November 2024 HelloLO N
Of I,
Parks & Recreation - Project Updates Remember to Vote
...,, ...--- _ - . 3b 1 R s. November 5 is Election Day.Among other local
r^ G� ••', 4 ' � ,A _ matters, in this election, Lake Oswego voters
wr Y -
s� y • ' will have the opportunity to vote on Measure
y�I .� ..
f MrK,,r "t �" 3-618. Measure 3-618 would amend the City
'� /, Charter, allowing the City to grant Clackamas
0 ' / t- County use of up to 0.4 acres of Stevens
q F " Meadows for the limited purposes of public
,e, :. , - ; safety road improvements and park driveway
. 'W. F b' - s;v realignment.
aA.g s,+�
� /
` '!„- _� `��� ', F-"" - a ''=�• T s® Learn more about Measure 3-618 and
t. \ the Clackamas County Stafford Road
.¢ g , , Improvements Project at:
` �'l i7' �, ..- A. proposed-measure-3-618.
�'�► � .
Lake Oswego Recreation & While we had originally planned to open the center Great Pumpkin Toss
Aquatics Center in winter 2024/25, we're excited to announce that
additional enhancements, including important November 3 from 2 to 4 p.m.
The interior finish work continues with the ADA improvements, will ensure an even better There are a number of ways you can
installation of cabinets, lighting, and ceilings in facility for all.We're now looking forward to dispose of your Halloween pumpkin r
the office and reception areas. In the pools, tile welcoming you in February 2025! - including tossing it off the training
work, pool filters and pumps are all being installed tower at the Westlake Fire Station!
this month. Keep an eye out along Stafford Road. Golf Course Bring your non-painted pumpkins,
We will be putting in the permanent path on the Most work on the course has been completed. carved or not, to Westlake Park, 14165 Bunick
north side. Once that is complete and open to the The driving range has now been seeded and the Drive, on Sunday, November 3, to take part in
public, we will be taking the temporary path with this free, fun event. Participants will climb the
lights and netting are in. The course will open in
the jersey barriers out and build curb and gutters, conjunction with the LORAC with the front desk tower and toss their pumpkin to a target below.
Stafford Road for pavingand additional Prizes will be awarded to those hitting the target.
prepping being the service area for golfers and course usage.
turn lanes. The Lake OswegoPublic Librarywill also be
Continued on page 3
participating in this event. Make sure to stop
Mayor Buck's Community Roundtable by to check out the Library Rover! Plus, bring a
donation of non-expired, non-perishable food
Thursday, November 14, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. to support Hunger Fighters Oregon.
Join us for the fall session of the Mayor's departments, including our emergency services
Roundtable. The Mayor's Roundtable is a lively dispatchers, Lake Oswego Communications Native America n
community forum to hear directly from Mayor (LOCOM). Share your thoughts, learn about
Buck and Council members on top issues or goals current initiatives, and join us for an in-person, Heritage Mont h
of the community. dynamic discussion.
Join the City of Lake Oswego in honoring and
This month's Roundtable will take place on Feel free to come prepared with specific questions celebrating the rich and diverse culture and
Thursday, November 14 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the or suggestions related to public safety or Council heritage of the Native American community,
Council Chambers at City Hall, 380 A Avenue, priorities. Contact Kim Vermillion with the City both in November and all year long. The
and will focus on public safety. The forum will Manager's Office with questions at 503-675-3984 contributions of the Native American
feature our very own Lake Oswego Fire and Police or community have greatly enhanced the quality
and character of LeHousehold Hazardous Waste Collection Event Northwest and our enttiire nation e Pacific
Saturday, November 2, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Over the course of the 20th century, many
attempts were made to establish a day dedicated
Bring your old batteries, fluorescent bulbs, medical sharps, paint and other hazardous materials to the to honoring and acknowledging the significant
one-day-only Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event. You can bring contributions of Indigenous Peoples.Although
up to 35 gallons of waste for free, based on container size.You can also take various states held commemorative events,
old medications, in case you miss the City's Drug Take Back event. This iIp
I it wasn't until 1990 that President George
free event will take place at Lake Bible Church, 4565 Carman Drive. H.W. Bush officially designated November as
For information on what types of materials will be accepted, please go to1.) :(
/ "National American Indian Heritage Month".
