September 2024 HelloLO N N i d Air 4- d N 000 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Parks & Recreation Project Updates 2024 Elections w.� This November general election, Lake Oswego _ � "11-- voters will select one Mayor and three City _, �` • - b Councilors, as well as vote on two ballot - ;' . ? ,3ei � ,W - measures. z _ i - L, - -, - - t By City Charter, the Lake Oswego City 'a Arr. . Council is composed of a Mayor and six Y - ® �,. . p: .0 X _ Councilors, all elected to represent the : _ , community at large. The terms are staggered — .,, 0.,..„ - ,: so that three Council positions and the Mayor � '� r3 �' .ems are elected duringone election year, while y^ 10 ���� � - - J three Council positions are elected two years i -- ����' ,to later. For the November 5 general election, the � -7- : ' - L �'. , A r - - candidateforMayor candidates �� � ��.Y-�L ,` v and three ca d'dates for Councilors receiving the highest number of Lake Oswego Recreation & Excavation for the parking lot will conclude with votes will be elected into office. Those elected Aquatics Center Update asphalt completion goal by the end of the month. will each serve four-year terms beginning Significant strides have been made on the exterior The roof installation on the natatorium is set January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2028. of the Lake Oswego Recreation &Aquatics Center to begin soon, and stormwater swales are being In addition, the City has referred two ballot (LORAC). The siding installation on Buildings A integrated along Stafford Road, complementing the measures to voters: ongoing roadway improvements that will happen • Measure 3-619 - Prohibits psilocybin and B is nearly complete, while concrete work is advancing for the seat wall and stadium steps along this fall. businesses within the City of Lake Oswego. Oswego Hall, formerly known as the clubhouse. Continued on page 3 Question to voters: Shall the City of Lake Oswego prohibit psilocybin service centers Hispanic Heritage Month and the manufacture of psilocybin products within the City? From September 15 to October 15, please join the City of Lake Oswego in celebrating Hispanic Heritage • Measure 3-618 -Allows road safety project, Month. The theme for 2024 is "Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together,"which recognizes the driveway realignment on specific park achievements and contributions of Hispanic American champions who have inspired others to achieve property. success. Hispanic Heritage Month provides an opportunity to explore the incredible impact Hispanic Americans have made in the United States for generations. For more information, please visit Question to voters: Shall Lake Oswego ww lakeoswego.city/citymanager/celebrate-hispanic-heritage-month. amend the Charter to allow Clackamas w County to improve road safety using 0.4 acres of Stevens Meadows? Welcome Back to School To learn more, visit www.lakeoswego.city/ Lake Oswego schools start this week, which means • When riding a bicycle, wear your helmet (it's citymanager/elections. our streets and sidewalks will be bustling with Oregon law for persons under age 16 and a activity.With the start of the new year, we welcome good idea for everyone!) and watch for vehicles Lake Oswego Police Department's (LOPD) Oscar that may turn across your path. How to Vote Fregoso as the new School Resource Officer (SRO). Officer Fregoso has been with the LOPD since Safety is a top priority for the City and School Make sure your voice counts! 2020 and he is looking forward to working with District. For more information about Lake Oswego 1. Make sure you qualify. Lake Oswego students, school administration, and Police Department's School Resource Officer If you are a new voter to the State of parents.A fun fact about Oscar is that he became program, please go to wwwlakeoswego.city/police/ Oregon, you must register at least 21 days a Police Officer because of his positive interactions school-resource-officer. before the election in which you want to with his high school SRO's and decided to focus his 'V i 1� vote. career with the goal of becoming an SRO one day. "pit'� •� 2. Register online or via mail. .111 SRO Fregoso would like to remind everyone that, '�® n • •• 3 3. Fill out a ballot. while the City strives to provide all pedestrians • .