Approved Minutes - 2024-07-18 PM CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO
;:z Transportation Advisory Board
Action Minutes
July 18, 2024
Call to order: 7:02 PM
Members present: Chair Amin Wahab;Theresa Bianco; Esther Mullen (appeared
remotely and signed off at 9:36 PM);Trevor Sleeman; Nathan
Bender,Youth Member; and Mario Welliver, Youth Member
Members Absent/Excused: Vice Chair Kasey Adler; Michele DeBuhr; and Lawrence Magura
Council Liaison Present:
Guest(s): Mark Puhlman; Jon Eames; Grant Morlock; and Arman Faroghi
Staff: Will Farley,Assistant City Engineer; Ofc. Markum Megale; and
Chris Fairley,Administrative Support
Introduction of New Members
• Chair Wahab welcomed the new members, who then briefly introduced themselves.
Approval of Minutes
• April 18, 2024 Meeting Minutes: Ms. Bianco stated that the question attributed to her, regarding
20mph speed zones near school zones, was actually asked by Ms. DeBuhr(page 4, 6th sub-bullet). Chair
Wahab suggested adding a clarifying statement regarding the concern over privacy by collecting
pedestrian data through the use of cameras (page 4, 7th sub-bullet).
o Chair Wahab moved to approve the Minutes of April 18, 2024, with the noted amendments.
Seconded by Mr. Sleeman and passed unanimously.
Council Report
• Councilor Rapf was not present to update TAB with the City Council's recent activities.
Public Comment:
• Mark Puhlman referenced the requirement to build a bioswale and walkway on the Right-of-Way(ROW)
in front of developments where a property was subdivided into two or more lots (found in the current
Land Use Codes). He requested that TAB suggest to the City Council that this requirement be applied to
every property being developed, as the current patchwork of pathways was dangerous to pedestrians,
and the connections were being completed too slowly. He then pointed to LU 23-0045; offering his
support of the application overall but requesting that TAB support the recommendation that the
required bioswale and walkway be installed on the opposite (east) side of Goodall Road.
o Mr. Farley noted that he would point out this section of Goodall Road during TAB's later
discussion under the "NTMP Applications"topic.
LO Police Department Report(presented by Ofc. Megale)
• Officer Megale listed the totals for the 2024 YTD Summary Report as follows: 721 Written Warnings and
1,793 Total Citations issued (Top 5: Speeding 11-20mph above the limit=442; Electronic Device/Cell
Use=374; FTO Traffic Control Device=323; Driving Uninsured=178; and Speeding 21-30mph above the
Respect. ! I • r Trust. :i •
limit=86); 45 DUI!Arrests (Alcohol=42/Drugs=2/Unspecified=1(awaiting lab results to confirm drugs);
120 Crashes (Non-injury=76; Hit& Run=30; Injury=12(0 fatal); and Auto/Pedestrian=2(3/13/24 at Bangy
Road/Meadows Road -case is still open; 7/2/24 at Kruse Way/Carman Drive- motorist failed to see 12-
year old pedestrian (who walked on their signal and only received minor scratches), as the driver made a
right turn on a red light); and Streets With the Most Crashes: State Street/Highway 43, Country Club
Road, Boones Ferry Road, and Kruse Way. 2023 Annual Summary Comparison: 1,808 Written Warnings
and 3,730 Total Citations issued (Top 5: Speeding 11-20mph above the limit=1,360; Electronic
Device/Cell Use=731; FTO Traffic Control Device=354; Driving Uninsured=292; and Speeding 21-30mph
above the limit=247); 98 DU!! Arrests (Alcohol=89/Drugs=6/Unspecified=3); 228 Crashes (Non-
injury=123; Hit& Run=74; Injury=24 with 1 fatality due to a medical issue); and Auto/Pedestrian=7; and
Streets With the Most Crashes: State Street/Highway 43, B Avenue, Kruse Way, Boones Ferry Road,
Country Club Road, and A Avenue. 2022 Annual Summary Comparison: 4,093 Total Citations issued (Top
5: Speed=1413; Electronic Device/Cell Use=605; FTO Traffic Control Device=331; Driving Uninsured=256;
and Driving While Suspended=212); 94 DU!! Arrests(Alcohol=87/Drugs=7); 279 Crashes (Non-injury=137;
Hit& Run=105; Injury=29 with zero fatalities; and Auto/Pedestrian=8); and Streets With the Most
Crashes: A Avenue, Kruse Way, Boones Ferry Road, Country Club Road, and State Street/Hwy 43.
