Agenda Item - 2024-12-03 - Number 07.1 - Ordinance 2954, Non CDC Code Amendments 7.1
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Subject: Ordinance 2954, Annual Updates for Non-CDC Code Provisions
Meeting Date: December 3, 2024 Staff Member: Evan Boone, Deputy City Attorney,
and representatives of Community Development,
Report Date: November 6, 2024 Engineering, and Police Departments
Department: Community Development, Engineering,
and Police
Action Required ' Advisory Board/Commission Recommendation
❑ Motion ❑ Approval
❑ Public Hearing ❑ Denial
❑X Ordinance ❑ None Forwarded
❑ Resolution ❑X Not Applicable
❑ Information Only Comments:
❑ Council Direction
❑ Consent Agenda
Staff Recommendation: Enact Ordinance 2954
Recommended Language for Motion: Move to enact Ordinance 2954.
Project/ Issue Relates To:
Issue before Council (Highlight Policy Question):
❑Council Goals/Priorities ❑Adopted Master Plan(s) ❑X Not Applicable
These annual code amendments update current code for other than Chapter 50 Community
Development Code.
Respect cv el'erce. Trust. Se-iv
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This is an annual update of the Lake Oswego Code chapters other than LOC Ch. 50 Community
Development Code (CDC)1to clarify and revise various code sections. These amendments are
proposed by various departments in on-going effort to update the code and make regulations more
usable for residents and City staff.
The proposed revisions and *new provisions affect the following provisions of the Code:
Code authority is added in the following sections to either expressly declare violations to be
enforced as a civil violation (citation into municipal court) and/or to impose an
*enforcement fee, similar to tree removal enforcement fee authority.
LOC 20.02.110 Business License Violation
LOC 31.02.135 Animals and Fowl
LOC 34.08.425 Nuisances
LOC 45.25.005 Building Code
LOC 47.03.025 Sign Code
Business License
LOC 20.02.095 *Appeal of conditions imposed or of revocation would be changed from city
council to a hearings officer, e.g., the attorneys under contract as expedited or middle
housing land divisions referees.
Parking Fines
LOC 32.06.090 Raises listed and unlisted parking fines from $20/$15 to $60/$40.
LOC 34.10.520 *Removes obligation to keep blackberry vines and the like, e.g., ivy, 10 feet
back from a property line.
LOC 42.03.130 Moves driveway approach landing requirement from LOC 50.06.003
(Driveway Standard) to LOC 42.03 (Street Design Standards); *removes single-family
dwelling and middle housing dwelling exemption.
Sign Code
LOC 47.03.015 Removes reference to masculine gender.
1 Updates to the CDC are brought to the Council separately by the Planning Department through the
land use legislative public hearing process.
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service
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Tree Code
LOC 55.02.020 Definition of"applicant" added
LOC 55.02.042 (1) Change from "a person" to "an applicant"; (2) *allows ash tree removals
akin to a "dead tree" for removal due to risk of infestation of emerald ash borer (Subsection
LOC 55.02.072 Uses "an applicant" rather than "owner of a large forested tract or the
owner's authorized agent."
LOC 55.02.084 (1) *Ash tree removal due to emerald ash borer must be mitigated akin to
an invasive species; (2) Mitigation replanting off-site amendment clarifies that the off-site
planting option is subject to the owner's approval, including when the applicant owns other
LOC 55.02.094 *Adds condition of approval to permit delay of removal of ash tree during
period when ash borer is active, and allows condition on method of disposal of ash tree to
prevent spreading ash borer during dispose of removed tree.
LOC 55.02.130 Clarifies (1) obligation for compliance with condition of approval extends to
subsequent owner; and (2) successor owner liable for enforcement fee due to tree removal
without permit and for restoration.
Appendix 55.01-2 *Oregon ash removed from list of species accepted for mitigation.
Attachment 1 contains the proposed code text and staff commentary explaining the reason for the
proposed code amendment.
Below is a list of the respective staff contacts for Councilor inquiries:
• Evan Boone, City Attorney's Office, (503) 635-0225,
• Jessica Numanoglu, Community Development Department, (503) 635-0283,
o General (Civil Violation / Enforcement Fee)
o Business License
o Nuisance
o Sign Code
o Tree Code
• Erica Rooney, Engineering and Public Works, (503) 635-0264, erooney@lakeoswego.ciy
o Streets/Sidewalks
• Clayton Simon, Police Department, (503) 636-0246,
o Parking Fines
(The City Attorney's Office's role has been to compile the Code maintenance revisions from other
affected departments and to assist in preparing the commentary; the department representatives
can respond to any detailed questions.)
Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service
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The Council may adopt all, part, or none of the proposed revisions.
Enact Ordinance 2954 clarifying, revising and updating the Lake Oswego Code.
1. Code Amendments with Commentary
2. Ordinance 2954, with Exhibit A Code amendments (no commentary)
Respect. Fv. „i'en e Trust. -!
2024 Annual Non-CDC Code Amendments
Table of Contents
Chapter 20 Licenses; Article 20.02 General 2
20.02.095 Appeal (Business License). 2
20.02.110 Violation. 2
Chapter 31 Animals and Fowl; Art. 31.02 In General 3
§ 31.02.135 Violation. 3
Chapter 32 Lake Oswego Uniform Traffic Code;Art. 32.06 Parking Regulations 3
32.06.090 Fines for Parking Violations 3
Chapter 34 Crimes and Civil Violations; 4
Article 34.08 Nuisances 4
34.08.425 Remedies Not Exclusive; Violation 4
Article 34.10 Types of Nuisances 4
34.10.520 Periodic Brush Cutting Required; Exceptions 5
Chapter 42 Streets, Sidewalks, Public Rights-of-Way and Public Easements; Article 42.03 Street Design
Standards 6
42.03.130 Access Spacing and Sight Distance for Roadway Intersections, Driveway Approaches, and
Accesses. 6
Chapter 45 Building Code;Article 45.25 Building Code Violations 8
45.25.005 Violation. 8
LOC Chapter 47 Sign Code/Article 47.03 In General 10
47.03.015 Definitions 10
47.03.025 Violation. 10
LOC Chapter 55 Tree Code/Article 55.02 Tree Removal 11
55.02.020 Definitions. 11
55.02.042 Permit Classifications and Review Procedures 12
55.02.072 Forest Management Permit 13
55.02.084 Mitigation Required. 13
55.02.094 Conditions of Approval for Tree Cutting Permits. 15
55.02.130 Violation 16
Appendix 55.02-1 Native Mitigation Tree List 18
75-100 FT(23-30 M) HIGH 18
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Chapter 20 Licenses; Article 20.02 General
