,000           175,000         175,000          Department Contingency ‐                             ‐                        285,077           393,537           393,537         393,537          Total Requirements 2,042,704$           4,007,321$     4,767,077$     5,306,537$     5,306,537$    5,306,537$    FTE 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 ▪Materials and Services includes all network hardware for data and voice, all computers and related equipment, common software maintenance, purchasing all plain and specialty paper, and costs associated with centralized printing in the Copy and Mail Center. ▪The budget also includes the city telephone charges. ▪Capital outlay is for a special purpose server, networking hardward and replacement of the copier in the Copy Center. Adopted 2023‐25 Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 36 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Finance Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 506,417$              315,247$        309,104$        344,446$         344,446$       344,446$         Department Revenues 492,365                831,414 778,000           280,000           280,000         280,000           Internal Charges for Services 1,294,000             3,044,000 3,177,000       4,472,000        4,472,000      4,472,000       Total Resources 2,292,782$           4,190,661$     4,264,104$     5,096,446$      5,096,446$    5,096,446$     Requirements Personnel Services 1,328,711$           2,768,941$     3,078,000$     3,807,000$      3,807,000$    3,807,000$     Materials & Services 405,824                878,891 1,016,000       945,000           945,000         945,000           Department Contingency ‐                             ‐                        170,104           344,446           344,446         344,446           Total Requirements 1,734,535$           3,647,832$     4,264,104$     5,096,446$      5,096,446$    5,096,446$     FTE 10.1 10.5 10.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 2020‐21 2021‐22 2021‐23 EST Passport Applications 421 2,320 2,400 Business Licenses Renewed/Issued 2,241 2,215 2,200 General Obligation Bond rating AAA AAA AAA Receive unmodified audit opinion and  GFOA award Yes Yes Yes Number of utility accounts per utility  billing employee 4,504 4,529 4,550 ▪The Finance Department issues business and dog licenses, passports, and performs lien searches.   ▪Carryover set aside for digitalizing financial records, software enhancements, and oncall professional services. ▪Personnel increased by 2.0 as the result of reallocating the utility billing specialists from the utility budgets. This is more  in line with where the employees work. ▪Passport Applications increased from 2020‐21 as the City was not processing passports for the majority of that year. Current passport applications accepted are in line with prior years. Adopted 2023‐25 Key Performance Indicators Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 37 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 City Manager’s Office Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 42,296$                105$                213,132$        300,138$        300,138$       300,138$        Department Revenues 11,131                  35,907 ‐                        ‐                       ‐                      ‐                       General Revenues 328,000                816,000 668,000           804,000          804,000         804,000          Internal Charges for Services 1,134,000             2,479,000 2,999,000       3,719,000      3,719,000      3,719,000       Total Resources 1,515,427$           3,331,012$     3,880,132$     4,823,138$    4,823,138$   4,823,138$    Requirements Personnel Services 1,224,931$           2,582,717 3,180,000$     4,022,000$    4,022,000$   4,022,000$    Materials & Services 290,391                509,331 576,000           576,000          576,000         576,000          Department Contingency ‐                             ‐                        124,132           225,138          225,138         225,138          Total Requirements 1,515,322$           3,092,048$     3,880,132$     4,823,138$    4,823,138$   4,823,138$    FTE 8.2 8.7 9.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 ▪General revenues are allocated to the City Manager's Office for staff and materials for citizen information programs and publications and maintenance and repairs of downtown amenities. ▪Materials and Services include subscription and maintenance costs for Granicus software, HelloLO printing  and postage costs, as well as ongoing costs for public notices, staff training, and general supplies. ▪Personnel Services increased due to the addition of 0.5 for deputy city manager working as the project manager for the  Wastewater Treatment Facility Project & 0.5 reallocation of equity program manager from Human Resources. Budget Notes Biennial Budgets Adopted 2023‐25 38 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Facilities Management Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 345,888$              197,528$        381,571$        766,266$        766,266$       766,266$        Department Revenues 7,482                     47,079 ‐                        ‐                        ‐                      ‐                       Internal Charges for Services 1,128,000             2,320,000 2,357,000       2,567,000       2,567,000      2,567,000       Total Resources 1,481,370$           2,564,607$     2,738,571$     3,333,266$     3,333,266$   3,333,266$    Requirements Personnel Services 581,837$              1,151,618$     1,283,000$     1,287,000$     1,287,000$   1,287,000$    Materials & Services 434,313 869,094 1,074,000       1,280,000       1,280,000      1,280,000       Capital Outlay 67,691 ‐                        48,000             ‐                        ‐                      ‐                       Department Contingency ‐                             ‐                        333,571           766,266           766,266         766,266          Total Requirements 1,083,841$           2,020,712$     2,738,571$     3,333,266$     3,333,266$   3,333,266$    FTE 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 ▪Materials and Services includes utilities, repairs, and maintenance services for City Hall and park facilities. ▪Department Contingency is for unexpected repairs and maintenance expenses for city owned facilities.  Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 39 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 City Attorney’s Office Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 131,748$              129,873$        136,625$        363,176$        363,176$         363,176$          Department Revenues ‐                             11,164             ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         Internal Charges for Services 777,000                1,655,000       1,720,000       1,889,000       1,889,000        1,889,000         Total Resources 908,748$              1,796,037$     1,856,625$     2,252,176$     2,252,176$     2,252,176$      Requirements Personnel Services 684,265$              1,406,547$     1,554,000$     1,719,000$     1,719,000$     1,719,000$      Materials & Services 63,609                  148,597 166,000           170,000           170,000           170,000            Department Contingency ‐                             ‐                        136,625           363,176           363,176           363,176            Total Requirements 747,874$              1,555,144$     1,856,625$     2,252,176$     2,252,176$     2,252,176$      FTE 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ▪Personnel includes the city attorney, deputy city attorney, and support staff. ▪Materials & Services includes prosecuting attorney contract, litigation not covered by City insurance, and legal research. ▪Contingency includes risk management funds. Budget Notes Biennial Budgets 40 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Human Resources Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 