Agenda Item - 2024-12-03 - Number 05.1 - Resolution 24-50, IGA with Clackamas County for Grant Funding 5.1
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Subject: Resolution 24-50, Clackamas County City-Led Homelessness Initiatives Funding
Grant Award & Contract
Meeting Date: December 3, 2024 Staff Member: Sid Sin, Redevelopment Manager
Report Date: November 22, 2024 Department: City Manager's Office
Action Required Advisory Board/Commission Recommendation
❑ Motion ❑ Approval
❑ Public Hearing ❑ Denial
❑ Ordinance ❑ None Forwarded
❑X Resolution , ❑X Not Applicable
❑ Information Only Comments:
❑ Council Direction
❑X Consent Agenda
Staff Recommendation: Adopt Resolution 24-50, authorizing the City Manager to accept and
sign Clackamas County City-Led Homelessness Initiatives Funding Grant Intergovernmental
Agreement and to sign an agreement with Hunger Fighters Oregon to reimburse them with
grant funds for operational expenses.
Recommended Language for Motion: Move to adopt Resolution 24-50.
Project/ Issue Relates To: N/A
Issue before Council (Highlight Policy Question):
❑Council Goals/Priorities ❑Adopted Master Plan(s) ❑X Not Applicable
Should the Council accept a Clackamas County City-Led Homelessness Initiatives Grant to fund a
Behavioral Health Case Manager position in the Police Department and direct funds to Hunger
Fighters Oregon for approved operational expenses.
In December 2023, Clackamas County's Department of Health, Housing, and Human Services
released a Notice of Funding Opportunity for city-led homelessness initiatives. The Grant
funding was an allocation from the County's portion of the Metro Support Housing Services
bond dollars. The goal was to provide funding for one-time and limited-term pilot
projects/programs led by cities to address housing insecurity and homelessness within the
individual communities. Initiatives were to have a clearly articulated connection to the
Respect cv el'erce. Trust. Se-iv
Page 2
recovery-oriented needs of low and extremely-low income households experiencing housing
instability or homelessness. These could entail projects and programs related to employment
support, mental health services, outreach services, food support services, and more.
To support the City's continued efforts to connect vulnerable, at-risk community members with
resources, the City applied and was awarded $840,000 in grant funding for two programs:
1. Behavioral Health Case Manager
$465,000 total-$145,000 per year for three years for salary and benefits, including$10,000
per year for three years for emergency assistance funds
Create a Behavioral Health Case Manager in the Lake Oswego Police Department to work within
Lake Oswego and West Linn. The case manager will work directly with the City's current
Behavioral Health Specialist to assess the needs of the person(s) and where appropriate,
arrange, coordinate, and advocate for delivery and access to a range of programs and services
designed to meet the individual's needs. This will be done by facilitating timely access to the
necessary supports, thus reducing the risk of homelessness and/or helping them achieve
housing stability. This position will assist in critical time intervention and help to identify the
case by case need for crisis intervention related to problematic transitions, or for support
systems around chronic conditions.
2. Social Service Funds directed to Hunger Fighters Oregon
$375,000 total-$125,000 per year for three years for operations and outreach
Provide direct funding to Hunger Fighters Oregon (HFO) to meet the increasing community
demand for their services. By using awarded funds for operational costs (food, staff, rent, and
utilities), HFO will be able to direct energy and resources away from fundraising and in-kind
food collections and focus on outreach activities that will help create systematic change. This
includes expanding its reach by working with other community partners, such as local churches,
school, and community groups, to create satellite and pop up pantries in order to be more
accessible to the larger community and those in need. The awarded grant will be received by
the City of Lake Oswego to reimburse HFO for their fixed operational expenses. The City will
enter into an agreement with HFO for reimbursement of these expenses and HFO will provide
the City with periodic updates on metrics to monitor the efficacy of their efforts.
Approval of the intergovernmental agreement will enable the City to receive $840,000 to fund
the Behavioral Health Case Manager role and for operational expenses for Hunger Fighters
Oregon. Upon City of Lake Oswego's and Clackamas County's full approval, the City will provide
invoices supporting the approved work and programs for reimbursement of the full grant
amount over the next three years.
1. Resolution 24-50, with Exhibits A and B
2. Grant Award Letter
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service
WHEREAS, In December 2023, Clackamas County's Department of Health, Housing, and Human Services
released a Notice of Funding Opportunity for city-led homelessness initiatives; and
WHEREAS,the goal was to provide funding for one-time and limited-term pilot projects/programs led by
cities to address housing insecurity and homelessness within the individual communities; and
WHEREAS, on April 3, 2024, the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners approved funding the City's
request for a Behavioral Health Case Manager role in the Police Department and for operational
expenses for Hunger Fighters Oregon; and
WHEREAS, ORS 190.010 confers authority upon local governments to enter into agreements for the
performance of any and all functions and activities that a party to the agreement, its officers or agencies
have authority to perform; and
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego that:
Section 1. The City Manager is authorized sign the Intergovernmental Agreement with Clackamas
County for the Clackamas County City-Led Homelessness Initiatives Funding Grant, in
substantially the form attached as Exhibit A.
Section 2. The City Manager is authorized sign the Agreement with Hunger Fighter Oregon to
reimburse them with grant funds for operational expenses, in substantially the form
attached as Exhibit B.
Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect upon passage.
Considered and enacted at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego on the 3'
day of December, 2024.
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Joseph M. Buck, Mayor
Kari Linder, City Recorder
Ellen Osoinach, City Attorney
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THIS AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into and between Clackamas County
("County"), a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, and the City of Lake Oswego
("Agency"), a unit of local government, collectively referred to as the "Parties" and each a"Party."
Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 190.010 confers authority upon local governments to enter
into agreements for the performance of any and all functions and activities that a party to the
agreement, its officers or agencies have authority to perform.
A. In working to improve coordination and collaboration, increase geographical distribution
of services, and support local leaders in tailoring approaches to addressing housing
insecurity and homelessness that best suit their communities, Clackamas County
released a Notice of Funding Opportunity for city-led homelessness initiatives.
B. The funding opportunity is to spur creativity and innovation at the city level,
empowering local leaders to supplement the often highly effective but under resourced
local efforts to meet the needs of very low-income households.
C. Proposed city-led initiatives were to have a clearly articulated connection to the needs of
low- and extremely low income households experiencing housing instability or
homelessness and support Clackamas County's recovery-oriented system of care.
D. Clackamas County received more than $30 million in requests submitted by eleven cities
in dozens of distinct proposals.
E. Proposals were reviewed for:
a. Clear alignment with County goals and priorities for its recovery-oriented
homeless services system of care.
b. Being additive to the system, consistent with the requirement that Supportive
Housing Services investments supplement, not supplant, existing investments.
c. Leveraging connection points to broader recovery-oriented system of care.
d. Having a duration not longer than three years, recognizing that the Notice of
Funding Opportunity was for one-time and limited-term investments.
F. On April 3, 2024, the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners approved of staff
funding recommendations for proposals submitted in response to the Notice of Funding
Opportunity for city-led homeless services initiatives.
In consideration of the mutual promises set forth below and other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby
agree as follows:
1. Term. This Agreement shall be effective upon execution, and shall expire on June 30, 2027,
unless otherwise extended by agreement of the Parties. Agency may seek reimbursement for
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eligible expenses under this Agreement during the period between July 1, 2024, and June 30,
2027, subject to the additional terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
2. Scope of Work. Agency agrees to provide the services further described in Exhibit A (the
"Program"), attached hereto and incorporated by this reference herein. The Program will be
provided solely within Metro jurisdictional boundaries.
3. Funding. The maximum amount County may pay Agency is Eight Hundred Forty Thousand
dollars ($840,000.00) (the "Funds"). Funds will be distributed on a reimbursement basis in
accordance with the budget set forth in Exhibit A. Agency shall use the funds awarded under
this Agreement solely for reimbursement of eligible expenses incurred in performing the
Program, as further set forth in Exhibit A.
Budget line items within categories may be changed with written agreement by both parties.
County may approve, in writing, adjustments to budget line-item amounts provided the
maximum Agreement amount is not exceeded.
4. Payment. Unless otherwise specified, the Agency shall submit monthly requests for
reimbursement, on a form provided by County. A request for reimbursement must include a
description of work performed with particularity, by whom it was performed, and shall itemize
and explain all expenses for which reimbursement is claimed. Payments shall be made to
Agency following the County's review and approval of the requests for reimbursement
submitted by Agency. Agency shall not submit requests for reimbursement for, and the County
will not pay, any amount in excess of the maximum compensation amount set forth above.
Agency's failure to provide County information reasonably necessary for County to review a
request for reimbursement for compliance with this Agreement may result in the County
withholding payment, requiring Agency provide additional information, or treating this
Agreement in default and pursuing any and all rights and remedies available to the County at
law, in equity, or under this Agreement.
Invoices shall reference the above Contract Number and be submitted to: HCDD-
5. Representations and Warranties.
A. Agency Representations and Warranties: Agency represents and warrants to County that
Agency has the power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement, and this
Agreement, when executed and delivered, shall be a valid and binding obligation of Agency
enforceable in accordance with its terms.
B. County Representations and Warranties: County represents and warrants to Agency that
County has the power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement, and this
Agreement, when executed and delivered, shall be a valid and binding obligation of County
enforceable in accordance with its terms.
C. The warranties set forth in this section are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other
warranties provided.
