July 2024 HelloLO N
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E-Bikes - Some Basic Rules Garbage Service
.. „- _,� . , r July 4 Holiday
u - _ ,,
A friendly reminder that Republic Services
.' - will be providing regular garbage, recycling,
:.�a�,w,+�,: . • .��ti�.., �. rec clin
and yard debris collection service on Thursday,
July 4. Please make sure to set your carts out
'�-- at the curb no more than 24 hours prior to
c \Iriii1` service and return your carts to your yard or
1t i'. ' ` ' `s4 xr " -, 1 permanent storage area within 24 hours after
4 Photo Contest
With the arrival of summer and the end of the Here are some basic rules for e-bikes: Enter your best images in the 16th annual City
school year, the Lake Oswego Police Department of Lake Oswego Photo Contest for a chance to
• You must be at least 16-years-old to operate it. win! In each category, first place winners will
is seeing an increase in the use of electric bicycles
(e-bikes) throughout our community. E-bikes • A helmet is not required for anyone over 16 receive a$150 gift card; second place winners
provide a fun and efficient mode of transportation, years of age (but is recommended). a$100 gift card; and third place winners a$50
but it's crucial for riders to stay safe and follow the • You must have approved lighting if it is gift card. Visit lakeoswego.city/photocontest for
rules of the road. operated under limited visibility contest details and to submit photos online.
E-Bike: Has fully operative pedals for human • They are NEVER allowed on sidewalks (ORS
propulsion and an electric motor with power 814.410).
' glik
output not more than 1,000 watts.To be • Riders MUST use a bike lane if one is adjacent .--,
considered an e-bike, it must also not be capable of to or near a roadway (ORS 814.420).going faster than 20 mph on level ground without • They are allowed on bike paths and in _ -1111011PrA::„...f
/' -Nit
assistance (i.e. pedaling). crosswalks. �" _- '.y
Moped: Has the capability of going faster than 20 Ar�
mph or has a motor with a power output of more For more information to consider before buying or = .— L3= -
than 1,000 watts, and requires an Oregon Driver operating an e-bike, please visit lakeoswego.city/
License to operate it. police/e-bike-use-lake-oswego. -- —
City Council Candidate Workshop July is Disab� l �• •ty
Thursday, July 11 at 6 p.m.
In the November 5, 2024 General Election, Lake Lake Oswego voters. Pride Month
Oswego will elect a Mayor and three Councilors. Contact Kari Linder, City Recorder & Elections On June 18, City Council proclaimed July
Interested in becoming a City Councilor? Come Officer, at klinder@lakeoswego.city or 503- as Disability Pride Month. Disability Pride
to an informational workshop to learn more about 534-4225, to schedule an appointment to file Month is celebrated annually to commemorate
the Lake Oswego City Council and running for an paperwork or if you have any questions. Candidacy the passing of the Americans with Disabilities
elective office. paperwork can be filed through August 20. Act on July 26, 1990. It recognizes and
To run for office you must: be a registered voter; honors the history, achievements, experiences,
More information about elections and the struggles people with disabilities.
live in Lake Oswego for the previous 12 months andgges of
workshop can be found online at lakeoswego.city/ DisabilityPride Monthpromotes visibilityand
and continue through elected term; and file correct ci council/ci council-candidate-worksho -1.
paperwork and get 20+ signatures of registered ty ty p mainstream awareness of the positive pride felt
by people with disabilities, celebrating diversity,
and fostering a society that is inclusive and
National Night Out 2024 accessible to all individuals, regardless of ability.