144,306$              123,467 145,900$        290,978$        290,978$       290,978$          Department Revenues ‐                             11,680             ‐                        ‐                        ‐                      ‐                          Internal Charges for Services 740,000                1,589,000 1,795,000       1,716,000       1,716,000      1,716,000         Total Resources 884,306$              1,724,147$     1,940,900$     2,006,978$     2,006,978$   2,006,978$       Requirements Personnel Services 467,923$              948,210 1,146,000$     1,050,000$     1,050,000$   1,050,000$       Materials & Services 248,915                527,843 649,000           666,000           666,000         666,000            Department Contingency ‐                             ‐                        145,900           290,978           290,978         290,978            Total Requirements 716,838$              1,476,053$     1,940,900$     2,006,978$     2,006,978$   2,006,978$       FTE 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 ▪Materials and Services includes professional charges related to the health insurance broker and may  include mediation, classification and compensation study, and professional safety services. Technical    seminars and training includes in‐house training to all City staff on various topics. ▪Department contingency includes potential fees associated with benefit administration program and  Laserfiche equipment licenses. ▪Personnel decreased by 0.5 as the result of reallocation of equity program manager to city manager's office. Adopted 2023‐25 Biennial Budgets Budget Notes 41 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Risk Management Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Resources Beginning Balance 279,680$              306,317$        78,213$          249,708$        249,708$         249,708$          Department Revenues ‐                             48,838             ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         General Revenues ‐                             ‐                        ‐                        250,000          250,000           250,000            Internal Charges for Services 923,000                1,899,000       2,660,000       2,846,000       2,846,000        2,846,000         Total Resources 1,202,680$          2,254,155$     2,738,213$     3,345,708$     3,345,708$     3,345,708$      Requirements Materials & Services 896,363$              2,140,781$     2,660,000$     3,096,000$     3,096,000$     3,096,000$      Department Contingency ‐                             ‐                        78,213             249,708          249,708           249,708            Total Requirements 896,363$              2,140,781$     2,738,213$     3,345,708$     3,345,708$     3,345,708$      ▪Provides spending authority for attorney fees in City legal matters, city‐wide liability insurance, unemployment insurance, and fidelity bonds.   General ‐ Nondepartmental Annual Budget 2018‐2019 ACTUAL 2019‐2021 BN ACTUAL 2021‐23 BN BUDGET 2023‐25 PROPOSED 2023‐25 APPROVED 2023‐25 ADOPTED Requirements Materials & Services ‐$                           ‐$                     ‐$                     1,375,000$     1,375,000$     1,375,000$      Transfers 4,680,000            13,885,000     11,440,000     4,220,000       4,220,000        4,220,000         Department Contingency ‐                             ‐                        8,861,000       10,036,000     10,036,000     10,036,000      Unappropriated Ending Balance 28,005,282          30,009,590     9,384,831       10,772,299     10,772,299     10,772,299      Total Requirements 32,685,282$        43,894,590$  29,685,831$  26,403,299$  26,403,299$   26,403,299$    Adopted 2023‐25 ▪Transfers include the City's contribution to the Willamette Shoreline Trolley Consortium $40,000; general  revenue support to the Street Fund for pavement projects $4,000,000; and public art of 180,000 for the 1.5% for  art for the LORAC project. ▪Contingency and Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance are sufficient to fulfill the City's 30% minimum fund balance policy.   Biennial Budgets Biennial Budgets Budget Notes Budget Notes General - Nondepartmental 42 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Citywide Capital Outlay Summary Capital Improvement Plan Funding Summary - Addendum Capital Projects 43 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Citywide Capital Outlay Summary 2023-25 Fund City CIP Projects Operating  Capital* Total Budgeted   Capital Outlay General 9,005,000$            1,249,000$          10,254,000$          Capital Reserve 2,440,000              ‐                        2,440,000               Park Bond 23,680,000            ‐                        23,680,000             Water 9,375,000              10,000                  9,385,000               Sewer 8,000,000              15,000,000          23,000,000             Stormwater 5,100,000              ‐                        5,100,000               Streets 16,430,000            ‐                        16,430,000             SDCs 9,200,000              ‐                        9,200,000               PW Supp Svcs  ‐ Motor Pool ‐                          45,000                  45,000                     Engineering ‐                          25,000                  25,000                     Building ‐                          95,000                  95,000                     Public Art ‐                          144,000                144,000                  TOTAL 83,230,000$         16,568,000$        99,798,000$          *Operating Capital Summary  Department Fund Item Amount Information Technology General 175,000$                Planning General 510,000                  Police General 60,000                     Parks General 304,000                  Parks General 200,000                  Building Building 95,000                     Public Art Public Art 144,000                  Public Works Water 10,000                     Public Works Sewer 15,000,000             Public Works Support Svcs 45,000                     Engineering Engineering 25,000                     TOTAL 16,568,000$          *Project and capital expenses that are budgeted but not included in Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Storage cover Equipment Purchases Park Development Projects Vehicle Replacement Art Purchase Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Land Acquisition Special purpose server Vehicle Replacements Vehicle Replacements Vehicle and Equipment Replacement *Operating Capital Summary*Operating Capital Summary 44 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CIP Funding Plan Summary Parks Fund Parks and Open Space 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 2027‐28 2028‐29 Total Recreation/Aquatics Center  (LORAC)35,185,000   2,000,000     37,185,000       Rassekh Park Development  WO 307 3,200,000     3,200,000         Municipal Golf Course 1,500,000     1,500,000         Golf Course Clubhouse 365,000        365,000            Golf Course Maintenance Building 575,000        575,000            Parks Total  40,825,000   2,000,000     42,825,000       Street Fund Pavement Preservation 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 2027‐28 2028‐29 Total Lakeview Blvd St & Drainage Improv. (WO 333)(ARPA)1,000,000     5,500,000     6,500,000         Pavement Rehabilitation 1,000,000     1,000,000     1,000,000     1,000,000     1,000,000     1,000,000     6,000,000         Blue Heron Rd Rehabilitation & Drainage Improv.375,000        1,125,000     1,500,000         Firwood Rd Upgrade: Boones Ferry Rd to Waluga Dr 200,000        375,000        575,000            Traffic Signalization Improvements (TSMO Grant)60,000          60,000              A Ave & 5th St Crossing Improvements 150,000        150,000            Bergis & Stafford Crossing Improvements 500,000        500,000            ODOT ARTS Grant Signalization Improvements 200,000        200,000            School Zone Flashers 100,000        