20.02.095 Appeal (Business License).
An applicant whose application for a license has been conditioned or denied, or a licensee
whose request for license renewal has been conditioned or denied, or whose license has been
suspended, or is to be revoked may within 10 calendar days after the notice of denial,
suspension, revocation or approval with conditions is mailed or delivered, whichever is earlier,
appeal in writing to a hearings officer appointed by the City Council. The appeal shall be filed
with the City Recorder and shall state and include:
a. The name and address of the appellant and business owner;
b. The nature of the determination from which an appeal is taken and a copy of the
c. The reason or reasons why the determination is alleged to be incorrect;
d. What the correct determination should be; and
e. Any established fee for appeal.
The decision or the nearings orricer shall be the final decision of the City.
Staff Comment: Business licenses more and more regulate uses that are not subject to
a building permit, i.e. Short-Term Rental, other Home Occupations, etc. The current
process per LOC 20.02.085 / 20.02.090 for suspension or revocation of a business
license is that the City Manager initiates the revocation process, with an opportunity for
the licensee to explain to the City Manager why the business license should not be
revoked. Per LOC 20.02.095, an appeal of the City Manager's decision to suspend or
revoke is to the City Council; also, an applicant that wishes to challenge a condition of
approval of issuance may appeal the City Manager's condition to the Council. Staff
forecasts the potential for more frequent appeals of a business license conditions. A
hearings officer would make the decision, similar to appeals of expedited land divisions.
The Council has previously appointed two expedited and middle housing land division
(ELD) referees that hear appeals of those land division staff decisions per ORS 197.360
et seq., rather than the DRC or Council. An accompanying resolution to this ordinance
would also appoint ELD referees to hear appeals under this code section.
20.02.110 Violation.
(1) Civil Violation. A violation of LOC 20.02.025 or LOC 20.02.100. in addition to any other
remedy, is a civil infraction and shall be enforced pursuant to LOC §§ 34.04.100 to 34.04.145.
(2). Enforcement Fee. A person who violates a provision of this Article shall pay an
enforcement fee to the City in an amount as established by resolution of the City Council.
Staff Comment: A violation of any ordinance is declared to be a civil violation by LOC
13.02.020, and subject to a maximum fine of$1000. This amendment (1) adds an
express civil violation provision so that persons know that if they are doing business
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without a business license, fail to post the license, or operate in violation of a condition
of the business license, the penalty is a civil violation. (2) Includes in code the
imposition of an enforcement fee, in addition to the fine, similar to the Tree Code
enforcement fee per LOC 55.02.130(3). An enforcement fee was included in the 2022
Master Fee Schedule resolution.
Chapter 31 Animals and Fowl; Art. 31.02 In General
§ 31.02.135 Prosecution of Violations.
1. Civil Violation. Offenses committed in violation of provisions of this chapter constitute
civil violations. Except where otherwise provided, anyone convicted of a violation of any
provision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).
2. Enforcement Fee. A person who violates a provision of this Article shall pay an
enforcement fee to the City in an amount as established by resolution of the City Council.
Staff Comment: (1) Retitles this section to just "Violation", consistent with titles of
similar sections in other chapters. (2) Includes in code the imposition of an enforcement
fee, in addition to the fine, similar to the Tree Code enforcement fee per LOC
55.02.130(3). This is a new enforcement fee.
Chapter 32 Lake Oswego Uniform Traffic Code; Art. 32.06 Parking Regulations
32.06.090 Fines for Parking Violations.
1. Parking with the front of the vehicle facing the opposite direction from that of the traffic flow
in violation of LOC § 32.06.075, parking in violation of LOC § 32.06.080 (1), or violating any
provision of this article by parking at a location where parking is prohibited at any time, shall be
punishable by a fine of$2960.00.
2. Violation of any provision of this article not listed in subsection (1) of this section shall be
punishable by a fine of$ 40.00.
Staff Comment: This code section was enacted in 2004 (Ord. 2382). The current value of$1 in
2004 is approximately $1.67 in 2024. ( The amount above
inflation would be an increased disincentive to illegally park. The resulting fine schedule for
different types of parking violations would be:
Parking Violations LOC Fine
Yellow/Red Curb 32.06.073 $40
Posted Fire Lane under LOC 15.06.610 32.06.073 $60
Loading Zone 32.06.074 $40
Over 12" From Curb 32.06.075 $60
No Parking Posted 32.06.075 $60
Within 10 feet of fire hydrant 32.06.075 $60
Parking Against Flow of Traffic 32.06.075 $60
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Blocking Thoroughfare 32.06.075 $60
Angle Parking Not Designated/Parallel
Parking Only 32.06.075 $60
Reserved - No Permit 32.06.075A $40
Parking During EV Charging Only 32.06.075A $40
Parking Near a United States Postal Receptacle 32.06.075E $60
Storing Vehicle On Highway 32.06.076 $40
Left Motor Running/Keys in Ignition 32.06.079 $40
Blocking Driveway, Bike Lane,
Pathway or Sidewalk 32.06.080 $60
Over Time Limit 32.10.410 $40
Chapter 34 Crimes and Civil Violations;
Article 34.08 Nuisances
34.08.425 Remedies Not Exclusive; Violation.
The nuisance abatement procedure provided in LOC §§ 34.08.405 through 34.08.421 is not an
exclusive remedy; any other remedy provided by this chapter or State law is available unless otherwise
The City Manager or the appropriate official may in addition to nuisance abatement or any other
proceedings initiate civil violation proceedings against the owner of property on which the condition
exists or against any other person determined to be responsible for such condition. Any penalty or fine
imposed for the civil violation shall be in addition to reimbursement for any abatement costs as
determined under LOC§ 34.08.421.
