October 2024 HelloLO N
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Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event Drug Take Back
Saturday, November 2 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, October 26
....kmon. _�....�.i To help community members properly dispose
i. . 4, i of unwanted or expired medications, the City
II I�IIIIIIII1I1 1 !I ` . � � is holding a one-day-only drug take-back event.
r��. This collection event will take place from 10
���' 1 t a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mary's Woods (Gallagher
/" ' 1, _ i'i �`"' Building, 17550 Provost Street, Lake Oswego).
g g
1� This event will be a drive-thru collection-
a, please stay in your vehicles.
Continued on page 4
3'' =„� A Ave/5th
_ igi ),RA . Street Pedestrian
The City, partnering with Metro, is holding a gallons of waste for free, based on container size.
household hazardous waste collection event on You can also take old medications, in case you miss C rosswa I k
November 2. Clean out your garage and under the City's Drug Take Back event. This free one-day-
your sinks by taking batteries, fluorescent bulbs, only event will take place at Lake Bible Church, Safety Improvements Coming
medical sharps, paint and other hazardous materials 4565 Carmen Drive. Starting in October and continuing
to this collection event. You can bring up to 35 Continued on page 4 through December, several important safety
improvements will be installed at the A
Measure 3-6 1 1 8 Avenue/5th Street pedestrian crosswalk in
downtown. The project includes: installing
Among other local matters, in the November After a multi-year public engagement process and clearer signage with new rapid flashing
general election, Lake Oswego voters will weigh in incorporating community feedback, the County beacons, painting highly visible crosswalk
on Measure 3-618. If passed, Measure 3-618 would designed and funded a new roundabout as the striping, removing some vegetation to improve
amend the City Charter, allowing the City to grant preferred project to address the findings of the road sightlines, improving signal equipment, and
Clackamas County use of up to 0.4 acres of Stevens safety audit and minimize impacts to natural areas. replacing three curb ramps.
Meadows for the limited purposes of public safety Duringconstruction, the travelingpublic
road improvements and park driveway realignment. The County designed the project to reduce crashes,
ease traffic congestion, and create bike lanes and should expect some lane reductions and
Overview: safer pedestrian paths. The project also includes traffic shifts on A Avenue near 5th Street to
plans to mitigate potential environmental impacts accommodate the work. The crosswalk will be
The City of Lake Oswego owns Stevens Meadows, of the project through work on the land around closed and pedestrians will need to detour to
a 28-acre park outside city limits in unincorporated Pecan Creek, a fish-bearing stream directly adjacent the 4th Street/A Avenue crossing. There may
Clackamas County. The County is responsible for to Stevens Meadows. also be some temporary parking restrictions in
maintaining and improving Stafford and Childs place near the crosswalk.
Roads,which are near Stevens Meadows. If the measure passes, the County would use up to
0.4 acres of Stevens Meadows—0.2 acres for the For more information and regular updates, visit
In 2018, the County conducted a Federal Highway construction project, and another 0.2 acres to realign lakeoswego.city/engineering/avenue-and-5th-
Administration road safety audit that revealed an existing gravel driveway used for park maintenance. street-pedestrian-crossing-improvements.
problems with the Stafford/Childs intersection,
including limited intersection visibility, rear-end
crashes involving injuries, high-speed turning, and Continued on page 2 •
heavy traffic without many gaps. F i rst Sunday Ma r ket
Emerald Ash Borer - Quarantine in Effect in Lake Grove
. : October 6, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.: Sip &Shop
Emerald ash borer (EAB) is an invasive �;' 4 Z °.'�,. , ' +► ., Indulge in a delightful afternoon where you can
beetle that kills ash, white fringetrees and
olive trees. It has not been detected in Lake t•:,: explore unique finds, savor delicious local wines,
? • . -`-' it _ • , and enjoy a variety of mouthwatering bites.
Oswego yet, but was recently confirmed in ,,,.
Clackamas County as well as Washington, :�. _. �,,` November 3, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.: Fall Harvest
Yamhill and Marion Counties. Oregon t "_; • - � Celebrate autumn's rich colors and flavors
Department of Agriculture (ODA) has • • with fresh fall produce, artisanal crafts, and fun
placed a quarantine in these counties to help :`' . activities for the whole family.
slow the spread of EAB. • j s`_ ~
�: _ --1' Find more information at lakeoswego.city/lgfm.