100,000            School Adjacent Pathways ‐ Group 1 (WO 320)2,250,000     2,250,000         ADA Sidewalk Ramp Retrofit Program 750,000        750,000        750,000        750,000        750,000        750,000        4,500,000         School Adjacent Pathways ‐ Group 2 (WO 337)750,000        1,750,000     1,500,000     4,000,000         Stafford Pedestrian Facility (LORAC)200,000        200,000            Large Capital ‐ Equipment 5‐Yard Dump Truck 300,000        300,000            Backhoe 170,000        170,000            Street Total 6,260,000     10,170,000 3,625,000 3,075,000 2,125,000 1,750,000 27,005,000       SDC Fund Intersections 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 2027‐28 2028‐29 Total Jean & Pilkington Intersection Improvements (WO 273)1,000,000     500,000        1,500,000         SDC Total 1,000,000     500,000        1,500,000         Intersections  Pathways  45 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CIP Funding Plan Summary Water Fund 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 2027‐28 2028‐29 Total 2021‐2022 Water Distribution Rehabilitation (WO 315)3,000,000     3,000,000         Backup Power at RIPs and WTP (WO 332)1,000,000     1,500,000     250,000        2,750,000         Water Quality Monitoring Sys. Imp. (M‐05)(WO 339)750,000        750,000            McVey Pump Station Replacement (P‐01)600,000        1,500,000     2,100,000         Rassekh Park Waterline 300,000        300,000            Water Valves for System Resiliency 75,000          75,000              Touchstone Pump Station Updates (P‐05)500,000        1,250,000     1,750,000         Forest Highlands Pressure Zone‐Pipe Res. Imp.(F‐03)(R‐02)1,150,000     2,275,000     3,425,000         City View/Bergis‐Pipe Res. & Fire Flow (R‐05)(F‐04)600,000        1,250,000     1,850,000         Filter Covers at the Water Treatment Plant 600,000        600,000            Bryant Woods Water System Improvements 500,000        1,500,000     2,000,000         Monroe & McNary Regulatory Water Vault 500,000        500,000            Water Reservoir Painting 250,000        250,000            Pipe Capacity Improvements (D‐02)1,000,000     2,000,000     3,000,000         Bergis Water Reservoir Replacement (S‐07)1,000,000     1,500,000     3,000,000     5,500,000         Pipe Capacity Improvements (D‐03)825,000        1,675,000     2,500,000         Waluga Pressure Zone Pipe Resiliency Imp. (R‐01)775,000        1,500,000     2,275,000         Annual Water Rehabilitation Program 600,000        600,000        600,000        1,800,000         Altitude Valves for Reservoir Balances (S‐09)100,000        400,000        500,000            Water Pump Stations Upgrades (P‐6, P‐04)350,000        700,000        1,050,000         Forest Highlands 1 Reservoir Replacement 2,500,000     2,500,000         McNary Pressure Zone ‐ Fire Flow Imp. (F‐02)1,400,000     1,400,000         Summit Pressure Zone ‐ Fire Flow Imp. (F‐01)650,000        650,000            Large Capital ‐ Equipment  Loader 150,000        150,000              Water Total 5,875,000     3,500,000     5,100,000     9,325,000     8,025,000     8,850,000     40,525,000       46 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CIP Funding Plan Summary Stormwater Fund 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 2027‐28 2028‐29 Total Daniel Way Roadway & Channel Stabilization (WO 323)600,000        600,000            Lakeview Blvd St & Drainage Imp. (WO 333)(ARPA)500,000        1,000,000     1,500,000         UIC Retrofit ‐ Package 2 (WO 338)400,000        400,000            Minor Stormwater Projects 300,000        300,000        300,000        300,000        300,000        300,000        1,800,000         5th Street & Lake Bay Court Drainage Improvements 250,000        750,000        1,000,000         2nd Street & E Ave Drainage Improvements 100,000        400,000        500,000            Redfern Ave Drainage Improvements 500,000        750,000        1,250,000         Blue Heron Rd Rehabilitation & Drainage Imp.300,000        600,000        900,000            Goodall Road Drainage Improvements 250,000        250,000        500,000            Warren Court Drainage Improvements 250,000        250,000        500,000            Ash Street ODOT Highway 43 250,000        250,000        500,000            Firwood Road Upgrade ‐ Boones Ferry to Waluga 50,000          125,000        175,000            Bayberry/Rye/Andrews Drainage Improvements 300,000        300,000            Dolph Court/Country Club Culvert Crossing 225,000        600,000        825,000            Upper Drive Drainage Imp., West of Bryant Rd 175,000        550,000        725,000            Regional Water Quality Facility Retrofit 600,000        600,000            Stormwater Total 2,150,000     2,950,000     1,600,000     1,700,000     1,625,000     2,050,000     12,075,000       Sewer Fund 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 2027‐28 2028‐29 Total Blue Heron Trunk (WO 298)6,000,000     6,000,000         LOIS Manhole Repairs & Upgrades (WO 317)1,250,000     1,250,000     2,500,000         Wastewater Conveyance Rehabilitation 250,000        2,000,000     1,200,000     3,450,000         Foothills Road Interceptor (T‐L1‐1)750,000        3,250,000     7,250,000     11,250,000       Blue Heron Trunk (T‐BH‐1)600,000        1,200,000     1,800,000         Canal Trunk (T‐CAN‐1, P‐CAN‐1)600,000        600,000            Wastewater Flow Data Tracking (PS‐6)500,000        500,000             Sewer Total 6,000,000     2,000,000     4,500,000     7,500,000     3,100,000     3,000,000     26,100,000       83,230,000$               Funded Two‐Year Budget Total 47 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CIP Funding Plan Summary Parks and Open Space Unfunded ‐ Parks Fund Athletic Fields (Artificial Turf)1,150,000 Bryant Woods/Canal Acres/River Run 1 & 2 3,105,000 Land Acquisition/Natural Areas and Parks 3,450,000 Luscher Farm Access 1,000,000 Luscher Farm Trails 300,000 Luscher Environmental Classroom 1,725,000 Luscher Urban Agriculture Expansion 1,725,000 Miscellaneous Water Dependent Facilities 850,000 Neighborhood Parks 2,990,000 Parks Structures Replacement 1,150,000 Pilkington Park 1,610,000 Rassekh Park ‐ Phase 2 3,500,000 Sport Court Renovation 575,000 Southwood Park Subdivision 462,000 Tryon Cove Park 2,300,000 25,892,000 Bridges Unfunded ‐ Street Fund Blue Heron Bay at South Shore Blvd Bridge Replacement (BR006)2,500,000 Lakewood Bay at North Shore Rd (BR001)3,000,000 Oswego Canal Bridge at Bryant Rd (BR010)4,500,000 Springbrook Creek at Summit Dr (BR009)11,500,000 SPRR Overpass, Summit Dr Clackamas County Bridge (BR015)2,500,000 West Bay at South Shore Blvd (BR005)3,500,000 27,500,000Bridges Total                                                                                                                                                                                            Parks Total 48 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CIP Funding Plan Summary                                                                                                                                                                                          Roadway Improvements Unfunded ‐ Street Fund 3rd & 4th St Reconstruction:  A Ave to B Ave (TSP 228)3,618,000 A Ave Enhancements: 4th St to 6th St (TSP 229)1,499,000 Astor Ave Upgrade: Washington Ct to Harrington (TSP 57)2,250,000 B Ave Imp.: State to 5th St (TSP 225 & 226)4,238,000 B Ave Phase 1 (Foothills Project) (TSP 136)4,500,000 B Ave Phase 2 (Foothills Project)  (TSP 136)2,750,000 B Ave/1st St Intersection Improvements (TSP 108) 10,000 Baleine St Upgrade: Allison to Inverurie (TSP 55)2,250,000 Bergis Rd Realignment (TSP 223)3,000,000 Boones Ferry Rd Improvements Phase 2 (1.2) 33,125,000 Carmen/Lake Forest Intersection Geometry Improvement (TSP 70)200,000 Foothills Rd Phase 1: A to B Avenues (Foothills Project) (TSP133)4,000,000 Foothills Rd Phase 2: North of B Avenue  (TSP 134)2,500,000 Hallmark Dr Festival St (TSP 152)1,250,000 Inverurie Rd Upgrade: Carman to Wash Ct./Lake