�f The Voters' Pamphlet is mailed to voters so whether they are on foot, on a bicycle, using a mobility they can read about the candidates and the aid, or accessing and riding transit,with safer access 1 ' 8 • - in issues. to schools, school safety is everyone's responsibility. `N 4. Mail or drop off your ballot. Here are a few tips to keep everyone safe: Ballot boxes are open 20 days before the I411ielection and will have 24-hour access until • When driving, obey 20 mph school speed zones t •during school hours or when lights are flashing `RfGCso °°"' 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. and never pass a school bus with red lights -.4 5. Track your ballot at www.clackamas.us/ flashing. _�� / elections/track-your-ballot. 3 • When walking, cross at intersections and make Visit www.clackamas.us/how-to-vote for more eye contact with drivers to be sure they see you. information. School Resource Officer Oscar Fregoso What's Inside Presorted Standard • South Shore Fire Station • Tree Workshops • Music: Mariano de Orbegoso • First Wednesday Chautauqua U.S.Postage • Photo Contest • LORAC Fee&Membership &Connie Bieberach Trio • Gallery Without Walls PAID • Jean/Pilkington Road Update • Author: Roz Noonan Celebration Permit 124 Intersection • Lake Oswego Public Golf • Library of Things • Health&Wellness Fair Lake Oswego,OR • Fish on the Run, Irrigation Done Course Update • Cultural Xchange • Community Calendar • Emergency Response Training • Rassekh Skatepark • First Sunday Market in Lake Insert *****ECRWSS***** • Electric Home&Vehicle Fair • Parks Plan 2040 Grove • Emergency Preparedness POSTAL CUSTOMER For information about the City and its services, go to www.Iakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0257. Photo Contest South Shore Fire Station City ., is beg inning innin Enter by Tuesday, September 10g g a needs assessment and Enter your best images in the 16th annual City of community engagement process to explore lie rebuildingthe South Shore Fire Station. Lake Oswego Photo Contest for a chance to win! In each category, first place winners will receive a$150 Constructed in 1971 and located at 1180 South Shore Boulevard, the fire station is the oldest in gift card; second place winners a$100 gift card; and �� the City. Nim third place winners a $50 gift card. Please visit • M� www lakeoswego.city/photocontest for contest details To recommend a path forward, City Council will R _, and to submit photos online. be forming a Task Force to review and provide - - - feedback on: the City will launch a comprehensive community • The Fire Department's assessment of engagement process including site tours. Jean/P i l k i n g to n Road community coverage needs, • Existing facility and site conditions at the To learn more about this project, register for email South Shore Fire Station, updates, receive notice of tours and events, or be n to rsect i o n • The Department's vision for their next considered for the initial task force, please visit generation of service provision, and lakeoswego.city/SSFSproject by September 16. New Signal Activated this Month Preliminary• project cost estimates. Since May, construction has been underway on a new For questions, please contact Quin Brunner, This Task Force will make a recommendation to the Management Analyst, at 503-675-2543 or signal, stormwater, and pedestrian improvements at the Jean/Pilkington Road intersection. City Council in the spring of 2025.At that point, qbrunner@lakeoswego.city. Due to supply chain delays with signal pole delivery, the new signal is expected to be activated Fish on the Run, Irrigation Done Snn and operational in mid-September. In the interim, ON THE RUN once school is back in session, the intersection will For the sixth year in a row, Lake Oswego and the or have an underground temporarily return to a four-way stop until the signal Clackamas River Water Providers are asking our watering system to water i1►,, - can be activated. Please watch for crews and flaggers, customers to help keep water in the Clackamas River your yard and garden, let's r� and be alert as the new signal becomes activated. by participating in our"Fish On the Run, Irrigation make sure there is enough Done!" annual summer watering campaign. water for the fall fish runs by shutting off outdoor Thank you for your patience while we made The Clackamas River provides high-quality watering by early September. The more water we these safety and pedestrian improvements.Visit drinking water to more than 300,000 people, can conserve, the easier this journey will be for lakeoswego.city/engineering/pilkingtonjean-rd- including Lake Oswego customers, and is home these threatened and endangered salmon species. intersection-improvements for more information. to migrating salmon year-round. The end of Visit www.clackamasproviders.org/fish-on-the- summer