Re ister toda Here are ways to join the City and celebrate
g y' Disability Pride Month in July:
r Get to know your neighbors! Everyone enjoys a potluck, BBQ, music and games, so
organize a get-together for Tuesday,August 6 - National Night Out- and invite • All month- Book displays for children
- • $ your friends and neighbors. Then, let us know! and adults at the Library and a Story Walk
IP 1 installation at Iron Mountain Park. "Song
t� \ If you register your neighborhood party with the City by Tuesday,July 30, in the City" tells the story of a young blind
rk . J your party will receive a visit by a fire truck or police car, maybe even a girl and her grandmother who experience
. , ,
Police K9! Plus, they will bring a dessert! This is a great opportunity to getiripti,pi,
the vibrant everyday music of their busy
to know your public safety professionals and to ask that question you've city.
always wanted to ask.
• Thursday,July 11, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
-Autism &ADHD: A presentation by
Go to lakeoswego.city/NationalNightOut, to register for this year's National
Night Out. Continued on page 4
What's Inside
Presorted Standard • Citywide Parking Reform • Daniel Way Road Closure • Music: Bossa PDX • Streetscape Vegetation
U.S.Postage Update • Backflow Device testing • The Water Factor:A Rightfully • Community Calendar
PAID • Neighborhood Associations- • Swim Park Mine Novel
Permit 124 Funds Available • 4th of July Street Closures • Water Use Assessment Rebate Insert
Lake Oswego,OR • Home Assessments • Rassekh Skate ark is Open Program p p g Parks&Recreation
• Jean Road Closure • Recreation&Aquatic Center • Water Safety
*****ECRWSS***** • Pathway Program Updates Update • Companion Calls for Seniors
For information about the City and its services, go to www.Iakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0257
Citywide Parking Neighborhood Associations - Funds Available
Reform Update In Lake Oswego, there are 24 recognized gatherings,website maintenance, meeting
neighborhood associations. These volunteer signs, virtual meeting software, and general
The state of Oregon's Climate-Friendly and Equitable organizations bring neighbors together to administration. Additional funds are available
Communities (CFEC) program requires cities in improve the overall livability of our community. for one-time projects such as creating a
the state's eight metropolitan areas - including Lake The City, working with the chairs of each neighborhood website, purchasing technology to
Oswego - to implement requirements related to neighborhood association, developed a new enable virtual meetings, and developing outreach
electric vehicle charging, parking reform, housing, program to support the core work of these materials.
and transportation planning. More specifically, associations, including bolstering their capacity to To learn more about this program or to get
CFEC rules related to parking reform require that communicate information and organize members. involved with your neighborhood association,
the City either reduce or eliminate minimum parking Through this new program, each of the 24 please visit lakeoswego.city/planning/
requirements in many areas of the city, including neighborhood associations is pre-authorized neighborhood-associations-list and contact your
both the Downtown and Lake Grove Town Centers. to spend $1,000 per year for neighborhood Neighborhood Association Chair.
The City has already complied with the first phase
of CFEC by applying state rules that eliminate Home Assessments
minimum parking requirements within one-half Learn what you can do to protect your home from wildfire
mile ofTri-Met Bus Line#35,which covers a broad
corridor on the east side of the city along Highway The Lake Oswego Fire Department is offering 11111
43/State Street and Downtown Lake Oswego. The free home assessments that focus on the home IIIIIIIf
City is now working to develop regulations for ignition zone and provide recommendations
Citywide Parking Reform to comply with the second on ways to eliminate the fire's potential
phase of the CFEC rules, which require reducing relationship with the house. Some examples of 4, , i'l
or eliminating minimum parking requirements recommendations that might be shared during
elsewhere in the city by December 31, 2024. your assessment include: 1 ,
.-:it'''' -,•-t„,
Staff has been conducting targeted outreach to 1. Check your roof and gutters; remove any - '�y
flammable debris. ;i
provide information and receive public input F - _
2. Make sure all attic vents and other openings i
on the City's efforts to comply with the CFEC are screened with 1/8 inch or smaller screen. a �< — I A}O `_
requirements for parking reform throughout t -
the past several months, and a Citywide Parking 3. Cut back tree limbs at least 10 feet from the :�'
Reform Community Forum event is now tentatively roof line. _--_-
4. Remove all combustible storage or debris -• .�`
scheduled for July 24. For more information on the g j �.
from under decks and porches.