A ' Visit
Can't make it to the event?You can take household hazardous waste to a Metro native-american-heritage-month to learn more
facility for FREE year-round. For more information, call Metro at 503-234- �' y 1 about the history and culture of the First Peoples
3000 or visit i in Oregon by exploring events, art, and more.
What's Inside
Presorted Standard • Unsung Heroes • Parks Plan 2040 Survey • Reunion Farmers'Market Insert
U.S.Postage • 2025 Dog Calendar • First Sunday Market in Lake • Tree Lighting Festival • Recycling
PAID • Funding for EV Charging Grove • Urban Forest Summit
Permit 124 Infrastructure • Live Well Dance • Small Business Saturday
Lake Oswego,OR • Blood Drive • Music:Mary Flower • Artmart
• Traveling this Winter? • Author Presentation: David F. • Community Calendar
*****ECRWSS***** • Fats, Oils&Grease Walker
For information about the City and its services, go to or call 503-635-0257.
Unsung Heroes 2025 Dog Calendar i • 2025 CAL
Since 2001, the City has honored individuals or Available on Thursday, November 14 CITY°F LAKE•SwE
groups who worked quietly behind the scenes on ,
In addition to featuringawesome dogs, the 2025 Dog •
behalf of the community without any expectation of - .
recognition. This "UnsungHero" award is intended Calendar gives you the opportunity to meet some of the staff , 1 r.
, it iii 11
to s ek out and recognize community members, who provide you stellar City services. Plus, it includes loads of
including students, who have been involved in helpful information. �• 1r..A J,
volunteering and are not well-known by the general Calendars will be available for pick up on November 14.To
public for the good deeds they do. We want to pick up your free calendar (while supply lasts), stop by City ' t�\ I
celebrate both long-time volunteers as well as those Hall, 380 A Avenue, or the Lake Oswego Public Library, id
who have stepped up recently to help our community. 706 Fourth Street, during regular business hours. /
We want to know who those heroes are and say 11
Thank You! 11
If you know of a heroic person or group, long-term Funding for EV Charging Infrastructure
or short-term, please take a moment to submit
their story at On August 26, the U.S. Department of networked chargers to be installed around
heroes. For additional information or questions, Transportation announced that the City of Northwest Oregon at approximately 125
contact Kim Vermillion with the City Manager's Tualatin will receive $15 million in funding to unique sites across 17 different cities including
Office at or 503-675- bring publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure Beaverton, Forest Grove, Gresham, Hillsboro,
3984. Deadline for submission is 4 p.m. on Friday, to the region through the Charging and Fueling King City, Lake Oswego, McMinnville,
December 6. Infrastructure Grant Program (CFI Program). Milwaukie, Newberg, Oregon City, Portland,
The grant aims to bring chargers to people with Salem, Sherwood,Tigard,Tualatin,Woodburn,
low- and moderate-incomes across Oregon's and Wood Village.
B I ood D r•ve North Willamette Valley. In doing so, it will
In addition, Portland General Electric will
Lake Oswego High School is partnering with the City help scale the nation's charging network, reduce use $200,000 in funding from the Oregon
and Red Cross to bring an opportunity to donate greenhouse gas emissions, and address gaps in Department of Environmental Quality's Clean
blood.Join us on Friday, December 6, at City Hall, access. Chargers will primarily serve residents Fuels Program to provide a matching grant
380 A Ave. The blood drive runs between 9:30 a.m. who do not currently have access to at-home supporting education and outreach activities.
to 3 p.m. charging with a focus on publicly accessible
chargers at affordable multifamily housing For more information, visit the City of Tualatin
Schedule your appointment online at
properties and public facilities, such as libraries, at
www or by downloading the Red
Cross Blood Donor App (Text BLOODAPP to parks, and community centers. city-tualatin-awarded-15-million-ev-charging-
90999) - use sponsor code RedCrossLOHS. The funding will provide up to 500 Level 2 infrastructure.