6. Termination.
A. Either the County or the Agency may terminate this Agreement for convenience at any time
upon ninety (90) days written notice to the other party. In the event a Party terminates this
Agreement under this Section 6, Agency shall immediately return all unspent funds to the
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B. The parties acknowledge that Agency may, in its reasonable administrative discretion, need
to terminate only one of the programs set forth in Exhibit A. In the event Agency intends to
terminate only one program described in Exhibit A, Agency will provide County 90 days'
notice of its intent to partially terminate, and the parties will negotiate, in good faith, a
written amendment reflecting the removal of the program. If the parties are unable to reach
an agreement to amend the Agreement, either Party may immediately terminate the
Agreement in its entirety.
C. Either the County or the Agency may terminate this Agreement in the event of a default of
the Agreement by the other, as defined below. Prior to such termination however, the Party
seeking the termination shall give the other Party written notice of the breach and of the
Party's intent to terminate. If the breaching Party has not entirely cured the breach within
thirty (30) days of deemed or actual receipt of the notice, then the Party giving notice may
terminate the Agreement at any time thereafter by giving written notice of termination
stating the effective date of the termination. If the default is of such a nature that it cannot be
completely remedied within such thirty(30) day period, this provision shall be complied
with if the breaching Party begins correction of the default within the thirty(30) day period
and thereafter proceeds with reasonable diligence and in good faith to effect the remedy as
soon as practicable. The Party giving notice shall not be required to give more than one (1)
notice for a similar default in any twelve (12)month period. Upon termination for Agency's
breach, County shall have all remedies available to it at law, in equity, or under this
Agreement including, but not limited to, requiring Agency to return all unspent funds and to
repay County for any funds used by Agency in violation of this Agreement.
D. The County or the Agency shall not be deemed to have waived any breach of this
Agreement by the other Party except by an express waiver in writing. An express written
waiver as to one breach shall not be deemed a waiver of any other breach not expressly
identified, even though the other breach is of the same nature as that waived.
E. The County or the agency may terminate this Agreement in the event the party fails to
receive expenditure authority sufficient to allow the party, in the exercise of its reasonable
administrative discretion, to continue to perform under this Agreement, or if federal or state
laws, regulations or guidelines are modified or interpreted in such a way that performance
by party is prohibited.
F. Any termination of this Agreement shall not prejudice any rights or obligations accrued to
the Parties prior to termination.
7. Default.
A. Agency's Default.Agency will be in default under this Agreement upon the occurrence of
the following:
i. Agency fails to use the Funds for eligible purposes described in Exhibit A;
ii. Any representation, warranty or statement made by Agency in this Agreement or in
any documents or reports relied upon by County to measure the Program, the
expenditure of the Funds, or the performance by Agency is untrue in any material
respect when made;
iii. After thirty (30) days' written notice with an opportunity to cure, Agency fails to
comply with any term or condition set forth in this Agreement;
iv. A petition, proceeding, or case is filed by or against Agency under federal or state
bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership, or other law.
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B. County's Default. County will be in default under this Agreement if, after thirty (30) days'
notice and opportunity to cure, County fails to perform a material obligation under this
Agreement provided, however, that failure to disburse Funds due to non-default termination,
including lack of appropriation, shall not constitute a default of County.
8. Remedies.
A. County's Remedies. In the event of Agency's default, County may, at is option,pursue any
or all remedies available to it under this Agreement, at law, or in equity including, but not
limited to: (1) withholding Agency additional Funds until compliance is met; (2)reclaiming
Funds in the case of omissions or misrepresentations in financial or programmatic reporting;
(3) requiring repayment of any Funds used by Agency in violation of this Agreement; (4)
termination of this Agreement; (5) declaring Agency ineligible for receipt of future awards
from County; (6) initiation of an action or proceeding for damages, declaratory, or injunctive
B. Agency's Remedies: In the event County is in default, and whether or not Agency elects to
terminate this Agreement, Agency's sole remedy for County's default, subject to the limits
of applicable law or in this Agreement, is reimbursement for eligible costs incurred in
accordance with this Agreement, less any claims County may have against Agency. In no
event will County be liable to Agency for expenses related to termination of this Agreement
or for any indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages.
9. Indemnification.
A. Indemnification and Defense of County. Agency shall be responsible for all damage to
property, injury to persons, and loss, expense, inconvenience, and delay which may be
caused by, or result from, the conduct of Work, or from any act, omission, or neglect of
Agency, its subcontractors, agents, or employees. The Agency agrees to indemnify, hold
harmless and defend Clackamas County, and their officers, elected officials, agents and
employees from and against all claims and actions, and all expenses incidental to the
investigation and defense thereof, arising out of or based upon damage or injuries to persons
or property caused by the errors, omissions, fault or negligence of the Agency or the
Agency's employees, subcontractors, or agents.
However, neither Agency nor any attorney engaged by Agency shall defend the claim in the
name of County or any department of County, nor purport to act as legal representative of
County or any of its departments, without first receiving from the Clackamas County
Counsel's Office authority to act as legal counsel for County, nor shall Agency settle any
claim on behalf of County without the approval of the Clackamas County Counsel's Office.
County may, at its election and expense, assume its own defense and settlement.
B. Indemnification and Defense of Metro. The Agency agrees to indemnify, defend, save and
hold harmless Metro Regional Government("Metro"), and its officers, elected officials,
agents and employees from and against all claims, actions, losses, liabilities, including
reasonable attorney and accounting fees, and all expenses incidental to the investigation and
defense thereof, arising out of or based upon Agency's acts or omissions in performing
under this Agreement. However, neither Agency's nor any attorney engaged by Agency
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shall defend the claim in the name of Metro, nor purport to act as legal representative of
Metro, without first receiving from the Metro attorney's office authority to act as legal
counsel for Metro, nor shall Agency settle any claim on behalf of Metro without the
approval of the Metro attorney's office. Metro may, at its election and expense, assume its
own defense and settlement.
10. Insurance. The parties agree to maintain levels of insurance, or self-insurance, sufficient to
satisfy their obligations under this Agreement and all requirements under applicable law. Both
parties agree to name the other as an additional insured under their self-insurance policies.
11. Notices; Contacts.Any notice provided under this Agreement shall be delivered by email or by
first class US mail to the individuals identified below. Any communication or notice mailed by
first class US mail shall be deemed to be given three days after the date it is sent. Any
communication or notice sent by electronic mail is deemed to be received on the date sent,
unless the sender receives an automated message or other indication that the email has not been
delivered. Either Party may change the Party contact information, or the invoice or payment
addresses, by giving prior written notice to the other Party.
Vahid Brown or their designee will act as liaison for the County.
Contact Information:
Housing and Community Development Division Administrator:
Vahid Brown
Phone: (971) 334-9870
Copy to:
County Counsel
2051 Kaen Road, 4th Floor
Oregon City, OR 97045
Madison Thesing or their designee will act as liaison for the Agency.
Contact Information:
Assistant to the City Manager
Madison Thesing
Phone: (503) 534-5285
Copy to:
City of Lake Oswego
Attn: Lake Oswego City Attorney
PO Box 369
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
12. Monitoring. Agency agrees to allow access to conduct financial and performance audits for the
purpose of monitoring use of the Funds in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing
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Standards ("GAAS"). County, and its duly authorized representatives, shall have access to such
records and other books, documents,papers,plans, records of shipments and payments and
writings of Agency that are pertinent to this Agreement, whether in paper, electronic or other
form, to perform examinations and audits and make excerpts, copies and transcripts. Agency
also agrees to provide reasonable access to Agency's employees for the purpose of monitoring.
Audits may be performed onsite or offsite, at the County's discretion. If any audit or financial
review finds that payments to Agency were in excess of the amount to which Agency was
entitled, then Agency shall repay that amount to County. Agency agrees to allow County access
to conduct site visits and inspections of financial records for the purpose of monitoring.
Depending on the outcomes of the financial monitoring processes, this Agreement shall either
(a) continue pursuant to the original terms, (b) continue pursuant to the original terms and any
additional conditions or remediation deemed appropriate by County, or(c)be de-obligated and
13. Reporting. For food pantry services, reporting will include a summarization of the various data
points identified in Exhibit A and demonstrating the need for food pantry services along with
other visitation trends over time.
For the Behavioral Health Unit services, reporting will include summarization of collected data
points to be shared with law enforcement management, as well as City Managers, identified in
Exhibit A.
14. Financial Management.Agency shall comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(GAAP) or another equally accepted basis of accounting, use adequate internal controls, and
maintain necessary sources documentation for all uses of the Funds.
15. Period of Availability. Agency may charge to the award only allowable costs resulting from
obligations incurred during the funding period.
16. Closeout. County will closeout this Agreement when County determines that all applicable
administrative actions and all required work have been completed by Agency. Agency must
liquidate all obligations incurred under this award and must submit all financial, performance,
and other reports as required by County, no later than 90 calendar days after the end date of this
17. General Provisions.
A. Oregon Law and Forum. This Agreement, and all rights, obligations, and disputes arising
out of it will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
Oregon and the ordinances of Clackamas County without giving effect to the conflict of law
provisions thereof Any claim between County and Agency that arises from or relates to this
Agreement shall be brought and conducted solely and exclusively within the Circuit Court
of Clackamas County for the State of Oregon; provided, however, if a claim must be brought
in a federal forum, then it shall be brought and conducted solely and exclusively within the
United States District Court for the District of Oregon. In no event shall this section be
construed as a waiver by the County of any form of defense or immunity, whether sovereign
immunity, governmental immunity, immunity based on the Eleventh Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States or otherwise, from any claim or from the jurisdiction of
any court. Agency, by execution of this Agreement, hereby consents to the in personam
jurisdiction of the courts referenced in this section.
