December 2024 HelloLO N
0 i i 1/11
Toy_Drive & Giving Options The Power of
,.-,,4�. ,� '� : -, ,, :., � �t� �� '�' - '. Connection
Although the holiday season brings family,
friends, good meals and festivities for many,
* for some, the holidayseason can be a time
of increased stress, loneliness and isolation.
, A ‘t,/
......, /
" About 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. report feeling
‘ .P.:
lonely and about 1 in 4 U.S. adults report not
t� having social and emotional support. Each
of us can play a role in the work to build
valuable connections in our community.
Don't underestimate the power of connection.
111 1 4 Meaningfully connecting with people around
you, even briefly, can make an incredible
Help make the season brighter for local families! with disabilities, veterans, children and families, difference.
The City has partnered with local non-profits to and homeless living in Clackamas County.
host collection sites for eight causes: • New Coats/Hats/Gloves/Socks - drop off at 2025 Co u n c i
• Toy Drive-The Lake Oswego Fire Department is the ACC, Main Fire Station, or Library by
accepting new, unwrapped toys to bring holiday December 10. Collected by the Lake Oswego Goa Is I nput
cheer to children in need. Toys will be shared Lions Club and Vision Envoy Club Branch,
with families throughout the local area and items will be distributed by Bethlehem House Lake Oswego City Council will hold its annual
distributed by the Tualatin Valley Elks Lodge. of Bread in Tigard to local families. goal setting retreat on Saturday,January
Please drop off toys by December 11 at the Main • Fleece - Organized by the City's Youth Action 25, 2025 beginning at 9 a.m. at the Adult
Fire Station or the Lake Oswego Public Library. Council; drop off new fleece yards at the ACC, Community Center. In preparation for its
• Fill a Stocking, Fill a Heart- pick up a Library, or LO Teen Lounge by December 10. annual goal setting retreat, the City Council
Fleece will be used to make blankets for the would like to hear from the community.
stocking, fill it with needed items and a special
and return it to the CityHall or Adult Clackamas Children's Center. Online donations
gift, also accepted via the link on page 4. Please take a few minutes to visit lakeoswego.
Community Center (ACC) by December 6. city/formslf/CouncilGoals and share your
Stockings will be distributed to seniors, adults Continued on page 4 input. Comments are due by 5 p.m. on
Thursday,January 2, and will be shared with
to Respond the City Council before their retreat.
Public Works is Ready
Our Public Works Department diligently follows .' Unsung Heroes
weather reports, monitors local weather stations and road0 conditions, prepares for, and is readyto respond to winter �, Since 2001, the City's "UnsungHero"
p P p ty
weather events. Award honors someone or a group who has
worked quietly behind the scenes on behalf
In the event of a winter weather storm, Public Works n ,_ . `= ti, of the community without any expectation
prioritizes plowing and sanding main arterials, major ` ''
of recognition. This award is intended to seek
collectors, and bus routes. The goal is to plow roads so that „....------ -.e out and recognize someone or a group of
both driving lanes are passable, but this does not necessarily , \ \ community members, including students, who
mean that the pavement will be fully visible. 1 have been involved in volunteering but not
To learn how our Public Works team prepares for the , 1 \- 0 generally well-known by the general public for
winter season and plowing routes visit gli, the good deeds they do. We want to celebrate
publicworks/winter-weather-events-preparation. both long-time volunteers and the volunteers
o.= , who stepped up, some for the first time, as new
To stay up-to-date during winter weather alerts and volunteers to help our community.We want to
advisories, follow the City's social media accounts or _ know who you are and say Thank You!
visit our winter weather alerts page at
publicworks/winter-weather-alerts. $ a\ � If you know someone or a group who is a
hero, long-term or short-term, please take a
How YOU Can Prepare for Inclement Weather moment to submit your story at lakeoswego.
city/publicaffairs/unsung-heroes. For additional
• Plan ahead. Inclement weather can last a few • Sign up for Public Alerts. Lake Oswego uses information or questions, contact Kim
hours or a few days. It is best to be prepared PublicAlerts to distribute important emergency Vermillion with the City Manager's Office at
with stocked food,water, and the necessary messages. The City urges everyone to sign up or 503-675-3984.
equipment ahead of time. Stay up-to-date with to get PublicAlerts notifications. By providing Deadline for submission is 4 p.m. on Friday
weather alerts and forecasts. Continued on page 2 December 6.