o Mr. Farley relayed a question from an unidentified audience member, who asked for
information regarding the accident involving a cyclist and a motorist on Goodall Road, on May
15, 2024. Ofc. Megale replied that he did not have the information at this time but would
report back later on what he found.
o Ms. Bianco inquired whether the "FTO Traffic Control Device" citations were outpacing those for
2023 and 2022 because of increased enforcement activities. Ofc. Megale affirmed that there
has been increased enforcement, particularly at the 4-way intersection at Waluga Drive and
Parkhill Street.
NTMP Applications: Goodall Road (presented by Mr. Farley)
• An application was received for the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP),to find some
relief for the speeding occurring on Goodall Road (neighborhood collector,with a 25mph speed limit
from Knaus Road to Country Club Road).
• Plan History: 1992 Transportation System Plan (TSP) -identified as a Neighborhood Collector,without
any projects identified/1994 Comprehensive Plan (CP) - retained as a Neighborhood Collector,with one
pathway project identified on one side,within the Long Range Plan (LRP - 11 to 20 years, and at an
estimated cost of$246,000)/ 1997 TSP- retained as a Neighborhood Collector,with pathway projects
identified to comply with the Neighborhood Collector Standards, within the LRP (at an estimated cost of
$2.7M)/2014 TSP- retained as a Neighborhood Collector,with a pathway project set on the east side
from Knaus Road to Country Club Road (ROW needed to accommodate stormwater swales, and at an
estimated cost of$860,000).
• Roadway History: 1932 - part of the Forests Hills Acres plot in Clackamas County/2005 - roadway
partially annexed into Lake Oswego/2014- roadway fully under Lake Oswego's jurisdiction.
• Knaus Road to Country Club Road: 3,300' section without traffic signals/stop signs/50' ROW (more will
be added as sites are developed)/22' pavement width/ Intermittent pathway(some are on the west
side, but most are on the east side)/25mph speed limit.
• Photos of the roadway were shown.
• Goodall Road Volume and Speed Data: With 6 studies, from April 2009 to May 2024,the Average Daily
Trip (ADT) increased from 1,110 to 1,428/the 85th percentile speeds average 36mph for traffic in both
directions(measured near Hazel Road, where the road straightens out, excepting in October 2023,
where it was measured near Goodall Court, with speeds averaging 33mph in both directions).
• Crashes in the last 10 years:June 3, 2019-one car in clear/dry conditions, where the driver went into
the ditch due to improper driving/ May 15, 2024-auto versus bicycle,with injuries (Ofc. Megale
provided additional information -a 9-year old cyclist,who did not look before entering the roadway,
was struck by a 17-year old driver,who did not see the cyclist prior to impacting the rear tire of the
• NTMP Scoring:Traffic Volume=6.29 points/Speed=19.63 points (qualifies the road based on this
criterion alone)/Crash History=0 points(the 2019 crash was not included because it was driver-caused)
/Schools=5.0 points/Other Pedestrian Areas=0 points/Streets without Sidewalks or Pathways=0
points/Total Points=30.92 points.
• Next Best Course of Action: Speed humps-Can cause difficulty due to the stormwater issue (water
being diverted onto private property)/Are normally placed 300'to 500' apart, to keep the speeds down
to 30mph (further apart can cause more reckless driving)/Cannot be used on a graded road steeper
than 8%.