1 I'
Citywide Parking Reform project, visit the project p I �
website at: lakeoswe o.ci / lannin / 22-0001- 5. Remove highly flammableplants and replace
g �' p g pP- g Y p il
implementation-state-requirements-climate-friendly- with attractive, fire-resistant plants.
and-equitable-communities. 6. Create a five-foot barrier of nonflammable Fire Marshal Gert Zoutendijk conducting a home assessment.
material around your house. For more information on wildfire risk prevention
For questions, please contact Erik Olson, Long Range 7. Keep grass and weeds mowed to less than 4 and to sign up for an assessment of your home,
Planning Manager, at eolson@lakeoswego.city or inches in height. visit lakeoswego.city/fire/wildfire-risk-prevention.
Pathway Program Updates
Jean Road Closure Construction Starting Share Your Feedback on Early Design Ideas
for Lanewood/ Early design work has started for four new pathway locations
In place through early September
across the city. Please join us at an upcoming community
Douglas Circle
meeting to learn more, view preliminary design ideas for the
rt E. Design is complete for the new pathways, and share your feedback:
> • ,- .,yak ,_ new sidewalk on Lanewood
-;.4 ., ' > =� rJ .- Street/Douglas Circle, between • Meadowlark Lane/Tree Top Lane Pathways: Monday,July
' -- �, -- 4F - Boones Way and Twin Fir Road. 29, 4-6:30 pm at Lakeridge High School.
__ • , - Construction is expected to • Carman Drive/Pilkington Road Pathways: Thursday,
•_ BUSINESS start this month and continue August 1, 4-6:30 pm at Lake Oswego Maintenance
- < ` ACCESS *, =' through summer! Center.
4 0-4 To learn more about our pathways program, please visit lakeoswego.city/pathways-program.
Daniel WayRoad Closure
- ..,7 ;`„.... The City is undertaking a stream channel Carman Drive and Kruse Way Place, 24/7 for
.=-�-. stabilization project along Three Sisters Creek, construction. There will be no through vehicular
, .- = t • ...,,, i - adjacent to Daniel Way. There are areas of severe access north of the Yakima parking lot and south
erosion along the banks of the creek and stream, of the Uplands Park Condos. Pedestrian access
Transportation safety improvements are underway and it has begun to undermine the curb along the will remain open on the existing pathway.
at the Jean/Pilkington Road intersection.A full 24/7 road. For more information, visit lakeoswego.city/
road closure is in place to all through traffic on Jean In early July through early fall, Daniel Way engineering/daniel-way-creek-stabilization-
Road, between Lakeview Boulevard and Pilkington will be closed to all through traffic between project.
Road. Intermittent lane closures are also in place
along Pilkington and Jean Road to construct the new Had Your Backflow Device ce Tested Yet?
Pilkington and Jean Road businesses remain open In plumbing, a cross connection is created if connections are required by law to install a
a water supply pipe is connected to a water backflow prevention assembly and have it pass an
throughout construction, so please come out to
source that could contaminate the drinking annual test by a certified tester. In Lake Oswego,
support them!Watch for the blue cones and blue
business access signs to access driveways. water supply, such as irrigation systems, hot backflow testing must be completed by July 15.
tubs, pools, and private wells. Backflow, or the For more information, email backflow@
For more information about the project visit: reverse flow of water from the cross connection, lakeoswego.city, visit lakeoswego.city/
lakeoswego.city/engineering/pilkingtonjean-rd- may contaminate the water.To protect the publicworks/backflow-and-cross-connection-
intersection-improvements. public water system, customers with cross control-program or call 503-534-5674.