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B. Compliance with Applicable Law. Both Parties shall comply with all applicable local,
state and federal ordinances, statutes, laws and regulations. All provisions of law required to
be a part of this Agreement, whether listed or otherwise, are hereby integrated and adopted
herein. Failure to comply with such obligations is a material breach of this Agreement.
C. Non-Exclusive Rights and Remedies. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the
rights and remedies expressly afforded under the provisions of this Agreement shall not be
deemed exclusive, and shall be in addition to and cumulative with any and all rights and
remedies otherwise available at law or in equity. The exercise by either Party of any one or
more of such remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of
any other remedies for the same default or breach, or for any other default or breach, by the
other Party.
D. Debt Limitation. This Agreement is expressly subject to the limitations of the Oregon
Constitution and Oregon Tort Claims Act, and is contingent upon appropriation of funds.
Any provisions herein that conflict with the above referenced laws are deemed inoperative
to that extent.
E. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unconstitutional, illegal or
unenforceable, this Agreement nevertheless shall remain in full force and effect and the
offending provision shall be stricken. The Court or other authorized body finding such
provision unconstitutional, illegal or unenforceable shall construe this Agreement without
such provision to give effect to the maximum extent possible the intentions of the Parties.
F. Integration,Amendment and Waiver. Except as otherwise set forth herein, this
Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties on the matter of the
Program. There are no understandings, agreements, or representations, oral or written, not
specified herein regarding this Agreement. No waiver, consent, modification or change of
terms of this Agreement shall bind either Party unless in writing and signed by both Parties
and all necessary approvals have been obtained. Such waiver, consent, modification or
change, if made, shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose
given. The failure of either Party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not
constitute a waiver by such Party of that or any other provision.
G. Interpretation. The titles of the sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of
reference only and shall be disregarded in construing or interpreting any of its provisions.
H. Independent Contractor. Each of the Parties hereto shall be deemed an independent
contractor for purposes of this Agreement. No representative, agent, employee or contractor
of one Party shall be deemed to be a representative, agent, employee or contractor of the
other Party for any purpose, except to the extent specifically provided herein. Nothing
herein is intended, nor shall it be construed, to create between the Parties any relationship of
principal and agent, partnership,joint venture or any similar relationship, and each Party
hereby specifically disclaims any such relationship.
I. No Third-Party Beneficiary. Agency and County are the only parties to this Agreement
and are the only parties entitled to enforce its terms. Nothing in this Agreement gives, is
intended to give, or shall be construed to give or provide any benefit or right, whether
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directly, indirectly or otherwise, to third persons unless such third persons are individually
identified by name herein and expressly described as intended beneficiaries of the terms of
this Agreement.
J. Subcontract and Assignment. Agency shall not enter into any subcontracts for any of the
work required by this Agreement, or assign or transfer any of its interest in this Agreement
by operation of law or otherwise, without obtaining prior written approval from the County,
which shall be granted or denied in the County's sole discretion. County's consent to any
subcontract shall not relieve Agency of any of its duties or obligations under this
Agreement. By execution of this Agreement, County acknowledges and consents to City's
use of the Hunger Fighters Oregon("Hunger Fighters") for its food pantry services program.
K. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts (electronic or
otherwise), each of which shall be an original, all of which shall constitute the same
L. Survival.All provisions in Sections 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 17 (A), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H), (I),
(J), (L), (0), and(Q), shall survive the termination of this Agreement, together with all other
rights and obligations herein which by their context are intended to survive.
M. Necessary Acts. Each Party shall execute and deliver to the others all such further
instruments and documents as may be reasonably necessary to carry out this Agreement.
N. Time is of the Essence. Agency agrees that time is of the essence in the performance this
O. Successors in Interest. The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall
inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, and their respective authorized successors and
P. Force Majeure.Neither Agency nor County shall be held responsible for delay or default
caused by events outside of the Agency or County's reasonable control including, but not
limited to, fire, terrorism, riot, acts of God, or war. However, Agency shall make all
reasonable efforts to remove or eliminate such a cause of delay or default and shall upon the
cessation of the cause, diligently pursue performance of its obligations under this
Q. No Attorney Fees. In the event any arbitration, action or proceeding, including any
bankruptcy proceeding, is instituted to enforce any term of this Agreement, each party shall
be responsible for its own attorneys' fees and expenses.
[Signatures on following page]
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IN WITNESS HEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement by the date set forth
opposite their names below.
Clackamas County City of Lake Oswego
Chair, Board of County Commissioners [name/title]
Date Date
Approved as to Form:
County Counsel Date
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City of Lake Oswego—City-Led Homelessness Initiatives Program Design
1. Operations and Outreach Social Services for Food Pantry Program:
Program Description
Agency operates a food pantry program in Lake Oswego, Oregon, strategically located at the
intersection of Clackamas and Multnomah counties. The program is designed to provide
dependable access to nutritious food and essential hygiene items for families and individuals across
the tri-county area. This program will provide biweekly food pantry rides to a small food pantry
located in Lake Oswego for vulnerable populations, in coordination with the City's Adult
Community Center.
Agency will use funds provided in this program to reimburse eligible expenses for operation of the
food pantry program, including reimbursement for approved third party operators. Reasonable
eligible expenses for the operations of this food pantry program include, but are not limited to food,
staff wages,rent,utilities,transportation costs to and from participating local food pantries, and costs
associated with organizing and providing pre-made emergency food and supply boxes at pop up
pantries within the community; whether the food pantries are operated directly by the City or through
third party operators.
Agency shall contact County in writing for clarification and/or approval for any contemplated
expense related to this program not covered by the foregoing description of allowable uses of funds
prior to incurring the expense. Correspondence from Agency seeking clarification or approval
should be directed to Upon receipt of the written request for
clarification and/or approval, County may either approve or deny the expense as eligible for
reimbursement, as determined by County in its sole discretion.
Program Goals
Agency's program will provide outreach and services to targeted vulnerable populations in Lake
Oswego, including families with school aged children, specifically those in the free and reduced
lunch program, and coordination with the Agency's Adult Community Center and Greenridge
Estates Assisted Living facility to provide biweekly shopping opportunities for residents of these
Data Collection &Reporting
Agency will track basic demographic information such as age, gender, language spoken, race, and
ethnicity of any guest that utilizes an Agency-approved food pantry. Agency will also track income
type, household size, living arrangements,veteran or disability status, as well as government
assistance eligibility/status. Agency will track each guest/household served by Agency's food
pantries to determine the number of guests and households served during a given period of time.
Reporting will include a summarization of the various data points mentioned above, demonstrating
the need for food pantry services in Lake Oswego, along with other visitation trends over time.
The Agency's budget for operations and outreach services for the food pantry is $125,000.00 per
year, for three years, for a total amount not to exceed $375,000.00.
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2. Behavioral Health Case Manager Services:
Program Description
Agency and the City of West Linn have an embedded Behavioral Health Specialist(BHS)who
collaborates with law enforcement to provide crisis mental health services. The awarded funds will
be directed to hiring a Behavioral Health Case Manager to deliver essential case management,
consultation, and referral services for individuals experiencing mental health challenges, substance
abuse issues, housing instability, and other quality of life concerns.
The Behavioral Health Case Manager is a mental health professional that works with the BHS and
other law enforcement personnel. The Behavioral Health Case Manager will work with the
appropriate resources to assist in the assessment of the health care and social service needs of
community members suffering from mental health issues, substance abuse, housing and/or other
quality of life issues.
The Behavioral Health Case Manager will collaborate with the BHS in both communities to assess
individuals'needs and facilitate access to vital programs and services. Their support will be pivotal
in assisting individuals to access emergency funds, navigate systemic barriers, attend court
appointments, and foster strong relationships with community partners. The Behavioral Health Case
Manager will primarily operate in the community setting to address the population's diverse needs.
Below are the essential duties and responsibilities of the case manager:
1. Work directly and/or indirectly with law enforcement officers to assess and assist
community members with actual or reported mental health, substance abuse, houseless,
and/or other related quality of life issues. Assess the social and medical service needs
of these community members and work to obtain, coordinate, and deliver pertinent
resources where necessary.
2. Provide information,consultation, and/or referral for law enforcement officers and staff.
3. Promote and utilize best practices in intervention, treatment methods, and support
systems to effectively advocate for the needs of community members at the client
and/or system-wide level. Liaise between those persons and the various support
services and providers.
4. Monitors client progress and ensures case plans are carried out.
5. Visits clients in homes, hospitals, and residential care facilities; notes change in
mental/physical condition and deficiency in care being provided; reports and may
investigate abuse and neglect complaints.
6. Writes case plan summaries; documents services provided to client; researches and
compiles case statistics.
7. Develops, submits and modifies necessary documentation to implement payments and
program benefits.
8. Prepares documentation for hearings.
9. May be asked to provide information to local, county,and state legal or court entities and
may be required to testify at court or other legal proceedings.
10. Demonstrated patience, compassion, and crisis management in working with and in
support of internally and externally diverse community members reported to be or
suffering from mental health, substance abuse, houseless, or other quality of life related
11. When necessary and/or requested, conduct follow up with identified community
IGA 11863 -City of Lake Oswego—Exhibit A Page 11
members or support service providers and be able to consult with other specialists on
unique or difficult cases.