• Public Comment: Members of the public shared concerns over the following topics- Dangerous
conditions for children walking to school (pathways should be prioritized near schools)/ Lack of
continuous pathways for runners/joggers/Speed bump effectiveness on the Portland portion of SW
19th Avenue but not implemented on Goodall Road/Combativeness of construction vehicles speeding
down Goodall Road/Crashes on Country Club Road due to the blind corner on Goodall Road/ Lack of
street lighting/Safety is the primary importance for the neighbors.
o Ofc. Megale indicated that he would reach out to the contractors working in the area, regarding
combative drivers; relaying that the lead contractor was receptive to feedback. He requested
that all members of the public call the Police to inform them of negative behavior.
• Member Discussion: Installing a permanent speed radar sign/recorder/ Installing speed humps/
Installing more speed limit signs.
o With being a collector street, the Fire Marshall would need to be contacted about impediments
to safety vehicle movement, if speed humps were installed.
o Current estimated cost per speed hump is between $6,000 to$7,000.
o Drivers tend to slow if they feel they are being monitored. Trying the radar signs in a few
locations, both northbound and southbound, might be the best starting point.
o Installing a combination of the speed humps and the radar sign may be the way to slow down
o Pathways will be discussed under the next Agenda item (Goodall Road to be considered).
o Possible correlation between speed reduction and the visual pathway separation.
o Reducing the speed on Country Club Road may moderate some of the speeding on the side
streets and collectors.
o Mr. Farley will compile additional material to present to members at one of the next meetings.
Pathways Program: Round 3 (presented by Mr. Farley)
• Background: 2014 TSP identified nearly 200 projects(132 bicycle-or pedestrian-focused, with 7
completed and 5 in progress/3 transit, with 1 completed/58 roadway-or intersection-focused, with 8
completed)/2019 TAB Pathway Projects (43 prioritized based on providing a safe route to school under
the following criteria: roadway functional classification, school type, proximity to the school, and
completion of gaps)/Group 1 Recommendations-TSP#s 36, 37,41, 157, 3, 15, 21, and 89/Group 1
Funded in 2021 ($2.3M approved, with Douglas Way, Hallinan Street, and Boca Ratan completed in fall
2023, and Lanewood Street to be completed this summer)/Group 2 Funded in 2023 ($4M approved for
Pilkington Road, Meadowlark Lane,Tree Top Lane, and Carman Drive).
• Status of Group 2: HHPR was awarded the design contract/2 Open Houses scheduled to discuss early
designs (Tree Top Lane/Meadowlark Lane on July 29, 2024, at 4:00 PM, in the Lakeridge High School
cafeteria --Carman Drive/Pilkington Pathway on August 1, 2024, at 4:00 PM, in the Willow Room of the
Lake Oswego Maintenance Center).
• Removed from Consideration -Group 1: TAB Recommended -Jean Road (from Pilkington Road to Bryant
Road)/TSP#132 - Boones Ferry Road (from Washington Court to Pilkington Road)/TSP#10- E Avenue
(from 4th Street to 10th Street). Members agreed to keep these excluded from consideration at this time.
• Removed from Consideration -Group 2: TSP#92 - Melrose Street (from Westlake Road to Botticelli
Street)/TSP#158-Quarry Road (from Boones Ferry Road to Oakridge Road)/TSP#126 -Overlook
Drive (from Meadowlark Lane to Stafford Road)/TSP#127- Royce Way(from Bryant Road to Westview
Drive)/TSP#217-G Avenue (from 4th Street to 2nd Street). Members agreed to keep these excluded
from consideration at this time. A major revision to the TSP will not occur until approximately 2029,
with the Oregon Department of Transportation's (ODOT's) assistance. The E-Bike accident, 2 years ago,
did not occur on Melrose Street.
• Not Considered at the Time -Group 2:TSP#214-Sunningdale Road (from 10th Street to Andrews Street)
/TSP#215 - 10th Street (from E Avenue to G Avenue). Members agreed to revisit these projects at a
later date.