ill _IL <4
, All A il
Joe Buck Ali Afghan Trudy Corrigan Massene Mboup Aaron Rapf Rachel Verdick John Wendland Martha Bennett
Mayor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor 503-635-0215
jbuck@lakeoswego.city aafghan@lakeoswego.city tcorrigan@lakeoswego.city mmboup@lakeoswego.city arapf@lakeoswego.city rverdick@lakeoswego.city jwendland@lakeoswego.city
Parks & Recreation City Library
Lake Oswego Swim Park is open from July 1 through August 31, 7 days a Independence Day-Thursday,July 4
week, from 1 to 6 p.m. (weather permitting and the number of lifeguards
required are met). Located at 250 Ridgeway, the park is open to Lake First Tuesday Music: Bossa PDX
Oswego residents with proof of residence. The park features certified Hybrid event- Tuesday,July 2, 5:30 to 6.30 p.m.
lifeguards, diving platforms, inner tubes, lounge chairs, picnic tables, Experience a free
various water toys, and a limited number of US Coast Guard-approved one-hour performance
life jackets. Children aged 11 and under must be accompanied by from Bossa PDX, LAKE OSWEGO PUBLIC LIBRARY
someone 16 years or older. For a complete list of rules and information, Portland's leading \F' R S T TV E S D A Y
go to lakeoswego.city/parksrec/lake-oswego-swim-park. bossa nova and
Brazilian jazz band, MUSIC
4th of July Street Closures led by pianist riiiim
We are looking forward to the Star Spangled events! Please note there Kerry Politzer. The
c O5"FC
are road closures and traffic impacts as a result of the parade, which group will perform Pii�,,Q�
commences at 10 a.m. sharp on July 4. The parade travels from Iron meticulously eYL- WITH
Mtn. Blvd to Chandler & 10th Street onto A Avenue, concluding at transcribed BOSS A PDX G
the intersection of 2nd Street &Evergreen Road with the Star Spangled arrangements of Pim
Celebration at Millennium Plaza Park. For safety reasons, the following classics by Gilberto J U L Y 2, 2024 15:30 — 6:3 0 P IV
streets will be closed during the parade (approximately 9:45 a.m. to 11 Gil, Roberto
a.m.), and there will be no parking from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. on July 4: Menescal, Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque,Joao Donato,Tom Jobim,
• A Avenue from 10th to 2nd Streets (no parking on the south side only) and more, along with lively Brazilian jazz tunes. The ensemble features
• Evergreen between 1st &4th Streets vocals, piano, saxophone or flute, guitar, bass, and percussion for an
• 2nd Street between A Avenue &Evergreen Road authentic and captivating performance.
• Iron Mtn. between Chandler & Country Club A livestream will also be available at www.youtube.com/@LakeOLib/
• Chandler between Iron Mtn &A Avenue streams. For more information, contact April Younglove at 503-534-5667
• Limited access to Lake Garden Court or ayounglove@lakeoswego.city.
Thank you for your support of the festive July 4th events! More
information is at lakeoswego.city/parksrec/community-events. The Water Factor: A Rightfully Mine Novel
Pro ects featuring Marilynne Eichinger
Hybrid event-Sunday,July 14, 3 to 4 p.m.
Rassekh Skatepa rk is Open! Part of the Adult Summer Library Challenge!
We opened the skatepark on June 14 to an enthusiastic group of project Join us for a I
supporters. Now, the skatepark is open to the entire community! Thank book reading and
you to the Lake Oswego City Councilors, community advocates, park discussion with author NEE Ip neighbors, contractors, and designers who made this project possible. Marilynne Eichinger. I i,
To ensure a great experience for everyone, please follow these parking and Her recently it..
t,y r
safety guidelines: .1118
published thriller, I -
The Water Factor, is
• Park Hours: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. an action-packed '
• Temporary Parking: C3 Church, 17979 SW Stafford Rd (southwest novel based on actual '4I
corner of the lot) events and centered A 1
• No Neighborhood Parking: Please respect our neighbors. around access to l V MINE NOVEL
Alternative Access: Walk or bike via the Hazelia A ri-Cultural ,!