Behavioral Health services encompass a broad spectrum of individuals, ranging from children to
seniors, including those in government-supported or low-income housing, low-income seniors,
single individuals, and families. It is acknowledged that a variety of challenges can precipitate crises
and mental health episodes that could potentially lead to homelessness. An application process will
be instituted to facilitate access to emergency funds, with the case manager guiding individuals
through the requisite procedures. The application process will define explicit eligibility criteria,
ensuring that applicants are Clackamas County residents, meet income requisites and have
exhausted other options.
Agency shall make appropriate use of flexible client emergency assistance services funding to
support housing stability and wellness goals and will be required to follow the Flexible Funding Use
Guidelines, when seeking reimbursement for the client emergency assistance funds.
Program Goals
The Behavioral Health Unit(BHU), consisting of the case manager and specialist, and Law
Enforcement will work together to provide critical support to individuals in behavioral crisis
situations stemming from mental health disorders or substance addiction. This joint effort aims to
raise awareness and understanding of mental health and substance use within the law enforcement
community and beyond.
The primary objectives include:
• Delivering crisis interventions tailored to community needs,
• Reducing the use of force,
• Minimizing hospitalizations, and;
• Preventing repeat offenses leading to jail time.
Through intervention, program aims to decrease the frequency of crisis episodes and the reliance on
emergency 911 responses. The collaboration also focuses on enhancing the quality of police
practices and ensuring the seamless delivery of community-based services through comprehensive
cross-training initiatives. This encompasses initiatives to ensure stable housing for individuals,
offering support to houseless individuals, addressing basic needs, and facilitating access to essential
Data Collection &Reporting
The BHU will track outcomes in contractor's electronic health record database and a separate
• Monitor the number of individuals served by the case manager and the number of
individuals receiving emergency funds.
• Track of the number of households and/or individuals served, the specific services
provided, and the items purchased, or services paid for using the emergency funds.
• Gather data to determine if case manager and/or emergency funds prevented
individuals from becoming homeless, or if they received aid or services to assist with
their basic needs and access temporary or long-term housing
• Collect information to demonstrate that the services or funds received,prevented
individuals from being hospitalized or facing charges leading to incarceration.
IGA 11863 -City of Lake Oswego—Exhibit A Page 12
Reporting will include summarization of collected data points to be shared with our law
enforcement management, as well as Agency's managers.
Agency's budget to provide for the Behavioral Health Case Manager is $145,000 per year, for three
years for role salary and benefits,plus $10,000 per year, for three years for emergency assistance
funds. The total not to exceed amount is $465,000.00.
Services FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 Total
Health Case
Manager- $ 145,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 435,000.00
role salary
and benefits
Health Case
and client $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 30,000.00
Food Pantry-
Operations $ 125,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 375,000.00
and Outreach
Total Contract Value: $ 840,000.00
IGA 11863 -City of Lake Oswego—Exhibit A Page 13
City of Lake Oswego
Grant to Hunger Fighters Oregon
(Clackamas County City-Led Homelessness Initiatives Funding)
GRANT RECIPIENT: Hunger Fighters Oregon
Address and Email: 4 Monroe Parkway, Suite A
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
REIMBURSEMENT GRANT $125,000.00 per year for three years,totaling$375,000.00
GRANT PURPOSE-PROJECT: Hunger Fighters Oregon fixed operational expenses
(For complete description, see Exhibits A and B—Approved
Expenses& Payment Schedule)
Clackamas County's Department of Health, Housing, and Human Services released a Notice of Funding
Opportunity for city-led homelessness initiatives.The Grant funding was an allocation from the County's
portion of the Metro Support Housing Services bond dollars.The goal was to provide funding for one-time and
limited-term pilot projects/programs led by cities to address housing insecurity and homelessness within the
individual communities.The City of Lake Oswego was awarded grant funding, and in turn Lake Oswego enters
into this grant to provide direct reimbursement funds to Hunger Fighters Oregon for approved operational
The City will reimburse Hunger Fighters Oregon for eligible expenses after approval by Clackamas County.The
City will administer the Clackamas County City-Led Homelessness Initiatives Funding Grant to verify that the
funds are used for Hunger Fighters Oregon for approved operational expenses.
1. Use of Grant Funds: Grant Recipient is being reimbursed by the grant funds for approved operational
expenses of the Project, as stated in Exhibit A and B.
2. A. Incorporation of Clackamas County Grant Provisions.The terms and provisions of the County
Grant (Exhibit A) are incorporated herein and Grant Recipient shall,to its fullest extent, comply with
the terms of the County Grant, and any obligation herein upon the City is conditioned upon the Grant
Recipient's compliance with the terms and provisions of the County Grant.
B. Compliance with laws and regulations: Grant Recipient will comply with all applicable state
and local laws and regulations in regards to its services described in Exhibits B and C; scope of work,
metrics, and timeline.
3. Term of Grant:
A. All eligible operational expenses must be incurred on or prior to December 30, 2027.
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 1
B. All requests for reimbursement must be submitted within 90 days after the date stated in
Subsection A.
C. County and City shall endeavor to complete review of the requests for reimbursement, and
City to issue the reimbursement, within 30 days after the date provided by Subsection B.
4. Progress Report: Grant Recipient shall present report(s) on the Project as requested by Clackamas
County or the City.This may be required on a periodic basis, e.g., monthly, quarterly, and at such
additional times as the City or County may request.
5. Request for Payment of Project Expenses/ Release of Unexpended Grant Funds: Grant Recipient shall
use the Requisition Form provided by the City to request reimbursement for operational expenses
(See Exhibit B for definition of"operational expenses"). Any Grant Funds not requested for payment
by the dated provided by Section 3.B are deemed released from the Grant Amount.
6. Maximum Aggregate Payment: In no event shall the Payment of Project of operational expenses
exceed the total Grant Amount Awarded.
7. Standard Grant Provisions.
a. Assignment Prohibited. Grant Recipient shall not assign or otherwise transfer its rights and
obligations under this Grant Agreement without prior written approval from the City.
b. Return of Grant Funds:
i. All Grant Funds not used for the purposes described in the application must be
returned to the City within 15 days of written demand by City.
ii. If such a demand is made, but Grant Recipient believes that the Grant Funds were
properly used according to the terms of this Grant Agreement, Grant Recipient
shall submit substantiating documentation within 10 days after receipt of the
City's written demand to the City's Project Manager.
iii. The City will review the submitted documentation and may contact the Grant
Recipient for additional information.
iv. The City's Project Manager will promptly make a written decision as to a finding
whether or not the monies in question were properly spent.
v. If the Grant Recipient wishes to appeal the City's Project Manager's decision, a
written request for review by the City Manager shall be filed with the City
Recorder within 10 days of the written decision.
vi. The decision of the City Manager shall be the final decision of the City.
c. Records; Audit.
i. Grant Recipient shall track and share with the City's Project Manager relevant
data related to the Project.
ii. Grant Recipient shall maintain records, books, documents, and other materials
relevant to monies expended.These records shall be subject to inspection,
review, and audit by the City and/or the County, or its respective designees for
five (5)years.The Grant Recipient will promptly provide such additional
information, reports and documentation as the City may require to verify
compliance with the criteria for the grant and the authorized use of grant funds. If
it is determined during the course of the audit that the recipient was reimbursed
for unallowable costs,the Grant Recipient must repay these costs.
iii. Grant Recipient shall provide information related to the Project infrastructure or
to the expenditure of the Grant Funds as requested by the City or the County at
any time over the course of the Term.
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 2
iv. The cost of creating or providing such records and documentation may not be
reimbursed from the Grant Funds.
d. Grant Recipient represents that it's business and its operations were and are, during the
period of the Project for which expenses have been reimbursed, compliant with all local and
state laws and regulations.
e. City shall not be responsible for any tax liability imposed upon the Grant Recipient by any
local, state or federal government.
f. City, County and Metro may use the Project, or information described in the Grant Recipient's
Project Information Form or related materials in City's, County's or Metro's promotional and
informational publications.
g. City shall not endorse nor represent to third parties, including to Grant Recipient's employees
and subcontractors,that City endorses any particular manufacturer, product, system, design,
contractor, supplier or installer.
h. All of the information and certifications in the Grant Recipient's Project Information Form
submitted by the Grantee is valid and accurate.
Grant Recipient shall indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless Metro, Clackamas County,
and City of Lake Oswego and its respective officers,agents,employees,and members,from any
and all claims, suits or actions of any nature, including but not limited to costs and attorney
fees,arising out of or related to the activities of the Grant Recipient,its officers,subcontractors,
agents or employees under this Grant Agreement or for any breach of this Grant Agreement,
e.g., receipt of reimbursement payment for an ineligible expense. If Grant Recipient fails to
defend or indemnify, the City of Lake Oswego may, at its option, bring action to compel same
or undertake its own defense. In either event, Grant Recipient shall be responsible for all of the
City of Lake Oswego's costs,expenses,and attorney fees including the reasonable market value
of any services provided by the City's employees.
j. The Grant Recipient shall provide copies of applicable insurance policies or acceptable
evidence that the insurance indicated below is in force.
The Grant Recipient shall obtain prior to the commencement of Grant, and shall
maintain in full force and effect for the term of this Grant, at the Grant Recipient's expense,
the policies indicated below for the protection of the Grant Recipient. If the insurance policy
is issued on a "claims made" basis,then the Grant Recipient shall continue to obtain and
maintain coverage for not less than three years following the completion of the grant.
