August 2024 HelloLO N N N D Ar a, D a 000 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Celebrate Summer in Lake Oswego TriMet Bus Service: Events You Won't Want to Miss Lake Oswego & 7-- Irr _____ West Linn , �, Get ready for better bus service, I ,' - Lake Oswego! TriMet is introducing a brand-new bus route,• Line 153-Stafford/Salamo. Line 153 will -.7. connect Lake Oswego and West Linn, running , .. . i. ,,,, between the Lake Oswego Transit Center and k:, Downtown West Linn. The new line will provide hourly service on ��� + weekdays, for most of the day. k 1 llr 1 ... _, The bus improvements take effect the week of This August, Lake Oswego is brimming with Westlake Park- 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. August 25,with service on Line 153 beginning exciting summer activities, from outdoor concerts • Chris Baum Project-August 7 Monday,August 26. Visit trimet.org to plan and farmers' markets to family-friendly events that • Beat Division -August 14 your trip! promise fun for everyone. • Ants in the Kitchen -August 21 Riders will also be able to connect with Oregon Outdoor Concerts: Music in the Park • Stone in Love -August 28 City via the new Line 153.TriMet is extending some trips on Line 76-Hall/Greenburg to West Enjoy the sounds of summer with top-notch talent Millennium Plaza Park- 6 to 7:30 p.m. Linn and Oregon City. That means riders can performing in our beautiful parks, which are free • Hillstomp -August 4 take Line 153 to Downtown West Linn, then and open to the public. Bring your picnic baskets hopon Line 76 to get across the Willamette •and low-sand chairs and savor a stellar lineupMbrascatu-August 18 River. of local musicians. Outside food and drink are For more detailed information, visit welcome (beer and wine only, no spirits).Amazing lakeoswego.city/concerts. Lake Oswego/Tigard/Tualatin&West Linn-Lines 76&153 food vendors will be onsite at Wednesday concerts, 0 Beaverton offering yummy dining and snack choices. Continued on page 3 D Tr •��•Proansit Center + Current Route j • 1 posed Route ' t NORTH • Take a Trolley Ride! 76.. TLake Oswego 1.1,.. Enjoy a ride on the Willamette Shore Trolley this summer! Rides are available on Saturdays and Sundays GAH° tw. Transit Center through September 2 and depart from the depot- 311 N. State Street. For trolley schedules and to make 11 4N your reservation, please visit wst.oregontrolley.com or call 503-697-7436. 76 , AD .4 ,Durham .-_ 4 i r 4:7... ,, Emergency Preparedness Fair Tualatin 0,f• ; Park&Ride: LEGACY i ' MERIDIAN PARK I West Markyour calendar - Thursday, September 5, 5 to 7 p.m. ,-; SagertI. ---... Borland :Linn ; D? Blankenship,___S To learn how to care for yourself and your family in the • Safely experience an 8.0 earthquake FTOTUALATIN ,-2os t,==°'' &SHERWOOD �� event of an earthquake, flood, winter storm, or other • FRS/GRMS Radio Demo =- "" TDDREGoNCITY disaster,join us at the Emergency Preparedness Fair on • Water Container & Bag Giveaway Thursday, September 5. This free event will • Emergency Water Distribution Station Itake place at Lake Oswego City Hall, 380 Demo • A Avenue, between 5-7 p.m. and will • Emergency Supply Kits National Night O u t - feature approximately 20 informational • Pet Preparedness August booths, plus programs and activities. • Wildfire Home Assessment Info g • Hands-Only CPR d This year, we are excited to bring • Emergency Food Options The City encourages residents to get to know a new experience to our Fair- the • Portable Sanitation their neighbors - and National Night Out Big Shaker! The Big Shaker, the • Water Shut-off Demo provides the perfect opportunity! On Tuesday, world's biggest mobile earthquake • Sand Bag Demo August 6, neighbors around the city will be simulator, can recreate the intense • Be 2 Weeks Ready gathering for barbecues, ice cream socials, "Lip shaking of an earthquake up to a • Sign Up for Public Alerts potlucks and activities. Our Fire and Police '"b Meet one of our K9s Departments - including our K9 Team - as well :.:.�...