Forest (TSP 56)6,500,000 Kerr Parkway/Boones Ferry Rd/Country Club Dr Intersection Imp. (TSP 109)275,000 Lake Forest Blvd Upgrade.: Boones Ferry Rd via Washington Ct‐Carman Dr (TSP 52)5,000,000 Lake Grove Public Parking Areas (TSP 172)11,513,000 Lakeview Blvd Truck Restriction (TSP 304)500,000 Lakeview Blvd/65th Ave/McEwan Rd Improvements (TSP 301)3,500,000 LO Transit Center: 5th St Reconstruction A Ave to B Ave (TSP 102)1,750,000 Meadows Rd Pavement Rehabilitation Project 6,750,000 Mercantile Dr Upgrades: Boones Ferry Rd to Kruse Way (TSP 156)  25,000 Mercantile Dr/Boones Ferry Rd Intersection Improvements (TSP 138)  25,000 Monroe Parkway: Greenridge Dr to Boones Ferry Rd (TSP 121)25,000 North Portal: Foothills Rd Upgrade Phase 2 D and E Avenues (TSP 135)2,500,000 Oakridge Rd Improvements: Quarry Rd to Boones Ferry Rd (TSP160)1,000,000 Quarry Rd‐Galewood: Intersection Improvements (TSP 155)50,000 Seville Ave Sidewalk: Lake Forest to Roosevelt (TSP 51)2,500,000 Tryon Creek Bridge and Culvert Replacement (TSP 231)2,500,000 West Sunset Extension Signal to Upper Dr (TSP 230)2,000,000 Westview Dr: Driver Feedback Sign 50,000 111,653,000Roadway Improvements Total 49 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CIP Funding Plan Summary                                                                                                                                                                                          Intersections Unfunded ‐ Street Fund 6 Corner Intersection Alignment Improvements (TSP 54)1,500,000 65th Ave/McEwan Rd Intersection Improvement (TSP 302)550,000 A Ave/8th Signal Improvements (TSP 66)80,000 Bangy/Bonita Signal Interconnect (TSP 72)80,000 Boones Ferry Rd/Knaus Rd Signal Installation 1,700,000 Boones Ferry Rd at Mercantile Pedestrian Crosswalk Signal 125,000 Boones Ferry Rd Signal Interconnect: I‐5 to Bryant (TSP 71)375,000 Bryant Rd/Childs Rd Signal Installation (TSP 68)850,000 Bryant Rd/Lakeview Blvd Intersection Improvement 700,000 Carman Dr/Bonita Rd/Waluga Dr Signal Installation 2,700,000 Goodall Rd/Country Club/Uplands Dr Signal Installation 4,200,000 Hwy 43/McVey Ave Intersection Improvements (TSP 111)50,000 Hwy 43/Terwilliger Intersection Improvements (TSP 110)50,000 Jean Rd/Jean Way Intersection Improvement (TSP 303)275,000 Stafford Rd/Bergis Rd Signal Installation (TSP 141)1,500,000 14,735,000Intersections Total 50 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CIP Funding Plan Summary                                                                                                                                                                                          Pathways Unfunded ‐ Street Fund 5th St at A Ave Crossing: RRFB Retrofit 20,000 10th Street Sidewalk: E Ave to G Ave (TSP 215)508,000 65th Ave Bike Lanes, Sidewalks: Lakeview Blvd to Childs Rd  (TSP 131)3,025,000 Ash St Sidewalk & Pathway: Erickson to O'Brien St (TSP 176)750,000 Atwater Rd Sidewalks: Knaus Rd to Boca Ratan Dr (TSP 213)943,000 B Ave Sidewalk: 9th St to 10th St (TSP 218)34,000 Barton Rd Pathway: Riven Dell Rd to Childs Rd (TSP 184)1,395,000 Bergis Rd/Cornell Pathway: Bergis Farm Dr/Cornell St to existing path (TSP 100)849,000 Berwick Rd Pathway: Berwick Ct to Ellis Ave (TSP 44)54,000 Bonita Rd Sidewalks/Bike Lanes: Bangy Rd to Carman Dr (TSP 80)5,200,000 Boones Ferry Rd Bike Lanes: Country Club to northern city limits (TSP 36)1,500,000 Boones Ferry Rd Pathway: Washington Ct to Pilkington Rd (TSP 132)189,000 Botticelli Bike Lanes Reconstruction: Melrose to Touchstone (TSP 93.1)2,150,000 Botticelli Bike Lane: Melrose to Touchstone (TSP 93.2)25,000 Bridgeport to Milwaukie Regional Trail Connection:  Upper Dr to Bridgeport to Milwaukie Regional Trail  (TSP 194)360,000 Bryant Rd Bike Lanes and Pathway ‐ Boones Ferry Rd to Childs Rd (TSP 37)1,500,000 Burma Rd Sidewalks: Bangy Rd to Carman Dr  (TSP 199)1,100,000 C Ave Sidewalk: 10th St to Country Club (TSP 219)642,000 Canyon Dr Neighborhood Pathway: Dellwood to South Shore (TSP 4)824,000 Centerwood St Sidewalk: Red Leaf to city limit (TSP 84)159,000 Childs Rd (east) Pathway: Stafford to 35th (TSP 97)5,044,000 Childs Rd (west) Pathway: Canal Rd to Sycamore Ave (TSP 7)580,000 Cloverleaf Dr Sidewalk: Banyan to Fernwood Dr (TSP 53)480,000 Cornell at McVey: Enhance Pedestrian Crossing 75,000 Crest Dr Pathway: Prestwick Rd to Ridgecrest (TSP 207)720,000 Daniel Way Sidewalk: Kruse Woods Pl to Carman Dr (TSP 9)292,000 Dellwood Dr Pathway: Canyon Dr to Fernwood Cir (TSP #183)180,000 Depot St. Pathway: Lakeview Blvd‐Bridgeport‐Milwaukie Regional Trail (TSP 188)242,000 Douglas Way Pathway Entrance: Barricade Replacing Delineation Poles 40,000 E Ave Pathway: 4th to 10th (TSP 10)795,000 E Ave Sidewalk: State to 1st (TSP 58)198,000 Erickson St Sidewalk: Maple St to Laurel St. (TSP 178)778,000 Evergreen Rd Pathway: 4th to 10th (TSP 45)261,000 F Ave Pathway: 10th St to ACC (TSP 216)552,000 Fernwood Circle Pathway: Fernwood Dr to Fernwood Dr (TSP 48)584,000 Fernwood Dr: South Shore to Marjorie (TSP 11)1,295,000 Fir Ridge Rd Sidewalk: Twin Fir to Wembley Park Rd (TSP 12)166,000 Fosberg Rd Pathway: Melrose to Carman (TSP 81)345,000 51 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CIP Funding Plan Summary                                                                                                                                                                                          Pathways Unfunded Continued ‐ Street Fund North Shore Pathway: Cabana Ln to Hwy 43 (TSP 220)1,632,000 Oak St Pathway: McVey to Palisades Terrace Dr (TSP 26)193,000 Oakridge Rd Sidewalk: Bonaire to Waluga Rd (TSP 159)1,822,000 O'Brien St Sidewalk & Pathway: Ash St.‐ Hallinan Open Space (TSP175)355,000 Oswego Canal Trail: Bryant Rd to Childs Rd. (TSP 186)1,000,000 Overlook Dr Bike Lanes: Meadowlark Ln to Stafford Rd (TSP 126)1,300,000 Palisades Crest Dr Nbhd. Sidewalk: Hillside Dr to Cook's Butte Park (TSP 27)220,000 Parkview Dr Bike Lanes: Westlake Drive to Fosberg Rd  (TSP 128)1,725,000 Pilkington Rd Pathway: Pilkington Park/Dawn St to Childs Rd (TSP 90)134,000 Prestwick Rd Pathway: Glen Eagles Rd to Crest Dr (TSP 206)423,000 Quarry Rd Sidewalk: Oakridge to Boones Ferry Rd (TSP 158)163,000 Red Leaf St Sidewalk: Pilkington to Tualata (TSP 82)145,000 River‐to‐River Trail (TSP 94)8,475,000 Roosevelt Ave Sidewalk: Washington Ct to Harrington (TSP 50)2,059,000 Royce Way Bike Lanes: Bryant Rd to Westview Rd  (TSP 127)40,000 South Shore Blvd Pathway: Lakeview to McVey (TSP 88)9,636,000 Stafford Rd Bike Lane: South Shore to Overlook (TSP 91)4,150,000 Stafford Rd Pathway: Rosemont to Childs (TSP 96)3,478,000 Sunningdale Rd Sidewalks: Andrews Rd to 10th St (TSP 214)477,000 Terwilliger Bike Lanes: Hwy 43 to city limits/Castleridge Ln. (TSP 104)2,525,000 Thoma Rd Sidewalk & Pathway: Knaus Rd to LO High School (TSP 209)456,000 Timberline Drive Sidewalk: Knaus Rd to Bonniebrae Dr (TSP 29)682,000 Touchstone Rd Pathway: Kerr Parkway to Carman Drive (TSP 130)61,000 Tualata Sidewalk: Red Leaf to Jean Rd (TSP 83)692,000 Twin Fir Rd Pathway: Upper Drive & Boones Ferry Rd (TSP 30)2,685,000 Uplands Dr Pathway: Ridgecrest Rd to Wembley Park Rd (TSP 208)432,000 Waluga Dr Pathway: Oakridge to Madrona (TSP #31)421,000 Washington Court Pathway: Queens Park Rd to Lake Forest Blvd (TSP 32)733,000 Westlake Dr Sidewalk: Kruse Way to Amberwood Circle (TSP 85)661,000 Westview Dr Sidewalk: Greentree Rd to South Shore (TSP 33)1,320,000 Willamette Greenway Trail: Willamette Shore Line (Trolley) Trail (TSP 95)6,953,000 Willamette River Greenway Trail: Foothills Park‐Tryon Cove Park (TSP 87)1,790,000 Willamette River Greenway Trail: George Rogers Park‐Riverbend Condos (TSP 86)461,000 Willamette River Greenway Trail: Roehr Park Pathway Repair/Upgrade (TSP 28)366,000 Willamette Steps (TSP 137)3,195,000 140,716,000Pathways Total 52 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CIP Funding Plan Summary                                                                                                                                                                                          Pathways Unfunded Continued ‐ Street Fund North Shore Pathway: Cabana Ln to Hwy 43 (TSP 220)1,632,000 Oak St Pathway: McVey to Palisades Terrace Dr (TSP 26)193,000 Oakridge Rd Sidewalk: Bonaire to Waluga Rd (TSP 159)1,822,000 O'Brien St Sidewalk & Pathway: Ash St.