• g water, a critical topic N r
Heritage Trail (east side of Stafford Rd) or the new multi-use path of our time. The battle !
(west side of Stafford Rd). started when water
• On-site parking and vehicle access at Rassekh Park will be available was labeled a commodity rather than a right, and Glacier Oceanside
later this summer once Phase 1 is complete. joined the ranks of the world's largest water cartels determined to control
• For pedestrian and bicycle access, please use designated crosswalks on the market.Top executives didn't count on being confronted by James
Stafford Rd. and Overlook Dr. Hokama Byrne, an employee they had mentored since his high school
For more information, visit lakeoswego.city/parksrec/rassekh-skatepark. graduation. But delivering water to drought-stricken farms and getting
kidnapped in Ethiopia changed the young man's outlook. Something
Recreation & Aquatic Center Update within him snapped when his employer drained aquifers on his
We are pleased to announce that the Recreation &Aquatic Center project grandfather's reservation to supply bottling plants and marijuana farms.
is progressing on schedule and will be completed later this year. The golf He couldn't remain silent. If you are concerned about the environment
course will open simultaneously, sharing the front desk and lobby areas and crave a touch of romance, and if you cry for mistreated populations,
with the new facility. you won't want to miss this call to get involved.
Current Progress: Marilynne Eichinger, former president of OMSI, moved the museum
• Indoor and I to its present riverfront location. She went on to found Informal
Outdoor Spaces: k Education Products, publisher of the nationally distributed Museum
Construction is i Tour Catalog. Eichinger, educator, artist, and mother of five, became an
actively ongoing �� II
award-winning author of Over the Peanut Fence and Lives of Museum
in both areas, with ;wi _ Junkies in retirement. She received her bachelor's degree in anthropology
!insulation being - X from Boston University and her master's degree in psychology from
installed in the ,iu%
Michigan State University.As an avid environmentalist, Eichinger
lobby overhang j� served on the board of Friends of Tryon Creek and is a member of
and between joists, Tr, ' / Community for Earth. Throughout her career, Eichinger has engaged in
,... � numerous education projects with Native Tribal members, participated
steel erection P J P P
between buildings B & C, and siding is going on building A. in presentations with her partner, Ray Losey, mask maker and totem
• Office, Fitness Waiting Area, and Lobby: The gypsum board pole carver, and attended reservation events. Her knowledge of Ethiopia
installation and taping are complete, and painting has started. comes from becoming a grandmother to an Ethiopian/Somali immigrant
• Gym Area: The impact-resistant gypsum board is almost complete, family.
and taping has started. This event will take place in-person at the Library and will be
• Pool Areas: Formwork is in progress, and roof framing is nearing livestreamed on LOPL's YouTube channel. For more information, please
completion. contact Alicia Yokoyama,Adult Services Librarian, at 503-534-4228 or
• Parking Area: Work started on cement treating and grading. ayokoyama@lakeoswego.city.
Stay tuned for further updates. For more information, go to
lakeoswego.city/parksrec/recreation-and-aquatics-center. The library is located at 706 Fourth Street. These presentations are made
possible by the Friends of the Lake Oswego Public Library.
For more information or to register for Parks &Recreation programs, For details on these and other Library programs, please visit
visit lakeoswego.city/parksrec or call 503-675-2549. lakeoswego.city/library or call 503-636-7628.
Water Use Assessment Rebate Program Community
Warm weather means more water use across the Sprinkler Spruce-Up can also follow these steps
P p P
region. Everyone can do their part to use water from EPA WaterSense: Calendar
wisely.To celebrate Smart Irrigation Month in July, • Inspect for breaks and leaks
we are announcing a Water Use Assessment Rebate • Connect sprinklers, pipes, and valves Event dates are subject to change.