�.,��. sue''" magnitude of 8.0. • ' • Emergency Response Vehicles as our Adult Community Center and Library's For more information, please visitiiiiiof • Fire Safety Obstacle Course Rover will be visiting many of these parties and lakeoswego.city/EmergencyManagement. • And More! will be bringing cookies.To find a party in your neighborhood, go to lakeoswego.city. What's Inside Presorted Standard • Political Signs • First Sunday Market in Lake • Author: Dede Montgomery • Car&Boat Show U.S.Postage • Backyard Habitat Certification Grove: Pet-A-Palooza • Cultural Pass Express • Community Calendar PAID Program • Movies in the Park • Tree Species Identification Permit 124 • Photo Contest • Lake Oswego Recreation& Workshop Lake Oswego,OR • Fish on the Run, Irrigation Aquatics Center • Tree Removal Permits Done • Rassekh Park&Skatepark Workshop *****ECRWSS***** • Mosquito Control • Music: David Rogers • Summer Bucket List POSTAL CUSTOMER For information about the City and its services, go to www.Iakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0257. Political Signs Backyard Habitat Certification Program What you need to know about - ; Lake Oswego's Backyard Habitat Certification Program launched in August 2011. This program, posting ostin signs in residential zones brought to you by the Friends of Tryon Creek Local and primary elections will take place on Certified Backyard ,. and the Watershed Alliance in partnership with Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The City's sign code, ' Habitat the Columbia Land Trust and Bird Alliance of LOC Ch. 47, permits additional temporary signage 0 1_ Oregon, supports the creation and expansion of in residential zones during the election season. •i�i urban natural habitats. Signs may be posted no sooner than 90 days before /, ti the election (August 4) and must be removed no ils �� A You can make a difference in our community later than the fifth dayfollowingthe election date bytakingcare of the environment in your own (November 10). L....,d a� es ` a�^�,a dPt^gta =a backyard. By planting native plants and using create wildlife habitat ^d� ,,.-, ". •� :::.: environmentally-friendly gardening practices, you Before posting signs in residential zones, here are . ba -�.� �` �" help support birds, pollinators, and other wildlife. some helpful reminders: � , ►• . -'.i. r, �iN1 To learn more about the Backyard Habitat Public Right-of-way or City Property: Signs on Certification Program and to enroll, go to public property (such asparks, fire stations, and ' •IM. \ 1 • r P P tY % :_ 4 , r BackyardHabitats.org. City Hall) or placed in the public right-of-way are not allowed*.To determine where the public right- of-way is, identify markers such as fire hydrants, Photo Con test sidewalks, streetlights, traffic signs, utility boxes, Enter your best images in the 16th annual City of Lake Oswego Photo Contest for a chance to win! In or utility poles and place your sign on the private each category, first place winners will receive a $150 gift card; second place winners a $100 gift card; property side of these markers. and third place winners a$50 gift card. Visit lakeoswego.city/photocontest for contest details and to • City staff will remove illegally or improperly submit photos online. placed signs. Signs collected by the City are subject to a$32 retrieval fee per sign. Fis• h on the Run Irrigation Done Additional temporary signs on private property in residential zones during election season: For the sixth year in a row, Lake Oswego and the Clackamas River Water Providers are asking our • The signs should be posted either on your customers to help keep water in the Clackamas River property or with consent of the property owner. by participating in our "Fish On the Run, Irrigation ON THE RUN • No application or fees are required to post a sign Done!" annual summer watering campaign. 1 1 1.�r1J�, 'Jr,ri 04 DONE!on private property. 