For more information or assistance with scheduling,
call 1-800-RED-CROSS.
Traveling this Winter?
Fats, J i I s & Grease Oregon's beautiful scenery is a year-round source of enjoyment. Driving in Oregon's winters, however,
can be challenging. Arrive safely at your destination by following these recommendations:
Ingredients for Clogged Pipes • Before you go, visit or call 5-1-1 for the latest in road conditions,weather
'Tis the season for cooking, and we want to keep forecasts, chain requirements, and incident information.
the holiday spirit alive without causing a plumbing • Let someone know your destination, your route, and when you expect to arrive. If your car gets
nightmare. Here are some tips to dispose of Fats, stuck along the way, help can be sent along your predetermined route. Check in when you've
Oils, and Grease (FOG) responsibly during the reached your destination.
holidays: • Don't use cruise control in wet, icy, or snowy weather.
• Scrape, Don't Pour: Before washing dishes, • Keep your car's gas tank full for emergency use and to keep the fuel line from freezing.
scrape off excess fats and oils into the trash. This
• Put together a separate disaster supply kit for the trunk of each car used by members of your
prevents them from going down the drain in the
first place. household. If you should become stranded during a winter storm, these items will make you more
comfortable until the storm passes.
• Use a Grease Can: Keep a designated can or
container for collecting cooled fats, oils, and The kit should include:
grease. Once it's full, seal it and toss it in the ( / f
trash. • Portable power bank phone charger /
: ........\, , )1111
• Several blankets or sleeping bags
• Cool it Down: Let hot oils and greases cool
cbefore disposal. Piping hot substances can cause • Rain gear and extra sets of dry clothing
damage or injury. • Plastic bags for sanitation
• Wipe it Right: After cooking, wipe greasy pans • Canned fruit, nuts, and high energy
and utensils with a paper towel. This removes "munchies" 4 ,i t
excess fats before washing and helps keep your • Cans of soup and a non-electric can opener
pipes clear. • Several bottles of water. Eating snow will
• Dispose with Care: Remember, a little extra effort lower your body temperature. If necessary, rr
in disposal goes a long way in keeping our pipes melt it first
clear and protecting the environment. • A small shovel, a pocket knife, and small
Let's make this holiday season merry and clog-free! tools, such as pliers and a wrench
• A small sack of sand or bag of kitty litter for
, 0""'�'� generating traction under wheels, a set of tire • A candle in a metal can or other fireproof
f • , chains or traction mats container
GOES HERE ..........•, .
`�•O. • Jumper cables
• Matches
• • A first aid kit and necessary medications
NOT � •'•"•• • Cards, games, and puzzles
HERE �, • A flashlight with extra batteries
ilnainivJ For more recommendations on what to include, go to
503 635 021 5
iI f-
Joe Buck Ali Afghan Trudy Corrigan Massene Mboup Aaron Rapf Rachel Verdick John Wendland Martha Bennett
Mayor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor 503-635-0215
Parks & Recreation Continued from page 1 rR c City Library
Starting this month,we are excited to have the parking lot and ADA- Veterans Day- Monday, November 11
accessible restroom facilities open and available for skatepark users. This Thanksgiving-Thursday, November 28
fall the City was awarded a$1 million matching grant from the Oregon
Parks and Recreation Department Local Government Grant Program to
fund construction of the playground and picnic shelter at Rassekh Park. First Tuesday Music: Mary Flower
With this funding in place Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation hopes to Hybrid: Tuesday, November 5, 5:30 to 6.30 p.m.