Continued on page 2 D-shaped emergence hole
What's Inside
Presorted Standard • Household Hazardous Waste • Prevent Localized Flooding • Become a Respite Program • Drug Take Back Event
U.S.Postage Collection Event • Ballot Box Locations Volunteer • Community Calendar
PAID • A Ave/5th Street Pedestrian • General Election Information • Music: Dr. Bryce Colson
Permit 124 Crosswalk • Parks Plan 2040 • Author:George Sorenson Insert
Lake Oswego,OR • Measure 3-618 • Updates for Rassekh Park and • First Sunday Market in Lake • Photo Contest-Vote for Your
• Emerald Ash Borer- Skatepark Grove Favorites
*****ECRWSS***** Quarantine in Effect • Monster Mash • Great Pumpkin Toss
For information about the City and its services, go to www.Iakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0257
Ash Borer Continued from page 1 Measure 3-618 Continued from page 1
The quarantine applies in Lake Oswego and requires On the November ballot, Lake Oswego voters will have the opportunity to vote on Measure 3-618.
that tree materials of all ash species, white fringetree,
and olive trees remain within the quarantined If Measure 3-618 is passed: If Measure 3-618 is not passed:
counties.All wood waste must be processed and • The City Charter would be amended, • The City Charter will continue to prohibit
disposed of according to quarantine guidelines. allowing the City to authorize the County road construction and driveway realignment
Additionally, removal of these trees should be avoided to use up to 0.4 acres of Stevens Meadows on all of Stevens Meadows.
between April 1 and September 30. for the limited purposes ofpublic safetyroad
p P The City would not authorize the County
To learn more about the EAB quarantine, the signs improvements and driveway realignment. to use 0.4 acres at the corner of Stafford/
and symptoms of EAB, and what the City is doing to • The City Charter will continue prohibiting Childs for the road improvement project or
prepare for the arrival of EAB in Lake Oswego, please development on the rest of Stevens Meadows. driveway realignment.
visit lakeoswego.city/planning/emerald-ash-borer. If • The County would be responsible for
you see symptoms or signs of EAB infestation, please funding and constructing the Stafford/
call 1-866-INVADER or contact ODA at: Childs Road project with County funds.
EAB@oda.oregon.gov. • Measure 3-618 would not increase City taxes.
Clackamas County Stafford Road Improvements Project Background
Between 2020 and 2024, the County presented alternative designs for the intersection to the public
' and other stakeholders, including the City. The County evaluated and accepted public comments on
I,i• a number of alternative intersection improvement designs, including installing a traffic signal and two
b different potential roundabout designs.
e ( .M
r .410
As a result of the public engagement process, the County designed and funded the construction of a
• I v roundabout at the Stafford/Childs intersection.
�, .rr The project is designed to address the findings n, '!
� , ' of the 2018 Federal Highway Administration
f,:�. �
road safety audit, reduce crashes, ease traffic
Bark splitting S-shaped galleries congestion, and create bike lanes and saferSTEVENS• "", • �'
pedestrian paths for multi-modal transportation
H e I Prevent and connection. � � —
If the measure passes, the County's proposed -
Localized Flood i n design would use about 0.2 acres of Stevens O ��
�' Meadows for these road projects. The project _ O
A Rake is All it Takes would also realign an existing gravel driveway
As leaves fall, storm drains can get blocked by debris, that is used to maintain the park, affecting
leading to localized flooding. These drains are vital for another area of about 0.2 acres. i
keeping streets and sidewalks clear of excess rainwater. Proposed County Design
If passed, Measure 3-618 would amend These lines and graphics are for illustrative purposes only
While Public Works crews maintain thousands of
the City Charter to allow Lake Oswego to STEVENS MEADOWS ———' EXISTING RIGHT
drains, we need your help. Simply clearing leaves PROPERTY OF WAY
authorize the County to use the 0.4 acres of PRE
and debris from the surface of catch basins near your Stevens Meadows needed for the County's OF WO POSED RIGHT AY - ERXISTINGALIGNMENT DRIVEWAYOF
property with a broom or rake can keep the drainage
system functioning well. Remember, don't remove proposed roundabout design.
the grate, just the debris on top. Your small effort can Project Design Features: Environmental Mitigation:
make a big difference during the rainy season. Thank • Build a new one-lane roundabout • Securinga new easement to preserve natural
you for your help!