1, g The Clackamas River provides high-quality Doing my part to keep water • No sign shall extend into or over the public drinking water to more than 300,000 people— right-of-way of any street. including Lake Oswego customers - and is home in the Clackamas River. • The maximum sign area is six square feet. to migrating salmon year-round. The end of •,' — • Signs may not be attached to trees, shrubbery, summer sees the highest customer demand while i-:%,' ` i•l� f, ! !' � ��•,', iA %�l t utility poles, or traffic control signs or devices. the river falls to its lowest annual level. • Si na e maynot include the use balloons or �� g g You are the key to reducing how much water we waietPnntle other moving, flashing, or animated parts. take out of the river!Whether you use a hose or wwtvclackamnaprovid.n.otg • The additional signs allowed during the election have an underground watering system to water your season must be removed no later than the fifth yard and garden, let's make sure there is enough Visit www.clackamasproviders.org/fish-on-the day following the election (November 10, 2024). water for the fall fish runs by shutting off outdoor run to learn more and take the pledge to receive The City's sign code requirements for temporary watering by early September. The more water we a free yard sign letting neighbors know what you signs in residential zones are found in Lake Oswego can conserve, the easier this journey will be for are doing to keep water in the Clackamas River Code 47.08. these threatened and endangered salmon species. for fish. *Temporary A-frame signs are allowed in the public permissionabutting pDuring the Summer right-of-waywith of the property Tree Care owner on Sundays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. For detailed As above normal temperatures continue, you also more susceptible to insects and diseases. rules, dimensions, and location requirements for these special signs, please consult Section 47.08.300(2) might be worried about your trees. Extended g t periods of hot and dry weather and subsequent The Lake Oswego Sustainability Network ( c) of the Lake Oswego Code or contact the City s (LOSN) compiled some tips to helpyou shift years of seasonal drought can cause stress in both p p Planning Department at 503-635-0290. into summerplant care mode and helpyour young newly planted trees and mature well- — landscapes handle and recover from spans of i3 - established trees. Drysoil can cause tree roots p p ��+ extreme heat. For tips, go to htt s://losn.or /tree- ` ' =� ��. ::_ �.i; to die and reduce a tree's ability to absorb water p p g } when it finallyrains. Drought stressed trees are care-during-the-summer/ f.� " g = ' T I =F Mosquito Control _ ._- - Around Your Home ��* 1 To reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home, you should eliminate the places where .**. ****.: mosquitoes breed. Mosquitoes reproduce by laying eggs on standing water and they can develop in any �� standing water that lasts more than four days.Anything that can hold water for more than a few days �°' should be emptied weekly, covered or turned upside down. '' IN • Get rid of standing water in rain gutters, old tires, buckets, plastic covers, toys or any other container. HCIV ILT • Empty and change the water in fountains, bird baths, wading pools, and potted plant trays at least J .. '�--�, once a week. r ,e,! ' ' • Keep swimming pool water treated and circulating. �: -. • If you have a pond, consider adding a water feature since immature mosquitoes ti ; t e ri((xaY tO cannot breathe in moving water. ! "'I' ", �'' li 4 !Ai`r -' '' e•; _;' To learn more, visit fightthebites.com or call Clackamas County Vector Control at < . ° ir.f�' 503-655-8394. I 1 A A. A a . CITY COUNCIL 503-635-0215 ' CITY MANAGER Joe Buck Ali Afghan Trudy Corrigan Massene Mboup Aaron Rapf Rachel Verdick John Wendland Martha Bennett Mayor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor 503-635-0215 jbuck@lakeoswego.city aafg ha n@la keoswego.city tcorrigan@lakeoswego.city mmboup@lakeoswego.city arapf@lakeoswego.city rverdick@lakeoswego.city jwendland@lakeoswego.city HeeeoL.0. Parks & Recreation Continued from page 1 City Library First Sunday Market in Lake Grove: Pet-A-Palooza First Tuesday Music: David Rogers August 4, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. HYBRID: Tuesday,August 6, 5:30 to 6::30 p.m. The First Sunday Market has expanded this year to include August.Join Come enjoy a us for Pet-A-Palooza, a