sees the highest customer demand while run to learn more and take the pledge to receive the river falls to its lowest annual level. a free yard sign letting neighbors know what you Fall C E RT CI a ss You are the key to reducing how much water we are doing to keep water in the Clackamas River take out of the river!Whether you use a hose for fish. x '- Electric Home & Vehicle Fair `' ' Aar" Saturday, September 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. -4.1_ •-; , r Lake Oswego Sustainability Network (LOSN) to fully electrify your home and vehicles with will hold its annual Electric Home and Vehicle a special emphasis this year on the opportunity pti Fair on September 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to win a$25 gift card to a local Lake Oswego at the Lake Oswego United Methodist Church, restaurant by test driving an electric vehicle. 1855 South Shore Blvd. For more information, visit https://losn.org/ tr =_< The Fair will feature exhibits and speakers on how event/electric-home-vehicle-fair. Tree Workshops ,. . ,.,, Attend a free Urban and Community Forestry Workshop! Pre-registration is required and capacity is Join other safety-minded community members by limited with preference given to Lake Oswego residents. Visit lakeoswego.city/planning/workshop-series participating in the Community Emergency Response to register and find out more about upcoming workshops. Training (CERT) course this fall.Taught by the Lake Oswego Fire Department, attendees will learn Tree Protection Plans & Tree Tree Pruning about disaster preparedness, fire suppression, medical Code Violations September 14 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Foothills Park operations, search and rescue, disaster psychology, Pavilion, 199 Foothills Road September 12from5to6.30p.m. at City terrorism, and team organization.At the end of this Hall, or sign-up to view online Understand why, what, and how to prune to develop training, you will have a greater understanding of Learn about the City's tree code healthy, strong, and attractive trees and shrubs. how to keep yourself and your family prepared in the requirements to protect trees while Explore pruning types, proper cutting tools and event of a disaster. constructing permitted development, and techniques, and tree responses to pruning. This The 24-hour training course consists of seven how these requirements are enforced and workshop is led by ISA Board Certified Master violations are investigated. This workshopArborist Damon Schrosk of A Plus Tree, Inc. weeknight classes (Tuesdays, 6:30-9:30 p.m.) and g a mandatory Saturday morning (9 a.m.-12 p.m.) will explore Lake Oswego Code Section 55.08 Tree Protection, incldin tree Creating Backyard Habitat hands-on skills review u g The course will begin on September 28 from 9 to 11 a.m. Tryon Creek State Tuesday, September 24 and run weekly until Tuesday, code definitions, prohibited activities, November 5, with the hands-on session scheduled for tree protection plan requirements and Natural Area Classroom, 11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd Saturday, November 2. tree protection standards.We'll also Join Friends of Tryon Creek to learn about creating discuss tree code violations and penalties. natural habitat in your own yard for native flora and If you would like more information or are interested This workshop is led by Senior Code fauna and consider the benefits of Backyard Habitat in participating, visit www.lakeoswego.city/fire/cert. Enforcement Specialist Bill Youngblood Certification. The Backyard Habitat Certification To sign up for the course, log into our CERT/ and Code Enforcement Specialist Kelly Program is conducted in partnership with Audubon Volunteer portal, navigate to the calendar to locate Bowie from the City's Planning & Society of Portland and Columbia Land Trust to the event listed on September 24. Click on that event Building Services Department. The City's support urban gardeners and their efforts to create and choose 'sign up.' A link to a video on how to sign Contract Arborist Morgan Holen will also and enhance native habitats. Includes an indoor up for a class is also available on the website. be on-hand. pI IL. •;`- resentation andA. outdoor demonstration. # CITY COUNCIL , Ai A 503-635-0215 '`ii ' CITY MANAGER Joe Buck Ali Afghan Trudy Corrigan Massene Mboup Aaron Rapf Rachel Verdick John Wendland Martha Bennett Mayor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor 503-635-0215 jbuck@lakeoswego.city aafghan@lakeoswego.city tcorrigan@lakeoswego.city