What's Inside
Presorted Standard • Toy Drive&Giving Options • Unsung Heroes • 2025 Dog Calendar • Lake Oswego Reads
U.S.Postage • The Power of Connection • Eco-Friendly Ways to De-Ice • Go Paperless • Music: LaRhonda Steele
PAID • 2025 Council Goals Input Sidewalks • YAC Book Swap • Author: Becky Ellis
Permit 124 • Public Works is Ready to • South Shore Fire Station • Sensory Friendly Santa Visits • Shop Local&Gift Mindfully
Lake Oswego,OR Respond Update • Milestones at LORAC • Recycle Your Lights
• How You Can Prepare for • New Business License Fee • Stafford Road Traffic Impacts • Holiday Favorite Returns
*****ECRWSS***** Inclement Weather Structure • Rassekh Park&Skatepark • Community Calendar
For information about the City and its services, go to or call 503-635-0257.
[co- Friendly Ways to South Shore Fire Station Update
De-Ice Sidevialks and City Council's new South Shore Fire Station Task Nk� w ,-,1, .,, - '414:.; -
Force has begun holding regular meetings. emu. . ,-
Driveways this Winter LAKEThis group, comprised of nineteen community ENGINE 212
members representing a wide array of stakeholders, i •► °'
Winter often brings the challenge of icy sidewalks is charged with studying the existing conditions e S ,,- a I 0 A
and driveways, and while traditional salt can _s. k_
Y of Station 212 (located at 1880 Southshore Blvd), � !'����;_� 1��� �,=
effectively melt ice, it poses risks to plants, pets, evaluating community coverage needs, and making # ,,r
c� 40�
and our local waterways. Fortunately, there are ,.
Y Y a recommendation to the City Council about how ,®. ,; ■ • ,
environmentally friendly and pet-safe alternatives for A Z. -q
to address facility deficiencies. 7 op
keeping pathways safe. Here's a look at a few effective f ik
and sustainable de-icing methods: At their first meeting,Task Force members toured - '
Station 212 and learned about significant issues F __
• Sand and gravel are popular eco-friendly with the City's oldest fire station. Those include:
alternatives that provide traction without causing South Shore Fire Station Task Force toured Station 212.
harm.While these materials won't melt ice, they • Inadequate vehicle and apparatus storage
help prevent slipping by creating friction. Apply a • Electrical system and backup power in poor apparatus when cleaning and or flushing
light layer to icy areas, and sweep it up afterward condition tanks; run-off currently goes into storm
to prevent clogging storm drains. • Roof needs to be replaced drains
• Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) is a salt-free • HVAC system needs to be upgraded and/or • Not built to "essential facility" seismic
product made from limestone and acetic acid. replaced standards
It's gentle on plants, soil, and concrete, making it • Inadequate separation between living and
one of the best environmentally friendly choices. office space Task Force members will continue their review
• Limited storagethrough the spring of 2025, when they will
Although it works slower than salt, it preventsp
ice from bonding to surfaces, making it easier to • Group bathroom lacks privacy and equitable submit a recommendation to the City Council.
shovel away. accommodations To learn more about this project, please visit
• ADA upgrades needed for public areas or contact Quin
• Shoveling early and often - removing snow before •
Longstanding rodent problem Brunner, Management Analyst, at qbrunner@
it has a chance to turn into ice is one of the No diversion system for run-off from or 503-675-2543.
simplest, most effective ways to prevent buildup. •
Reducing the need for traditional salt is a win for New Business License Fee Structure
both winter safety and the planet!
Did you know, everyone conducting business not be charged the non-compliance fee.