• Add 6ft bike lanes habitat directly adjacent to Pecan Creek
• Meet State and Federal permitting requirement Reconnecting natural habitats
B a I I of Box Locations to minimize impacts to Pecan Creek • Replacing an existing fish barrier with a
• Minimize impacts to Habitat Conservation more fish-friendly culvert
Lake Oswego voters will select a mayor and three Area that runs along Pecan Creek • Replanting areas along Pecan Creek with
city councilors in the Tuesday, November 5, 2024 • Lowest lifecycle cost (construction, right-of- native trees and shrubs
General Election. If you are a registered voter, you way, operations and maintenance and safety)
should have received your ballot in the mail.
The City of Lake Oswego has two convenient ballot Estimated Safety Improvements: Estimated Congestion Improvements:
drop sites for voters: • County engineers estimate the roundabout • County engineers estimate the proposed
• City Hall, 380 A Avenue- located on the upper design road improvements could decrease roundabout design could reduce the average
parking lot near the main (A Avenue) entrance. fatal and injury crashes by 88% compared to wait time eastbound on Childs Rd by
• Westlake Park, 14165 Bunick Drive - located a "no-build" alternative. approximately 95% compared to today's
south of the covered park area on the lane that • County engineers estimate the roundabout wait times.
connects to Melrose Street. design could decrease crashes by 80%
Both ballot boxes are located outdoors, are available compared to a "no-build" alternative.
24/7, and allow you to cast your vote from the To read more about Measure 3-618 and the Clackamas County Stafford Road Improvements Project,
comfort of the driver's please visit lakeoswego.city/proposed-measure-3-618.
seat of your car. Inffciattarciamai
Ballot boxes will Ballot Dr0 OfficialBala00E%xremain open until 8 sC°untyElectjons Da„w .'EEro^ General Election Information
` ' "'�•
p.m. on Election day. � e,,om ` Clackamas County Elections will mail ballots to voters beginning October 16.To vote in the November
For more election 5 election, you must be registered by October 15. New Oregon voters can register to vote online at
cl_A ® oregonvotes.gov, mail a voter registration form, or register in person at the Clackamas County Elections
information, go to: °�, As Office, 1710 Red Soils Ct., Suite 100, Oregon City. Ballots must be mailed with a valid postmark or
lakeoswego.city/ returned to an official ballot drop site before 8 p.m. on Election night,Tuesday, November 5. For more
citymanager/elections. information, visit www.clackamas.us/elections/november-5-2024-general-ea.lection.
A. A a
503 635 021 5
I I .....
Joe Buck Ali Afghan Trudy Corrigan Massene Mboup Aaron Rapf Rachel Verdick John Wendland Martha Bennett
Mayor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor 503-635-0215
jbuck@lakeoswego.city aafghan@lakeoswego.city tcorrigan@lakeoswego.city mmboup@lakeoswego.city arapf@lakeoswego.city rverdick@lakeoswego.city jwendland@lakeoswego.city
Parks & Recreation CityLibrary
Parks Plan 2040 First Tuesday Music: Dr. Bryce Colson
Last summer,we launched our first survey to El ' HYBRID, Tuesday, October 1, 5:30 to 6.•30 p.m.
understand community needs for parks and recreation ■7 El
First Tuesday Music gets spooky! Come enjoy a spooky one-
and received an incredible response! Since then,we � hour theater organ concert with silent movie shorts! Dr. Bryce
have taken a hard look at our existing parks, facilities, ' ' . 1 Colson will give a one-hour live organ concert at the library
and programs to identify where parks are,who they r . on Tuesday, October 1 at 5:30 p.m.
serve, who might be missing out, and opportunities U . 1
for continually improving our park and recreation Ei
I A livestream will also be available at www.youtube.com/@
El system over the next 15 years. Some improvements I LakeOLib/streams.
maintain the safety, functionality, and high quality of For more information, please contact April Younglove at 503-
the city's existing facilities, while others will help to
meet an unmet need in the community. O SCAN ME 534-5667 or ayounglove@lakeoswego.city.