paw-some event where furry friends and their one-hour concert LAKE OSWEGO PUBLIC LIBRARY owners unite for a day of tail-wagging fun. Enjoy a pet parade, pet- with David Rogers, FIRST T U E S D A Y friendly shopping, kids' activities, live music, and a beer &wine garden. who will showcase Our wonderful vendors will return with fresh produce, sweet treats, and his virtuosity on M U S I C artisan treasures. Mark your calendar for future markets on September 1, guitar, lute, and October 6, and November 3. vihuela. Renowned P�-��°s,,,, Gb it) More information at lakeoswego.city/lgfm. for his expressive ,le WITH instrumental artistry, LDAVID ROGERSJ he seamlessly Movies in the Park: Family Fun Under the Stars transitions from AUGUST 6, 2024 I 5:30 - 6:30 PM From 7 to 11 p.m., celebrate warm summer evenings with your family classical to and friends by enjoying an outdoor movie in the park. Grab your contemporary pieces, infusing his performances with the energetic style blankets and low sand chairs. Enjoy some free popcorn with candy and of a lead guitarist in a rock band. refreshments available for sale. A livestream will also be available at www.youtube.com/@LakeOLib/ • Kung Fu Panda 4 -August 1, Millennium Plaza Park streams. For more information, please contact April Younglove at 503- • Wonka-August 8, Foothills Park 534-5667 or ayounglove@lakeoswego.city. This presentation is made More information at lakeoswego.city/parksrec/2024-movies-park. possible by the Friends of the Lake Oswego Public Library. Planning & Projects From First Breath to Last: A Story about Love, Womanhood and Aging featuring Dede Lake Oswego Recreation &Aquatics Center Montgomery The collaborative project HYBRID: Sunday,August 11, 3 to 4p.m. between the City and Part of the Adult Summer Library Challenge! the Lake Oswego School __Y Dede returns to her District is making ,-, own roots in From significant strides. - °` - = First Breath to Last: From First Breath to Last. Exterior advancements A Story About Love " include the installation Womanhood and A Story About Love, N of horizontal metal �'' Aging, and skillfully Womanhood, and Aging = r siding, progress on weaves her life with featuring the competition and her mother's in a Dede Montgomery recreational pools __--!'----........:7 _, , , .,�. touching tribute with formwork on the ;.E ? to familyand what SUN., AUGUST 11 pool walls, and the �z;, 3:00 4:00 p.m. .may ,. matters most in their pouring of concrete i , ' ' ' -, .� lives. 4, h on the competition �'� I ' ' ,� , A; pool ramp. The PEMB ` , " , Dede is the author of My Music Man, Beyond the Ripples and Humanity's (pre-engineered metal yr # x� Grace. She works at the intersection of workforce health, safety and well- building) encasing the pool areas has a completed roof, with wall installation being, leads sessions on expressive writing for well-being, and blogs at scheduled for September following the completion of the concrete work. dedemontgomery.com. Dede is a sixth generation Oregonian.As a child, Inside, electrical installations, ductwork, painting, and finishing touches she loved to visit the Lake Oswego Public Library. are progressing well, keeping us on track for the center's opening later This event will take place in-person at the Library and a livestream will this year. Stay on top of the progress at lakeoswego.city/parksrec. also be available at wwwyoutube.com/@LakeOLib/streams. Rassekh Park&Skatepark:A Thrilling New Destination for All Ages This presentation is made possible by the Friends of the Lake Oswego and Wheel Enthusiasts Public Library. For more information, contact Alicia Yokoyama,Adult The "soft opening" Services Librarian, at 503-534-4228 or ayokoyama@lakeoswego.city. in June might have looked like a celebration from afar, but the Cultural Pass Express real excitement is am Discover something new this summer or visit a favorite local venue with just beginning as Cultural Pass Express!Your library card provides FREE admission to the construction continues _ following experiences: on the rest of Phase r 1 of Rassekh Park. ''`' �• • The Oregon Garden • Gilbert Children's Museum The already buzzing , • Portland Art Museum • End of the Oregon Trail �� �to �• '� � 4 , skatepark is just the , Y'"- - "' • Evergreen Aviation Museum Interpretive Center start! Phase 1 will also • Lan Su Chinese Garden • Oregon Historical Society feature convenient - . 