• Group 1 Remaining Priorities:
o TSP#36- Boones Ferry Road (from Kerr Parkway to Knaus Road): 3,500' length to widen the
roadway, with retaining walls above and below the roadway/$1.5M cost with Grants
(extremely difficult to obtain) or$15.6M without. Members requested that Mr. Farley apply for
the Grants when possible.
o TSP#37- Bryant Road (from Boones Ferry Road to Childs Road): 7,500' length to widen the
roadway/$2.2M cost with Grants (extremely difficult to obtain) or$22.4M cost without/There
is a possibility of reducing the scope to missing segments from Quarry Road to Waluga Drive/
The majority of the cost stems from modifying the area around the railway crossing. Members
discussed the possibility of smaller segments, and Mr. Farley will return with further
o TSP#15 -Goodall Road (from Knaus Road to Country Club Road): Some properties remain in
Clackamas County's jurisdiction because they are not annexed to Lake Oswego, saving for the
ROW/3,000'-long, 6'-wide asphalt pathway on the east side of the road/$350,000 cost with
Grants (extremely difficult to obtain) or$3.5M without/The rural street design is applied north
of Hazel Road and pathways to be installed south of Hazel Road (on the east side)/There is a
possibility of reducing the scope to missing segments/The Land Use application, mentioned
previously, has a requirement to install a swale and pathway on their west-side frontage.
Members discussed the possibility of smaller segments (prioritizing the east side), and Mr.
Farley will return with further breakdowns.
• Group 2 Needing Further Evaluation (**Pricing is based on 2023 dollars**):
o TSP#209 -Thoma Road (from Knaus Road to Lake Oswego High School): 820'-long and 6'-wide
sidewalk to the end of the cul-de-sac and 430'-long and 6'-wide asphalt pathway to the school/
$456,000 estimated cost/ Limited to soft surfaces due to a Conservation Overlay/Clackamas
County would need to be consulted regarding the property they own. Members agreed to
revisit this project at a later date because this is a quiet road and students do not feel unsafe.
o TSP#94- Hemlock Street (from Cornell Street to Highway 43): Part of the "River-to-River Trail"/
$4M to$5M total estimated cost/3,500'-long and 10'-wide trail/An easement may be needed
for a portion of the trail. Members agreed to revisit this project at a later date because there is
not a high volume of traffic on this roadway.
• New Discussion for the Projects Scoring 12 Points (**Pricing is based on 2023 dollars**):
o TSP#23 -4th Street (from E Avenue to the Adult Community Center): Local street (less than 400
ADT, 25mph speed limit)/530'-long, 6'-wide pathway with required roadway widening/ Noted
in the Neighborhood Association (NA) Plan and on TAB's "Top 10" list/$460,000 estimated cost.
Members agreed to revisit this project at a later date because of the existing
o TSP#85 -Westlake Drive (from Melrose Street to Kruse Way): Major collector(5,500 ADT, 85th
percentile speed of 28mph in a 25mph zone)/2,300'-long, 6'-wide curb-tight sidewalk on the
west side/Some ROW acquisition will be necessary/The NA does not support the project due
to impacts on the ROW and trees/$661,000 estimated cost/A separated pathway exists on the
east side, running the full length of Westlake Drive/ New signage was recently added to the
crossing at Amberwood Circle. Members agreed that an additional sidewalk on the west side of
the road was unnecessary; however, an improved crossing at the end of Westlake Drive is
o TSP#175-O'Brien Street (from Ash Street to Hallinan Elementary): Local street (less than 400
ADT, 25mph speed limit)/250'-long, 5'-wide pathway and 340'-long sidewalk/An
unconstructed ROW exists between Ash Street and Laurel Street/The NA moderately supports
the project/$355,000 estimated cost/Middle-housing cottage cluster development approved
and will be constructed soon/Soft-surface only through the park. Members agreed to look
further into this project, as it would be the most direct route to the school, even though there is
little vehicle traffic on the road.
