Agenda Packet - 2024-12-05 AGENDA • F South Shore Fire Station Task Force Thursday, December 5, 2024 ret 6:00pm —8:00pm V -- O 17680 Pilkington Rd pREGO Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Staff Contact: Quin Brunner, gbrunner@lakeoswego.city Virtual Access ADA Accommodation Requests Translation Services This meeting will be held in person. lakeoswego.city/accommodation Traduccion o interpretacion To participate remotely, please 503-635-0282; Relay 711 iX follow the link below: Please allow four business days to ems o o4L4 us06web.zoom.us/j/83020123220?pwd process your request. 503 534 5738 =gB4poHdDDcQufrxYl2RkXtkXFseuXj.1 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 14, 2024 3. RECONGITION OF LIEUTENANT ISBELL Assistant Chief Kristine Artman 4. FACILITY NEEDS (30 mins) Chief Don Johnson Assistant Chief Kristine Artman Lieutenant Jonathan Isbell 5. DISCUSSION (30 mins) Facility needs and square footage estimates—Anything missing?Anything misplaced? 6. CURRENT&ALTERNATIVE SITE PROFILES (15 mins) Quin Brunner 7. DISCUSSION (30 mins) Do we recommend rebuilding on the current site or further explore other options? What are the key considerations that support this decision? 8. PREVIEW OF NEXT MEETING (15 mins) Chair Chris Durkee 9. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: January 9, 2024 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Public Works Building Respect. Excellence. Trust. 503-675-2543 1880 SOUTH SHORE BLVD LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY OA F OJT CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO N_ South Shore Fire Station Task Force Minutes _Ag- �)DC November 14,2024 G DRAFT Members Present: Aidan Shannon, Buzz Chandler, Carrie Love, Chris Durkee, Christian Manz, Dashel Hinrichs, Ellen Steel,Jeff Gudman,Jim Wolper,Jon Harrell, Karen Sampson, Kianna Angelo, Liza Parker, Mignon Reynolds, Patrick Cechini, Councilor Trudy Corrigan Members Excused/Absent: Gabriella Tuna Garamvolgyi G. Roman, Ginny Perelson, Lieutenant Jonathan Isbell Staff: Don Johnson, Kristine Artman, Quin Brunner, Sidaro Sin Public: Terri Ross CALL TO ORDER Chair Chris Durkee opened the meeting, encouraging everyone to share their thoughts and ideas and sharing his commitment to ensuring all input is respected. New binder materials were distributed, with members instructed to replace document 12 (distributed last meeting) with an updated version. The discussion focused on two primary issues: 1. Determining the need for a fourth fire station: Evaluating whether Station 212 is necessary to meet response time standards. 2. Assessing the optimal location for Station 212: An initial discussion,with decisions deferred to subsequent meetings. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Chris Durkee asked if anyone would like to move that the minutes from last week be approved: • Motion to approve the minutes as submitted:Jeff Gudman • Second: Christian Manz • In favor: Chris Durkee,Aidan Shannon, Buzz Chandler Christian Manz, Dashel Hinrichs,Jeff Gudman,Jon Harrel, Karen Sampson, Kianna Angelo, Liza Parker, Mignon Reynolds, Patrick Cechini • Opposed: None • Abstention: Ellen Steel OVERVIEW OF DEPARTMENT FUNCTIONS,STANDARDS, RESPONSE TIME Chair Chris Durkee introduced Chief Don Johnson and Assistant Chief Kristine Artman,who provided a detailed overview of: • The four fire stations: Westlake Station#210,Jean Road Station#211, Main Station #214, and South Shore Station #212. • Fire Department Operations: Staffing schedules, response protocols, and department functions. • Response Time Metrics: Standards, challenges due to geography, and improvements with GPS- based dispatching. South Shore Fire Station Task Force Page 1 of 3 DRAFT Minutes November 14, 2024 Key points included: • Fire Department FTE:44 Response Personnel, 6 Support Staff, and 2 Fire Marshal's Office employees; average year of service is 11 years. • Call Breakdown (2023): 5,007 total calls; 70% medical (3,476 calls), 28% high-acuity emergencies, 4-5 significant residential fires annually, calls are predominantly medical, with slow growth in call volume. • Incident Count by Station (2023): Westlake has the highest volume due to high concentration of adult care facilities. • Budget: $14M annually to run the department, 83%allocated to personnel costs, 82%of the budget is funded by tax dollars. • Personnel Schedules: 24-hour shift followed by 48 hours off, continuing in this cycle. • Response Times: Call centers take less than one minute to handle calls and dispatch the fire station team. For medical calls, it takes 60 seconds to turn out, and for fires, it