begin work in the winter or spring of 2025 and have the playground Come enjoy a one-hour concert by Portland treasure, Mary Flower.
open for community members to use by next summer. Flower is an internationally renowned and award-winning acoustic blues
Visit for more guitarist who has captivated audiences worldwide with her exceptional
information about these and other Parks & Recreation projects. fingerstyle skills and soulful vocals. Known for her unique blend of classic
blues with elements of ragtime, folk, and jazz, she has been described as
"the Joni Mitchell of blues." Don't miss this opportunity to experience
her incredible talent live.
A live stream will also be available at
1 The library is located at 706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego. For more
N f
'y information, please contact April Younglove at 503-534-5667 or
W 'I—
_ ,-
Last Chance to Take the Parks Plan 2040 Survey ;_ .
Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation is in the final stages of updating its WITH
park and recreation system plan to shape the city's park and recreation ga</c Loc-P� [MA R Y FLOWER 41 ,
services through the year 2040. Parks Plan 2040 has taken a hard look
at existing parks, facilities, and programs to identify where they are, who I N 0 V 5, 2024 I 5:30 - 6:30 PM
they are serving, and where there might be room for improvement.
We have had an incredible response from the community so far, sharing
your ideas, interests, and needs for how we can improve Lake Oswego's
park and recreation system in the future.We've heard you, and now Special Author Presentation: David F. Walker
we are asking you to help guide how we / \
prioritize those improvements over the Tuesday, November 19, 630 to 8 p.m. at the Lake Theater&Cafe, 106N.
I. ■ State St
next 15 years. le ma 1
1 1 David F.Walker is a writer, filmmaker,journalist, and educator. Walker
Please take the 10-minute survey by a 1 is best known for his work in graphic novels and comics,which includes
clicking the link or using the QR code. the Eisner Award-winning graphic novel The Black Panther Party, and the
The survey is available through November F.% ■ 7 Eisner Award-winning series Bitter Root. His most recent work includes
8 at It is also — FJ I. • the graphic novel Big Jim and the White Boy (Ten Speed Graphic), and his
available in multiple languages, and if you El � • Ei debut young adult novel The Second Chance of Darius Logan (Scholastic).
prefer a paper copy, they are obtainable at h:ms He also teaches part-time at Portland State University.
City Hall. `
This program is offered by Lake Oswego Public Library and Respond
to Racism in cooperation with the Lake Theater & Cafe.Admission
First Sunday Market in Lake Grove is free and no ticket is required (though food and drink purchases are
Join us for the final First Sunday Market in Lake Grove on November encouraged to offset the cost to the Lake Theater). Doors open at 6:30
3, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. off Hallmark Drive.We will be celebrating p.m., the presentation begins at 7 p.m.
the abundance of the Fall Harvest! The market will be brimming with The Lake Theater & Cafe is located at 106 North State Street in Lake
fall produce and artisanal crafts. It's a perfect time to stock up on your Oswego. For more information, contact Alicia Yokoyama at ayokoyama@
seasonal favorites and explore the creativity of local makers. or 503-534-4228.
In addition to shopping, there will be fun activities for all ages, making lake Oswego Public Library
this a festive and lively event for the whole family to enjoy.Take
advantage of the opportunity to savor fall flavors and celebrate the close _ _
of another successful market season in Lake Grove. THIRD '
ii II ,-
For more information, go to T U E S D AY
, ,
Live Well Dance
im,"''' .......lee
The renowned Live Well Dance is back on Friday, November 8, from 7
to 9p.m. This event features the Millennium Dance Band lain classic -
playing g at The Lake Theater 0
"Big Band" music from the 1930s to the 1950s, along with ballroom & Café! 9
favorites. All ages are welcome, though those 14 and under must be David F. Walker :; :7-1.1iffk �, 'accompanied by an adult.Tickets are $7 per person at the door. The •
event will be held at Christ Church Parish, 1060 Chandler Rd, Lake
, • ��
Oswego. .