Now, we're asking for your help to share your TO VISIT THE WEBSITE
priorities around improvements to Lake Oswego's parks, facilities, programs, events, , LAKE OSWEGO PUiiLIC LIBRARY
and maintenance practices. The survey will be available in early October and will be FIRST T U E S D A Y
posted on the project website. The results of this survey will help inform how projectsill I C !'..
are prioritized and completed over the long term.To take the survey, see work that
has been completed to date, or find more general information about this project, visit ���g,o
lakeoswego.city/parks-plan-2040 or use the QR code. �eP� WITH
�C/''�~ '
Exciting Updates at Rassekh Park and Skatepark n m c
Last month,we made significant
progress with installing the new
restroom facility at Rassekh Park
and Skatepark, marking another Third Tuesday Author: George Sorenson
key milestone in Phase 1 of the ,,,
���' % HYBRID, Tuesday,construction project. ���,, :; ,;� y, October 15, 5:30 to 6.30p.m.
s sh ` Please join us on Tuesday, October 15 at 5:30 p.m. for a
The new restroom building �'��s'
- , presentation by George Sorensen, local author of Hot Dish
features four private, gender- 17 Confidential- That Year My Friends Taught Me to Cook, a
neutral restrooms, two of which l , Cooking Memoir. He didn't know how to cook, so he had his
are fully ADA accessible. These d ; - l: Ills' C i I self-professed gourmet friends teach him, while he organized
will be available duringpark 1 p g
themed dinners, including Northern Italian, a Charles
hours, enhancing convenience ,ibilit Dickens Christmas Dinner with pheasant pie, The Oceans,
and accessibility for all visitors. New Orleans, and TexMex with rattlesnake enchiladas. This
We anticipate completing the final recipe is in the book along with several others. He called
utility and plumbing work in October, so keep an eye out for their opening. poison control to make sure no one would suffer when they
More information: lakeoswego.city/parksrec/rassekh-skatepark. did a clambake in a trashcan. The book is full of stories about
the chaos and funny stories that broke out, ending with a blue
Monster Mash ribbon for apricot jam at the state fair.
October 31, 3 to 6p.m. at Christ Church Parish George Sorensen lives in Lake Oswego and writes books
Get ready for a spooktacular time! full-time. This follows a long professional writing career in
The Monster Mash is back for corporate communications,working with the NASA Mars
2024, and it's set to be a frightfully Program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 3M on the launch
fun afternoon for kids ages 0 to team for Post-it notes, Boeing surveillance drones, Greenbrier
12. Come dressed in your best i Railroad Repair, Georgia Pacific, Nike cybersecurity, and
Halloween costume and join us for many projects for other companies. He created the Composite
this family-friendly event filled with •- Materials Merit Badge for the Boy Scouts while working in
aerospace and wrote the pamphlet.
thrilling activities.
Stroll through our trick-or-treat This event will take place in-person at the Library and will be
streets,where every station offers • . — w• livestreamed on LOPL's YouTube Channel at wwyoutube.
candy, toys, and fun surprises. Plus,
enjoy special appearances from For more information, please contact Alicia Yokoyama,
the Lake Oswego Fire & Police Adult Services Librarian, at 503-534-4228 or ayokoyama@
departments! lakeoswego.city.
This cobweb-filled celebration features spooky tunes, ghoulish crafts, and much more. '
Best of all, it's a free event! Be one of the first 500 guests to snag a complimentary THIRD W 1="
trick-or-treat bag (while supplies last). Don't miss out on this eerie-sistible afternoon R
of Halloween fun! T U E S DAY . . II
More information: lakeoswego.city/parksrec/2024-monster-mash. AUTHOR ,, \ li
, 4 e
Become a Volunteer for the ACC's Respite Program! ,,ov,� _. air , I
George Sorenson ----- i 4 ii
Since 1993, our Adult Community Center has been a lifeline for family caregivers, F ,_; 3
offering a four-hour program, three days a week, for those caring for loved ones with Tuesday, Oct. 15 - , ��
dementia or memory loss. Our dedicated staff and volunteers provide a stimulating 5:30-6:30 p.m. 10kq&ikI\,I\ - ,,.��
and enriching environment for those experiencing dementia or memory loss,
allowing their caregivers time to recharge.