‐ Hallinan Open Space (TSP175)355,000 Oswego Canal Trail: Bryant Rd to Childs Rd. (TSP 186)1,000,000 Overlook Dr Bike Lanes: Meadowlark Ln to Stafford Rd (TSP 126)1,300,000 Palisades Crest Dr Nbhd. Sidewalk: Hillside Dr to Cook's Butte Park (TSP 27)220,000 Parkview Dr Bike Lanes: Westlake Drive to Fosberg Rd  (TSP 128)1,725,000 Pilkington Rd Pathway: Pilkington Park/Dawn St to Childs Rd (TSP 90)134,000 Prestwick Rd Pathway: Glen Eagles Rd to Crest Dr (TSP 206)423,000 Quarry Rd Sidewalk: Oakridge to Boones Ferry Rd (TSP 158)163,000 Red Leaf St Sidewalk: Pilkington to Tualata (TSP 82)145,000 River‐to‐River Trail (TSP 94)8,475,000 Roosevelt Ave Sidewalk: Washington Ct to Harrington (TSP 50)2,059,000 Royce Way Bike Lanes: Bryant Rd to Westview Rd  (TSP 127)40,000 South Shore Blvd Pathway: Lakeview to McVey (TSP 88)9,636,000 Stafford Rd Bike Lane: South Shore to Overlook (TSP 91)4,150,000 Stafford Rd Pathway: Rosemont to Childs (TSP 96)3,478,000 Sunningdale Rd Sidewalks: Andrews Rd to 10th St (TSP 214)477,000 Terwilliger Bike Lanes: Hwy 43 to city limits/Castleridge Ln. (TSP 104)2,525,000 Thoma Rd Sidewalk & Pathway: Knaus Rd to LO High School (TSP 209)456,000 Timberline Drive Sidewalk: Knaus Rd to Bonniebrae Dr (TSP 29)682,000 Touchstone Rd Pathway: Kerr Parkway to Carman Drive (TSP 130)61,000 Tualata Sidewalk: Red Leaf to Jean Rd (TSP 83)692,000 Twin Fir Rd Pathway: Upper Drive & Boones Ferry Rd (TSP 30)2,685,000 Uplands Dr Pathway: Ridgecrest Rd to Wembley Park Rd (TSP 208)432,000 Waluga Dr Pathway: Oakridge to Madrona (TSP #31)421,000 Washington Court Pathway: Queens Park Rd to Lake Forest Blvd (TSP 32)733,000 Westlake Dr Sidewalk: Kruse Way to Amberwood Circle (TSP 85)661,000 Westview Dr Sidewalk: Greentree Rd to South Shore (TSP 33)1,320,000 Willamette Greenway Trail: Willamette Shore Line (Trolley) Trail (TSP 95)6,953,000 Willamette River Greenway Trail: Foothills Park‐Tryon Cove Park (TSP 87)1,790,000 Willamette River Greenway Trail: George Rogers Park‐Riverbend Condos (TSP 86)461,000 Willamette River Greenway Trail: Roehr Park Pathway Repair/Upgrade (TSP 28)366,000 Willamette Steps (TSP 137)3,195,000 140,716,000Pathways Total 53 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CIP Funding Plan Summary                                                                                                                                                                                          Water Unfunded ‐ Water Fund 6th Pump at Water Treatment Plant (P‐03)1,250,000 City View Reservoir Rehabilitation 750,000 Cooks Butte Reservoir Rehabilitation 750,000 Filter Media Replacement at Water Treatment Plant 1,250,000 Forest Highlands #2 Reservoir Rehabilitation 1,250,000 Knaus Pressure Zone ‐ Pipe Resiliency Improvements (R‐04)2,250,000 Knaus Reservoir Updates 250,000 McNary #1 Reservoir Rehabilitation 1,000,000 Palisades #1 Reservoir Replacement 3,500,000 Palisades Pressure Zone ‐ Pipe Resiliency Improvements (R‐03)3,500,000 pH Control for Optimization at Water Treatment Plant 750,000 Pipe Capacity Improvements (D‐04)300,000 Pipe Capacity Improvements (D‐05)3,000,000 Southside High Pressure Improvements 1,750,000 Southside Low Pressure Improvements 2,000,000 Southside Reservoir #2 (S‐04)6,250,000 Southside Reservoir Rehabilitation 1,000,000 Summit Reservoir Rehabilitation 1,250,000 Touchstone Reservoir Rehabilitation 1,500,000 Waluga Pressure Zone Pipe Resiliency Improvements (R‐06)5,500,000 Waluga Pressure Zone Pipe Resiliency Improvements (R‐07)2,750,000 41,800,000Water Total 54 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CIP Funding Plan Summary                                                                                                                                                                                          Stormwater Unfunded ‐ Stormwater Fund Andrews Road & Sunningdale Road Drainage Improvements 800,000 Bickner Street to McVey Ave Stormwater Replacement 1,000,000 Cedar Court Drainage Improvements 350,000 Chandler Road Drainage Improvements 650,000 Cherry Crest Detention ‐ Water Quality Treatment Facility 1,000,000 Douglas Circle Drainage Improvements 700,000 Eena Road Drainage Improvements 400,000 Elizabeth Gress Park Sediment Control/Restoration 350,000 Foothills/A Ave Drainage Improvements 1,500,000 Glen Eagles Road Drainage Improvements 1,500,000 Lakeview Blvd Drainage Improvements ‐ West of Jean Road 1,250,000 Lakeview Blvd Drainage Improvements (Bryant to South Shore)500,000 Lower Boones Ferry Road ‐ Lake Grove UGB 5,000,000 Maple Street Drainage Improvements 150,000 Melrose St Tributary Rehabilitation 500,000 Oakridge/Trillium Woods Drainage Improvements 500,000 Preakness Ct Water Quality/Detention 250,000 Regional Stormwater Facility‐ Bergis/Stafford Road 1,100,000 Sediment Basin Evaluation & Retrofits 625,000 Sher Lane Drainage Improvements 550,000 Southwood Park Detention 225,000 Sunbrook Drive Drainage Improvements 375,000 Tanglewood Drive Water Quality/Detention 225,000 Touchstone Dr Drainage Improvements 150,000 Uplands Drainage Improvements (Ridgecrest to County Club)2,000,000 21,650,000Stormwater Total 55 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 CIP Funding Plan Summary                                                                                                                                                                                           Sewer Unfunded ‐ Sewer Fund Downtown Trunk (T‐DWN‐2)1,250,000 Downtown Trunk 3 & 4 (T‐DWN‐3 & T‐DWN‐4)200,000 East Mountain Park Trunk (T‐EMP‐1)450,000 East Mountain Park Trunk (T‐EMP‐2, T‐EMP‐3)2,000,000 Foothills Road Pump Station (PS‐4)11,250,000 Forest Highlands Trunk (T‐FH‐1)2,650,000 I/I Reduction Program Priority B Projects (G‐3)30,000,000 L5 Basin Trunk (T‐L5‐1)75,000 McVey Trunk (T‐MCV‐1, T‐MCV‐2)2,400,000 New Canal Basin Pump Station (PS‐7)1,650,000 Other Pipeline Repair Projects for Major Collectors (P‐1)5,500,000 Rebuild Lift Station and Pressure Mains 1,150,000 Relocate Storm and Sanitary Sewer Mains 1,700,000 Riverfront Trunk (T‐RF‐2)650,000 South Lake Trunk (T‐SL‐1)150,000 South Shore Trunk (T‐SS‐1)500,000 Southwood Trunk (P‐SW‐1)700,000 Wastewater Pump Station Generators 1,000,000 West Mountain Park Trunk (T‐WMP‐1)750,000 Willamette Road Pump Station (PS‐3)1,325,000 65,350,000Sewer Total Total Unfunded Projects $449,296,000 Parks Unfunded = Street Unfunded = Water Unfunded = Stormwater Unfunded = Sewer Unfunded =  $25,892,000 $294,604,000 $41,800,000 $21,650,000 $65,350,000 56 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Appendix Appendix Positions and Salary Ranges Historical Summary of FTE Positions Budget Resolution 57 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Positions & Salary RangesPOSITIONS & SALARY RANGES FTE               POSITION            low high low high CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 1 City Attorney $15,289 $183,463 1 Deputy City Attorney II 9,373 ‐11,506 112,470 ‐138,076 1 Legal Assistant 5,649 ‐6,868 63,297 ‐77,961 1 Administrative Support II 4,252 ‐5,432 51,024 ‐65,190 4 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 1 City Manager 16,499 197,892 0.5 Assistant City Manager/HR Director 11,579 ‐14,080 138,949 ‐168,965 1 Deputy City Manager 8,170 ‐9,932 98,034 ‐119,189 1 Assistant to the City Manager 7,760 ‐9,433 93,125 ‐113,198 1 City Recorder 7,391 ‐8,984 88,695 ‐107,810 1 Citizen Information Specialist 6,218 ‐7,934 74,612 ‐95,205 1 Management Analyst 6,218 ‐7,934 74,612 ‐95,205 1 Equity Program Manager 6,218 ‐7,934 74,612 ‐95,205 1 Project Coordinator (Mgmt/Sustainability)5,968 ‐7,617 71,617 ‐91,399 0.8 Administrative Assistant 5,119 ‐6,528 61,425 ‐78,336 0.7 Project Specialist 4,476 ‐5,712 53,708 ‐68,539 0.2 Part‐time employee(s) 10.2 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 1 