takes 120 seconds to turn out. Drive time for medical calls is four minutes or less, and the best response standard, as outlined by NFPA, is within 8 minutes; Clackamas County expects it within 6 minutes. DISCUSSION Task Force members concluded that the City does need four fire stations to ensure all community members receive equitable service. Asked to build the case, members identified eight reasons for keeping a station in the southeast quadrant of Lake Oswego: • Four stations are necessary to maintain the Department's high standard of service (rapid response times). o Even marginally longer response times reduces survivability in critical medical incidents (heart attacks) and exponentially increases damage in fire incidents. o The projected response times without 212 would likely render the Fire Department unable to fulfill the terms of their contract with Clackamas County and AMR, leading to a significant reduction in Department revenue. o Slower response times may also lower Lake Oswego's Insurance Services Organization (ISO) rating, which could lead to higher insurance rates for all residents. • For serious incidents, in which multiple apparatus are dispatched, redundancy in the response network is a vital asset. The loss of this level of coverage would render the network less effective. • In the event of a major disaster, Station 212 mitigates hazards that could otherwise isolate the southeast segment of the City(bridges, railroad crossings, landslide-prone topography). • As the only civic hub in the neighborhood,this fire station serves as a natural point of community refuge and/or reunification. • Closing this station would lead to minimal operational savings, as the Department would likely up-staff at other stations while phasing-out positions through retirements. • Maintaining four stations supports current and future growth on the south side of the lake, both high-density residential development and the opening of new day-time draws (Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatic Center and Rassekh Park). • The Station 212 Fire Management Area includes two senior facilities that generate a higher volume of calls. Shifting this coverage to adjacent stations would stretch their capacity and response times. South Shore Fire Station Task Force Page 2 of 3 DRAFT Minutes November 14, 2024 • This station houses the Fire Department's rescue boat. There is not another city-owned facility with the ability to house the boat and provide similar proximity to both Oswego Lake and the Willamette River. The group agreed that a fourth fire station is required in the southeast-quadrant of the City(without a formal vote)and moved on to discussing whether the current location is the optimum site or if there is a better alternative. OVERVIEW OF ALTERNATIVE SITES Quin Brunner outlined the methodology he used to identify 39 potential alternative sites in the Station 212 Fire Management Area. He used data from the City's Buildable Lands Inventory to identify sites within the 212 Fire Management area that had >0.40 acres of developable area. He shared that no site- specific evaluation has yet been conducted. DISCUSSION Task Force members developed a list of criteria for evaluating prospective alternative sites: • The site should be on a major or minor arterial road. • It should not be located on landslide-prone soil or a fault line. • The site should result in a net improvement in response times citywide,with significant improvements for the neighborhoods on the east side of the city. • No sites west of the current location need to be further considered. • A larger site, closer to 40,000 square feet,would be preferred. • The far periphery of the east side can also be excluded from further consideration. • Non-public land may be considered,though acquisition costs and time were recognized as having a significant impact. • Avoiding condemnation was raised as a strong preference. PREVIEW OF NEXT MEETING Staff distributed materials to each task force member, relating to the next meeting. Assistant Fire Chief Kristine Artman provided an overview of the next meeting. • Quin Brunner will refine the site list and prepare analyses for discussion at the next meeting. • There will be a possible review of materials to begin discussing costs and funding methods. • Tours of the current four fire stations, organized by Chief Don Johnson and Assistant Chief Kristine Artman,will be taking place in the following weeks. Meeting adjourned around 7:42pm. Respectfully submitted, Quin Brunner Management Analyst South Shore Fire Station Task Force Page 3 of 3 DRAFT Minutes November 14, 2024