mmboup@lakeoswego.city arapf@lakeoswego.city rverdick@lakeoswego.city jwendland@lakeoswego.city HeeeoL.0. Parks & Recreation Continued from page 1 t City Library Inside, the finishing touches are coming together. Lighting installation is progressing, and the fitness room is now complete. Key architectural elements, such as the large beams in the entrance First Tuesday Music: Mariano de area, have been installed. Additionally, gypsum ceilings are in place in the lobby and vending Orbegoso & Connie Bieberach Trio areas, with work continuing in the bathrooms and hallways. HYBRID: Tuesday, September 3, 5:30 to 6::30 p.m. LORAC Fee and Membership Update LAKE OSWEGO PUBLIC LIBRARY If you are looking for a preliminary fee list included in the agreement with the Lake Oswego I R S T T U E S D A Y School District and approved by the City Council, please check out our website at https://bit. IVI U S I C ly/3X8gIkL. Secure your membership now and be part of the excitement at our "Launch Party." More details ����Sw��o about this exclusive event will be revealed soon.We can't wait to see you at the end of the year. Ae��'� MAR A N O D WITH 7 1 ORBEGOSO AND CONNIE BIEBERACH Lake Oswego Public Golf Course (LOPGC) Update TRIO — Exciting developments are taking place at the SEPT. 3, 2024 I 5:30 - 6:30 PM Lake Oswego Public Golf Course! Last month, EP we successfully installed the poles for the driving range, paving the way for the netting that will Come enjoy a one-hour concert with Mariano de be added later this month. In the coming weeks, Orbegoso and Connie Bieberach Trio in honor of our team will also be installing new lighting h " '� Latine Heritage Month at the library. and irrigation systems, which will significantly ,. A livestream will also be available at enhance both the functionality and overall www.youtube.com/@Lake0Lib/streams. experience of the course. ,,; , Our dedicated parks crew is hard at work j ,,,�WQ __ For more information, contact April Younglove at regrading and seeding the course to ensure it's in -. o 503-534-5667 or ayounglove@lakeoswego.city. top condition. Looking ahead, the installation V- t`IW` of sand traps is scheduled for October, marking _ � 'Y "• another milestone in our ongoing course 1 Th I rd Tuesday Author: Roz Noona n g g transformation. HYBRID: Tuesday, September 17, 5:30 to 6::30 p.m. In line with our commitment to sustainability,we are thrilled to announce the arrival of our new �'\ electric mower. This addition will help us reduce carbon emissions, minimize noise, and improve THIRD -...;.,„ energy efficiency as we maintain the course. We're eagerly anticipating the grand reopening which will coincide with the opening of the Lake T U E S DAY .......- , . , Oswego Recreation and Aquatics Center later this year or in early 2025. AUTHOR /-4.a _____,„„, For more information on projects, visit www.lakeoswego.city/parksrec/parks-recreation-projects. Roz Noonan PUZZLE ME Rassekh Skatepark - Closed September 3-6 for Restroom Installation /+MU;DER 4 The Rassekh Skatepark will be temporarily closed startingon Tuesday, September 3, through Tuesday, Sept. l 7 uu`Til Friday, September 6, for the installation of the permanent restroom building. During this time, 5:30 6:30 p.m. NooNAN construction crews and large equipment will be on-site to complete this much-anticipated improvement and the skatepark will be closed for user safety. The skatepark is planned to reopen Please join us on Tuesday, September 17 at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 7, and the restroom building will be available for use the following week. for a presentation by Roz Noonan, author of Puzzle The restroom building will offer four private gender-neutral restrooms, two of which are fully Me a Murder. ADA accessible and will be open for use during park hours. We appreciate your understanding and patience during this temporary closure. Roz Noonan is a New York Times bestselling fiction author and graduate of Wagner College. She lives with For more information and updates on the skatepark, visit www.lakeoswego.city/parksreckassekh- her family in the Pacific Northwest, where she writes skatepark. in view of Mount Adams and Mount St. Helens. Visit her at www.RosalindNoonanBooks.com. Parks Plan 2040 This event will take place in-person at the Library and `� will be livestreamed on LOPL's YouTube channel. Help shape the future of Parks & Recreation a T' ••• For more information, contact Alicia Yokoyama, • in Lake Oswego! U r • t •U . ; . • Adult Services Librarian, at 503-534-4228 or Last summer we launched our first survey to