We seek compassionate volunteers to join us on Mondays,Wednesdays, or Fridays. The library is located at 706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego.
Are you interested in making a difference? Contact Susie Sample at 503-675-6218 to These presentations are made possible by the Friends of the
learn more! Lake Oswego Public Library.
For more information on this and other programs, visit lakeoswego.city/acc.
For more information or to register for Parks &Recreation programs, visit For details on these and other Library programs, please visit
www.lakeoswego.city/parksrec or call 503-675-2549. www.lakeoswego.city/library or call 503-636-7628.
Great Pumpkin Toss j
��GIN� Communiti,Z10
November 3 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the _� � ;'�' 11� Calendar
Westlake Fire Station F,RF, �';'
There are a number of ways you can dispose of Event dates are subject to change.
your Halloween pumpkin -you can put it in your More details are available online at:
compost pile, you can put it in your yard debris ad s wwwlakeoswego.city/calendar
container for curbside collection, or... you can toss ;� For more information, call 503-675-3992.
it off the training tower at the Westlake Fire Station! .4 October
1 Tuesday • Freedom to Read Month:Community
your non-painted pumpkins, carved or not, ,t
Art Show,LIB
to Westlake Park, 14165 Bunick Drive, on Sunday, ----------- • Ciry Council Meeting,5:30pm
November 3 between 2 and 4 p.m. to take part in • Music-Dr.Bryce Colson,LIB,5:30pm
this free, fun event. Participants will climb the 2 Wednesday • Chautauqua Lecture-Maryhill
tower and toss their pumpkin to a target below. Firefighter Paramedics Cameron Whitney and Steven Kha. Museum,5:30pm
Prizes will be awarded to those hitting the target. • First Addition/Forest Hills
as mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, broth, and pie/ Neighborhood Meeting,6:30pm
Hosted by the Lake Oswego Fire Department, this bread mix are appreciated. 3 Thursday
event supports Hunger Fighters Oregon (www. After the event, pumpkin debris will be collected. 4 Friday • Blood Drive,City Hall,9:30am-3pm
hungerfightersoregon.org), a small food pantry Some pieces will be donated to an animal rescue 5 Saturday • LO Farmers'Market,8:30am-1:30pm
located in Lake Oswego dedicated to providing group, OCCRA, to support local sanctuaries. The
food and essential household items at no cost to Best will be composted.tosup 6 Sunday
those in need.To help, please bring a donation 7 Monday • DRC Meeting,6pm
of non-expired, non-perishable food items. For more information, visit lakeoswego.city/ 8 Tuesday
Thanksgiving/holiday foods and ingredients such community/2024-great-pumpkin-toss. 9 Wednesday • HRAB Meeting,6pm
• LAB Meeting,7pm
Flushable Wipes Clog Pipes 10 Thursday • Teen Advisory Board,6pm
11 Friday
There is no such thing as a flushable wipe—even the ones that say flushable. "Flushable"wipes cause 12 Saturday
serious damage to sewer systems and homes because they don't break down or dissolve. They can clog
13 Sunday • Discussion on Censorship,Diverse
sewer pipes, damage equipment, create sewer overflows and backups, and cause expensive maintenance Literature,the Freedom to Read,2pm
repairs for homeowners and our public sewer system. 14 Monday • Planning Commission,6:30pm
Do not flush wipes! The only items that should be flushed down the toilet are toilet paper and human 15 Tuesday • City Council&LORA Meeting,3pm
waste. Other items, like wipes, should be thrown in the trash. • Author George Sorensen,LIB,7pm
For more information, visit lakeoswego.city/publicworks/flushable-wipes-clog-pipes. 16 Wednesday • Preparing for Serious Illness,ACC, loam
17 Thursday • LOPL Trivia,7pm
Hazardous Waste Event • TAB Meeting,7pm
Continued •
from page 1 18 Friday
Prepare materials properly What to bring 19 Saturday
• no containers larger than five gallons; 35-gallon limit • paints and • fluorescent 20 Sunday
per load stains, thinners tubes and 21 Monday • SAB Meeting,6:30pm
and solvents compact • DRC Meeting,7pm
• keep products in original containers pesticides• and fluorescent light
• packproducts in a sturdy, leakproof box for safe g 22 Tuesday • Library opens at 12pm
Y ppoisons bulbs (CFCs)
transport to the event • cleaners and • thermometers 23 Wednesday
• bring sharps in an approved sharps container disinfectants • pool and spa 24 Thursday
• be reared to leave the container; boxes and • propane chemicals
prepared 25 Friday • Movie Matinee for Families,LIB,2pm
•containers, includingfuelcans, cannotbe returnedsharps (medical • hobby chemicals
syringes) • No electronics 26 Saturday • Drug Take Back Event,Mary's
Can't make it to the event?You can take household • batteries (cell phones, Woods, loam-2pm
• aerosols computers, etc.)