2. Enforcement Fee. A person who violates a provision of this Article or Article 34.10 shall
pay an enforcement fee to the City in an amount as established by resolution of the City
Staff Comment: (1) Adds "Violation" to the title of this section, consistent with titles of
similar sections in other chapters that expressly declare a violation is a civil violation. (2)
Includes in code the imposition of an enforcement fee, in addition to the fine, similar to
the Tree Code enforcement fee per LOC 55.02.130(3). An enforcement fee was included
in the 2022 Master Fee Schedule resolution. Includes reference to LOC Art. 34.10 Types
of Nuisance. Art. 34.10 lists specific types of nuisances that are enforced through LOC
34.08.400 Public Nuisance Defined, but the reference to LOC Art. 34.10 is added to
avoid a challenge that nuisances listed under LOC Art. 34.10 are not subject to the
enforcement fee, even though enforced through LOC 34.08.400.
Article 34.10 Types of Nuisances
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34.10.520 Periodic Brush Cutting Required; Exceptions
1. Property owners, lessees, occupants, or persons in possession or control of property shall:
a-flremove from their property:
+a. Thistles and noxious weeds,
++b. Vegetation of an inflammable condition or nature,
+i+c. Dead trees that are a hazard to use of public property or public right-of-way, and
+wd. All grass or weeds more than 10 inches in height.
b. Trim away from any property line to a distance of 10 feet all blackberry vines or plant
material which characteristically spreads under or around barriers intended to prevent
2. A violation of this section is a civil violation and a public nuisance.
Staff Comment: Per discussion with Council on June 24, this amendment is presented
because it is impractical to enforce due to the ability of spreading vegetation, such as
English ivy and blackberries, to rapidly regrow after being cut back. Enforcement of this
code has long been given a low priority due to the widespread nature of the problem
and that it would take significant staff resources to enforce, which limits resources to
enforce other code violations.
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Chapter 42 Streets, Sidewalks, Public Rights-of-Way and Public Easements;
Article 42.03 Street Design Standards
42.03.130 Access Spacing and Sight Distance for Roadway Intersections, Driveway
Approaches, and Accesses.
1. Purpose. The City Council finds that to protect the health, safety, property, and welfare of
the traveling public and to provide the neat, clean, orderly and attractive appearance of the
community, it is necessary to regulate the design, construction, location, and maintenance of all
roadway intersections, driveway approaches, and accesses that impact the public rights-of-way
open to public travel by all modes.
4 Standards.
a. All new or modified roadway intersections, driveway approaches, and accesses
shall follow access spacing as shown in Table 42.03.130-1, Access Spacing. ***
b. Sight distance requirements shall apply at all roadway intersections, driveway
approaches, and accesses with the following:
i. Intersection sight distance (ISD) per AASHTO shall be provided at all
intersections. If ISD cannot feasibly be achieved, lesser sight distance may
be acceptable upon review and approval of the City Engineer, as long as
Subsection (4)(a)(ii) of this section is achieved.
ii. Stopping sight distance (SSD), based on the design speed or 85th
percentile speed of the roadway, shall be provided along all public
iii. New construction of an intersection (roadway(s), driveway approaches,
and accesses) or a modification to an existing intersection must comply
street opening permit requirements.
iv. A written report submitted by a licensed engineer for sight distance
certification shall accompany the application.
v. Driveways that serve one residence along alleys shall maintain at least 80
feet of visibility when viewing down the alley from 10 feet behind the
nearest edge of the traveled way at a height of 42 inches above the
surface. This area shall remain clear of any items prohibited by
Subsection 4(c) below.
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c. Prohibited items in clear sight triangle. Within the clear sight triangle, it shall be
unlawful to install, set out or maintain, or to allow the installation, setting out or
maintenance of, any sign, fence, hedge, shrubbery, natural growth or other
obstruction to the view, higher than 30 inches above the level of the centerline
of the adjacent pavement.
d. Exceptions. The requirements of Subsection (4) of this section do not apply to:
e. There shall be a landing area where a driveway meets the public street.The
landing area shall be a minimum of 25 ft. long and shall have a maximum grade
of five percent. The length and grade of the landing area described in this
subsection presupposes that the abutting street has been fully improved to its
ultimate anticipated width. If a driveway is proposed on a street that is not fully
improved, and a development proposal is anticipated to proceed prior to the
improvement of the street, the City Engineer shall determine the location and
grade of the future street improvement and the applicant shall design the
driveway and site grading so that this standard will not be compromised when
the street is improved in the future.
Staff Comment: This "landing" requirement for driveway approaches is
currently in LOC It is proposed to be moved out of the
Access standard to the street/driveway design standard because it is better
addressed at the street design code requirements. Its placement in LOC 42.03
would make it applicable to all driveway approach designs, whereas now it is
applicable only to minor and major land use developments per LOC and .15.ii(1)((d).
The current provision in LOC exempts its applicability to
single-family and middle housing dwellings. However, the necessity for a landing
to provide safe ingress and egress to a public street is not dependent on the use
of the site or the purpose of the driver. Engineering staff contacted nearby
jurisdictions to ascertain if other cities exempted certain types of uses from a
landing standard (or similar) —they do not:
• Oregon City (Street Design Standard: ) —Section 3.3 covers Vertical
Alignment. Subsection C.1. requires a landing that is at least 20 feet in length
for private driveways. No difference is made between commercial or
• Portland ( 'rivate Rights-of-Way)—Section III covers Design and Construction
Requirements. Subsection E.2.g.(3) Section 201.2.23.o. has the requirement
of grading on driveway approaches hall not exceed 5% within the PUE, which
is 6 feet on local streets. No difference was made between commercial and
residential driveways.
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• West Linn (CDC Section 48.030 &48.040) had a grade requirement not to
exceed 10 percent on average, maximum 15 percent, but no specific "landing
area" defined. The grade requirement is applied to residential, multifamily,
and non-residential uses.
• Wilsonville (Public Works Standards) had landings defined under 201.2.12.d.
as 20 feet from the edge of the intersecting street and required they have 5%
grade or less, but the requirements were specific to local street intersections
with higher classified streets. Section 201.2.23.o. has the requirement of
grading on driveway approaches shall not exceed 5% within the PUE, which is
6 feet on local streets. No difference is made between commercial and
residential driveways.