The policies shall be issued by a company authorized to do business in the State of
Oregon, protecting the Grant Recipient or subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly
employed by either of them against liability for the loss or damage of personal and bodily
injury, contractual liability, death and property damage, and any other losses or damages
above mentioned with limits not less than as stated in subsection D below or the limit of
public liability contained in ORS 30.260 to 30.300 for any policy,whichever is greater.
The Grant Recipient shall cause the insurance company to provide the City with: (i) a
certificate of insurance and, (ii) if an additional insured endorsement is indicated as required
in subsection D below, an endorsement thereto naming the City, its officers, agents, and
employees as an additional insured for those policies indicated. The policies indicated below
will be endorsed to provide a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City and all additional
insureds. The Grant Recipient shall provide the City written notice of cancellation or material
modification (change in limits or coverages) of the insurance contract for not less than the
following notice for the purposes stated: 30 days prior notice for reasons other than non-
payment; 10 days prior notice for non-payment. The Grant Recipient shall further cause a
certificate of insurance to be issued not less than 5 days prior to any policy expiration date by
the Grant Recipient's insurance company or companies during the term of the Work, to assure
that the required insurance is maintained.
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 3
Required? Type of Insurance Minimum Coverage City named as
of Subrogation
Yes Comprehensive general $2,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 Yes
or commercial general in the aggregate
Yes Automobile liability $2,000,000 per accident-combined single Yes
limit or$2,000,000 bodily injury and
$1,000,000 property damage
Yes Workers Compensation Statutory Coverage No
Employer's Liability $1 million per accident
[ ] Grant Recipient Grant Recipient r warrants and represents
No(if Initial if Exempt from Grant Recipient does not employ any
initialed) Worker Comp Coverage persons that would require Grant Recipient
to provide workers compensation insurance
* The amounts may be achieved by a combination of base coverage and umbrella coverage.
k. The failure of the City to enforce any provision of this grant shall not constitute a waiver by
the City of that or any other provision.
I. The undersigned warrants and certifies to the City that this Agreement has been executed by
the Grant Recipient pursuant to its authority, and that the undersigned executes this
Agreement on behalf of the Grant Recipient pursuant to authority from the Grant Recipient.
m. Any notice required or that may be given under this Grant Agreement shall be in writing and
given to and received by the addressee when delivered, by hand, by courier, by telex, by
facsimile copies or by prepaid mail, at the below address, or as such address may be changed
from time to time by written notice to the other party:
i. City of Lake Oswego
Attn: City Manager's Office Grant Project Manager
380 "A" Ave., P.O. Box 369, Lake Oswego, OR 97034.
ii. Grant Recipient: See name and contact information on Page 1.
n. In the event of any legal action to enforce the terms of this Grant Agreement, the prevailing
party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees, at trial and on appeal.
o. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. There are no
understandings, agreements or representations, oral or written, not specified herein regarding
this Agreement.
p. Grant Recipient, by the signature below of its authorized representative, hereby acknowledges
that Recipient has read this Agreement, understands it and agrees to be bound by its terms and
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 4
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto executed this Grant Agreement.
Hunger Fighters of Oregon CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO
Name: Martha Bennett, City Manager
Approved by Council:
, 2024
Evan P. Boone
Deputy City Attorney
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 5
Exhibit A
THIS AGREEMENT(this "Agreement") is entered into and between Clackamas County("County"), a
political subdivision of the State of Oregon, and the City of Lake Oswego ("Agency"), a unit of local
government, collectively referred to as the "Parties" and each a "Party."
Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 190.010 confers authority upon local governments to enter into
agreements for the performance of any and all functions and activities that a party to the agreement, its
officers or agencies have authority to perform.
A. In working to improve coordination and collaboration, increase geographical distribution of
services, and support local leaders in tailoring approaches to addressing housing insecurity and
homelessness that best suit their communities, Clackamas County released a Notice of Funding
Opportunity for city-led homelessness initiatives.
B. The funding opportunity is to spur creativity and innovation at the city level, empowering
local leaders to supplement the often highly effective but under resourced local efforts to
meet the needs of very low-income households.
C. Proposed city-led initiatives were to have a clearly articulated connection to the needs of low-
and extremely low income households experiencing housing instability or homelessness and
support Clackamas County's recovery-oriented system of care.
D. Clackamas County received more than $30 million in requests submitted by eleven cities in
dozens of distinct proposals.
E. Proposals were reviewed for:
a. Clear alignment with County goals and priorities for its recovery-oriented
homeless services system of care.
b. Being additive to the system, consistent with the requirement that Supportive
Housing Services investments supplement, not supplant, existing investments.
c. Leveraging connection points to broader recovery-oriented system of care.
d. Having a duration not longer than three years, recognizing that the Notice of
Funding Opportunity was for one-time and limited-term investments.
F. On April 3, 2024, the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners approved of staff funding
recommendations for proposals submitted in response to the Notice of Funding Opportunity
for city-led homeless services initiatives.
In consideration of the mutual promises set forth below and other good and valuable
consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree
as follows:
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 6
1. Term.This Agreement shall be effective upon execution, and shall expire on June 30,2027, unless
otherwise extended by agreement of the Parties. Agency may seek reimbursement for eligible
expenses under this Agreement during the period between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2027, subject
to the additional terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
2. Scope of Work.Agency agrees to provide the services further described in Exhibit A(the
"Program"), attached hereto and incorporated by this reference herein.The Program will be
provided solely within Metro jurisdictional boundaries.
3. Funding.The maximum amount County may pay Agency is Eight Hundred Forty Thousand dollars
($840,000.00) (the "Funds"). Funds will be distributed on a reimbursement basis in accordance with
the budget set forth in Exhibit A. Agency shall use the funds awarded under this Agreement solely
for reimbursement of eligible expenses incurred in performing the Program, as further set forth in
Exhibit A.
Budget line items within categories may be changed with written agreement by both parties.
County may approve, in writing, adjustments to budget line-item amounts provided the maximum
Agreement amount is not exceeded.
4. Payment. Unless otherwise specified,the Agency shall submit monthly requests for reimbursement,
on a form provided by County. A request for reimbursement must include a description of work
performed with particularity, by whom it was performed, and shall itemize and explain all expenses
for which reimbursement is claimed. Payments shall be made to Agency following the County's
review and approval of the requests for reimbursement submitted by Agency. Agency shall not
submit requests for reimbursement for, and the County will not pay, any amount in excess of the
maximum compensation amount set forth above.Agency's failure to provide County information
reasonably necessary for County to review a request for reimbursement for compliance with this
Agreement may result in the County withholding payment, requiring Agency provide additional
information, or treating this Agreement in default and pursuing any and all rights and remedies
available to the County at law, in equity, or under this Agreement.
Invoices shall reference the above Contract Number and be submitted to: HCDD-
5. Representations and Warranties.
A. Agency Representations and Warranties: Agency represents and warrants to County that Agency
has the power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement, and this Agreement,when
executed and delivered, shall be a valid and binding obligation of Agency enforceable in
accordance with its terms.
B. County Representations and Warranties: County represents and warrants to Agency that County
has the power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement, and this Agreement,when
executed and delivered, shall be a valid and binding obligation of County enforceable in
accordance with its terms.
C. The warranties set forth in this section are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other
warranties provided.
6. Termination.
A. Either the County or the Agency may terminate this Agreement for convenience at any time upon
ninety(90) days written notice to the other party. In the event a Party terminates this Agreement
under this Section 6, Agency shall immediately return all unspent funds to the County.
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 7
B. The parties acknowledge that Agency may, in its reasonable administrative discretion,need to
terminate only one of the programs set forth in Exhibit A. In the event Agency intends to
terminate only one program described in Exhibit A, Agency will provide County 90 days' notice of
its intent to partially terminate, and the parties will negotiate, in good faith, a written amendment
reflecting the removal of the program. If the parties are unable to reach an agreement to amend
the Agreement, either Party may immediately terminate the Agreement in its entirety.
C. Either the County or the Agency may terminate this Agreement in the event of a default of the
Agreement by the other, as defined below. Prior to such termination however,the Party seeking
the termination shall give the other Party written notice of the breach and of the Party's intent to
terminate. If the breaching Party has not entirely cured the breach within thirty(30) days of
deemed or actual receipt of the notice,then the Party giving notice may terminate the Agreement
at any time thereafter by giving written notice of termination stating the effective date of the
termination. If the default is of such a nature that it cannot be completely remedied within such
thirty (30) day period, this provision shall be complied with if the breaching Party begins correction
of the default within the thirty(30) day period and thereafter proceeds with reasonable diligence
and in good faith to effect the remedy as soon as practicable.The Party giving notice shall not be
required to give more than one (1) notice for a similar default in any twelve (12) month period.
Upon termination for Agency's breach, County shall have all remedies available to it at law, in
equity, or under this Agreement including, but not limited to, requiring Agency to return all
unspent funds and to repay County for any funds used by Agency in violation of this Agreement.
D. The County or the Agency shall not be deemed to have waived any breach of this Agreement by
the other Party except by an express waiver in writing.An express written waiver as to one
breach shall not be deemed a waiver of any other breach not expressly identified, even though
the other breach is of the same nature as that waived.
E. The County or the agency may terminate this Agreement in the event the party fails to receive
expenditure authority sufficient to allow the party, in the exercise of its reasonable administrative
discretion, to continue to perform under this Agreement, or if federal or state laws, regulations or
guidelines are modified or interpreted in such a way that performance by party is prohibited.