Facilities Manager 6,816 ‐8,281 81,789 ‐99,366 0.5 Lead Electrician 6,528 ‐8,334 78,336 ‐100,010 3 Building Maintenance Worker 4,344 ‐5,547 52,127 ‐66,563 4.5 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 Finance Director 11,579 ‐14,080 138,949 ‐168,964 1 Assistant Finance Director 9,373 ‐11,506 112,470 ‐138,075 1 Payroll Administrator 6,218 ‐7,558 74,612 ‐90,691 3 Accountant 5,750 ‐7,325 68,996 ‐87,904 0.5 Human Resources/Payroll Specialist 5,275 ‐6,497 63,297 ‐77,961 5 Accounting Specialist III 4,656 ‐5,944 55,871 ‐71,326 1 Administrative Support II 4,252 ‐5,432 51,024 ‐65,190 12.5 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 Fire Chief 11,579 ‐14,080 138,949 ‐168,965 1 Assistant Fire Chief 10,092 ‐12,266 121,102 ‐147,186 1 Fire Marshal 10,092 ‐12,266 121,102 ‐147,186 3 Battalion Chief 9,373 ‐11,506 112,470 ‐138,075 2 EMS Coordinator 8,161 ‐10,414 97,930 ‐124,971 21 Fire Lieutenant 7,776 ‐10,050 93,316 ‐120,594 1 Deputy Fire Marshall 7,393 ‐9,464 88,716 ‐113,572 14 Fire Driver / Engineer 6,496 ‐8,491 77,952 ‐101,888 6 Fire Fighter 5,991 ‐7,864 71,887 ‐94,367 1 Office Manager 5,275 ‐6,497 63,297 ‐77,961 1 Administrative Support II 4,252 ‐5,432 51,024 ‐65,190 52.0 Monthly Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) Annual Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) 185 58 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Positions & Salary RangesPOSITIONS & SALARY RANGES FTE               POSITION            low high low high HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 0.5 Assistant City Manager/HR Director 11,579 ‐14,080 138,949 ‐168,965 2 Human Resources Analyst 6,218 ‐7,558 74,612 ‐90,691 0.5 Human Resources/Payroll Specialist 5,274 ‐6,497 63,297 ‐  77,961 3.0 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 1 Chief Technology Officer 10,092 ‐12,266 121,102 ‐147,186 1 Network Administrator 8,170 ‐9,932 98,034 ‐113,198 2 Network Engineer 6,876 ‐8,769 82,517 ‐105,231 4 Microcomputer Analyst 6,528 ‐8,334 78,336 ‐100,010 0.5 Digital & Graphic Media Specialist 4,798 ‐6,122 57,577 73,468 1 Administrative Support II 4,252 ‐5,432 51,024 ‐65,190 9.5 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 1 Library Director 10,092 ‐12,266 121,102 ‐147,186 3 Library Manager 6,816 ‐8,280 81,789 ‐99,365 1 Administrative Assistant 5,119 ‐6,528 61,425 78,336 5 Librarian II 4,996 ‐6,375 59,948 ‐76,505 2 Lead Library Assistant 4,798 ‐6,122 57,577 ‐73,468 4 Library Assistant II  3,784 ‐4,831 45,408 ‐57,972 17.7 Part‐time employee(s) 33.7 MUNICIPAL COURT DEPARTMENT 1 Municipal Court Manager 6,218 ‐7,558 74,612 ‐90,691 2 Administrative Support II 4,252 ‐5,432 51024 ‐65,190 0.5 Part‐time employee(s) 3.5 PARKS ‐ ADMININSTRATION & RECREATION 1 Director of Parks & Recreation 10,092 ‐12,266 121,102 ‐147,186 1 Assistant Director Parks and Recreation 8,170 ‐9,932 98,034 ‐119,189 0.5 Sports Manager 6,816 ‐8,280 81,792 ‐99,360 1 Center Manager 7,391 ‐8,984 88,692 ‐107,808 2 Park Analyst/Project Manager 6,217 ‐7,934 74,612 ‐95,205 1 Aquatic Supervisor 5,274 ‐6,496 63,297 ‐77,961 2 Recreation Program Supervisor II 6,218 ‐7,934 70,327 ‐85,491 1 Administrative Assistant 5,119 ‐6,528 61,425 ‐78,336 5 Recreation Specialist I 4,476 ‐5,712 53,708 ‐68,539 0.5 Digital & Graphic Media Specialist 4,798 ‐6,122 57,577 ‐73,468 1 Building Maintenance Worker 4,344 ‐5,547 52,127 ‐66,563 3 Administrative Support II 4,252 ‐5,432 51,024 ‐65,190 2 Lead Lifeguard 4,135 ‐5,278 49,631 ‐63,338 23.9 Part‐time employee(s) 44.9 Monthly Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) Annual Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) 186 59 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Positions & Salary RangesPOSITIONS & SALARY RANGES FTE               POSITION            low high low high PARKS ‐  MAINTENANCE DIVISION 1 Assistant Director Parks and Recreation 8,170 ‐9,932 98,034 ‐119,189 1 Parks Manager 6,816 ‐8,280 81,789 ‐99,366 3 Crewleader 5,573 ‐7,105 66,875 ‐85,262 2 Park Ranger 4,798 ‐6,122 57,577 ‐73,468 2 Senior Utility Worker 4,798 ‐6,122 57,576 ‐73,464 1 Administrative Support III 4,476 ‐5,711 53,708 ‐68,539 7 Utility Worker 4,344 ‐5,547 52,127 ‐66,563 0.9 Part‐time employee(s) 17.9 PARKS ‐ GOLF COURSE DIVISION 0.5 Sports Manager 6,816 ‐8,280 81,788 ‐99,366 1 Recreation Specialist I 4,476 ‐5,712 53,707 ‐68,539 2 Senior Utility Worker 4,798 ‐6,122 57,576 ‐73,468 3.5 66.3 TOTAL PARKS ADULT COMMUNITY CENTER 1 ACC Manager 6,816 ‐8,280 81,789 ‐99,366 1 Program Supervisor 5,275 ‐6,497 63,296 ‐77,963 1 Administrative Assistant 5,119 ‐6,528 63,296 ‐77,963 1 Building Maintenance Worker 4,344 ‐5,547 52,127 ‐66,563 1 Administrative Support II 4,011 ‐5,124 48,132 ‐61,488 3.3 Part‐time employee(s) 8.3 TENNIS FACILITY 1 Recreation Specialist II 5,119 ‐6,528 61,425 ‐78,336 1 Administrative Support I 3,784 ‐4,831 45,408 ‐57,972 2.1 Part‐time employee(s) 4.1 PLANNING 0.8 11,579 ‐14,080 138,949 ‐168,965 1 9,373 ‐11,506 112,470 ‐138,076 1 8,170 ‐9,932 98,034 ‐119,189 1 6,218 ‐7,934 74,612 ‐95,205 3 6,218 ‐7,934 74,612 ‐95,205 1 6,218 ‐7,934 74,612 ‐95,205 3 5,750 ‐7,325 68,996 ‐87,904 1 5,750 ‐7,325 68,996 ‐87,904 2 5,119 ‐6,528 63,296 ‐77,963 1 Community Development Director  Deputy Community Dev Director  Planning Manager Se  n Deiorvelopment Specialist  Se  Pn li aornner Se  n Coio dr e Enforcement Specialist  Associate Planner  C  Eodnfoercement Specialist  Administrative Assistant  Administrative Support III 4,475 ‐5,712 53,708 ‐68,539 0.9 Part‐time employee(s) 15.7 Monthly Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) Annual Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) 187 60 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Positions & Salary RangesPOSITIONS & SALARY RANGES FTE               POSITION            low high low high POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 Police Chief 11,579 ‐14,080 138,949 ‐168,965 1 Police Captain 10,092 ‐12,266 121,102 ‐147,186 2 Police Lieutenant 9,732 ‐11,886 116,786 ‐142,631 9 Police Sergeant 9,015 ‐10,960 108,185 ‐131,523 1 Police Records Lead 5,968 ‐7,617 71,617 ‐91,399 1 Behavioral Health Specialist 5,691 ‐7,265 68,289 ‐87,176 36 Police Officer 5,691 ‐7,265 68,289 ‐87,176 1 Administrative Assistant (Conf)5,275 ‐6,497 63,297 ‐77,961 1 Evidence Technician 5,030 ‐6,244 60,363 ‐74,924 1 Community Service Officer  5,030 ‐6,244 60,364 ‐74,924 3 Administrative Support II 4,252 ‐5,432 51,024 ‐65,190 57.0 LOCOM 1 Communications Manager 9,732 ‐11,886 116,786 ‐142,631 2 Communications Operations Supervisor 9,015 ‐10,960 108,185 ‐131,523 2 Lead Communications Operator 5,691 ‐7,265 68,289 ‐87,176 6 Senior Communications Operator 5,098 ‐6,391 61,175 ‐76,692 6 Communications Operators 4,625 ‐5,816 55,497 ‐69,787 17.0 74 TOTAL POLICE REDEVELOPMENT 1 Redevelopment Mgr/Asst to City Mgr 11,579 ‐14,080 138,949 ‐168,965 0.3 Administrative Assistant 5,119 ‐6,527 61,425 ‐78,336 1.3 BUILDING 0.2 11,579 ‐14,080 138,949 ‐168,965 1 9,015 ‐10,960 108,185 ‐131,523 2 6,218 ‐7,934 74,612 ‐95,205 2 5,408 ‐6,900 64,898 ‐82,808 2 5,408 ‐6,900 64,898 ‐82,808 1 6,528 ‐8,334 78,336 ‐100,010 1 5,627 ‐7,181 67,519 ‐86,178 1 Community Development Director  Building Official P  lan Examsiner II Building Permit Specialist  Building Inspector III Se  En lio ecrtrical Inspector  P  lan Examsiner I Pe  r Tm ecithnician II 5,119 ‐6,528 61,425 ‐78,336 10.2 Monthly Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) Annual Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) 188 61 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Positions & Salary RangesPOSITIONS & SALARY RANGES FTE               POSITION            low high low high ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT  1 City Engineer 10,737 ‐13,046 128,840 ‐156,546 1 Assistant City Engineer 9,373 ‐11,506 112,470 ‐138,076 1 Principal Engineer 8,170 9,932 98,043 ‐119,189 1 GIS Services Supervisor 7,391 ‐8,984 88,695 ‐107,811 1 Engineering Development Coord.6,876 ‐8,769 82,517 ‐105,231 3 Senior Associate Engineer   6,876 ‐8,769 82,517 ‐105,231 1 Citizen Information Specialist 6,876 ‐8,769 82,517 ‐105,231 2 Associate Engineer   6,731 ‐8,587 80,770 ‐103,047 1 Chief Surveyor 6,528 ‐8,334 78,336 ‐100,010 1 Engineering Program Lead 6,218 ‐7,934 74,617 ‐95,205 1 ADA Coordinator 6,218 ‐7,934 74,617 ‐95,205 1 Construction Inspector 5,968 ‐7,617 71,614 ‐91,399 3 Engineering Technician III 5,968 ‐7,617 71,614 ‐91,399 1 Engineering Technician I 4,798 ‐6,122 57,576 ‐73,468 1 Technical Support Analyst (GIS)5,968 ‐7,617 71,617 ‐91,399 1 Technical Support Specialist (GIS)5,145 6,570 61,736 ‐78,835 1 Administrative Assistant 5,118 ‐6,528 61,425 ‐78,336 1 Administrative Support III 4,252 ‐5,432 51,024 ‐65,190 1 Administrative Support I 3,784 ‐4,831 45,408 ‐57,972 0.8 Part‐time employee(s) 24.8 PUBLIC WORKS SUPPORT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 Public Works Director 11,579 ‐14,080 138,949 ‐168,965 1 Maintenance Field Services Manager 8,170 ‐9,932 98,034 ‐119,189 1 Management and Program Analyst 6,218 ‐7,934 74,612 ‐95,205 1 Lead Electrician 6,528 ‐8,334 78,336 ‐100,010 1 Lead Mechanic 5,144 ‐6,570 61,737 ‐78,835 1 Support Services Specialist 5,119 ‐6,528 61,424 ‐78,336 1 Mechanic 4,798 ‐6,122 57,577 ‐73,468 1 Technical Support Coordinator 6,218 ‐7,934 74,612 ‐95,205 1 Administrative Support III 4,252 ‐5,432 51,024 ‐65,190 1 City Beautification Speciaist 5,573 ‐7,105 66,875 ‐85,262 0.5 Part‐time employee(s) 10.5 SEWER ‐ Maintenance Services Division 1 Utility Superintendent 6,816 ‐8,280 81,789 ‐99,366 1 Crewleader 5,573 ‐7,105 66,875 ‐85,262 5 Utility Worker 4,344 ‐5,547 52,127 ‐66,563 0.8 Part‐time employee(s) 7.8 STORMWATER ‐ Maintenance Services Division 0.5 Maintenance Field Services Manager 8,170 ‐9,932 98,034 ‐119,189 1 Crewleader 5,573 ‐7,105 66,875 ‐85,262 2 Utility Worker 4,344 ‐5,547 52,127 ‐66,563 3.5 Monthly Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) Annual Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) 189 62 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Positions & Salary RangesPOSITIONS & SALARY RANGES 0 Engineering Program Supervisor low high low high STREET ‐  Maintenance Services Division 0.5 Maintenance Field Services Manager 8,170 ‐9,932 98,034 ‐119,189 1 Crewleader 5,573 ‐7,105 66,875 ‐85,262 2 Utility Worker 4,344 ‐5,547 52,127 ‐66,563 0.5 Part‐time employee(s) 4.0 WATER ‐ Water Treatment and Maintenance Services Divisions 1 Water Treatment Plant Manager 9,373 ‐11,506 112,470 ‐138,076 1 Asst. Water Treatment Plant Manager 7,391 ‐8,984 88,695 ‐107,811 1 Utility Superintendent 6,816 ‐8,280 81,789 ‐99,366 5 WTP Operator IV 6,034 ‐7,705 72,408 ‐92,460 1 Water Conservation Specialist 5,968 ‐7,617 71,617 ‐91,399 2 WTP Operator III 5,573 ‐7,105 66,875 ‐85,262 1 Instrumentation Technician 5,573 ‐7,105 66,875 ‐85,262 1 Administrative Assistant 5,118 ‐6,528 61,425 ‐78,336 1 Crewleader 5,573 ‐7,105 66,875 ‐85,262 4 Utility Worker 4,344 ‐5,547 52,127 ‐66,563 1 Maintenance Technician 4,656 ‐5,944 55,871 ‐71,326 0.3 Part‐time employee(s) 19.3 330.3 Total Full‐Time Positions 52.3 Total Part‐Time FTEs 382.6 Total Full‐Time Equivalents (FTEs) Monthly Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) Annual Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) 190 POSITIONS & SALARY RANGES FTE               POSITION            low high low high ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT  1 City Engineer 10,737 ‐13,046 128,840 ‐156,546 1 Assistant City Engineer 9,373 ‐11,506 112,470 ‐138,076 1 Principal Engineer 8,170 9,932 98,043 ‐119,189 1 GIS Services Supervisor 7,391 ‐8,984 88,695 ‐107,811 1 Engineering Development Coord.6,876 ‐8,769 82,517 ‐105,231 3 Senior Associate Engineer   6,876 ‐8,769 82,517 ‐105,231 1 Citizen Information Specialist 6,876 ‐8,769 82,517 ‐105,231 2 Associate Engineer   6,731 ‐8,587 80,770 ‐103,047 1 Chief Surveyor 6,528 ‐8,334 78,336 ‐100,010 1 Engineering Program Lead 6,218 ‐7,934 74,617 ‐95,205 1 ADA Coordinator 6,218 ‐7,934 74,617 ‐95,205 1 Construction Inspector 5,968 ‐7,617 71,614 ‐91,399 3 Engineering Technician III 5,968 ‐7,617 71,614 ‐91,399 1 Engineering Technician I 4,798 ‐6,122 57,576 ‐73,468 1 Technical Support Analyst (GIS)5,968 ‐7,617 71,617 ‐91,399 1 Technical Support Specialist (GIS)5,145 6,570 61,736 ‐78,835 1 Administrative Assistant 5,118 ‐6,528 61,425 ‐78,336 1 Administrative Support III 4,252 ‐5,432 51,024 ‐65,190 1 Administrative Support I 3,784 ‐4,831 45,408 ‐57,972 0.8 Part‐time employee(s) 24.8 PUBLIC WORKS SUPPORT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 Public Works Director 11,579 ‐14,080 138,949 ‐168,965 1 Maintenance Field Services Manager 8,170 ‐9,932 98,034 ‐119,189 1 Management and Program Analyst 6,218 ‐7,934 74,612 ‐95,205 1 Lead Electrician 6,528 ‐8,334 78,336 ‐100,010 1 Lead Mechanic 5,144 ‐6,570 61,737 ‐78,835 1 Support Services Specialist 5,119 ‐6,528 61,424 ‐78,336 1 Mechanic 4,798 ‐6,122 57,577 ‐73,468 1 Technical Support Coordinator 6,218 ‐7,934 74,612 ‐95,205 1 Administrative Support III 4,252 ‐5,432 51,024 ‐65,190 1 City Beautification Speciaist 5,573 ‐7,105 66,875 ‐85,262 0.5 Part‐time employee(s) 10.5 SEWER ‐ Maintenance Services Division 1 Utility Superintendent 6,816 ‐8,280 81,789 ‐99,366 1 Crewleader 5,573 ‐7,105 66,875 ‐85,262 5 Utility Worker 4,344 ‐5,547 52,127 ‐66,563 0.8 Part‐time employee(s) 7.8 STORMWATER ‐ Maintenance Services Division 0.5 Maintenance Field Services Manager 8,170 ‐9,932 98,034 ‐119,189 1 Crewleader 5,573 ‐7,105 66,875 ‐85,262 2 Utility Worker 4,344 ‐5,547 52,127 ‐66,563 3.5 Monthly Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) Annual Salary Range (as of July 1, 2022) 189 63 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Historical Summary of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) PositionsHISTORICAL SUMMARY OF FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) POSITIONS Year CAO CMO LORA Facilities Finance Fire HR IT Library Court P&R* ACC Plan Police Comm Total 2013‐14 4.0         9.1         1.4        4.0          10.1        52.0      3.0       9.5        33.7     3.5        40.1     8.6         15.3     52.5     16.5      263.3      2014‐15 4.0         9.1         1.4        4.0          10.1        52.0      3.0       9.5        33.7     3.5        39.1     8.6         15.4     52.5     16.5      262.4      2015‐16 4.0         7.4         1.4        4.0          10.1        52.0      3.0       9.5        33.7     3.5        38.1     8.6         13.8     52.5     16.5      258.1      2016‐17 4.0         7.3         1.7        4.5          10.1        52.0      3.0       9.5        33.7     3.5        38.1     8.6         13.5     52.0     16.5      258.0      2017‐18 4.0         7.2         1.1        4.5          10.1        52.0      3.0       9.5        33.7     3.5        38.1     8.6         14.5     52.0     16.5      258.3      2018‐19 4.0         8.2         1.1        4.5          10.1        52.0      3.0       9.5        33.7     3.5        38.1     8.6         14.5     51.0     17.5      259.3      2019‐21 4.0         8.7         1.3        4.5          10.5        52.0      3.0       9.5        33.7     3.5        42.4     8.6         14.5     52.0     16.5      264.7      2021‐23 4.0         9.2         1.3        4.5          10.5        52.0      3.5       9.5        33.7     3.5        44.4     8.6         15.5     57.0     17.0      274.2      2023‐25 4.0         10.2       1.3        4.5          12.5        52.0      3.0       9.5        33.7     3.5        66.3     8.3         15.7     57.0     17.0      298.5        * Building became a separate fund as of 7‐1‐13; and Golf is included in Parks as of 7‐1‐19. General  ‐  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80 4.0  10.2  1.3 4.5  12.5  52.0  3.0  9.5  33.7  3.5  66.3  8.3  15.7  74.0  10.2  4.1  24.8  10.5  4.0 3.5  7.8  19.3  Adopted 2021‐23 Adopted 23‐25 FTE's Per Department by Budget Period 352.1  350.1 347.3  344.8 344.3 345.3 346.7  358.8  382.6  330  340  350  360  370  380  390 2013‐14 2014‐15 2015‐16 2016‐17 2017‐18 2018‐19 2019‐21 2021‐23 2023‐25 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Full‐time Equivalent (FTE) per 1,000 Population FTE total FTE per 1,000 pop. 64 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 