Program to help customers identify water use and • Direct sprinklers for best water coverage More details are available online at:
improve efficiency of their irrigation systems. The • Select a WaterSense labeled Smart Controller www.lakeoswego.city/calendar
program offers up to $200 for an irrigation system For more information, call 503-675-3992.
inspection done by a certified contractor during If you dont have an irrigation system, you can
still find ways to save water at home or discuss
the dry summer months.All the details can be your water use practices by contacting our Water 1 Monday • DRC Meeting,7pm
found at lakeoswego.city/conservation. Conservation Specialist through the link above or •
p g 2 Tuesday • Music:Bossa PDX,LIB,5:30pm
Customers who want a jump start on their at 503-675-3747. 3 Wednesday • Millennium Concert Band,MPP,7pm
4 Thursday • July 4th-CITY OFFICES CLOSED
Water Safety a'-'111•4‘ •!..424,,
• Pancake Feed,GRP,8-1 lam
• Star Spangled Parade&Celebration
When the weather heats up, many people like • Independence Day Illumination:
- - Concert&Laser Lightshow,Foothills
to head to a river or lake to cool off. However, \ ‘ Park,8pm
it's important to remember that the rivers and p( '\ ) - ,,-'
lakes can have currents, underwater hazards, and 5 Friday
dramatic temperature variations.When you're '‘', t 6 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm
having fun on or around natural water, remember 1 ' 7 Sunday • Concert:Barrio Mestizo,MMP,6pm
these safety precautions: F"i 8 Monday • Planning Commission,6:30pm
I'' + _
• Always wear a life jacket and make sure it fits ji , 44'� 9 Tuesday
properly. 't' j 4 , I 10 Wednesday • HRAB Meeting,6pm
• Go with a buddy, even if you are an m. • LAB Meeting,7pm
experienced swimmer. • Summer Concert:Curtis Salgado,
• Keep a close eye on children in the water at all Foothills Park,7-9pm
Life jackets come in different sizes, check the label for height and • Everyday Climate Action,LIB,7pm
weight requirements.Make sure to test the jacket:pull the jacket 11 Thursday • Autism&ADHD Presentation,5:30pm
• Know the risks of natural bodies of water. upatyour shoulders, t it slides uptoyour ears, it's too big, i it
f g f • City Council Candidate Workshop,
• Swim and boat sober. stays tight,you are ready for the water.
City Hall,6pm
12 Friday • 50+Advisory Board,ACC, loam
Disability Pride Month 13 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm
Continued from page 1
14 Sunday • The Water Factor,LIB,3pm
The Neurodivergent Doctor, at the Library. Park: Finding Dory, at Westlake Park. The film 15 Monday • DRC Meeting,7pm
Dr. Anson Service specializes in teaching the features several characters with disabilities, 16 Tuesday • City Council Meeting,3pm
neurotypical world about autism and ADHD. including the title character, Dory. 17 Wednesday • PNAB Meeting,MC,4pm
• Wednesday,July 17, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. - • Saturday,July 27,2 to 3:30 p.m. - Special • Raising Guide Dogs,LIB, 5:30pm
Raising Puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind, Olympics Oregon: Past, Present and Future, at • Summer Concert:Barracuda,Foothills
at the Library or virtual. Learn more about this the Library.A local resident, Special Olympics _ Park,7-9pm
organization and the amazing ways in which Oregon athlete, coach and parent/caregiver 18 Thursday • Rover Pop-Up Library,Lake Grove
guide dogs serve and empower individuals who will share their perspectives. Elementary School,3:45pm
are blind or visuallyimpaired. 19 Friday
For more information, visit lakeoswego.city/ada.