F. Any termination of this Agreement shall not prejudice any rights or obligations accrued to the
Parties prior to termination.
7. Default.
A. Agency's Default.Agency will be in default under this Agreement upon the occurrence of the
i. Agency fails to use the Funds for eligible purposes described in Exhibit A;
ii. Any representation,warranty or statement made by Agency in this Agreement or in any
documents or reports relied upon by County to measure the Program, the expenditure of
the Funds, or the performance by Agency is untrue in any material respect when made;
iii. After thirty(30) days' written notice with an opportunity to cure, Agency fails to
comply with any term or condition set forth in this Agreement;
iv. A petition, proceeding, or case is filed by or against Agency under federal or state
bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership, or other law.
B. County's Default. County will be in default under this Agreement if, after thirty(30) days' notice
and opportunity to cure, County fails to perform a material obligation under this Agreement
provided, however,that failure to disburse Funds due to non-default termination, including lack of
appropriation, shall not constitute a default of County.
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 8
8. Remedies.
A. County's Remedies. In the event of Agency's default, County may, at is option, pursue any or all
remedies available to it under this Agreement, at law, or in equity including, but not limited to: (1)
withholding Agency additional Funds until compliance is met; (2) reclaiming Funds in the case of
omissions or misrepresentations in financial or programmatic reporting;
(3) requiring repayment of any Funds used by Agency in violation of this Agreement; (4) termination
of this Agreement; (5) declaring Agency ineligible for receipt of future awards from County; (6)
initiation of an action or proceeding for damages, declaratory, or injunctive relief.
B. Agency's Remedies: In the event County is in default, and whether or not Agency elects to
terminate this Agreement,Agency's sole remedy for County's default, subject to the limits of
applicable law or in this Agreement, is reimbursement for eligible costs incurred in accordance
with this Agreement, less any claims County may have against Agency. In no event will County be
liable to Agency for expenses related to termination of this Agreement or for any indirect,
incidental, consequential or special damages.
9. Indemnification.
A. Indemnification and Defense of County. Agency shall be responsible for all damage to property,
injury to persons, and loss, expense, inconvenience, and delay which may be caused by, or result
from, the conduct of Work, or from any act, omission, or neglect of Agency, its subcontractors,
agents, or employees.The Agency agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Clackamas
County, and their officers, elected officials, agents and employees from and against all claims and
actions, and all expenses incidental to the investigation and defense thereof, arising out of or
based upon damage or injuries to persons or property caused by the errors, omissions,fault or
negligence of the Agency or the Agency's employees, subcontractors, or agents.
However, neither Agency nor any attorney engaged by Agency shall defend the claim in the name
of County or any department of County, nor purport to act as legal representative of County or any
of its departments, without first receiving from the Clackamas County Counsel's Office authority to
act as legal counsel for County, nor shall Agency settle any claim on behalf of County without the
approval of the Clackamas County Counsel's Office. County may, at its election and expense,
assume its own defense and settlement.
B. Indemnification and Defense of Metro.The Agency agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold
harmless Metro Regional Government ("Metro"), and its officers, elected officials, agents and
employees from and against all claims, actions, losses, liabilities, including reasonable attorney and
accounting fees, and all expenses incidental to the investigation and defense thereof, arising out of
or based upon Agency's acts or omissions in performing under this Agreement. However, neither
Agency's nor any attorney engaged by Agency
shall defend the claim in the name of Metro, nor purport to act as legal representative of Metro,
without first receiving from the Metro attorney's office authority to act as legal counsel for Metro,
nor shall Agency settle any claim on behalf of Metro without the approval of the Metro attorney's
office. Metro may, at its election and expense, assume its own defense and settlement.
10. Insurance.The parties agree to maintain levels of insurance, or self-insurance, sufficient to satisfy
their obligations under this Agreement and all requirements under applicable law. Both parties agree
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 9
to name the other as an additional insured under their self-insurance policies.
11. Notices; Contacts. Any notice provided under this Agreement shall be delivered by email or by
first class US mail to the individuals identified below. Any communication or notice mailed by
first class US mail shall be deemed to be given three days after the date it is sent. Any
communication or notice sent by electronic mail is deemed to be received on the date sent,
unless the sender receives an automated message or other indication that the email has not
been delivered. Either Party may change the Party contact information, or the invoice or
payment addresses, by giving prior written notice to the other Party.
Vahid Brown or their designee will act as liaison for the County.
Contact Information:
Housing and Community Development Division Administrator: Vahid Brown
Phone: (971) 334-9870
Copy to:
County Counsel
2051 Kaen Road, 4th Floor
Oregon City, OR 97045
Madison Thesing or their designee will act as liaison for the Agency.
Contact Information:
Assistant to the City Manager
Madison Thesing
Phone: (503) 534-5285
Copy to:
City of Lake Oswego
Attn: Lake Oswego City Attorney PO
Box 369
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
12. Monitoring.Agency agrees to allow access to conduct financial and performance audits for the
purpose of monitoring use of the Funds in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing
Standards ("GAAS"). County, and its duly authorized representatives, shall have access to such records
and other books, documents, papers, plans, records of shipments and payments and writings of
Agency that are pertinent to this Agreement,whether in paper, electronic or other form,to perform
examinations and audits and make excerpts, copies and transcripts. Agency also agrees to provide
reasonable access to Agency's employees for the purpose of monitoring. Audits may be performed
onsite or offsite, at the County's discretion. If any audit or financial review finds that payments to
Agency were in excess of the amount to which Agency was entitled,then Agency shall repay that
amount to County. Agency agrees to allow County access to conduct site visits and inspections of
financial records for the purpose of monitoring.
Depending on the outcomes of the financial monitoring processes,this Agreement shall either
(a) continue pursuant to the original terms, (b) continue pursuant to the original terms and any
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 10
additional conditions or remediation deemed appropriate by County, or(c) be de-obligated and
13. Reporting. For food pantry services, reporting will include a summarization of the various data points
identified in Exhibit A and demonstrating the need for food pantry services along with other visitation
trends over time.
For the Behavioral Health Unit services, reporting will include summarization of collecteddata points
to be shared with law enforcement management, as well as City Managers, identified in Exhibit A.
14. Financial Management.Agency shall comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or
another equally accepted basis of accounting, use adequate internal controls, and maintain necessary
sources documentation for all uses of the Funds.
15. Period of Availability.Agency may charge to the award only allowable costs resulting from
obligations incurred during the funding period.
16. Closeout. County will closeout this Agreement when County determines that all applicable
administrative actions and all required work have been completed by Agency.Agency must liquidate
all obligations incurred under this award and must submit all financial, performance, and other reports
as required by County, no later than 90 calendar days after the end date of this Agreement.
17. General Provisions.
A. Oregon Law and Forum.This Agreement, and all rights, obligations, and disputes arising out of it
will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon and the
ordinances of Clackamas County without giving effect to the conflict of law provisions thereof. Any
claim between County and Agency that arises from or relates to this Agreement shall be brought
and conducted solely and exclusively within the Circuit Court of Clackamas County for the State of
Oregon; provided, however, if a claim must be brought in a federal forum,then it shall be brought
and conducted solely and exclusively within the United States District Court for the District of
Oregon. In no event shall this section be construed as a waiver by the County of any form of
defense or immunity,whether sovereign immunity, governmental immunity, immunity based on
the Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution of the United States or otherwise,from any claim or
from the jurisdiction of any court. Agency, by execution of this Agreement, hereby consents to the
in personam jurisdiction of the courts referenced in this section.
B. Compliance with Applicable Law. Both Parties shall comply with all applicable local, state and
federal ordinances, statutes, laws and regulations. All provisions of law required to be a part of this
Agreement, whether listed or otherwise, are hereby integrated and adopted herein. Failure to
comply with such obligations is a material breach of this Agreement.
C. Non-Exclusive Rights and Remedies. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein,the rights and
remedies expressly afforded under the provisions of this Agreement shall not be deemed exclusive,
and shall be in addition to and cumulative with any and all rights and remedies otherwise available
at law or in equity.The exercise by either Party of any one or more of such remedies shall not
preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other remedies for the same
default or breach, or for any other default or breach, by the other Party.
D. Debt Limitation.This Agreement is expressly subject to the limitations of the Oregon
Constitution and Oregon Tort Claims Act, and is contingent upon appropriation of funds. Any
provisions herein that conflict with the above referenced laws are deemed inoperative to that
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 11
E. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unconstitutional, illegal or
unenforceable, this Agreement nevertheless shall remain in full force and effect and the
offending provision shall be stricken.The Court or other authorized body finding such provision
unconstitutional, illegal or unenforceable shall construe this Agreement without such provision
to give effect to the maximum extent possible the intentions of the Parties.
F. Integration,Amendment and Waiver. Except as otherwise set forth herein,this Agreement
constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties on the matter of the Program.There are no
understandings, agreements, or representations, oral or written, not specified herein regarding
this Agreement. No waiver, consent, modification or change of terms of this Agreement shall bind
either Party unless in writing and signed by both Parties and all necessary approvals have been
obtained. Such waiver, consent, modification or change, if made, shall be effective only in the
specific instance and for the specific purpose given. The failure of either Party to enforce any
provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver by such Party of that or any other
G. Interpretation.The titles of the sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of
reference only and shall be disregarded in construing or interpreting any of its provisions.