understand ~ • 1 J ayokoyama@lakeoswego.city. community needs for parks and recreation and received an The library is located at 706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego. incredible response!We have also taken a hard look at our ■ ■ ■ CA These presentations are made possible by the Friends of existing parks and programs to identify key issues and needs, a tI.,;; •• I the Lake Oswego Public Library. including park locations, who they serve, and who might be missing out. Now we're asking for your help to share your priorities around O SCAN ME Library of Things physical improvements to parks and facilities, as well as TO VISIT THE WE B S I T E Need a VHS-to-DVD converter for the weekend? programs, events, and maintenance practices. Lake Oswego How about a food dehydrator? Thinking about Parks & Recreation will be sharing a draft list of projects and buying a sewing machine, but want to try it before improvements to help us achieve the community's goals for you buy it? The Library can help! Check out the parks and recreation through the year 2040. The project list o1 Foss Library of Things, where you can borrow a variety of and survey are expected to become available in mid-September 1,V A. o "things." All you need is a library card to borrow from and will be posted on the project website. o�� the collection. Don't have one? It's easy and free for residents of Clackamas,Washington and Multnomah For more information on the project and work that has been counties to get one.Just call or stop by the Library for completed to-date, please visit: www.lakeoswego.city/parks- LAKE OSWEGO details, or visit https://bit.ly/LOLibraryOfThings. plan-2040. PARKS PLAN 2040 For details on these and other Library programs, For more information or to register for Parks &Recreation programs, please visit visit lakeoswego.city/parksrec or call 503-675-2549. lakeoswego.city/library or call 503-636-7628. /1oebL.n. Cultural Xchange Communiti, Sunday, September 15, from 12 to 7 p.m. at Millennium Plaza Park Calendar Celebrate the diverse cultures of our community j t_ - and world. Channelinga bustlingnight market g :� ' + ! t Event dates are subject to change. abroad, this multicultural festival features live music, *+ More details are available online at: dance performances, martial arts demonstrations, ! N, - www.lakeoswego.city/calendar artisan and food vendors, and nonprofits.Join us �• \ For more information, call 503-675-3992. in welcoming the Portland Chinese Dance troupe, McDaniel High School Stomp & Shake,White r ✓ SeptenLotus Dragon & Lion Dance, Music from Mariachi t 1 Sunday • First Sunday Market in Lake Grove, Mexico En la Piel, plus much more. \� \ • . llam-3pm 'i 2 Monday • Labor Day Holiday-CITY OFFICES For more information, please visit CLOSED wwwlakeoswego.city/parksrec/2024-cultural- '' , 3 Tuesday • City Council Meeting,5:30pm xchange-festival. 'lbf. vy • Library Music:Mariano de Orbegoso and Connie Bieberach Trio,5:30pm 4 Wednesday • First Wednesday Chautauqua:Linus First Sunday Market in Lake Grove Pauling,Heritage Council,5:30-6:30pm • First Addition/Forest Hills September 1 , October 6, and November 3 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Neighborhood Meeting,6:30pm Expanded this year with themed events and your a lively market day featuring an array of fall • DRC Meeting,7pm favorite farmers and foodies, you will enjoy live produce, artisanal crafts, and activities for all ages. 5 Thursday • Emergency Preparedness Fair,City entertainment and kid's activities at this pet- Hall,5-7pm For more information, please visit 6 Friday friendly market on Hallmark Drive. www.lakeoswego.city/lgfm. 7 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm September 1: Back to School Block Party d • Experience a fabulous dayfilled with old-time 8 Sunday • Freedom to Read Month:Book I� Discussion Giveaway, 1pm carnival games and other family-friendly activities. 9 Monday • Planning Commission,6:30pm October 6: Sip &Shop 10 Tuesday • Photo Contest Deadline Embrace an afternoon of delightful indulgence .'