• Thursday,July 25,7 p.m. -Movies in the 20 Saturday • Guided Nature Walk,GRP 8am
• LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm
• Holocaust,Genocide and the
AtrocCompanion Calls for Lake Oswego Seniors • Musicales e War,u 2pm
21 Sunday • Event:Juliet Terrill,LIB,3pm
Feeling connected can be a challenge, especially for Interested in joining? Please contact Guy Holady • Concert:Norman Sylvester,MMP,6pm
seniors. Recognizing this, Lake Oswego residents at the Lake Oswego Adult Community Center by 22 Monday • Planning Commission,6:30pm
Ross Fearey and Jim Coari created the Companion calling 503-675-6425. For more information on 23 Tuesday
Call program. This initiative pairs participants the Adult Community Center, go to 24 Wednesday • Summer Concert:Andy Stokes,
with fellow residents for a weekly chat, fostering www.lakeoswego.city/acc. Foothills Park,7-9pm
new friendships and a sense of community. 25 Thursday • Rover Pop-Up Library,Lake Grove
Elementary School,3:45pm
St reetsca pe Vegetation • Movies in the Park,Westlake Park,7pm
26 •
What You Need to Know 27 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm
• Portland Festival Symphony,Foothills
Is the vegetation next to the road on your property a hazard? Park,6pm
It might be if it blocks visibility at an intersection, covers a 28 Sunday • OPS Fest,Roehr Park,7pm
sign or street light, or gets in the way of traffic, pedestrians,
or maintenance work. 29 Monday • Community Meeting-Meadowlark
Lane/Tree Top Lane Pathways,4pm
Lake Oswego City Code requires property owners to keep STOP + • DEI Advisory Board,6pm
sidewalks and public areas next to their property clear of 13.5 FEET \\—/' 9 FEET 30 TuesdayCityP• Council Meeting,3 m
rocks, leaves, yard waste, landscape material, ice, snow, : 31 Wednesday • Summer Concert:Hit Machine,
debris, and overhanging bushes that could be dangerous for 1 1 Foothills Park,7-9pm
people walking, rolling, or driving. Property owners must
both clear and dispose of the debris. FUTURE GROWTH AREA(vegetation should be trimmed +
back sufficiently from the sidewalk so as to provide continual 1 Thursday • Blood Drive,City Hall,9:30am-3pm
Branches, leaves, and other plant growth must be trimmed unobstructed passage over sidewalk between trimmings) • Community Meeting-Carman
so they are at least 9 feet above the sidewalk and 13.5 feet above the street. If your property is at a Drive/Pilkington Road Pathways,
corner, you need to keep plants below 30 inches high to ensure the traveling public can see clearly. MC,4-6:30pm
2 Friday • Blood Drive,City Hall,9:30am-3pm
For more information, contact traffic@lakeoswego.city or 503-635-0270.
The City of Lake Oswego fosters a welcoming and inclusive community
PUBLIC INFORMATION SPECIALIST AND HELLOLO EDITOR/WRITER where all people have the opportunity to thrive and have equitable
Bonnie Hirshberger • 503-675-3992 • bhirshberger@lakeoswego-city F access to City services. For Americans with Disabilities Act or Civil
Contributing writers: O� z Rights Title VI accommodations,translation/interpretation services,or
Quin Brunner, City Manager's Office Erik Olson,Planning more information call 503-635-0270 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1.
Donna Harlan, Library Kim Vermillion,City Manager's Office i—�
Katy Kerklaan,Engineering Amanda Watson, Sustainability U I tHabla usted espaflol?Le proporcionaremos una traduccion gratuita de
Robin Krakauer, Parks&Recreation Gert Zoutendijk,Fire este boletin.
Lindsey Nicholson, Police
GREGO� of a 6[AiLF33-?01 A1fr°1 T �1C901 ��-61-Ai al 7Fo tLIEF
• This newsletter is printed on Processed Chlorine Free 100%
��l. recycled content paper,using soy-based ink. 1 i (*Alt) rl ?� LRAII21jt* 1 lY1f,_Z1*0
For information about the City and its services, go to www.lakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0257.