31 I ' ,
dance-band for more information. These presentations are supported by the Friends of the Lake Oswego
Public Library.
For more information or to register for Parks &Recreation programs, For details on these and other Library programs, please visit
visit or call 503-675-2549. or call 503-636-7628.
HJ'°L.O. 3
Reunion Farmers' Market Communiti,
Saturday, November 23, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Calendar
Mark your calendars for the Annual Reunion
Farmers' Market at Millennium Plaza Park on - Event dates are subject to change.
Sat., Nov. 23, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.! This special - More details are available online at:
fall market brings the best of local farms straight 444 . -
to your Thanksgiving table. Enjoy the return of ', 0 v.__. '- For more information, call 503-675-3992.
beloved vendors from the Lake Oswego Farmers' 4,—•._ November
Market, offering the bountiful fall harvest. = \ . '' _, 1 Friday
Discover new fall recipes while strolling through P . ot;r,,, =,i?:w4 41-
:� �,. 41 t 't i'., ,,4 2 Saturday • Household Hazardous Waste Collection
the crisp air, listening to live music, and browsing 6 r f Event,9am-2pm
local artisan crafts. A '`,',--: ,, rl., '►t• 1 • Urban Forest Summit,9am-12pm
s -.-
For an extra treat, enjoy horse-drawn wagon „y ,J '`. , 3 Sunday • First Sunday Market in Lake Grove,
- - / '"Y� 1lam-3pm
rides—Pre-register for rides onsite which run 9:30, T fir,, 1 III • Native Planting Event,Freepons Park,
10:30, 11:30, or noon. Prices are $10 for adults — — 7 i ` 1 ' ( 1-3pm
and $7 for youth (0-12). - - / ‘"' , ' /' • Great Pumpkin Toss,Westlake Fire
Visit reunion farmers , ( ) Station,2-4pm
market for more information. ' 4 Monday • DRC Meeting,7pm
5 Tuesday • Election Day
• City Council Meeting,3pm
60th Annual Tree Lighting Festival • music_Mary Flower,LIB,5:30pm
6 Wednesday • First Addition/Forest Hills
Friday, November 29, from 3 to 7 p.m. Neighborhood Meeting,6:30pm
7 Thursday
Join the City of Lake Oswego and the Lake and delicious food and treats. The celebratory tree
Oswego Chamber of Commerce for the 60th lighting is setfor 5: 8 Friday • Live Well Dance featuring the
g g g 30 p.m., so come celebrate Millennium Dance Band,CCP,7pm
Annual Tree Lighting Festival! This cherished this magical evening with your community. 9 Saturday
tradition will kick off the holiday season at More information is available at
Millennium Plaza Park with live music, caroling, parksrec/60th-annual-tree-lighting-festival. 10 Sunday
festive vendors, letters to Santa, photos with Santa, 11 Monday • Veterans Day Holiday-CITY
12 Tuesday • Pints from the Past:Punjabi Rebels of
Urban Forest Summit the Columbia River,6:30pm
13 Wednesday • Planning Commission,6:30pm
Saturday, November 2, from 9 a.m. to 12 .m., at Lake Oswego United ▪ HBMeetiRAB ting,6pm
Y p LAB Meeting,7pm
Methodist Church 14 Thursday • Mayor Buck's Community
You are invited to attend the 6th annual Urban Cityof Lake OswegoCommunity and UrbanRoundtable,5i30pm
ommun ry • Shore Fire Station Task Force-
Forest Summit. This is an opportunity to expand Forestry Plan, information on tree care and Meeting#2,6pm
your arboreal knowledge, discuss the importance maintenance, understanding our urban forest from • Teen Advisory Board,6pm
of a healthy, interconnected urban ecological floor to canopy, and best practices for native plant 15 Friday
system, and share opportunities to maintain and landscaping. 16 Saturday • Invasive Plant Removal,Springbrook
support the health of the urban forest. Park,9-1 lam
Visit • Holiday Market&Bazaar Shuttle
This year's agenda will include an update on the forest-summit for more information. ACC, 10am
• Ed Edmo:On Growing Up at Celilo
Small Business Saturday 17 Sunday
18 Monday • SAB Meeting,6:30pm
Shop small on Saturday, November 30, 2024 • DRC Meeting,7pm
Saturday, November 30, 2024 is Small Business independent businesses this Small Business 19 Tuesday • City Council Meeting,3pm
�' p • Author David F.Walker,LIB,6:30pm
Saturday-a day to celebrate and support small Saturday and all holiday season long. 20 Wednesday • PNAB Meeting,MC,4pm
businesses and all they do for their communities.