2025 Dog Ca lend a r Within City limits must obtain a business license
unless specifically exempted by state law? This To learn more about the business license
includes individuals conducting business out of program, review the fee changes, and submit
2025 CALENDA r their home, short-term rental property owners, your business license application or renewal, visit
CITY OF LAKE OSWEG. non-profits based in Lake Oswego, and businesses
based outside of Lake Oswego that operate within -
the city. Flat Fee
= , 4' For the first time since 2013, the City is All Nonprofits $0
,f •
41 IX' increasing the business license fee. This fee Home-based Businesses &
' increase was initiated after a regional analysis Short-term Rentals $100
• AP revealed that Lake Oswego had the lowest
�' l ► -„ business license fee in the Portland Metro region. Brick and Mortar Businesses:
• NVI The fees outlined below will go into effect on 1-25 Employees $200
January 1, 2025. 26-50 Employees $350
' If you operate a business in Lake Oswego and 51+ Employees $450
don't have a current business license, register or Non-Compliance Fee $550
ii renew your license now. For a short time, you will
In addition to featuring awesome dogs, the 2025 Dog
Calendar gives you the opportunity to meet some of How You Can Prepare Continued from page 1
the staff who provide you stellar City services. Plus, it contact information, you can opt-in to receive • Wait until conditions improve.Allow extra
includes loads of helpful information. critical emergency messaging via email, phone time to reach your destination. Severe winter
Calendars are available for pick up (while supply call, and text. For more information, go to weather can change quickly and without
lasts) at City Hall, 380 A Avenue, or the Lake warning, making travel unpredictable.
Oswego Public Library, 706 Fourth Street, during alerts-emergency-notification. • Don't abandon your vehicle in the roadway.
regular business hours. • Winterize your house and vehicle. Clear rain Abandoned cars block our crews and other
gutters. Maintain heating equipment, repair emergency responders. This creates a more
that leaky roof or pipe, and weather strip dangerous situation for everyone.
doors and windows. Buy chains or terrain ,i; '.v
Go P a pe r ess For more information -
tires, shovels and ice scrapers.
Utility Billing sends out invoices every month. Go on how you can get ti,;,
• Bring pets inside and check on your � �itt
green by signing up to receive your bill electronically prepared, safe driving ,t _�fl .ir
vulnerable nei hbors. For resources and ;1;1
!e-statement).We've made it eas for to a our g tips, and FAQs visit ��5
(e-statement). youpay Y warming shelters, visit 1 1111111111°:41
bill too. Sign up for EasyPay to pay your bill directly 4 _1!
from your checking or savings account or pay online. • Avoid travel if you can. Stay off the road if publicworks/winter- "NM
With online bill pay, you can also review your utility possible. Our Police, Fire, and Public Works weather-eventsaitiltrid
account, history and consumption. Check out your teams are out working around the clock to preparation.
options at lakeoswe /finance/utili a ment- address emergencies and clear roads during
p g tY tY-P Y During power outages,a portable,safe, indoor radiant heater
major storms. can help you warm.
options-and-statements. keep
Joe Buck Ali Afghan Trudy Corrigan Massene Mboup Aaron Rapf Rachel Verdick John Wendland Martha Bennett
Mayor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor City Councilor 503-635-0215
Parks & Recreation FaRc City Library
Saturday, December 14, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 1060 Chandler Road
Join the Youth Action Christmas Eve-Tuesday, December 24
Christmas Day-Wednesday, December 25
Council and the Lake
—_ __ New Years Eve -Tuesday, December 31
Oswego Library for a ,,
free, all-ages book swap. *44c I
Bring your gently used ,� _.� p Lake Oswego Reads
books, DVDs, CDs, or '� — The Lake Oswego Public Library has selected How to Read a Book:A
vinyl records, and swap ./ R A o,
Novel by Monica Wood for its 2025 award-winning City-wide reading
them for something new �i n ,.•;-. '' program, at the recommendation of the Lake Oswego Reads Steering
to you. It's a perfect + - Committee. How to Read a Book is an unsparingly honest and profoundly
way to refresh your A' hopeful story about letting go of guilt, seizing second chances, and
collection.All genres - '- the power of books to change our lives. Monica Wood illuminates the
are welcome—there is decisions that define a life and the kindnesses that make life worth living.
something for everyone! / `"
Free kids' activities provided by the Youth Action Council and Library Thanks to a grant from the Friends of the Lake Oswego Public Library,
Teen Advisory Board. 800 free books will be distributed to Lake Oswego Public Library card
holders on March 1. The Lake Oswego Reads Events Committee is
Too much to carry? No problem! Please take advantage of our early drop- currently developing free programs to take place in April.
