Approved Minutes - 1935-01-153G Mr.Worthipgton ‘8c the booorder reported o? t&e mee$ing with the IUblia &i’lity aanunfoalaaer regqrdlng th’e reduotibn In tale- phone, r@tea eto.after oatiuiderable diqouanion it @aa moved *by Trdllinger oecond by Oars? that the Oi ty of O~.~kqga go an recqrd ant eugpgrt Mr.~amas Publio gtiltty ,$q, ,\)I his in oecuring cheaper pats eta. asirri8’d atid 80 or&tied.
%bre being ,na furtht?r busin$$a the .‘. . ;. ‘. A
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:08weg0,0rti; ’ I. Jan,16,&936, Raguidr meeting of tho.CIi,ty qouncll .aalled to order iy .-- aounoilmen ~Wo#Iltigtan and m&bau’&. &jb%dnt,mf-: .--Varloua bill8 ye#d and apprdv(Jd by .tlie ,f $‘nanci comnlttet3 moved by ‘r”rlillin,@r reoand by Sedilik th&‘t the ‘billa .