Historical Summary of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) PositionsHISTORICAL SUMMARY OF FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) POSITIONS Building FTE Full‐Part‐City FTE per Golf* Tennis Total Engr Support Svc Street Storm Sewer Water LO‐Tig Total total time time population 1,000 pop. 7.9          5.3       2.8       8.1       22.8     9.9                 5.1         3.8          6.0           17.2     8.0       72.8      352.1     303.0   49.1     36,990 9.5 7.8          5.0       3.1       8.1       22.8     9.9                 5.1         3.8          6.0           17.2     7.0       71.8      350.1     302.0   48.1     37,105 9.4 8.8          5.0       3.1       8.1       22.8     11.0               5.0         3.8          6.0           17.7     6.0       72.3      347.3     303.0   44.3     37,300 9.3 8.9          5.0       3.1       8.1       22.8     10.0               5.0         3.9          6.2           18.9     3.0       69.8      344.8     303.0   41.8     37,430 9.2 9.1          4.3       3.1       7.4       24.3     10.0               4.0         3.9          7.2           19.8     0.3       69.5      344.3     302.0   42.3     37,497 9.2 9.1          4.3       3.1       7.4       24.5     10.0               4.0         3.9          7.2           19.9      ‐       69.5      345.3     304.0   41.3     38,215 9.0 9.1           ‐       3.1       3.1       25.3     9.5                 4.0         3.9          7.2           19.9      ‐       69.8      346.7     306.0   40.7     38,705 9.0 9.1           ‐       3.1       3.1       25.8     9.6                 4.5         3.6          7.8           21.2      ‐       72.4      358.8     318.0   40.8     39,480 9.1 10.2         ‐       4.1       4.1       24.8     10.5               4.0         3.5          7.8           19.3      ‐       69.9      382.6     330.2   52.4     41,148 9.3 The table below summarizes the changes in FTEs from the current biennial budget for 2023‐25 with the prior biennial budget for 2021‐23: Moved New General: CMO 0.5 Redistributed Equity Program Manager CMO 0.5 Added to Deputy City Manager HR (0.5)Moved Equity Program Manager to CMO Finance 2.0 Redistributed utility billing from Public Works ACC (0.3)Removed PT Clerical‐Office Positions and reduced temporary FTE Planning 0.4 Redistributed Administrative Support from Building Planning (0.2)Redistributed Community Development Director Parks 21.9 FTE added for LORAC operations         Total General 2.2 22.1 Building:0.2 Redistributed Community Development Director (0.4)Redistributed Administrative Support to Planning 1.0 Added full time Inspector 0.3 Added to Inspector III (0.2)1.3 Tennis:1.0 Added to Administrative Support Staff Engineering: (1.0)Removed Senior Associate position Public Works Support Services 0.5 Moved Electrician from Street (0.1)Reduction of Motor Pool Temp position 0.5 Added to Public Works Director 0.5 0.4 Street Maintenance (0.5)Moved Electrician to Public Works Support Services Stormwater Maintenance (0.1)Redistributed Utility Worker to Sewer Sewer Maintenance (0.8)Redistributed utility billing to Finance 0.7 Redistributed Utility Worker from Water 0.1 Redistributed Utility Worker from Stormwater 0.0 0.0 Water Maintenance (1.2)Redistributed utility billing to Finance (0.7)Redistributed Utility Worker to Sewer         Total WTP (1.9)0.0 Total Change  ‐                    23.8        BN23 FTEs  358.8 BN25 FTEs  382.6 BN23 BN25 Change Regular positions (Full‐time & Part‐time)334.8             345.3     10.5         Temporary positions 24.0               37.3       13.3         FTEs 358.8             382.6     23.8         Parks & Rec ‐ Other Public Works 65 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 City Budget Resolution City Budget Resolution 23-21 Page 1 of 4   RESOLUTION 23‐21    A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO ADOPTING THE CITY OF LAKE  OSWEGO BUDGET FOR THE BIENNIUM COMMENCING JULY 1, 2023, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS,  LEVYING AD VALOREM TAXES, AND CLASSIFYING THE LEVY PURSUANT TO SECTION 11b, ARTICLE  XI OF THE OREGON CONSTITUTION.    BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego that:    Section 1. The City Council hereby adopts the budget for the 2023‐25 biennium in the sum of  $456,986,653898. The budget is now on file at the Finance Department, City Hall, Lake Oswego,  Oregon.    Section 2. The amounts listed below are hereby appropriated for the biennium beginning  July 1, 2023 for the purposes stated.    GENERAL FUND  General Administration $ 26,659,914  Police 36,856,594  Fire 31,069,829  Parks & Recreation 33,971,564  Library 13,796,496  Planning 8,156,124  Adult Community Center 3,554,829  Municipal Court 3,211,081  Redevelopment 1,249,243  Nondepartmental  Materials and Services Transfers to Other Funds  1,375,000 4,220,000  Contingency  10,036,000   Total Appropriations  $ 174,156,674       PUBLIC WORKS:    Water Fund  Water Department $ 29,264,000  Debt Service 11,642,000  Transfers to Other Funds 2,000,000  Contingency  3,608,068   Total Appropriations  $ 46,514,068      Sewer Fund  Sewer Department $ 47,184,000  Debt Service 11,254,000  Contingency   4,985,332   Total Appropriations  $ 63,423,332  66 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 City Budget Resolution City Budget Resolution 23-21 Page 2 of 4   Street Fund  Street Department $ 25,294,000  Debt Service 1,593,000  Contingency  5,363,670   Total Appropriations  $ 32,250,670      Stormwater Fund  Stormwater Department $        10,295,000  Debt Service  231,000 Contingency  3,849,521    Total Appropriations  $ 14,375,521        Public Works Support Services  Operations Services Department      $    5,109,000  Contingency  413,137   Total Appropriations  $    5,522,137       Systems Development Charges Fund  Systems Development Charges Department $ 9,200,000  Contingency  12,600,849   Total Appropriations  $ 21,800,849       OTHER FUNDS:    City/LORA Debt Service Fund  Debt Service  Total Appropriations    $    7,120,000  $    7,120,000    Engineering Fund  Engineering Department $ 10,753,000  Contingency  483,798  Total Appropriations  $ 11,236,798      Building Fund  Building Department $ 6,514,000  Contingency  545,000  Total Appropriations  $ 7,059,000       Bonded Debt Service Fund  Debt Service  Total Appropriations    $    4,170,000  $    4,170,000  67 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 City Budget Resolution City Budget Resolution 23-21 Page 3 of 4   Tennis Facility Fund  Tennis Facility Department $ 1,023,000  Contingency  161,554  Total Appropriations  $ 1,184,554      Tourism Fund  Tourism Department $ 78,000  Transfers to Other Funds 352,000  Contingency  198,250   Total Appropriations  $ 628,250     Trolley Fund  Trolley $ 271,000  Contingency  441,602  Total Appropriations  $ 712,602      Public Art Fund  Public Art  Total Appropriations    $    552,000  $    552,000      Parks Bond Fund  Parks Bond Department $  2,440,000  Transfers to Other Funds 7,136,000  Contingency             781   Total Appropriations  $          9,576,781       Parks Recreation Center Fund  Parks Recreation Center $ 23,680,000  Contingency             520   Total Appropriations  $ 23,680,520      ACC Endowment Fund  Transfers to Other Funds  Total Appropriations    $                150,000  $    150,000      Library Endowments Fund  Transfers to Other Funds  Total Appropriations    $    66,000  $    66,000   Capital Reserve Fund  Transfers to Other Funds  $ 1,800,000   Total Appropriations  $ 1,800,000     Summary Totals for All Funds   Total Appropriations $ 425,979,756  Total Unappropriated and Reserves Amounts  31,007,142  TOTAL ADOPTED BUDGET for 2023‐25  $ 456,986,898  68 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 City Budget Resolution 69 Lake Oswego Adopted Budget 2023-25 70 I City of Lake Oswego 380 A Avenue PO Box 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 503-635-0260 For more detailed budget information go to our website www.lakeoswego.city/finance/city-budget