• Hillsboro, Beaverton, Milwaukie, or Happy Valley: Grade or slope
requirements did not seem to differ between residential and commercial
Accordingly, the code amendment not only moves the standard from the LOC
Ch. 50 Community Development Code to LOC Ch. 42 Streets and Sidewalks
section, it also revises the standards as follows:
For all uses except single family or middle housing dwellings, tThere shall
be a landing area where a driveway used by multiple drivers meets the
public street. The landing area shall be a minimum of 25 ft. long and shall
have a maximum grade of five percent. ....
Note to CAO: Remove eNote when adopted.
Chapter 45 Building Code; Article 45.25 Building Code Violations
45.25.005 PcnalticsVioiatioi_.
1. Any violation of the Lake Oswego Building Code shall be a civil violation as defined in LOC §
34.04.105, enforceable pursuant to LOC Article 34.04. Each day the violation exists shall
constitute a separate violation.
2. Any violation of the Lake Oswego Building Code is hereby declared to be a public nuisance,
which may be abated pursuant to LOC Article 34.08. A violation of this code that threatens to
cause or causes immediate serious harm to the health, safety or welfare of persons or property
may be summarily abated by the Building Official pursuant to LOC § 34.08.435.
3. Upon request of the Building Official, the City Attorney may institute an appropriate action in
any court to enjoin the maintenance of any use, occupation, building or structure that is in
violation of the Lake Oswego Building Code.
4. The rights, remedies and penalties provided in this Chapter are cumulative, are not mutually
exclusive, and are in addition to any other rights, remedies and penalties available to the City
under any other provision of law.
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5. Enforcement Fee. A person who violates a provision of this this Chapter shall pay an
enforcement fee to the City in an amount as established by resolution of the City Council.
Staff Comment: (1) Retitles to "Violation", consistent with titles of similar sections in
other chapters that expressly declare a violation is a civil violation. (2) Includes in code
the imposition of an enforcement fee, in addition to the fine, similar to the Tree Code
enforcement fee per LOC 55.02.130(3). An enforcement fee was included in the 2022
Master Fee Schedule resolution.
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LOC Chapter 47 Sign Code / Article 47.03 In General
47.03.015 Definitions
For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms and words are defined as follows: the words
"used for" include "designed for" and vice-versa; words used in the present tense include the
future, the singular tense include the plural and vice-versa; the word "shall" is always
mandatory; the word "may" is discretionary; the masculine gender includes the feminine
gender, except as otherwise provided. The definitions in LOC § apply to this
chapter to the extent that they do not conflict. The following terms shall mean: ****
Staff Comment: The Code was amended in 2021 (Ord. 2890) to remove gender
pronouns, so this is no longer needed. Note #1: In the general Code provision of LOC
10.02.020, "Gender: The masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter" is left in,
in case there are gendered pronouns that were missed in the 2021 amendment or if
amendments to the Code in the future inadvertently use gender pronouns or
references. Note#2: LOC contains a similar clause for LOC Chapter 50
definitions; as that is a land use regulation, its amendment would need to be addressed
in a future Annual CDC Code Amendment.
47.03.025 PcnaItic , Nuisance Jiolation.
1. A person commits a civil violation if they;
a. Fail to comply with or violate any provision of this chapter; or,
b. Develop or maintain a sign contrary to the terms of a sign permit.
2. A sign which fails to comply with or violates any provision of this chapter, or is
developed or maintained contrary to the terms of a sign permit is hereby declared to be
unlawful and a public nuisance and may be abated by appropriate proceedings.
3 Enforcement Fee. A person who violates a provision of this Chapter shall pay an
enforcement fee to the City in an amount as established by resolution of the City Council.
Staff Comment: (1) Retitles to "Violation", consistent with titles of similar sections in
other chapters that expressly declare a violation is a civil violation. (2) Includes in code
the imposition of an enforcement fee, in addition to the fine, similar to the Tree Code
enforcement fee per LOC 55.02.130(3). An enforcement fee was included in the 2022
Master Fee Schedule resolution.
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LOC Chapter 55 Tree Code /Article 55.02 Tree Removal
55.02.020 Definitions.
Means the owner, contract purchaser, easement holder, licensee or similar interest, or for
public street and right-of-way the road authority per ORS 810.010 or governmental entity
with jurisdiction, either directly or through a representative, applying for a tree removal
permit for a tree on the person's real property.
Staff Comment: Staff Comment: (1) A new definition of"applicant" is added and
used for consistency in description of who an applicant can be, in that the applicant
must have a relationship to the property upon which the tree is located. (2) "On the
person's real property" requires the person to show some relationship to the land
upon which the person has an interest. (3) "Real property" is used as a broader
term than "land" as it would include lesser real property interests than ownership,
e.g., easement or leasehold. (4) Adding "directly or through a representative"
makes it clear that even when the agent applies, such as by a tree removal
company, that is done as agent for the owner and thus the owner is ultimately
responsible for conformance with the permit requirements.
By comparison to LOC APPLICANT: The owner of land, a
representative designated in writing by the owner, a contract purchaser, City
representative or other person requesting some action under the terms of this
Means any woody plant having a trunk six in. or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH),
except that for purposes of restocking, "tree" means a woody perennial plant, often but
not always with one dominant trunk, with the capacity to achieve a mature height greater
than 16 ft. If a tree splits into multiple trunks above ground, but below 4.5 ft., it is
considered one tree. If the tree splits into multiple trunks below ground, each trunk shall
be considered one tree. For the purposes of this chapter, stumps, shrubs, and hedges that
otherwise meet the above description (common examples include rhododendrons,
camellia, English laurel, Portuguese laurel, photinia, arborvitae, and hazelnuts) shall not be
considered a "tree."
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Means written authorization from the City for a tree removal to proceed as described in an
application, such authorization having been given in accordance with this chapter.
Means water, sewer, gas, electric, and telecommunications services, including all
infrastructure required for an exchange.