1 t • Pittock Mansion • Crystal Springs on-site vehicle and • County Parks Rhododendron Garden bicycle parking, modern • Portland Japanese Garden • Hallie Ford Museum of Art permanent restrooms, Cardholders must be over the age of 18 to reserve a pass. For more and a refreshing drinking information visit lincc.org or contact a staff member at 503-697-6582. fountain. And that's not all - plans are already underway for the next phase of development, promising an adventurous playground and a welcoming Rover Pop-Up Library at Westlake Concerts picnic shelter in the near future. Wednesday,August 21 and 28, 4:30 to 6::30 p.m. Stop by our pop-up library event at Concert in the Park at Westlake We invite everyone to come and enjoy this fantastic space while Park!We will be set up before the concert begins, so come early! Rover respecting the property and following park rules. Check out visitors of visitors can sign up for library cards, browse and check out popular books all ages having a blast with all types of wheels rolling through the brand- for all ages, get reading recommendations from our librarians, pick out new skatepark. For more details, visit lakeoswego.city/parksrec/rassekh- seeds from our Mobile Seed Library, and learn about the library's digital skatepark. resources. - For more information or to register for Parks &Recreation programs, For details on these and other Library programs, please visit visit lakeoswego.city/parksrec or call 503-675-2549. lakeoswego.city/library or call 503-636-7628. /IJIOL.O. 3 Tree Worksht -,--, -- ops Community , Calendar .. ,.' a': -', - -,,,,...,,4 • „44.4 ..,...,-4, ......, --,, ..,,: . .' ..-_ 4-,,, , 1 ,, , .. - `; t. ��a.v ,, ,. . , € , ," , Event dates are subject to change. t � r � _-- More details are available online at: � ' E '' 4. - � www.lakeoswego.city/calendar ,, ; • _ - — r: „ ,, For more information, call 503-675-3992. ifs } b ''.` 1 Thursday • Blood Drive,City Hall,9:30am-3pm i r " • Library Rover Pop-Up,Lake Grove !` _- =t i Elementary,3:45pm - - - _ _ - Community Meeting-Carman ".'� ,. z "' —� �_ Drive/Pilkington Road Pathways, MC,4-6:30pm Attend a free Urban and Community Forestry Workshop this summer! Pre-registration is required and • Movie-Kung Fu Panda 4,MPP,7pm capacity is limited with preference given to Lake Oswego residents.Visit lakeoswego.city/planning/ 2 Friday • Blood Drive,City Hall,9:30am-3pm workshop-series to register and find out more about upcoming workshops. 3 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm 4 Sunday • First Sunday Market in Lake Grove: Tree Species Identification Tree Removal Permits Pet-A-Palooza, slam-3pm August 10 from 10 a.m. to 12 m. at George Rogers August 15 from 5 to 6.•30 m. •at Ci Hall, or si • Concert-Hillstomp,MPP,6pm Park, 611 S. State Street, meet at Park Shelter#2 up for remote access to view the presentation on-line 5 Monday • DRC Meeting,7pm below the playground Learn about the City's tree code requirements 6 Tuesday • National Night Out Identify and discuss common native and invasive for tree removal permits. This workshop will • Music:David Rogers,LIB,5:30pm tree species with ISA Board Certified Master explore Lake Oswego Code Section 55.02 Tree 7 Wednesday • Concert-Chris Baum Project, Arborist Todd Prager of Todd Prager &Associates Removal, including tree code definitions and Westlake Park,6:30pm on a walking tour through George Rogers Park. criteria for issuance of dead, hazard, emergency, • First Addition/Forest Hills Neighborhood Meeting,6:30pm Todd will explain common terms, concepts, and Type I,Type II, and Minor and Major Forest 8 Thursday • Library Rover Pop-Up,Lake Grove techniques used in tree identification, and help Management permits, and demonstrate how to Elementary,3:45pm you become familiar with how to identify a tree properly complete a Type II Application Checklist. • Movie-Wonka,Foothills Park,7pm by looking at leaves, fruit, bark, twigs, and form. This workshop is led by Daphne Cissell,Associate 9 Friday Please wear sturdy shoes and bring your own Planner in the Planning & Building Services water. Department, along with the City's Contract to Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm • Tree Species Identification Workshop, Arborist, Morgan Holen. GRP, 10am-12pm 11 Sunday • Author:Dede Montgomery,LIB,3pm Summer Bucket List 12 Monday As we enter the final month of • 4, 13 Tuesday summer, people may be looking for s .