Approved Minutes - 2024-04-26 MINUTES 50+ADVISORY BOARD MEETING O� Ot. Friday, April 26, 2024 ` CT' 10 a.m. — 11:30 a.m. Vf." — O Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, Birch Room 505 "G" Avenue, Lake Oswego �GO� Staff Contact: Pamela Montoya, pmontoya@ci.oswego.or.us Virtual Access ADA Accommodation Requests Translation Services This meeting will be held in lakeoswego.city/accommodation Traduccion o interpretation person.To participate remotely, 503-635-0282; Relay 711 97Mi f please email the staff contact at Please allow four business days to teats o oA1L4 least 24 hours before the meeting process your request. 503 534 5738 Doug Corder,Chair•Susan Speer,Vice Chair• Betty Holladay• Linda Rountree •Ann Savage• Leesie van Roon •Steve Unger•Ali Afghan, Council Liaison 1. CALL TO ORDER Doug Corder called the meeting to order at 10:03am 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Doug Corder, Betty Holladay, Ann Savage, Linda Rountree, Steven Unger, Staff: Maria Bigelow, ACC Manager, Pam Montoya, ACC Administrative Assistant Absent: Vice-Chair, Susan Speer, Leesie van Roon, Councilor Massene Mboup, Guest: Madison Thiesing, Assistant to City Manager, Nina Vetter, PT Project Manager, Ruth Bregar, Westridge resident 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 22, 2024 Ann Savage made a motion to approve the March meeting minutes. Betty Holladay seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously and the March minutes were approved. 4. CITY COUNCIL UPDATE -Councilor Massene Mboup Councilor Mboup absent, see attached email 5. PUBLIC COMMENT The purpose of Public Comment is to allow community members to present information or raise an issue regarding items not on the agenda or regarding agenda items that do not include a public hearing.A time limit of three minutes per individual shall apply. Public Comment will not exceed thirty minutes in total. If you are unable to attend the meeting and prefer to provide public comment in writing, please email the comment to the staff contact listed above at least 24 hours before the meeting. No public comments given. Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service 503-635-3758 505 G AVENUE PO Box 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 2 6. AGENDA ITEMS 6.1 LOACC UPDATE - Maria Bigelow LOPR Summer registration ACC overnight trips to Ashland and San Juan Islands scheduled for summer 2024 Hired an additional on-call driver to assist with trips and rides Maria Bigelow discussed with the board changes to the board schedule and relevancy. 50+Advisory Board will meet once per quarter starting April 26, 2024 and meetings will occur on the 4th Friday of the following months; July, October, January, April for two hours. Presentations will be scheduled for upcoming board meetings and input requested by 50+ board regarding projects, goals, etc. Ad-hoc meetings can be scheduled throughout the year in addition to quarterly meetings and board members will be asked to submit questions prior to quarterly meeting. 6.2 WESTSIDE COMMUNITY CENTER— Nina Vetter (See attached presentation) Questions for discussion from board: • What are your thoughts on the project generally? • Reactions, thoughts, concerns • What features do you recommend for the space to make it welcoming for all ages (young families, teens, ACC audience)? • What features do you recommend for creating functional multi-use spaces that have worked well for the ACC? • What engagement processes worked well for the ACC remodel that we should consider? Following the presentation, board members asked about the following; Visioning process Shared space for library, community and event space Lake Grove urban renewal plan Funding 6.3 50+ADVISORY BOARD WORK PLAN DISCUSSION —50+ Board Goal 1— Emergency Preparedness 1. Make access to emergency preparedness information on city website 2. Encourage city to conduct EP meeting in fall 2024 to include key players 3. Support on-going CERT training Respect, Excellence. Trust. Service 503-635-3758 380 A AVENUE PO Box 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 3 4. How can does emergency preparedness in Lake Oswego work with multi-family residential sites (i.e. condos, apts, etc.) 5. Lack of cell service in certain areas 6. Identify senior housing where people might need help To do list will be sent out to all board members by board chair 1. Review E-prep webpages on city website 2. NA names will be divided up by chair and ask if they have an e-prep and do you know about PREPLO 3. Steve Unger to request follow-up meeting in fall 2024 at Tuesday, 4/30 Storm meeting 4. Betty email CERT trainer (Dave) update on CERT classes 5. Submit questions before July meeting See draft handouts from board member, Steve Unger for the following topics; Emergency Preparedness Workplan Housing for Seniors Workplan Inclusion of Seniors Workplan Goal 5—West Side Community Center 50+ board received presentation from Nina Vetter on 4-26-2024. Goal 8 - Housing Initiatives 50+ board received presentation from Eric Olsen on 2-23-2024. 7. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: Friday, July 26, 2024 Betty Holladay made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:06am. Leesie van Roon seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. Prepared by, Pamela Montoya Administrative Assistant Lake Oswego Adult Community Center ATTACHMENTS: Email from Councilor Mboup West Side Community Center presentation Steve Unger Workplan drafts Respect, Excellence. Trust. Service 503-635-3758 380 A AVENUE PO Box 369 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY City Manager ' s Office OF � J' t tA OI °REGO\'‘ Lake Oswego Lake Grove Community Center & Library Potential Project April 2 0 2 4 LibraryVisioning, Initial Parks Plan 2040 Feedb ack & Communit Survey — Commonalit ies v A10010L, f, c. Shared Visions/Needs: , ,,4, A1A i,g1 11 f- ).. .1 1:7'M'.li4t•"?1:.-_..r.t1-.r4*.,'. ., -i,. 0, 0.,_ I.-. + ✓Inclusive and accessible facilities =. 1. ra Par l—, . ` ., ,. , r4.a, ,, l � Activities, programs & events that 1 • = = ,. - _ 1J tv provide community connectionit "` ' ✓S aces and services for all ages & R '��;`r 'tA �1 A p g � abilities -, ✓Sustainable & resilient facilities , w � , , - ;: h , � 7 :, , .- t Pad ✓Intergenerational programming , L :� ,� irk "; , F '- r _voi F..r11/ f r c , � r I ✓More accessible event space ?„u * 2 " 1d 1.17, ,i.*f.'' - ,--- -4. 14. m More teen resources 'Pi . ` 1� -*Jo; - ,- ,P i 0 '"';',t** t ----- _ ' flap , , ,,, . GREGOta Potential Lake Grove CommunityCenter & Library A once-in-a-generation opportunity, the LGCCL would : A - 7 7 G ... ...- IL 3 - 1/create a critical anchor for the Lake Grove s - . • , � _ �r , . =' 1 Village Center ti x- -12 �� provide a life-long learning hub and ............„ iias place for all ages to grow, play and connect, with opportunities for .- , ., - ,� -- r - - - inter generational engagement ` . .. _ . . ,, Rs ✓• - *ram al improve community social, emotional and - J ,:::_;_.. -•, T y: �_ 1St , f ` -.:tip •= mental health and well-being � -� . r y . replaces the sub standard Lake Oswego -�- 4 1 f _ _, f 4. 1--,. Public Library, as it reached its capacity in # n `21 - ' 1. . , . = � o� �� y p y ;. - �, ' 1988 and needs costlyrepairs . �. ; .,,A, • � ` GEGD� Community Center & Library Projects Moorhead, MN (pop 45,000) Mount Vernon, WA (pop 35,000) West Hartford, CT (pop 64,000) - . -!,..;.:,1r- --_--!--, , , , , . .v. f ■Pohl■\■ 1 ■° ,*�..�E a • • 14F r I. �ri --frig •1 Ja i ik •''�' ' ",�,_ . 4. _,. _.• .....,.„..„.........r "* ... ,'_ ,.�= �.. i. Gather. Dream. Inspire r,m .f - .Lei. !'� - s Building Moorhead's future together i-1 J . f • "#• . ', ..;„(,`.' a A Community Center Library,Made for Moorhead — k3 T P • • 7 •.. I 0 ll ... 131 .: --_,..0*---411. :. -.'. . Active spaces for A public library A place where -.' play and ideas and { gathering dreams can take l shape (/''' ,1k ! c?-. . iiik ilk 3. .. 1 „Iiii• _ GREGOr� ch • id , Areas Examples iii:\ ., .- - - . . . ..... . _ r ..„ , ......,1„,,, • .A . .0 } .. 41.-•••••• IOW hi • .. - .. -- . - • i . 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OW*'*1pr. •�' mi uloal 1 (z-'-----‘,X E . . UM ItiM, efficiencies & savin dollars ���� i '1 ;,y. li saving dollars *r* * rrLake Gr10 ove Villa a Center URA ii r 1 �J r••y Lake GmNe+hnrge Center urban ieL, V _ S r l � i..,Renewal Area lage Cenl . . GREGGC 01.Oa - -- ._... { _ Upcoming Meetings & Opportunities to Engage ✓Lake Oswego City Council & Lake Oswego School District Board Joint Meeting — May 7, 5 :30 p. m . ✓Sign up for the City's E-Newsletter 4tin ao oR a Questions for Discussion • What are your thoughts on the project generally? • Reactions, thoughts, concerns • What features do you recommend for the space to make it welcoming for all ages (young families, teens, ACC audience) ? • What features do you recommend for creating functional multi-use spaces that have worked well for the ACC? • What engagement processes worked well for the ACC o4..A Eos remodel that we should consider? v...,_ 18 r J 3 \I REGOa