off days:
• December 10, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (in Indoor Playground) First Tuesday Music: LaRhonda Steele
• December 11, 4-6 p.m. (in the Teen Lounge) Hybrid, Tuesday, December 3, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
• December 12, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (in Indoor Playground) LaRhonda Steele, known as
All drop-offs are held at Christ Church Parish, 1060 Chandler Rd. "The First Lady of Portland LAKE OSWEGO PUBLIC LIBRARY
Early drop-off donations will receive a "swap ticket" to use at the event. Blues," will captivate the FIRST TUESDAY
For more information, go to audience with her soulful voice MUSIC
and dynamic performance. Her 7��5"jp",f
Sensory Friendly Santa Visits music, which blends blues and
gospel, has earned her numerous STEELE
Saturday, December 7, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Christ Church Parish, 1060 accolades, includinginduction
Chandler Road. Pre-Registration Required DEC 3, 2024 15:30 - 6:30 PM
into the Oregon Music Hall of
Enjoy a low-sensory visit with your favorite red suit! Each family reserves Fame and the Oregon Folklife Network's Traditional Arts Apprenticeship
10 minutes without the loud noises, bright lights, and big crowds. Bring Program award.
your camera or phone for a low-flash experience.All ages and disabilities
Don't miss this opportunity to experience the magic of LaRhonda Steele's
are welcome! Siblings are welcome to attend in the same time slot.
music in an intimate setting.Admission is free, but seating is limited, so
Please register one child (siblings may attend as well) for one of the arrive early to secure your spot. A livestream will also be available at
morning or afternoon slots -we will reach out with your assigned time
the week before the event.Time slots are in 15-minute intervals to allow
10 minutes of time with Santa and a 5-minute transition time. Included For more information, please contact April Younglove at 503-534-5667
in your time slot will be a brief questionnaire designed to give Santa a or
chance to get to know your child and if we need to make any additional
accommodations. Th i rd Tuesday Author: Becky Ellis
Hybrid, Tuesday, December 17, 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Lake Theater& Cafe, 106
To register, go to and type in Sensory-Friendly Santa Visits. N. State Street
Join local author Becky Ellis on THIRD TUESDAY
Progress Update: Exciting Milestones at LORAC Tuesday, December 17 at 7 p.m. AUTHOR
If you've driven past the Recreation and Aquatics Center on Stafford at Lake Theater and Cafe as she at The Lake Theater & Cafe!
Road recently, you've likely noticed the flurry of activity. Construction is explores the profound impact of ,
moving at a brisk pace as we bring this community space to life. silence, secrets, and storytelling Becky Ellis
in our lives, sharing her own ii
In the pool areas, progress is steady,while the gymnasium saw the journey as a powerful example. 6:3058 Tuesday, .m.
Dec. 17
installation of basketball hoops last month. The front desk and offices When her father turned 89, he
now feature completed lighting and suspended ceiling panels, giving the broke 70 years of silence and revealed war secrets that had shaped Becky's
spaces a polished look. Meanwhile, cabinetry and tiling in the restrooms upbringing. This moment encouraged Becky to share her own story,
are nearly finished, adding the final touches to these essential facilities. shining a light on the generational impact of war and silence. Her story
reminds us that silence creates distance and isolation, while sharing our
We can't wait to open our doors in late winter and invite you to personal experiences fosters connection, empathy, and understanding. She
experience this vibrant hub of health, happiness, and connection. Stay encourages us to consider how we might begin to share our own experiences
tuned for more updates as we approach the finish line! For updates, visit and inspires us all to start a conversation- to say the thing we are holding back, to listen with empathy, and to find the courage to connect.
Stafford Road Traffic Impacts Becky Ellis is a Timberwolf pup. The daughter of a highly decorated
World War II combat sergeant, she is a veteran of a war fought at home.
