Agenda Item - 2024-12-03 - Number 08.2 - Request to Provide Public Testimony Cards 04 �A E os LAKE OSWEGO N 8.2 119 o PUBLIC HEARING CITY COUNCIL 41. E ,� 04 os� LAKE OSWEGO R O 0 EG o CITY COUNCIL \REGD/ REQUEST TO SPEAK ON PUBLIC HEARING AN AGENDA ITEM !`;- 69 REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AN In Favor /3 / �0 Opposed Date AGENDA ITEM OR APPEAL Neutral >?? trol i ri a h c e- ,_29 V9 (71312 Subject/Agenda Item Number Date 1 g 2 ` 4 (. V ! Subject/AgendaItem Numr ag h1r1 1 � Name r� �-- _" � Cr 0 3 4 Name S:-/--. 9- ,2-.---1-- LC Address Address r43) z 7�5 vci o _ , 6 6 Telephone/Email (optional) Telephone/Email (optional) fe L,a h�U1e h �P7 Are you part of an organized presentation? Yes � No �_ L MS n • C p-;—,., If yes, list speakers in order of presentation: Are you part of an organized presentation? Yes C If yes, list speakers in order of presentation: The Mayor will call you to the microphone at the appropriate time. SUBMIT TO THE CITY RECORDER The Mayor will call you to the microphone at the appropriate time. SUBMIT TO THE CITY RECORDER 8.2 4ovF o4_ LAKE OSWEGO CITY COUNCIL REGG0 PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AN In Favor A ' Opposed AGENDA ITEM OR APPEAL Neutral Date ThAr .,1; 9 Li 0, Subject/Agenda Item umber rex\r� A '�O,�JJ 'h,►�i Name Address -OE o , ` 103CI Telephone/Email (optional) Are you part of an organized presentation? Yes x No If yes, list speakers in order of presentation: The Mayor will call you to the microphone at the appropriate time. SUBMIT TO THE CITY RECORDER