H. Independent Contractor. Each of the Parties hereto shall be deemed an independent contractor
for purposes of this Agreement. No representative, agent, employee or contractor of one Party
shall be deemed to be a representative, agent, employee or contractor of the other Party for any
purpose, except to the extent specifically provided herein. Nothing herein is intended, nor shall it
be construed,to create between the Parties any relationship of principal and agent, partnership,
joint venture or any similar relationship, and each Party hereby specifically disclaims any such
I. No Third-Party Beneficiary. Agency and County are the only parties to this Agreement and are
the only parties entitled to enforce its terms. Nothing in this Agreement gives, is intended to
give, or shall be construed to give or provide any benefit or right,whether
directly, indirectly or otherwise, to third persons unless such third persons are individually
identified by name herein and expressly described as intended beneficiaries of the terms of this
J. Subcontract and Assignment.Agency shall not enter into any subcontracts for any of the work
required by this Agreement, or assign or transfer any of its interest in this Agreement by operation
of law or otherwise,without obtaining prior written approval from the County,which shall be
granted or denied in the County's sole discretion. County's consent to any subcontract shall not
relieve Agency of any of its duties or obligations under this Agreement. By execution of this
Agreement, County acknowledges and consents to City's use of the Hunger Fighters Oregon
("Hunger Fighters") for its food pantry services program.
K. Counterparts.This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts(electronic or
otherwise), each of which shall be an original, all of which shall constitute the same
L. Survival. All provisions in Sections 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 17 (A), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H),(I), (J), (L), (0),
and (Q), shall survive the termination of this Agreement, together with all other rights and
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 12
obligations herein which by their context are intended to survive.
M. Necessary Acts. Each Party shall execute and deliver to the others all such further instruments
and documents as may be reasonably necessary to carry out this Agreement.
N. Time is of the Essence.Agency agrees that time is of the essence in the performance this
O. Successors in Interest.The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to
the benefit of the parties hereto, and their respective authorized successors and assigns.
P. Force Majeure. Neither Agency nor County shall be held responsible for delay or default caused by
events outside of the Agency or County's reasonable control including, but not limited to,fire,
terrorism, riot, acts of God, or war. However,Agency shall make all reasonable efforts to remove
or eliminate such a cause of delay or default and shall upon the cessation of the cause, diligently
pursue performance of its obligations under this Agreement.
Q. No Attorney Fees. In the event any arbitration, action or proceeding, including any bankruptcy
proceeding, is instituted to enforce any term of this Agreement, each party shall be responsible
for its own attorneys'fees and expenses.
[Signatures on following page]
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 13
IN WITNESS HEREOF,the Parties have executed this Agreement by the date set forth opposite
their names below.
Clackamas County City of Lake Oswego
Chair, Board of County Commissioners [name/title]
Date Date
Approved as to Form:
County Counsel Date
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 14
City of Lake Oswego—City-Led Homelessness Initiatives Program Design
1. Operations and Outreach Social Services for Food Pantry Program:
Program Description
Agency operates a food pantry program in Lake Oswego, Oregon, strategically located at the intersection of
Clackamas and Multnomah counties.The program is designed to provide dependable access to nutritious food
and essential hygiene items for families and individuals across the tri-county area.This program will provide
biweekly food pantry rides to a small food pantry located in Lake Oswego for vulnerable populations, in
coordination with the City's Adult Community Center.
Agency will use funds provided in this program to reimburse eligible expenses for operation of the food pantry
program, including reimbursement for approved third party operators. Reasonable eligible expenses for the
operations of this food pantry program include, but are not limited to food, staff wages,rent, utilities,
transportation costs to and from participating local food pantries,and costs associated with organizing and
providing pre-made emergency food and supply boxes at pop up pantries within the community;whether the
food pantries are operated directly by the City or through third party operators.
Agency shall contact County in writing for clarification and/or approval for any contemplated expense related
to this program not covered by the foregoing description of allowable uses of funds prior to incurring the
expense. Correspondence from Agency seeking clarification or approval should be directed to Upon receipt of the written request for clarification and/or approval, County
may either approve or deny the expense as eligible for reimbursement, as determined by County in its sole
Program Goals
Agency's program will provide outreach and services to targeted vulnerable populations in Lake Oswego,
including families with school aged children, specifically those in the free and reduced lunch program, and
coordination with the Agency's Adult Community Center and Greenridge Estates Assisted Living facility to
provide biweekly shopping opportunities for residents of these communities.
Data Collection & Reporting
Agency will track basic demographic information such as age,gender, language spoken, race, and ethnicity of
any guest that utilizes an Agency-approved food pantry.Agency will also track income type, household size,
living arrangements,veteran or disability status, as well as government assistance eligibility/status.Agency
will track each guest/household served by Agency's food pantries to determine the number of guests and
households served during a given period of time.
Reporting will include a summarization of the various data points mentioned above, demonstrating the need
for food pantry services in Lake Oswego, along with other visitation trends over time.
The Agency's budget for operations and outreach services for the food pantry is$125,000.00 per year,for
three years, for a total amount not to exceed $375,000.00.
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 115
2. Behavioral Health Case Manager Services:
Program Description
Agency and the City of West Linn have an embedded Behavioral Health Specialist(BHS) who collaborates with
law enforcement to provide crisis mental health services.The awarded funds will be directed to hiring a
Behavioral Health Case Manager to deliver essential case management, consultation, and referral services for
individuals experiencing mental health challenges, substance abuse issues, housing instability, and other
quality of life concerns.
The Behavioral Health Case Manager is a mental health professional that works with the BHS and other law
enforcement personnel.The Behavioral Health Case Manager will work with the appropriate resources to
assist in the assessment of the health care and social service needs of community members suffering from
mental health issues, substance abuse, housing and/or other quality of life issues.
The Behavioral Health Case Manager will collaborate with the BHS in both communities to assess individuals'
needs and facilitate access to vital programs and services.Their support will be pivotal in assisting individuals to
access emergency funds, navigate systemic barriers, attend court appointments, and foster strong relationships
with community partners.The Behavioral Health Case Manager will primarily operate in the community setting
to address the population's diverse needs.
Below are the essential duties and responsibilities of the case manager:
1. Work directly and/or indirectly with law enforcement officers to assess and assist
community members with actual or reported mental health, substance abuse, houseless,
and/or other related quality of life issues. Assess the social and medical service needs of
these community members and work to obtain, coordinate, and deliver pertinent
resources where necessary.
2. Provide information, consultation,and/or referral for law enforcement officers and staff.
3. Promote and utilize best practices in intervention,treatment methods, and support
systems to effectively advocate for the needs of community members at the client
and/or system-wide level. Liaise between those persons and the various support
services and providers.
4. Monitors client progress and ensures case plans are carriedout.
5. Visits clients in homes, hospitals, and residential care facilities; notes change in
mental/physical condition and deficiency in care being provided; reports and may
investigate abuse and neglect complaints.
6. Writes case plan summaries; documents services provided to client; researches and
compiles case statistics.
7. Develops, submits and modifies necessary documentation to implement payments and
program benefits.
8. Prepares documentation for hearings.
9. May be asked to provide information to local, county, and state legal or court entities and
may be required to testify at court or other legal proceedings.
10. Demonstrated patience, compassion, and crisis management in working with and in
support of internally and externally diverse community members reported to be or
suffering from mental health, substance abuse, houseless, or other quality of life related
11. When necessary and/or requested, conduct follow up with identifiedcommunity
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 116
members or support service providers and be able to consult with other specialists on unique or
difficult cases.
Behavioral Health services encompass a broad spectrum of individuals, ranging from children to seniors,
including those in government-supported or low-income housing, low-income seniors, single individuals, and
families. It is acknowledged that a variety of challenges can precipitate crises and mental health episodes that
could potentially lead to homelessness. An application process will be instituted to facilitate access to
emergency funds, with the case manager guiding individuals through the requisite procedures.The application
process will define explicit eligibility criteria, ensuring that applicants are Clackamas County residents, meet
income requisites and have exhausted other options.
Agency shall make appropriate use of flexible client emergency assistance services funding to support housing
stability and wellness goals and will be required to follow the Flexible Funding Use Guidelines, when seeking
reimbursement for the client emergency assistance funds.
Program Goals
The Behavioral Health Unit (BHU), consisting of the case manager and specialist, and Law Enforcement will
work together to provide critical support to individuals in behavioral crisis situations stemming from mental
health disorders or substance addiction.This joint effort aims to raise awareness and understanding of mental
health and substance use within the law enforcement community and beyond.
The primary objectives include:
• Delivering crisis interventions tailored to communityneeds,
• Reducing the use of force,
• Minimizing hospitalizations,and;
• Preventing repeat offenses leading to jail time.
Through intervention, program aims to decrease the frequency of crisis episodes and the reliance on
emergency 911 responses.The collaboration also focuses on enhancing the quality of police practices and
ensuring the seamless delivery of community-based services through comprehensive cross-training initiatives.
This encompasses initiatives to ensure stable housing for individuals, offering support to houseless individuals,
addressing basic needs, and facilitating access to essential services.
Data Collection & Reporting
The BHU will track outcomes in contractor's electronic health record database and a separate spreadsheet.
• Monitor the number of individuals served by the case manager and the number of
individuals receiving emergency funds.
• Track of the number of households and/or individuals served, the specific services
provided, and the items purchased, or services paid for using the emergency funds.
