Agenda Item - 2025-01-07 - Number 10.1 - WO 333, Lakeview Boulevard Street Improvement Contract Award 10.1 o.� V 0 0 COUNCIL REPORT � - OREGO\-' Subject: Award a Public Improvement Contract for the Construction of Work Order 333 - Lakeview Boulevard Street and Drainage Improvements Project. Meeting Date: January 7, 2025 Staff Member: Will Farley, PE Assistant City Engineer Report Date: December 27, 2024 Heike Shipton, PE Senior Associate Engineer Erica Rooney, PE Public Works Director/City Engineer Department: Engineering Action Required Advisory Board/Commission Recommendation ❑X Motion ❑ Approval ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Denial ❑ Ordinance ❑ None Forwarded ❑ Resolution ❑X Not Applicable ❑ Information Only Comments: ❑ Council Direction ❑ Consent Agenda Staff Recommendation: Award a Public Improvement Contract to Knife River Corporation for the Improvements of Lakeview Blvd in the amount of$5,277,432. Recommended Language for Motion: Move to authorize the City Manager to sign a Public Improvement Contract with Knife River Corporation for the Construction of Work Order 333 — Lakeview Boulevard Street and Drainage Improvements Project in the amount of $5,277,432. Project/ Issue Relates To: Adopted Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) project Issue before Council (Highlight Policy Question): ❑X Council Goals/Priorities ❑Adopted Master Plan(s) ❑Not Applicable Respect. ExcelPerce. Trust. cervix 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Lakeview Boulevard Street and Drainage Improvements Project (Work Order 333) is funded under the current Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The project limits are from South Shore Blvd. to Iron Mountain Blvd. The City is contracting for constructing a new stormwater management system, sidewalk, and new pavement surface on Lakeview Boulevard. Knife River Corporation was the highest ranked proposer for the work, in the amount of$5,277,432. BACKGROUND The FY 2021/22 to 2026/27 Capital Improvement Plan showed this project being funded in fiscal years 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26. On January 7th, 2022, the City Council allocated $3.8M of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to this project. The project is now shown in the current CIP (FY 2023/24 to 2028/29) for fiscal years 2023-24 and 2024-25. Lakeview Blvd is classified as a Neighborhood Collector within the City of Lake Oswego's 2014 Transportation System Plan. It carries approximately 3,000 average daily traffic (ADT), and is situated between residential homes and a railroad line that bisects the city. The majority of traffic is considered residential through traffic. The total length of this stretch of Lakeview Blvd is approximately 1.15 miles and starts where Lakeview Blvd meets South Shore Blvd and ends at the roundabout at the intersection with Iron Mountain Blvd and Upper Drive. The current surface pavement condition is good as a 2-inch inlay was placed in 2019. However, the structure beneath the surface is poor and requires reconstruction. This was an intentional approach in anticipation of traffic diversion during the major Boones Ferry Road Project work, and to provide relief from the failing pavement while waiting for the full capital project that was anticipated about 5 years later. Based on the community feedback and engineering analysis, staff developed a design concept that keeps all currently available parking spaces along Lakeview Blvd., constructs an ADA- compliant sidewalk between South Shore Blvd and the Goodin Easement, includes a crosswalk at the swim park, provides a complete stormwater management system, and reconstructs the roadway. Unfortunately, the proposed sidewalk ends at the Goodin Easement due to physical constraints including steep topography, utilities, large trees, and boulder outcroppings. The project team analyzed a number of alternatives but none proved to be a viable option. While the ideal solution of a full sidewalk through the curved section was found to be infeasible, the design team is proposing some smaller scale solutions that can improve the current conditions. These include trimming vegetation, adding signage and pavement markings. The Project Team had originally proposed to slightly widen the area at the rock outcrop near the curve at Summit Drive.-However, it is highly likely the large tree on the 2808 Lakeview Blvd Respect. Excellence. Trusr. a & 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY Page 3 property would be adversely affected. The property owner did not want her tree to be harmed or removed. Therefore, the roadway width will not be changed. DISCUSSION This project was advertised on November 27, 2024. Bids were opened on December 18th with five bid proposals submitted as listed in the table below. This procurement included the City's Good Faith Effort (GFE) Program encouraging participation from disadvantaged businesses. The City's program is closely connected to the State Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity (COBID) whose goal is to "level the playing field by providing certified firms a fair opportunity to compete for government contracts regardless of owner ethnicity, gender, disability, or firm size". Knife River Pacific Canby Kerr Bidder Corporation Excavation, Excavating, Contractors Northwest Inc. Inc. Oregon, LLC Bid Price $5,277,432.09 $5,448,000.00 $5,822,000.00 $6,134,953.00 Bid Points 90.00 87.18 81.58 77.42 GFE Points 7 8 8 8 Total Points 97.00 95.18 89.58 85.42 Rank 1 2 3 4 FISCAL IMPACT The current Capital Improvement Plan has allotted $5,500,000 from the Street Fund and $1,000,000 from the Stormwater Fund for construction in FY 2024-25. The construction cost estimates are consistent with the projected budget and staff will continue to manage the project with the intent of delivering at or under budget. RECOMMENDATION Authorize the City Manager to sign a public improvement contract with Knife River Corporation for the construction of Work Order 333 - Lakeview Boulevard Street and Drainage Improvements Project in the amount of$5,277,432. Respect. Excellence. Trust. Service. a & 503-635-0215 380 A AVENUE PO BOX 369 LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97034 WWW.LAKEOSWEGO.CITY