55.02.042 Permit Classifications and Review Procedures
An person who applicant that desires to remove a tree shall first apply for and receive one of
the following tree cutting permits before tree removal occurs:
Staff Comment: A new definition of"applicant" is added to LOC 55.02.020
Definitions and used for consistency in description of who an applicant can be, in
that the applicant must have a relationship to the property upon which the tree is
3. Dead Tree Removal Permit:
a. The City shall issue a tree cutting permit for a dead tree, except as provided by subsection 3.b of
this section, if the applicant demonstrates that a tree is dead or is in progressive and irreversible
decline and warrants removal, or for ash (Fraxinus spp.), white fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus)
and cultivated olive (Olea europaea)tree species known to be infested with emerald ash borer
(Agrilus planipennis).The City may require the applicant to submit a report from an arborist
substantiating that the tree is dead or in progressive and irreversible decline or infested with
emerald ash borer.
b. In order to provide for wildlife habitat and natural processes, the City Manager may require the
retention of a dead tree. Dead trees shall not be removed if located in wetlands, RC protection
areas (LOC§, HBA protection areas, stream corridors, parks or open space areas
required to be preserved as a condition of development approval unless the tree presents a
potential hazard to persons or property or is known to be infested with emerald ash borer.
Staff Comment: Emerald Ash Borer(EAB) is an invasive beetle that kills ash and white fringe
trees. It was recently confirmed in Yamhill, Marion, and Clackamas counties and the Oregon
Department of Agriculture (ODA) has placed a quarantine in these counties to help slow its
spread.The quarantine applies in Lake Oswego and requires that tree materials of all ash
species, olive, and white fringe trees remain within the quarantined counties and all wood
waste must be processed and disposed of according to quarantine guidelines. Additionally,
removal of these trees should be avoided between April 1 and September 30.
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The proposed amendments would allow the removal of ash trees known to be infected with
EAB under a dead/dying tree permit in order to allow for expedient removal to help slow
the spread of EAB.The amendments also remove Oregon ash from the native mitigation
tree list and provides for conditions of approval to be imposed to assure the proper disposal
of ash wood and to avoid removal during the EAB active period.
55.02.072 Forest Management Permit.
2. Applicability. An owner of a large forested tract or the owner's authorized
agentapplicant may apply for removal of one or more trees from the subject tract
provided the tract is not subject to a pending application for minor or major
development, and the subject trees are not:
(a) — (e) ....
3. Minor Forest Management Permit. An owner of a large forested tract or the owner's
authorized agcntapplicar may apply for a minor forest management permit to remove
trees under the following criteria:
(a) — (d) ...
Minor forest management permits shall be issued without further review upon
application and demonstration by the applicant that the request qualifies as a minor
forest management permit pursuant to this subsection.
Staff Comment: A new definition of "applicant" is added and used for consistency
in description of who an applicant can be, in that the applicant must have a
relationship to the property upon which the tree is located.
55.02.084 Mitigation Required.
1. An applicant shall provide mitigation for any tree permitted for removal, with the
exception of the following:
a. Dead trees;
b. Hazard trees;
c. Emergency trees;
d. Trees that are removed under a Type I permit;
e. Invasive tree species, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section;
f. Tree removal under an approved minor forest management permit pursuant to
LOC § 55.02.072; restocking may be required for a major forest management
permit under LOC § 55.02.072(4);
g. When part of a resource enhancement project, the species, number, and size of
mitigation trees shall follow the resource enhancement plan approved under
Page 13—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)
LOC §§ 50.05.010(5)(c)(iii)(7) or 50.05.010(6)(c)(ii)(1)(f).
2. Mitigation for the removal of trees with known emerald ash borer infestation under a
dead tree removal permit or for invasive tree species removal is required when:
Staff Comment: See Staff Comment regarding ash borer infestation for LOC
55.02.042(3) above.
a. The removal is from a public right-of-way and replanting is recommended by the
Public Works Director;
b. The removal is from an RP or RC district, or HBA protection area, except as
approved as part of a resource enhancement project; or
c. The tree was planted as part of a previously approved mitigation plan or
3. Mitigation shall be required for any tree removal in violation of the Tree Code, excluding
trees removed without permit by topping.
4. The mitigation requirement shall be satisfied as listed below. Except where subsection
(4)(c) of this section applies, a mitigation plan shall be submitted showing the location,
size, and species of mitigation trees, or in the case of large forested tracts, restocking of
any new trees to replace the trees to be removed.
a. Replanting on Site. The applicant shall plant, for each tree removed:
i. Invasive Tree Species Removal Permit. Removal from a public right-of-
way or from an approved landscape plan, either a minimum one-and-
one-half-in. caliper deciduous tree (measured six in. above the root ball)
or a minimum six-ft.-tall evergreen tree for each tree removed. Removal
from a Resource Conservation or Resource Protection overlay district, or
Habitat Benefit Protection Area, either a minimum one-half in. caliper
deciduous tree or a minimum two-ft.-tall evergreen tree.
ii. Type II Permit. Either a minimum one-and-one-half-in. caliper deciduous
tree or a six-ft.-tall evergreen tree for each tree removed. Mitigation for
the removal of a native tree on the City's Master Plant List shall be with a
species from the Native Mitigation Tree List.
A. Exception: Removal of a tree identified as a significant tree for
development purposes shall require two minimum one-and-one-
half-in. caliper deciduous trees (measured six in. above the root
ball) or a minimum of two six-ft.-tall evergreen trees for each tree
B. Exception: If tree removal is for the landscaping purpose of
thinning to improve the health of other trees, mitigation shall be
reduced to the extent there is insufficient space to replant
elsewhere on the site and maintain tree health.
iii. Other Tree Cutting Permits. Either a minimum one-and-one-half-in.
caliper deciduous tree or a six-ft.-tall evergreen tree for each tree
removed. Mitigation for the removal of a native tree shall be with a
native species.
Page 14—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)
The tree shall be planted according to the specifications in the City Tree Planting
and Maintenance Guidelines as approved by the City Council.
b. Replanting off Site. If in the City's determination there is insufficient available
space on the subject property, the replanting required in this section shall may
occur on other property in the applicant's ownership or control within the City,
or in an open space tract that is part of the same subdivision, upon . Such
mitigation planting is subjcct to the approval of the authorized property owners.
The City may specify the species and size of the tree.