hazardous waste to a Metro facility for FREE year-round. • The Year of Magical Thinking:A Play,
•For more information, call Metro at 503-234-3000 or automotive No empty
products containers 27 Sunday
visit oregonmetro.gov/AskMetro.
28 Monday • DEI Advisory Board,6pm
• Planning Commission,6:30pm
Drug Take Back Event Continued from page 1 29 Tuesday • World Cinema Series:Io Capitano
In addition to prescription and over-the-counter on how you can safely dispose of these items, 30 Wednesday
medications, the following will be accepted: call Metro Recycling at 503-234-3000. 31 Thursday • Halloween Monster Mash,3-6pm
• Vape pens and E-cigarettes WITHOUT • Over-the-counter health care items (such as November
batteries. Batteries must be removed ahead of shampoo or lotions). 1 Friday
time or they will not be accepted. Please put all pill/tablet medications into a sealed 2 Saturday • Household Hazardous Waste
• Unknown medicines and veterinary plastic baggie or leave them in their original Collection Event,9am-2pm
medications. container (if in original container, --------
• Urban Forest Summit,9am-12pm
The following items will not be accepted: cross out personal information). 3 Sunday •
2 att Pumpkin Toss,Westlake Fire,P
• Medications from businesses such as nursing
If you bring in a liquid, gel or
cream medication, please put the ACC Adult Community Center
homes, doctor's offices or any other institution bottle or tube in a sealable plastic = DRC Development Review Commission
or business - this collection event is for =c WLL GRP George Rogers Park
individual households only. bag to prevent leaks. ;W i.. 9=
ez :_�- ��W � HRAB Historic Resources Advisory Board
• EpiPens, intra-venous solutions, injectables, Visit medtakebackoregon.org or call ii I,: s=3 o LAB Library Advisory Board
inhalers, syringes, chemotherapy medications, 844-482-5322 to find additional I t` LIB LO Public Library
LORA Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency
vaping devices that have batteries that cannot secure disposal drop-off locations ,Ei SAB Sustainability Advisory Board
be removed, or medical waste. For information and learn about mail-back options. TAB Transportation Advisory Board
The City of Lake Oswego fosters a welcoming and inclusive community
CITIZEN INFORMATION SPECIALIST AND HELLOLO EDITOR/WRITER where all people have the opportunity to thrive and have equitable
Bonnie Hirshberger . 503-675-3992 • bhirshberger@lakeoswego.city access to City services. For Americans with Disabilities Act or Civil
Contributing writers: I
s� Rights Title VI accommodations,translation/interpretation services,or
rDonna Harlan, Library Jessica Numanoglu, Planning more information call 503-635-0270 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1.
Katy Kerklaan,Engineering Ryan Rudge, Fire (
Robin Krakauer, Parks&Recreation Amanda Watson, Sustainability U I Habla usted espaflol?Le proporcionaremos una traduccion gratuita de
este boletin.
GREGO. of z z 6FAILF2?01 A1fr°I T ttC9101 - -oFAlal 7Fo i Ll:l-
• This newsletter is printed on Processed Chlorine Free 100%
Nov recycled content paper,using soy-based ink. 1 i (*Alt) rl ?� LRAII21jt* 1 lY1f._Z1*0
For information about the City and its services, go to www.lakeoswego.city or call 503-635-0257.