Remember,when deciding which businesses to 21 Thursday
This year's celebration is the 14th Annual Small
support, start small.Your everyday choices can 22 Friday
Business Saturday, marking over a decade of
support for local business owners. Enjoy the benefit small businesses and the communities you 23 Saturday • Reunion Farmers'Market,MPP,
day supporting our nation's nearly 32 million care about in a heartwarming way. 9am-2pm
24 Sunday
Artmart i s Lookingfor Donations 25 Monday •• DEI gisory Board, pm
Planning Commission,,6:30pm
26 Tuesday
Now is the time to clean out old artwork in your as paintings, drawings, sculptures, prints, ceramics,
home or office! If you're downsizing or looking quilts, fiber art, photographs, posters, mixed 27 Wednesday
to freshen up your living spaces by adding new media, and more. Donation drop off is located at 28 Thursday • Thanksgiving Holiday-CITY
artwork,Artmart is a great way to do both. Marylhurst Commons (prior campus bookstore),
Artmart is looking for artwork donations for 3162 Furman Drive, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. over 29 Friday • Holiday City Offices,excluding the
Library,will be closed
the annual exhibition and sale in January 2025. the following days: November 7-9, 2024;January • Annual Tree Lighting Festival,MPP,
Proceeds from donations to Artmart will benefit 2-4 and 8-9, 2025. 3-7pm
the Arts Council of Lake Oswego, a nonprofit 30 Saturday • Small Business Saturday
arts organization working to ensure the arts are an For more information, visit www.artscouncillo.
org/events-calendar/2024/10/10/artmart- ACC Adult Community Center
integral part of life in the community.
donation-days. 0 CCP Christ Church Parish
Artwork in good condition will be accepted, such _o LIB LO Public Library
(9 MPP Millennium Plaza Park
The City of Lake Oswego fosters a welcoming and inclusive community
CITIZEN INFORMATION SPECIALIST AND HELLOLO EDITOR/WRITER where all people have the opportunity to thrive and have equitable
Bonnie Hirshberger • 503-675-3992 • F access to City services. For Americans with Disabilities Act or Civil
Contributing writers: O� fz. Rights Title VI accommodations,translation/interpretation services,or
Donna Harlan, Library Ryan Rudge, Fire ,. more information call 503-635-0270 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1.
Katy Kerklaan,Engineering Kim Vermillion, City Manager's Office (r4111
Robin Krakauer, Parks&Recreation Amanda Watson, Sustainability U Q I Habla usted espaflol?Le proporcionaremos una traduccion gratuita de
Jessica Numanoglu, Planning este boletin.
GREGO. of z z 6FAILF2?01 A1fr°I T ttC9101 - -oFAIal 7Fo d Ll:l-
13 This newsletter is printed on Processed Chlorine Free 100%
��. recycled content paper,using soy-based ink. 1 i * (*Alt) rl ?� LRAII21jt* '1 lY•1t._Zi*0
For information about the City and its services, go to or call 503-635-0257.