Staff Comment: In terms of whether or not off-site planting can be required on
the applicant's property, since the "authorized property owner" includes not just
non-applicant-owners of other properties, but also the applicant regarding other
properties they own, the effect is that off-site planting occurs on other applicant-
owned properties when the applicant concurs. (AP 23-02). This amendment
clarifies that the off-site planting option is subject to the owner's approval,
including when the applicant owns other properties.
c. Payment in Lieu of Planting. If in the City's determination no feasible alternative
exists to plant the required mitigation, the applicant shall pay into the tree fund
an amount as established by resolution of the City Council.
5. Trees identified as invasive on the Invasive Tree Species List are prohibited as mitigation
55.02.094 Conditions of Approval for Tree Cutting Permits.
1. The reviewing authority may impose conditions of approval on any tree cutting permit if the
condition is reasonably related to preventing, eliminating or mitigating a negative impact or
potential impact on natural features or processes or on the built environment of the
neighborhood which is as created or contributed to by the approved tree removal.
2. Conditions of approval may include, but are not limited to:
a. Cutting a tree or stump flush with the grade instead of grinding or fully removing a
b. Requiring modifications in the location, design or intensity of a development or
activities on a site or to require or prohibit certain construction methods;
c. Requiring vegetation not requiring a tree removal permit to remain in place or be
d. Requiring the removal of injurious vegetation (e.g., English Ivy)from other trees on the
e. Avoiding removal of ash (Fraxinus spp.),white fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus) and
cultivated olive (Olea europaea)tree species unless necessary during the emerald ash
borer(EAB) active period of April 1—September 30 to prevent the spread of live insects.
Page 15—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)
f. Disposing of ash,fringetree and olive wood in accordance with guidelines established by
the Oregon Department of Agriculture.
Staff Comment: See Staff Comment regarding ash borer infestation for
LOC 55.02.042(3) above.
55.02.130 PcnalticsViolation.
1. Civil Violation. A violation of any provision of this chapter, or the breach of any condition
of a permit granted under this chapter by the applicant or successor holder of an
interest in the real property that is the subject of the application and permit shall be a
civil violation as defined by LOC § 34.04.105, enforceable pursuant to LOC Article 34.04.
The unlawful removal of each individual tree shall be a separate offense hereunder.
Failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter or a condition of approval shall be a
separate offense each day the failure to comply continues. The violation shall be
punishable by a fine set forth by the municipal court and the enforcement fee and
restoration requirements as set forth in subsections (3) and (4) of this section.
Staff Comment: (1) Retitles to "Violation", consistent with titles of similar sections in
other chapters that expressly declare a violation is a civil violation. (2) In combination
with the new definition of"applicant," this makes it clear that the obligations required
by the tree removal permit, e.g., mitigation, completion of conditions of approval, are
obligations that transfer to the successor owner, contract purchaser, etc. of the land
upon which the tree was removed.
§ 55.02.084 Mitigation Required.
1. An applicant shall provide mitigation for any tree permitted for removal, with
the exception of the following:
a. Dead trees;
2. Nuisance Abatement. The removal of a tree in violation of this chapter is hereby
declared to be a public nuisance, and may be abated by appropriate proceedings
pursuant to LOC Article 34.08.
3. Enforcement Fee. A person including an applicant or successor holder of an interest in
the real property, who-that removes a tree without first obtaining a tree cutting permit
from the City pursuant to this chapter, removes a tree in violation of an approved tree
cutting permit, or violates a condition of an approved tree cutting permit shall pay an
enforcement fee to the City in an amount as established by resolution of the City
Staff Comment: In combination with the new definition of"applicant," this makes it
clear that the enforcement fee obligation is an obligation that transfers to the successor
Page 16—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)
owner, contract purchaser, etc. of the land upon which the tree was removed.
4. Restoration.
a. A person, including an applicant or successor holder of an interest in the real
property,wh►e-that removes a tree without first obtaining a required tree cutting
permit from the City pursuant to this chapter, removes a tree in violation of an
approved tree cutting permit, or violates a condition of such a permit shall pay
into the City's tree fund a standard fee per caliper inch for the total number of
caliper inches of the tree removed in violation of this chapter in an amount as
established by resolution of the City Council.
b. The City may require the person to pay into the City's tree fund an increased fee
per caliper inch for the total number of caliper inches of the tree removed in
violation of this chapter in an amount as established by resolution of the City
Council or the value of the tree as determined by an arborist in accordance with
the methods set forth in the "Guide for Plant Appraisal," an official publication of
the International Society of Arboriculture, whichever is greater, if any of the
following apply:
i. The person has committed a previous violation of a provision of this
chapter, or
ii. Tree protection measures as required by LOC Article 55.08 were not
installed or maintained, or
iii. The tree removed was any of the following:
A. Thirty-six in. (caliper) in diameter or greater,
B. A heritage tree, per LOC Article 55.06,
C. Expressly protected or required to be preserved as a condition of
approval of any permit pursuant to the Lake Oswego Community
Development Code, or this Tree Code,
D. Located within the Willamette River Greenway per LOC
§ 50.05.009,
E. Part of an RP or RC district, or HBA protection area, per LOC
§ 50.05.010,
F. Located on public right-of-way, City-owned or dedicated property,
a public or private open space area or conservation easement.
Staff Comment: In combination with the new definition of"applicant," this makes it
Page 17—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)
clear that the restoration obligations are obligations that transfer to the successor
owner, contract purchaser, etc. of the land upon which the tree was removed.
5. Injunction. Upon request of the City Manager or direction from Council, the City Attorney
may institute appropriate action in any court to enjoin the removal of trees in violation of
this chapter.
6. Loss of City Privileges.
a. A person hired to perform tree removal within the City, upon request, shall
provide evidence to the City Manager of a valid license to conduct business in
Lake Oswego. The person is subject to business license revocation pursuant to
LOC § 20.02.085 if the person violates any provision of this chapter.
b. Any arborist, builder, landscaper, contractor, or tree service that has performed
any tree removal in violation of this chapter or submitted a falsified report for
the criteria required in this chapter, shall not be considered a responsible bidder
for any City contracts for a period of two years from the date of violation or
7. Arborist Report and Required Treatment. Upon request by the City, a person who violates
any provision of this chapter shall submit a report prepared by an arborist or qualified
forest management professional, as applicable, to evaluate the damage to a tree and/or
make recommendations to remedy the violation. The City upon evaluating these
recommendations may, at the City's discretion, require that the recommended measures
be implemented.