+� 14 Wednesday • Adult Summer Library Challenge i /ways to fill their kids' days. If so, -i Celebration,4pm • HRAB Meeting,6pm we are here to help! There are lots �" w P of little things you can do to fill the 'rr `ice. • Concert-Beat Division,Westlake Park, �, 6:30pm days and connect with your kids ,' • LAB Meeting,7pm at the same time. Check out the \ `` 15 Thursday • Tree Removal Permit Workshop,CH, Summer Bucket List put together -c 5-6:30pm by Amber Hambrick, the City's 16 Friday Behavioral Health Specialist. 17 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm As our Behavioral Health Specialist, There are over 60 fun things on the Bucket List, including: 18 Sunday • Concert-Mbrascatu,MPP,6pm Amber works in partnership with 19 Monday our staff to assess and address • Paint rocks • Go fishing 20 Tuesday behavioral health issues within our • Camp in the backyard • Make giant bubbles community and in collaboration • Make popcicles • Go on a nature walk 21 Wednesday • Library Rover Pop Up,Westlake Park, with other mental health resources. • Playflashlight tag • Make a treasure hunt P g Concert-Ants in the Kitchen, In addition to working with our • Make a tie-dye shirt Westlake Park,6:30pm community members, she provides 22 Thursday in-house training to our Police Visit lakeoswego.city/police/behavioral-health-unit-bhu to department on Crisis Intervention see the full list.Amber also included a Self-Care Checklist 23 Friday Techniques and De-Escalation. for parents. 24 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm 25 Sunday • Car&Boat Show,9am-3pm 26 Monday • DEI Advisory Board,6pm Collector Car & Classic Boat Show • Planning Commission,6:30pm 27 Tuesday Sunday, August 25 ..,: 28 Wednesday • Library Rover Pop-Up,Westlake Park, The Oswego Heritage Councils annual • --• _ ;,t,, ,, A 'r 4:30pm Collector Car & Classic Boat Show t -i "* ` -" f. r d ^ • Concert-Stone in Love,Westlake ._ s F Park,6:30pm returns to George Rogers Park and ,� - l _ _ 29 Thursday Sundeleaf Plaza on August 25 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stop by to see over 150 �.. / _ �.. 30 Friday collector cars plus exhibitor booths at �— - Y 31 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm V.Rogers Park and 15 classic boats - . (. .'2- George Se temb at Sundeleaf Plaza. R l «' �� p ®,! • - .l 1 Sunday • First Sunday Market in Lake Grove, Visit oswe oherita e.or /CarBoatShow , .�- 11am-3 m :, *�, P g g g for more information. , � 2 Monday • Labor Day Holiday-CITY OFFICES .� - .- - . CLOSED The City of Lake Oswego fosters a welcoming and inclusive community PUBLIC INFORMATION SPECIALIST AND HELLOLO EDITOR/WRITER where all people have the opportunity to thrive and have equitable Bonnie Hirshberger . 503-675-3992 . bhirshberger@lakeoswego.city F access to City services. For Americans with Disabilities Act or Civil Contributing writers: O< f Rights Title VI accommodations,translation/interpretation services,or Donna Harlan, Library more information call 503-635-0270 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1. Katy Kerklaan,Engineering (r Robin Krakauer, Parks&Recreation U I Hablat usted espaflol?Le proporcionaremos una traduccion gratuita de Madison Thesing, City Manager's Office este boletin. GREGO. of z z 6FAILF2?01 Al-°I T 'tc101 ��-oFAlal 7Fo tLI:F • This newsletter is printed on Processed Chlorine Free 100% tau recycled content paper,using soy-based ink. 'j 1yt1 (*Alt) rl ?WI 1RACtt1jt*5 '1 Ili t.PZIX. For information about the City and its services, go to www.lakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0257. .//eeeoL.n.