o TSP#213 -Atwater Road (from Boca Ratan to Knaus Road): Local street (less than 1,000 ADT,
25mph speed limit)/ 1,700'-long, 6'-wide sidewalk/Subject to jurisdictional transfer from
Clackamas County/The NA is concerned about the loss of rural nature/$943,000 estimated
cost/There is an existing separated asphalt pathway or a concrete sidewalk on the south side/
As more properties are annexed to the City, pathways are being installed. Members agreed to
keep this project on the list because most of the properties were already fully developed and,
most likely,would not be subdivided. They acknowledged that the vehicle speed is being kept in
check due to the condition of the pavement.
o TAB Recommended - Durham Street (from Alley to Ladd Street): Local street(less than 400 ADT,
25mph speed limit)/$67,500 estimated cost/ No further information could be found for this
project. Members agreed to remove this project from consideration.
• New Discussion for the Projects Scoring 11 Points (**Pricing is based on 2023 dollars**):
o TSP#81- Fosberg Road (from Melrose Street to Carman Drive): Major collector (3,600 ADT, 85th
percentile speed of 36mph in a 25mph zone)/2,000'-long, 5'-wide pathway along the west side,
with on-street parking reductions expected/$345,000 estimated cost/There is an existing
pathway on the east side between Melrose Street and Glacier Lily Street, and an existing
sidewalk south of Glacier Lily Street down to Carman Drive (improvements were recently made
to the pathway). Members agreed that a pathway was not necessary on the west side, and the
project should be omitted.
o TSP#82 - Red Leaf Street (from Pilkington Road to Tualata Avenue): Local street (less than 1,000
ADT, 25mph speed limit)/650'-long, 5.5'-wide sidewalk/ Entirely subject to jurisdictional
transfer from Clackamas County/The NA is concerned about the loss of parking/landscaping/
$145,000 estimated cost. Members agreed to omit this project because the roadway and
properties are located in the County.
o TSP#163 - Lanewood (Lake Grove connection): Not in a ROW/620'-long, 6'-wide pathway,
requiring access easements/The NA would not support this project if tree removals were
involved/$298,000 estimated cost. Members agreed to omit this project because of the
possible tree removal and cost to acquire the easements.
o TSP#176-Ash Street(from Erickson Street to O'Brien Street): Local street (less than 400 ADT,
25mph speed limit)/250'-long, 5'-wide pathway and 1,000'-long sidewalk/There is an
unconstructed ROW between Oak Street and Yates Street/The NA does not support this project
(as noted when the 2014 TSP was written)/$750,000 estimated cost. Members would like to
look at this project, with TSP#175, as a whole; along with looking at alternative connectors and
seeking an update from the NA.
o TSP#11 - Fernwood Drive (from South Shore Boulevard to Marjorie Avenue): Neighborhood
collector(1,000 ADT, 85th percentile speed of 28mph in a 25mph zone)/3,300'-long, 6'-wide
pathway on one side, with a possible impact to on-street parking and stormwater/This is in
compliance with the Palisades Neighborhood Plan/$1.295M estimated cost/There are no
pedestrian facilities on these streets; however,there are pathways/sidewalks on neighboring
streets. Members discussed the possibility of smaller segments, and Mr. Farley will return with
further breakdowns.
o TSP#216- F Avenue (from 10th Street to the Adult Community Center): Local street (less than
400 ADT, 85th percentile speed of 22mph in a 25mph zone)/ 1,150'-long, 6'-wide separated
pathway/This project would connect to other identified projects/The NA does not support this
project/$552,000 estimated cost. Members agreed to omit this project.
• Next Steps: Mr. Farley will provide the requested information at the next meeting/The list of
recommendations is needed by the end of the October meeting.
Youth Member Updates (presented by Mr. Bender and Mr. Welliver)
• Neither Youth Member had any additional comments to share.
• TAB members thanked Mr. Bender and Mr. Welliver for their participation during this meeting.
Discussion of Items not on the Agenda (led by Chair Wahab)
• No additional topics were discussed.
The next regular meeting date is October 17,2024.
Adjournment: 9:47 PM -Chair Wahab adjourned the meeting.