� g g �` ,J �i _ ,_to., 11 Wednesday • HRAB Meeting,6pm where you can explore, savor, shop, and sip. t • LAB Meeting,7pm Delicious wines from local wineries will be I` 1 v 12 Thursday • Tree Protection Plans&Tree Code available for purchase, and you can treat yourself = Violations,City Hall,5-6:30pm to a variety of delectable bites. d �' — ! • Teen Advisory Board,6pm s. --= 13 Friday November 3: Fall Harvest - ‘_ pRQQIQr 14 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm Celebrate the bountiful fall harvest season with r.. = = '''44 1,C,.RFFAr • Tree Pruning Workshop,Foothills Park, loam-12pm First Wednesday Chautauqua 15 Sunday • Cultural Xchange,MPP, 12pm 16 Monday • SAB Meeting,6:30pm • DRC Meeting,7pm Wednesday, September 4 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 17 Tuesday • City Council Meeting,3pm The Northwest China Council is excited to be His humanitarian efforts to seek peace in a world • Library Author:Roz Noonan,7pm hosting a talk about Linus Pauling. Chris Petersen, stunned by the atomic bombings of Japan in 18 Wednesday • PNAB Meeting,MC,4pm Editor of Visions of Linus Pauling (World WWII were recognized by the Nobel Prize for Scientific Publishing 2022) will present about Dr. Peace in 1962. He died in August 1994 and is 19 Thursday • Library Trivia,7pm Pauling's life and his career achievements. buried at the Oswego Pioneer Cemetery. 20 Friday 21 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm Linus Pauling won the Nobel Laureate in The presentation will take place at the Oswego • Falconry Event,ACC, 10am Chemistry in 1953 and traveled to China in the Heritage House, 398 10th Street. For more • Gallery Without Walls Celebration, 1970s in order to promote friendship and scientific information, go to www.oswegoheritage.org. 12:30pm exchanges between Chinese and American scholars. • Artist Hector Hernandez,LIB,2pm 22 Sunday 23 Monday • Planning Commission,6:30pm Gallery Without Vs/aIls Celebration 24 Tuesday • World Cinema Series:Past Lives Saturday, S September 21 from 12:30 to 3:30p.m. (Korean),LIB,5:30pm e p 25 Wednesday The community is invited to celebrate the Lake During the celebration, the community can 26 Thursday Oswego's Gallery Without Walls on Saturday, participate in free docent-led tours of select September 21 at the Arts Council of Lake Gallery Without Walls sculptures, where artists 27 Friday Oswego's Artspace and the City Hall parking will be on hand to talk about their work. There 28 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm lot. This free and festive event honors the City's will also be hands-on art activities for children • Creating Backyard Habitat Workshop, Tryon Creek,9-11am outdoor public art exhibit and the artists who help and adults. In addition, the winners of the latest • Electric Home&Vehicle Fair, 10am- make it possible. New artwork is added to the People's Choice award will be honored. To learn 2pm outdoor exhibition each year for two years. more about the event, visit artscouncillo.org. 29 Sunday • Health&Wellness Fair,MPP, 11-3pm 30 Monday • DEI Advisory Board,6pm Health & Wellness Fair Octob 1 Tuesday • City Council Meeting,5:30pm Sunday, September 29 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Millennium Plaza Park The Lake Oswego and West Linn Chambers of Commerce present the 2024 Health and Wellness Fair. ACC Adult Community Center Check out more than 50 booths with information ranging from primary care and insurance to relaxation L DRC Development Review Commission techniques and mental health.At this free event, speakers will present throughout the morning on the Cuv, LIB LO Public Library "main stage." Enjoy the Fair, the beauty of downtown Lake Oswego and a Sunday stroll in the park. o MPP Millennium Plaza Park (9 HRAB Historic Resources Advisory Board For more information, go to https://members.lake-oswego.com/events/details/2024-wellness-fair-8806. LAB Library Advisory Board The City of Lake Oswego fosters a welcoming and inclusive community PUBLIC INFORMATION SPECIALIST AND HELLOLO EDITOR/WRITER where all people have the opportunity to thrive and have equitable Bonnie Hirshberger • 503-675-3992 • bhirshberger@lakeoswego.city F access to City services. For Americans with Disabilities Act or Civil Contributing writers: O� �� Rights Title VI accommodations,translation/interpretation services,or Donna Harlan, Library Robin Krakauer,Parks&Recreation ,� more information call 503-635-0270 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1. Morgan Nolen,Arborist(consultant) Lindsey Nicholson,Police (r Jason Hoye, Water Treatment Plant Madison Thesing, City Manager's Office U Q I Habla usted espaflol?Le proporcionaremos una traduccion gratuita de Katy Kerklaan,Engineering este boletin. GREGO. -.-cat'6FAIL-F2?01 A1fr°I T tlC901 ��-6-FAI°1 7Fo dLIEF 13 This newsletter is printed on Processed Chlorine Free 100% Tau recycled content paper,using soy-based ink. 213t1 (*Alt) rl ? ITIPILRAIZ1)t*5C1 rlit.PZ1*0 For information about the City and its services, go to www.lakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0257. HeeeoL.n.