• Gather data to determine if case manager and/or emergency funds prevented
individuals from becoming homeless, or if they received aid or services to assist with
their basic needs and access temporary or long-term housing
• Collect information to demonstrate that the services or funds received, prevented
individuals from being hospitalized or facing charges leading to incarceration.
Reporting will include summarization of collected data points to be shared with our law enforcement
management, as well as Agency's managers.
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 117
Agency's budget to provide for the Behavioral Health Case Manager is$145,000 per year, for three years for
role salary and benefits, plus $10,000 per year, for three years for emergency assistance funds. The total not to
exceed amount is $465,000.00.
Services FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 Total
Health Case
Manager - $ 145,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 435,000.00
role salary
and benefits
Health Case
and client $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 30,000.00
Food Pantry-
Operations $ 125,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 375,000.00
and Outreach
Total Contract Value: $ 840,000.00
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 118
Exhibit B
Expenses& Payment Schedule
Hunger Fighters Oregon Scope of Work&Approved Expenses
Through the Clackamas County City-Led Homelessness Initiatives Funding Grant, City of Lake Oswego (City)will
provide reimbursement funding to Hunger Fighters Oregon (HFO)for HFO's operational expenses (see next
Hunger Fighters will be reimbursed for fixed, monthly operations costs.These are:
• Rent
• Utilities
• Food Expenses
• Staff Wages&Taxes
By using awarded funds for operational expenses, HFO will be directing energy and resources away from
fundraising and in-kind food collections and focus on outreach activities that will help create systematic change.
As a condition for receipt of reimbursement, HFO will continue, during the term of this Grant,to operate the food
pantry, provide food security programs, and connect with customers and sponsors through community outreach.
Payment Schedule
Pay Schedule:
• Contract execution payment (December 2024)—up to $52,085.00
o City of Lake Oswego will reimburse HFO for the approved expenses that were incurred from July
1, 2024 to the date of execution of this Grant—representing the operational expenses for July,
August, September, October and November.
• Monthly payments—up to$10,417.00
o Reimbursement payments will be made of the month prior, subject to HFO's submission of
documentation of eligible expenses.
To receive reimbursement, HFO shall provide necessary documentation and receipts to support the requested
Reimbursements will continue until all funding($375,000.00) has been expended or expiration of the Grant Term,
whichever occurs first.
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 119
Exhibit C
Hunger Fighters Oregon Program Metrics and Timeline
Funds awarded to Hunger Fighters Oregon (HFO)through the Clackamas County City-Led Homelessness
Initiatives Funding Grant will cover a portion of HFO's payroll, rent, and utilities, allowing more time and
energy to be spent on fundraising for the following three areas of growth over the next three years:
1. pantry outreach &services,
2. becoming a resource hub, and
3. offering resiliency services.
Below you will find a year by year breakdown of the metrics and goals for each area.
Description: HFO will continue its outreach efforts to serve vulnerable populations in Lake Oswego and
surrounding communities with an extra emphasis on reaching families with
school-aged children—specifically those in the free and reduced lunch program—and the senior
Timeline and Metrics:
• Ongoing outreach to increase guests served by 5%—10%. Currently 75
households are served per week 2024.
o Serve approximately 80 households per week via:
■ Increase in marketing and communications efforts to create seasonal and need-
based marketing plans using social media and print campaigns.
■ Utilize professional translation services to enhance accessibility for non-
English speaking guests.
• Increased service to the senior community.Currently 40 guests served every two weeks
in 2024.
o Increase our current capacity to serve members of the Greenridge Estates
Assisted Living Community and the Lake Oswego Adult CommunityCenter
(LOACC)from approximately 40 guests every two weeks to 45guests.
o Continue to assemble and distribute emergency boxes for ACC participants
• Research assistance opportunities for school-aged children facing food insecurity
o Begin exploratory conversations with key stakeholders, including parents, school board
members, and school counselors, during the remainder of the 2024-25 school year to
assess the need for additional summer food support
o Schedule exploratory meetings with Portland Backpack to determine if a franchise
program in Lake Oswego is a viable and needed food assistance program in this
community, with a goal to pilot the program in subsequent years
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 120
o Use time/resources freed up via funds to create and market an enhanced summer
campaign to increase awareness of food insecurity among youth and raise between
$15,000 and $20,000. Raised funds would go toward stocking additional food and
snack options in the pantry and other resources to assist families with school aged
children over the summer
o During the summer of 2025,draft and propose a food assistance program plan that will
provide students with additional food assistance and resources during the 2025-26
school year
• Ongoing outreach to increase guests served by 15%. Based upon 2024 baseline.
o Serve approximately 85 households per week
• Ongoing service to the elder community.
o Expand senior-specific shop days for guests 55+to serve more seniors and senior
living/social communities,
• Implement food assistance program for Lake Oswego students facing food insecurity
o Upon completion of exploratory work, create a proposal for a Portland Backpack
franchise program with Lake Oswego Schools to begin during the 2026-27 school year
o Use time/resources freed up via funds to create and market 3rd annual summer
campaign to increase awareness of food insecurity among youth and raise between
$20,000 and $25,000 to use toward increased food and snack options, and other
resources over the summer to assist families.
• Ongoing outreach to increase guests served by 20%
o Serve approximately 90 households per week
• Ongoing service to the elder community.
o Create multiple senior-specific shop days for guests 55+
o Offer emergency food boxes twice per year to up to 50 senior guests and community
members, not just those affiliated with LOACC or Greenridge. Currently serving an
average of 40 LOACC and Greenridge guests each month.
• Implement assistance program for Lake Oswego students facing food insecurity
o If approved, begin Portland Backpack franchise program with Lake Oswego
o Kick off 4th annual summer campaign to increase awareness of food insecurity among
youth and raise between$20,000 and$25,000 to use toward increased food and snack
options over the summer to assist families
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 121
HFO Resource Hub
Description: HFO will act as a community resource hub, sharing a more robust and accessible array of
resources for pantry guests including but not limited to information on local human service
organizations (food, housing, employment, etc), skill-building classes, and other resources that help
address the root causes of food insecurity.
Timeline and Metrics:
• Update current HFO resource board and TV monitor to highlight local opportunities ona
regular(monthly) basis, making sure information is relevant and accessible
• Build and post a comprehensive list of community service organizations that may be of use to
• Post notices and announcements of upcoming community events, such as resource fairs and
learning opportunities
• Through the use of guest surveys and face-to-face outreach, build a list of desired
courses that may be taught on-site (when possible) in 2026. Begin research and planning
to begin offering courses in 2026
• Based on guest feedback, offer regular nutrition classes with a target of 10 participants per
• Based on guest feedback, offer skill building classes which may include SNAP/WIC
enrollment and eligibility, language courses, employment education (resume writing,
interview preparation, etc)
o Courses will be free or low-cost
• Offer between 4 and 12 classes per year
• Continuation of courses offered above with enhancements such as, information sharing via
email/newsletter, additional courses, room for more participants, and the ability to offer free
courses to participants
Hunger Fighters Oregon Funding Grant Allocation Page 122
HFO Resiliency Hub
Description: HFO will act as a community resiliency hub for pantry guests to help with
emergency preparedness by providing resources and offering emergency supplies
Timeline and Metrics:
• Compile list a comprehensive list of resources that guests can use to find
emergency supplies and services in the community, with an emphasis on services
that can be obtained for free or low cost
• Post/share emergency preparedness information including recommendations,
timelines, etc
• Post/share governmental emergency alerts and information
• Work with senior living communities to determine need and frequency for
emergency preparedness kits. Continue to provide 100 emergency food kits for
LOACC members. We will offer to provide 25 kits for Greenridge Estates residents
• Continuation of above goals and increase availability of at least one emergency food
kit for all pantry guests,annually
• Continuation of above goals with an increase in emergency kits made available
for pantry guests that include other non-food supplies, such as batteries, can
openers,flashlights, etc.—one kit per household
Health, Housing
&Human Services Rod Dirney cook
Date: April 5, 2024
To: Madison Thesing, Assistant City Manager
From: Adam Brown, Deputy Director
Re: City-led Initiatives Intent to Award —City of Lake Oswego
Dear Madison,
I am writing with an update on the proposals you submitted as part of the county's notice of
funding opportunity for city-led initiatives. During a Policy Session this past Wednesday, the
Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved staff funding recommendations.
The county received more than $30 million in requests from 11 cities in dozens of distinct
proposals. The Board approved $7.2 million in requests, including $5.0 million funded by
Supportive Housing Services resources, and at least one proposal from every submitting city.
You can read more about all of the proposals and funding decisions here. We are excited about
the opportunity to partner with so many of our cities on projects that will help achieve our goal
of making homelessness rare, brief, and non-reoccurring in Clackamas County.
Here are the results of what was approved for Lake Oswego:
Description FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 Total
Behavioral Health Case Manager 155,000 155,000 155,000 - - 465,000
Hunger Fighters 125,000 125,000 125,000 - - 375,000
Database for Behavioral Health Specialists 5,000 — 75,000 ,000 '-7;7003 --1-7-57003 -
Lake Oswego Total 280,000 280,000 280,000 - - 840,000
While your request for the database was not funded, we intend to work with you to try to find
an alternative solution —we agree that this information access/sharing is really important.
Staff are now working on the funding agreements. Our goal is to have those agreements in
place around the start of the new fiscal year on July 1st. Your funding will run for three years,
through fiscal year 2026-27.
Thanks so much for taking the time to submit these proposals. We look forward to working with
you on this project.
Adam Brown, Deputy Director
Clackamas County Health, Housing & Human Services