Expect traffic impacts this month on Stafford Road between Bergis Road She is the award-winning author of the memoir Little Avalanches, which
and the Rosemont Roundabout as construction on the Lake Oswego received the 2024 Rubery Book Award for Best Nonfiction Book of
Recreation and Aquatics Center (LORAC) continues. Throughout the Year. She believes in the power of storytelling and facilitates writing
December, crews will be working on road improvements, curbs, gutters, workshops in underheard communities with Write Around Portland.
and pedestrian pathways. Thanks for your patience as we make this area She lives in Lake Oswego, where she hikes, kayaks, and has raised three
better for everyone! daughters. Her work has appeared in Psychology Today, Northwest Review,
The Ethel, Best Small Fictions, and others.You can find more about her at
Rassekh Park & Skatepark
We're thrilled to announce that the new parking lot at Rassekh Park Admission is free and no ticket is required (though food and drink
is now open! The entrance is conveniently located off Atherton Drive, purchase are encouraged to offset the cost to the Lake Theater). Doors
providing easy access to the skatepark and pathways. Looking ahead open at 6:30 p.m., the presentation begins at 7 p.m.
to 2025, construction will begin on an exciting new playground. This For more information, contact Alicia Yokoyama at 503-534-4228 or
15,000-square-foot space is thoughtfully designed to offer a variety of
play opportunities for children of all ages and abilities. Stay up to date by
These programs are made possible by the Friends of the Lake Oswego
Public Library.
For more information or to register for Parks &Recreation programs, For details on these and other Library programs, please visit
visit or call 503-675-2549. or call 503-636-7628.
Shop Local & Gift Mindfully Communiti,
Tips for Sustainable Holidays Calendar
Some people enjoy shopping for gifts during the holiday season, while others find it stressful.
Unsustainable shopping also puts stress on our planet in addition to our wallets. Fortunately, there are Event dates are subject to change.
many ways to make your holiday gift-giving more sustainable and fun. More details are available online at:
One way is by shopping local. Shopping local supports businesses in your community, and can reduce For more information, call 503-675-3992.
energy use and pollution compared with shopping online or driving to many different locations to shop.
Another strategy for more sustainable, low-stress holidays is to reconsider the types of gifts you give. 1 Sunday
Rather than buying new things, consider giving experiences, like tickets to a 2 Monday • Glass-on-Glass Mosaics Workshop,
rishow or museum, a gift card to a favorite local restaurant or coffee shop, aACC,9:30am
spa day, or a pass to access outdoor recreation sites like the Oregon State • DRC Meeting,7pm
Parks Pass. If you are a maker or doer, you can gift your skills by making 3 Tuesday ACC,
• Tuesday Music LaRhonda Steele,
someone a home cooked meal or crafted decoration, or helping them LIB,5:30pm
with a project around the house. These types of gifts can create happy • City Council Work Session, 5:30pm
memories that go beyond a physical gift. 4 Wednesday
�'r 5 Thursday • South Shore Fire Station Task Force
, / •
*) ,�f„p.�.4 Gifting sustainably is also lighter on the planet. You can find unique Meeting,6pm
s, .+ , Ea , gifts at local thrift or vintage shops. Or consider regifting!Your friend 6 Friday • Blood Drive,City Hall,9:30am-3pm
f .o4 N:;�' might also love that bookyou read this summer, and it will help
"A' "".� g 7 Saturday • Sensory Friendly Santa Visits,CCP,
I HAVE A MET : ° ..,#1" ,,fie�,. you free up space on your bookshelf for your next great read. 10am
Re:spCfaktiviir"r ' '• '°`� 8 Sunday
s / ' ' . When you do decide on the perfect gift, get creative with your
wrapping. Old calendar and magazine pages can make fun 9
Monday • Planning Commission,6:30pm
wrapping paper, gift bags, boxes and bows are durable and can be 10 Tuesday
11 Wednesday • HRAB Meeting,6 m
reused year to year, and a festive dish or hand towel can serve as wrapping P
and gift all in one. • LAB Meeting,7pm
12 Thursday • Holiday Cookie Decorating
