Agenda Packet - 2025-01-27AGENDA
Sustainability Advisory Board
27 January 2025
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Willow A Room, Lake Oswego Maintenance Center, 17601 Pilkington Rd
Staff Contact: Amanda Watson,
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Jay Hamachek, Co-Chair ∙ Whitney Street, Co-Chair ∙ Kara Orvieto Ashley ∙ Robin Palao Bastardes Buzz Chandler ∙ Lisa Helfer ∙ Mark Puhlman ∙ Luna Flores ∙ Mason Klein
December 16, 2024 meeting minutes
Public comments related to an item on the agenda will be held until after that agenda item.
The purpose of Public Comment is to allow community members to present information or raise an
issue regarding items not on the agenda or regarding agenda items that do not include a public hearing.
A time limit of three minutes per individual shall apply. Public Comment will not exceed thirty minutes
in total. If you are unable to attend the meeting and prefer to provide public comment in writing, please
email the comment to the staff contact listed above at least 24 hours before the meeting.
5. CITY COUNCIL UPDATE (10 min, Information)
6. YOUTH MEMBER UPDATES (10 min, Information)
7. 2025 WORK PLANNING (60 min, Discussion)
a. City Council Goals
b. Outreach and Engagement Activities
8. 2025 OFFICER ELECTION (10 min, Decision)
9. BOARD & STAFF UPDATES (20 min, Information)
a. South Shore Fire Station Task Force update – Buzz Chandler
b. Parks Plan 2040 update – Kara Orvieto
Next Meeting: Monday, February 24, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
City of Lake Oswego Sustainability Advisory Board Minutes
December 16, 2024
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Sustainability Advisory Board Minutes
December 16, 2024
Call to Order / Roll Call
Jay Hamachek called the December 2024 meeting of the Sustainability Advisory Board to order at 6:34
Members Present: Buzz Chandler, Jay Hamachek, Lisa Helfer, Kara Orvieto, Robin
Palao, Mark Puhlman, Whitney Street, Luna Flores, Mason Klein,
Isabela Hollingshead (Alternate)
Members Excused/Absent: None
Staff: Councilor Trudy Corrigan, Amanda Watson
Public: Edward Conrad
Approval of Minutes
Kara and Mark noted small edits needed to the meeting minutes. Buzz made a motion to approve the
October and November 2024 meeting minutes with corrections, Lisa seconded. Minutes approved
Public Comment
Regular Business
A. City Council Update
City Councilor Trudy Carrigan gave an update from the November and December City Council meetings.
In November:
• The council adopted an amendment to the stormwater management code.
• Approved a resolution on Housing Production Strategy.
• Approved the purchase for a bookmobile in the amount of $319,459.02, and awarded the
contract to Farber Specialty Vehicles.
• Approved the Local Government Grant Program Agreement for Rassekh Park Phase 2 at the
approximate cost of $2,032,110 which includes a grant of $1,000,000.
• Approved an amendment to the public improvement construction contract with Triplett
Wellman Contractors for a pathway from Lake Oswego Recreation and Aquatic Center through
the golf course connecting to Cloverleaf Road.
• Approved Resolution 24-49, an Intergovernmental Agreement between Tri-Met and the City of
Lake Oswego for providing police services to TriMet.
• Approved the appointment of an alternate to fill a vacancy on the 50+ Advisory Board.
• Amended the Comprehensive Plan Agreement and Wastewater Master Plan to include a
wastewater treatment facility.
City of Lake Oswego Sustainability Advisory Board Minutes
December 16, 2024
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• Conducted the Republic Services Annual Rate Review study session.
• Conducted the Urban and Community Forest Plan study session on implementation and Tree
Code updates.
In December:
• The Council authorized the City Manager to accept and sign the Clackamas County/City
Homelessness Initiatives Funding Grant Intergovernmental Agreement and to sign an agreement
with Hunger Fighters Oregon to reimburse them with grant funds for operational expenses.
• Approved the annual updates for Non-CDC Code Provisions.
• Approved Resolution 24-47 and LORA Resolution 24-03 Lake Oswego Public Contract Rules.
• Held a public hearing to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Chapter 50 of the Lake Oswego
Code to comply with the Department of Land Conservation and Developments’ Climate-Friendly
and Equitable Communities Program rules for parking.
• Held a study session for the 2025 Master Fees and Charges.
• A Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency (LORA) meeting was held.
Buzz asked for an update, if any, on the downtown redevelopment. Councilor Carrigan said that in July
2025 groundbreaking is planned.
Kara asked who was going to be the Council Liaison for SAB next year. Councilor Carrigan did not know
but would find out.
B. Youth Member Updates
Mason gave an update on his meeting with the Vice Principal regarding composting and sustainability
options at the school. The composting that had been done at the school has not been maintained.
There was a discussion among board members about ways to possibly approach the school with
information to consider regarding recycling, waste management, grants and funding for various
Luna shared that she finished her sustainability course and appreciated the Board’s help with resources
for the course. One resource that was very informative and helpful was how sound affects cognitive
development in schools. The Environmental Club is in the process of offering a student workshop on
sustainability with speakers on that subject. During the week of Earth Day there are plans to include the
entire school in awareness raising activities. The Board gave suggestions and resources including offers
to make connections to speakers when event organizers know more about what they will be looking for.
