November 2024 Recycling Guide Guide
November 2024
Celebrate the Season , Celebrate our Food
Fall is a season of food and celebration, as we enjoy seasonal produce like We can do better! Here are four easy steps to consider this fall and turn
apples and pumpkin and gather with friends and family over our favorite into habits to celebrate food year-round:
dishes for Thanksgiving. Food is an important part of the way we socialize
and share our cultures, and we need food to live, grow, and thrive. • Shop with meals in mind - Plan out a week of meals, check your fridge
and pantry for ingredients on hand, make a shopping list, and stick
Despite how important food is to us, did you know that in the US we to it. Need help determining how much food you need to feed your
waste 40% of our food? Some gets wasted on the farms, some spoils in extended family? Check out Save the Food's The Guest-imator at
transit, and some never gets purchased at the market, but more is wasted
in our homes than in any other phase in the process. In fact, the average • Prep now to eat later- Prepare ingredients in advance to make it
family of four spends about $1,600 per year on food that never gets easier to throw together a meal after work or school.
eaten, wasting about 20% of the food they buy. That's like buying five bags
•of groceries and throwing one straight in the trash when you get home! Keep it fresher longer Storing food properly helps it stay fresher
When we waste food, we're not only wasting money but also wasting the longer. Learn where and how to store fruits and veggies to extend
resources used to grow it like land, energy, water, and labor. their life. Also embrace the freezer! You can freeze meals now, and
thaw and treat yourself to a pre-made meal in a few weeks.
o N' t L� • Eat what you buy- Use up leftovers and ingredients you already have
O ? •
on hand before taking another trip to the store or ordering takeout.
Don't forget toand see whatfreezer! you have stored in the bottom, back corner of fridge
Let's challenge ourselves to make our food and money go further by
not letting good food go bad. Find more information, tips and tricks at
i ' Y � GO BAD ! and
G'` �--' SPOILED FOOD COSTS EACH Did you know...
HOUSEHOLD HERE IN OREGON OVER Single-family homes in Lake Oswego can add food scraps to the
$1,600 A YEAR ON AVERAGE.gam glaze yard debris bin for composting. If you live in an apartment or condo
community and don't have your own yard debris bin, you will need to
talk to your property manager about setting up food scraps collection
service for your building.
Please Flatten
Heat, snow, ice and ash . . .
Pard board Boxc
Republic Services would like to remind all customers to flatten Will they pick u p m y trash?
cardboard boxes before putting them in the recycle bin. Also Disruptions to garbage service are few and far between. However, safety is
remember that items in your recycle bin should always be clean a top priority and can lead to delayed collections, especially during severe
and dry with no food residue. Properly preparing materials helps weather. Please make sure your contact info is current so you will receive
ensure they can be recycled efficiently and effectively. notifications if your garbage day is impacted.
TVs & Computers ° '�
Electronics like TVs and computers contain hazardous materials Update your contact info today!
and cannot be thrown in the garbage. Safely dispose of TVs Update your phone number and email address using one of these
and computers as well as laptops, printers, monitors, tablets convenient options:
and keyboards for free (up to 7 items) by taking them to a
participating Oregon E-Cycles location, which includes Goodwill 11 www• (Log in to make changes)
on State Street and on Lower Boones Ferry Road in Lake , 503 981 1278 7)REPUBLIC
More information can be found at
Reduce, reuse, and then recycle right to reduce the energyRecycling needed to make new products, reduce pollution, and create jobs.
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Paper, flattened cardboard, metal, plastic bottles & plastic round containers
6 oz or larger, empty & dry
•ii In separate
oo ar as e
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t Alimentos y desechos r1Hu{eBble H Phe thai Thuc pham
Vidrio CTeKno Rac Thuy tinh de jardineria X03SINCTBeHHble oT6pocbl va Ric San Vu�n
Bottles & jars only
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empty & dry, no lids
INN. ip
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Food scraps, coffee filters, plants & trimmings
Missing a glass bin?Call your garbage&recycling company. *Only available in the Cities of Lake Oswego,Milwaukie,and Wilsonville.
Pilas 6aTapeHKri Bin ,4
14 Garbage
1 . Tape ends of all batteries, Basura Mycop Rac con Iai ±iF
except alkaline .
use clear tape, e!
household batteries only i!"--_ .
2. Bag all batteries
in a 1 qt. zip-seal bag .4.10a -
3. Set on top of glass in the glass bin All garbage, including plastic bags, to-go cups &
Single-family residential customers only. Imo containers, lids & packaging
Battery Recycling QuestionF"
At this time, the curbside battery recycling program is designed
for single-family recycling. People living in apartments or Check Find a Recycler!
condos who don't have their own glass bin can take batteries
to a household hazardous waste facility, battery store or home Looking for information about a specific item? Enter your address, what you
improvement store. Find details at Metro's Recycling Information are looking to get rid of, and you will find nearby options.
Center at 503-234-3000 or use the Find a Recycler tool to learn
where you can drop off batteries and other materials. Or Contact:
1 Metro's Recycling Information Center
Full Guide ❑ !.{5❑■ 503-234-3000
The full recycling guide is available in 7 languages. To V+i. l ClackCo Sustainability & Solid Waste
download, scan the QR code or visit Clackamas County ' --1:: ll O 503-557-6363
online: ❑ ;1: @recycleornot
ix'' Direct message recycling questions and pictures
Scan for full guide
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