8. Cumulative Remedies. The rights, remedies, and penalties provided in this chapter are
cumulative, are not mutually exclusive, and are in addition to any other rights, remedies
and penalties available to the City under any other provision of law.
Appendix 55.02-1 Native Mitigation Tree List
75-100 FT (23-30 M) HIGH
bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum)
*Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii)
Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia)
*tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus)
*Oregon myrtle, California bay(Umbellularia californica)
Staff Comment: See Staff Comment regarding ash borer infestation for LOC
55.02.042(3) above.
Page 18—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)
WHEREAS, through the application of the Lake Oswego Code, staff of the City Attorney's Office, and of the
Community Development, Engineering and Police Departments have found that some sections of the Lake
Oswego Code could be improved by removing ambiguous and conflicting language, correcting provisions,
and adding to or repealing certain articles of the Lake Oswego Code;
The City of Lake Oswego ordains as follows:
Section 1. The Lake Oswego Code is hereby amended by adding the section and text shown in double-
underlined type and deleting the text shown in type as set forth on Exhibit 1. (Section or subsections
within the Lake Oswego Code that are not marked for deletion or addition are neither amended nor
deleted by this Ordinance.)
Section 2. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are severable. If any portion of this ordinance is
for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this
Enacted at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego held on the 3rd day of
December, 2024.
Joseph M. Buck, Mayor
Kari Linder, City Recorder
Ellen Osoinach, City Attorney
Ordinance 2954
Page 1
2024 Annual Non-CDC Code Amendments
Chapter 20 Licenses; Article 20.02 General
20.02.095 Appeal (Business License).
An applicant whose application for a license has been conditioned or denied, or a licensee
whose request for license renewal has been conditioned or denied, or whose license has been
suspended, or is to be revoked may within 10 calendar days after the notice of denial,
suspension, revocation or approval with conditions is mailed or delivered, whichever is earlier,
appeal in writing to a hearings officer appointed by the City Council. The appeal shall be filed
with the City Recorder and shall state and include:
a. The name and address of the appellant and business owner;
b. The nature of the determination from which an appeal is taken and a copy of the
c. The reason or reasons why the determination is alleged to be incorrect;
d. What the correct determination should be; and
e. Any established fee for appeal.
The decision of the hearings officer shall be the final decision of the City.
20.02.110 Violation.
(1) Civil Violation. A violation of LOC 20.02.025 or LOC 20.02.100, in addition to any other
remedy, is a civil infraction and shall be enforced pursuant to LOC §§ 34.04.100 to 34.04.145.
(2). Enforcement Fee. A person who violates a provision of this Article shall pay an
enforcement fee to the City in an amount as established by resolution of the City Council.
Chapter 31 Animals and Fowl; Art. 31.02 In General
§ 31.02.135 Pro ccu Lion of Violations.
Civil Violation. Offenses committed in violation of provisions of this chapter constitute
civil violations. Except where otherwise provided, anyone convicted of a violation of any
provision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).
Enforcement Fee. A person who violates a provision of this Article shall pay an
enforcement fee to the City in an amount as established by resnlution of the City Council.
Chapter 32 Lake Oswego Uniform Traffic Code; Art. 32.06 Parking Regulations
32.06.090 Fines for Parking Violations.
1. Parking with the front of the vehicle facing the opposite direction from that of the traffic flow
in violation of LOC § 32.06.075, parking in violation of LOC § 32.06.080 (1), or violating any
Page 1—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)
provision of this article by parking at a location where parking is prohibited at any time, shall be
punishable by a fine of$20 .00.
2. Violation of any provision of this article not listed in subsection (1) of this section shall be
punishable by a fine of$15 .00.
Chapter 34 Crimes and Civil Violations;
Article 34.08 Nuisances
34.08.425 Remedies Not Exclusive; Violation.
The nuisance abatement procedure provided in LOC §§ 34.08.405 through 34.08.421 is not an
exclusive remedy; any other remedy provided by this chapter or State law is available unless otherwise
The City Manager or the appropriate official may in addition to nuisance abatement or any other
proceedings initiate civil violation proceedings against the owner of property on which the condition
exists or against any other person determined to be responsible for such condition. Any penalty or fine
imposed for the civil violation shall be in addition to reimbursement for any abatement costs as
determined under LOC§ 34.08.421.
2. Enforcement Fee. A person who violates a provision of this Article or Article 34.10 shall
pay an enforcement fee to the City in an amount as established by resolution of the City
Article 34.10 Types of Nuisances
34.10.520 Periodic Brush Cutting Required; Exceptions
1. Property owners, lessees, occupants, or persons in possession or control of property shall:
a—A,emove from their property:
la. Thistles and noxious weeds,
4b. Vegetation of an inflammable condition or nature,
+iic. Dead trees that are a hazard to use of public property or public right-of-way, and
+vd. All grass or weeds more than 10 inches in height.
b. Trim away from any property line to a distance of 10 feet all blackberry vines or plant
material which characteristically spreads under or around barriers intended to prevent
2. A violation of this section is a civil violation and a public nuisance.
Page 2—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)
Chapter 42 Streets, Sidewalks, Public Rights-of-Way and Public Easements;
Article 42.03 Street Design Standards
42.03.130 Access Spacing and Sight Distance for Roadway Intersections, Driveway
Approaches, and Accesses.
4. Standards.
e. There shall be a landing area where a driveway meets the public street. The
landing area shall be a minimum of 25 ft. long and shall have a maximum grade
of five percent. The length and grade of the landing area described in this
subsection presupposes that the abutting street has been fully improved to its
ultimate anticipated width. If a driveway is proposed on a street that is not fully
improved, and a development proposal is anticipated to proceed prior to the
improvement of the street, the City Engineer shall determine the location and
grade of the future street improvement and the applicant shall design the
driveway and site grading so that this standard will not be compromised when
the street is improved in the future.