C. 2025 Goal Setting
Presentation on Communications and Outreach and Business Sustainability Plans
Lisa and Isabela presented on Outreach and Engagement and Business Sustainability plans they
developed for the Board’s consideration, focused on informing and engaging the community in
advancing goals in the city’s Sustainability and Climate Action Plan.
Lisa presented on the Sustainability Outreach and Engagement plan, which aims to offer a framework
for education and engaging community members of all ages in key sustainability topics, focusing on four
areas: everyday sustainability, energy efficiency and conservation, water conservation, and renewable
energy. She shared ideas for types of activities and metrics to measure success, such as increasing
engagement in sustainability initiatives across generations and among under-represented groups like
renters, seniors, and new residents. Different methods of engagement could include storytelling sharing
City of Lake Oswego Sustainability Advisory Board Minutes
December 16, 2024
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experiences from community members, visual and data-driven content to explain key concepts, and in-
person engagement like workshops or sustainability challenges.
Izzy then presented ideas for business engagement through a Sustainable Stewardship Award for
businesses that adopt sustainable practices in the areas of environmental impact, employee
engagement, community education, and alignment with City sustainability goals.
Lisa and Izzy asked for feedback from other members of the Board, noting that there were many
proposed activities and the plans could serve as an outline to help the Board consider what they would
want to accomplish this year, in future years, or over several years.
Jay stated that one of the challenges that the community faces is that these ideas are not a one-year
event but a life change that can take years. Renewable energy can take years to implement. Community
education is a big part, because people don’t like change. There are several public and private
organizations that are using volunteers and are already implementing sustainability practices. Working
alongside these organizations on their successes would help the Board and the City be more visible in
the community to reach our long-term goals while making short-term goals leading the way.
The Board discussed how the Sustainable Stewardship Award could be accomplished, noting there
would be some cost for the City to implement the program, and that there is an existing business
sustainability certification program in Clackamas County (Leaders in Sustainability) that should be
coordinated with. The Board would like more information on that program.
Discussion on Input for Boards & Commissions Summit, City Council Goal Setting
The Board identified their top three accomplishments from 2024 and top three issues they would like
City Council to focus on in 2025, for input into the upcoming Boards & Commissions Summit and City
Council annual goal setting. The Board agreed their top three accomplishments over the last year were
conducting education and outreach with the community through tabling at the Farmer’s Market and
organizing the Sustainability Resource Fair; facilitating a successful public process on the topic of Ridwell
and expanded recycling services, and making a recommendation to the City Council; and receiving
briefings and providing input on a number of sustainability-related topics, including the EV Charging
Strategy and Portland’s gas-powered landscaping equipment policy. Board members also mentioned
continuing work they had been involved with, including installation of EV charging stations and signage
for city facilities and the waste water treatment plant project.
Amanda shared what she expected to work on in 2025 and what staff would be forwarding for the City
Council’s consideration for goal setting. There would be some work to continue initiatives from the
Council’s 2024 climate action goals, including adopting a sustainable buildings policy to set standards for
the design construction and operation of city buildings that align with the Sustainability and Climate
Action Plan, and work on tree code updates in alignment with the updated Urban and Community
Forestry Plan, which would be led by the Planning Department. A new initiative staff are submitting for
the City Council’s consideration is adopting a Home Energy Score disclosure requirement for single-
family homes in Lake Oswego.
There was a roundtable discussion on several possible priorities for 2025 that the SAB would like to
submit to the City Council. The Board agreed that one priority should be improving availability of data
and metrics on energy use and emissions to drive action, through adopting a Home Energy Score
City of Lake Oswego Sustainability Advisory Board Minutes
December 16, 2024
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disclosure requirement and updating the City’s greenhouse gas emissions inventory. Another priority is
sustainable transportation, in particular improving safety and infrastructure for biking and walking (a
continued priority from last year) as well as increasing use of public transit.
Gas-Powered Landscaping Follow-Up Discussion
There was a round-table discussion on what direction the Board would like to see the City Council take
on gas-powered landscaping equipment use. Mark shared that LOSN was submitting a recommendation
to the City Council that the City develop a plan to phase out gas-powered leaf blowers in Lake Oswego in
an equitable way. The Board agreed on the need to develop a plan, and suggested actions such as
education and awareness activities to support and inform the outcomes for a policy, incentives to
support landscaping businesses to transition equipment, a survey and networking with the landscaping
business community, and a small joint task force. The Board discussed the merits of broadening the
approach to look at all gas-powered landscaping equipment, not just leaf blowers, and opportunities to
improve on the City of Portland’s approach.
The Board decided to forward the following 2025 priorities to the City Council: develop a plan to phase
out gas-powered landscaping equipment, enhance sustainable transportation transportation including
public transit and improving safety and bike/ped infrastructure, and improving availability of data and
metrics on home- and City energy efficiency.
E. Staff & Board Updates – The meeting ran long and there was not time to get to general updates.
Meeting adjourned at 8:46 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Amanda Watson
Sustainability Program Manager