—_ _ - — - Happy sustainable holidays! Extravaganza,ACC,5pm
• Teen Advisory Board,6pm
13 Friday • Tinseltown Trolley
R ecyc I e Your Lights 14 Saturday • Tinseltown Trolley
• YAC Book Swap,CCP, loam
Have a few strands of holiday lights that aren't working? Did you know you can recycle your lights? • Bill Naito and the Revitalization of
Small-bulb holiday lights can be recycled at the Metro South Transfer Station, 2001 Washington Street, Portland,LIB,2pm
in Oregon City. For more disposal options, see Clackamas County's Holiday Disposal and Sustainability • Teen Movie and Cookie Decorating,
Guide at • The Underground a Speakeasy Jazz
15 Sunday • Tinseltown Trolley
Giving Options Continued from page 1 16 Monday • SAB Meeting,6:30pm
• DRC Meeting,7pm
• Gift Cards - drop off$25 gift cards (to Fred • Food Donations - drop off non-perishable
17 Tuesday • City Council Meeting,3pm
Meyer,Target, etc) at the Library by December food and essential hygiene items at the Library • Third Tuesday Author-Becky Ellis,
10. Cards will be distributed by Clackamas or at Hunger Fighters Oregon (4 Monroe LIB,6:30pm
Women's Services to individuals and families Parkway) through December 31. 18 Wednesday • PNAB Meeting,MC,4pm
experiencing and healing from domestic and • Children's Clothes -The Bethlehem Children's 19 Thursday
sexual violence, child and elder abuse, stalking, Clothing Closet is seeking donations of 20 Friday • Special Event Luncheon,ACC,
dating violence, and trafficking. children's clothes. Donations can be made at 11:30am
• Period Products—Organized by the City's the Library through December 31. 21 Saturday
Library Teen Advisory Board; drop off period For more details, please visit 22 Sunday
or menstruation products for Rose Haven community/2024-toy-drive-other-giving-options. 23 Monday
PDX at the Library by December 31.
24 Tuesday • City Holiday-CITY OFFICES
Holiday Favorite Returns to Artspace 25 Wednesday • City Holiday-CITY OFFICES
The Arts Council of Lake Oswego's annual Visit the Arts Council of Lake Oswego's website 26 Thursday
Holiday Marketplace has begun at Artspace! The for more information at 27 Friday
gallery is filled with unique, meticulously crafted 28 Saturday
wares by talented regional artists and artisans, k -; -,, 29 Monday
inviting you to celebrate local creativity and
craftsmanship. It is an opportunity to find unique30 Tuesday • City Holiday-CITY OFFICES
P pP ty CLOSED, Ipm
gifts for your loved ones or yourself and support January
your local economy.All proceeds benefit the artists
in the show and Artspace, the only nonprofit 1 Wednesday • City Holiday-CITY OFFICES
visual arts gallery in Lake Oswego. CLOSED
2 Thursday
The Holiday Marketplace at Artspace will be
open until December 21.Artspace is located at > ACC Adult Community Center
380 A Avenue, Suite A, in Lake Oswego. Holiday 113 CCP Christ Church Parish
Marketplace hours are Tuesday through Friday LIB LO Public Library
The Holiday Marketplace includes a variety of artists and ° MPP Millennium Plaza Park
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. artisans, including Monika Vitek,Reclaimed Wool,and the NA Neighborhood Association
to 2 p.m. Wood Family Shop.
The City of Lake Oswego fosters a welcoming and inclusive community
CITIZEN INFORMATION SPECIALIST AND HELLOLO EDITOR/WRITER where all people have the opportunity to thrive and have equitable
Bonnie Hirshberger • 503-675-3992 • F access to City services. For Americans with Disabilities Act or Civil
Contributing writers: �� �f Rights Title VI accommodations,translation/interpretation services,or
Quin Brunner, City Manager's Office Kari Linder, City Manager's Office , . more information call 503-635-0270 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1.
Donna Harlan, Library Wendy Riley,Arts Council (r4111
Katy Kerklaan,Engineering Amanda Watson, Sustainability U I Habla usted espaflol?Le proporcionaremos una traduccion gratuita de
Robin Krakauer, Parks&Recreation este boletin.
GREGO. of a 6FAILF2?01 A1fr°I T tlC901 ��-6-FAI°1 7Fo 11LIcF
• This newsletter is printed on Processed Chlorine Free 100%
��. recycled content paper,using soy-based ink. 2 13t1 (*Alt) rl ? 17i 1RACtt lit*5 1 Ili ttP—Z1*0
For information about the City and its services, go to or call 503-635-0257.