Chapter 45 Building Code; Article 45.25 Building Code Violations
45.25.005 PenaltiesViolation.
5. Enforcement Fee. A person who violates a provision of this this Chapter shall pay an
enforcement fee to the City in an amount as established by resolution of the City Council.
LOC Chapter 47 Sign Code / Article 47.03 In General
47.03.015 Definitions
For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms and words are defined as follows: the words
"used for" include "designed for" and vice-versa; words used in the present tense include the
future, the singular tense include the plural and vice-versa; the word "shall" is always
mandatory; the word "may" is discretionary; the masculine gender includes the feminine
gender, except as otherwise provided. The definitions in LOC § apply to this
chapter to the extent that they do not conflict. The following terms shall mean: ****
Page 3—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)
47.03.025 PcnaIti^`', Nui anc^Violation.
1. A person commits a civil violation if they;
a. Fail to comply with or violate any provision of this chapter; or,
b. Develop or maintain a sign contrary to the terms of a sign permit.
2. A sign which fails to comply with or violates any provision of this chapter, or is
developed or maintained contrary to the terms of a sign permit is hereby declared to be
unlawful and a public nuisance and may be abated by appropriate proceedings.
3. Enforcement Fee. A person who violates a provision of this Chapter shall pay an
enforcement fee to the City in an amount as established by resolution of the City Council.
LOC Chapter 55 Tree Code /Article 55.02 Tree Removal
55.02.020 Definitions.
Means the owner, contract purchaser, easement holder, licensee or similar interest, or for
public street and right-of-way the road authority per ORS 810.010 or governmental entity
with jurisdiction, either directly or through a representative, applying for a tree removal
permit for a tree on the person's real property.
55.02.042 Permit Classifications and Review Procedures
A person who applicant that desires to remove a tree shall first apply for and receive one of
the following tree cutting permits before tree removal occurs:
3. Dead Tree Removal Permit:
a. The City shall issue a tree cutting permit for a dead tree, except as provided by subsection 3.b of
this section, if the applicant demonstrates that a tree is dead or is in progressive and irreversible
decline and warrants removal, or for ash (Fraxinus spp.), white fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus)
and cultivated olive (Olea europaea)tree species known to be infested with emerald ash borer
(Agrilus planipennis).The City may require the applicant to submit a report from an arborist
substantiating that the tree is dead or in progressive and irreversible decline or infested with
emerald ash borer.
b. In order to provide for wildlife habitat and natural processes, the City Manager may require the
retention of a dead tree. Dead trees shall not be removed if located in wetlands, RC protection
areas (LOC§, HBA protection areas, stream corridors, parks or open space areas
required to be preserved as a condition of development approval unless the tree presents a
potential hazard to persons or property or is known to be infested with emerald ash borer.
Page 4—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)
55.02.072 Forest Management Permit.
1. ***
2. Applicability. An owncr of a large forested tract or the owner's authorized
agentapplicant may apply for removal of one or more trees from the subject tract
provided the tract is not subject to a pending application for minor or major
development, and the subject trees are not:
3. Minor Forest Management Permit. An owner of a large forested tract or the owner's
authorized agentapplicant may apply for a minor forest management permit to remove
trees under the following criteria:
Minor forest management permits shall be issued without further review upon
application and demonstration by the applicant that the request qualifies as a minor
forest management permit pursuant to this subsection.
55.02.084 Mitigation Required.
1. ****
2. Mitigation for the removal of trees with known emerald ash borer infestation under a
dead tree removal permit or for invasive tree species removal is required when: ****
4. The mitigation requirement shall be satisfied as listed below. Except where subsection
(4)(c) of this section applies, a mitigation plan shall be submitted showing the location,
size, and species of mitigation trees, or in the case of large forested tracts, restocking of
any new trees to replace the trees to be removed.
a. ***
b. Replanting off Site. If in the City's determination there is insufficient available
space on the subject property, the replanting required in this section shall may
occur on other property in the applicant's ownership or control within the City,
or in an open space tract that is part of the same subdivision upon . Such
mitigation planting is subject to the approval of the authorized property owner&.
The City may specify the species and size of the tree.
c. ***
55.02.094 Conditions of Approval for Tree Cutting Permits.
2. Conditions of approval may include, but are not limited to:
Page 5—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)
e. Avoiding removal of ash (Fraxinus spp.),white fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus) and
cultivated olive (Olea europaea)tree species unless necessary during the emerald ash
borer(EAB) active period of April 1—September 30 to prevent the spread of live insects.
f. Disposing of ash,fringetree and olive wood in accordance with guidelines established by
the Oregon Department of Agriculture.
55.02.130 PenaltiesViolation.
1. Civil Violation. A violation of any provision of this chapter, or the breach of any condition
of a permit granted under this chapter by the applicant or successor holder of an
interest in the real property that is the subject of the application and permit shall be a
civil violation as defined by LOC § 34.04.105, enforceable pursuant to LOC Article 34.04.
The unlawful removal of each individual tree shall be a separate offense hereunder.
Failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter or a condition of approval shall be a
separate offense each day the failure to comply continues. The violation shall be
punishable by a fine set forth by the municipal court and the enforcement fee and
restoration requirements as set forth in subsections (3) and (4) of this section.
2. ***
3. Enforcement Fee. A person,including an applicant or successor holder of an interest in
the real property, who that removes a tree without first obtaining a tree cutting permit
from the City pursuant to this chapter, removes a tree in violation of an approved tree
cutting permit, or violates a condition of an approved tree cutting permit shall pay an
enforcement fee to the City in an amount as established by resolution of the City
4. Restoration.
a. A person, including an applicant or successor holder of an interest in the real
property, who-that removes a tree without first obtaining a required tree cutting
permit from the City pursuant to this chapter, removes a tree in violation of an
approved tree cutting permit, or violates a condition of such a permit shall pay
into the City's tree fund a standard fee per caliper inch for the total number of
caliper inches of the tree removed in violation of this chapter in an amount as
established by resolution of the City Council.
Page 6—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)
Appendix 55.02-1 Native Mitigation Tree List
75-100 FT (23-30 M) HIGH
bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum)
*Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii)
Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia)
*tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus)
*Oregon myrtle, California bay(Umbellularia californica)
Page 7—2024 Non-CDC Code Amendments (Ord. 2954)