Approved Minutes - 1935-02-05 _ , _ mri ` Qi ty na; 1 • - Oswego}i re. Pebr.ti,; 936. ,. i ., .. . . . :o : `a. i; Reviler •meo t ing of 3he ' City 'Counall'•oal4ed to order by Mayoi` wring`i-'»All''Counoilrtivnipreadntf.ui',,arioue 1ii11's read , and approved •by ' the fin:inoe oomt&tttbe,fnoted,by 'frullinger second by. 3iidilek' that the biller;be-'a'lioiied' and warrants - drawn to cover,'on roll oall all preeen't voting '►yee" ., carried and so ordered.'egular ordei.rer'businesO •suspended and the parallel sparking question In ths',buainet!s dietriot was again 'discuased at lenght Mr•.Breohtt*as the Ionly butsinese "' man present and he expressed hirhe'8lfnar. being in favor of the present'parking system.Moved by'' Ti'u)l'inger treoond' by .. 'loss that the')poiAing question bey tub'lediuntil' ouch time' that the 'Mayorlappointe a oitisenir o'oh►MiFttee to'+'report Mt to the ' Coun'oil• a'sv to their- reoomrAehdati ohs,oarried .and-.so • ordered'♦i,' , .r • . . - :: :7(•; , LA . ' 4 •: . ,. . )LrsMoorei epresent.ing thiltPofrlona1Punp c'o'.',explairied `• his pump'E in`detail and at lenght. `Ne*tt•+M*iiTrusoott representirg the Cook PtitAp vs;) ppreoented' i�fhia ►plete'ibffl+h'ie pump and making a ;few ooihrftend'i oti• same ,the' u'oiinoil`r tokia9nor-actton`,in the matter ait the 4011 was- not' deiel'oped“entnugh' to' know`whit t4 kind of, pump was" neetiied: ' - , i , c.,;; Wet . horse .back; riders ,`riding on' sidewalks and , parking'ntripS mere diaouesed!and'? thwtreaorder°_was' instructed to write`ethe` fna idgemen t:of the 'Riding:'`Abadeby-) to be present at the next meeting. B,igyole' +riding 'Ohl eitiewa'lks was discussed at lenght and it' was'moved by'$sdilekis'soond,by `Goes that the Recorder w>•i to Prof.Voss asking him to advise the children '' that the Ordinance prohibiting bicycle riding on sidewalks would beientoroeid,oarried and so ordered. . •i; The • question of additional shelvigtg for the Library books.was. o'gnsi'dered and it was moved by Trullinger second '` ,.,,:, by Goss tha`t'''the Recorder submit'-a rojeot for this work ' .. carried and so'•ordered. t fi :t; u ,49,.t ';t'f - ' ' ' T The Water donsumere' del'i�'9u'Ohby.'iiaa ' considered by • the ''ounoil, and&`th`e '`rboorder We iisribtrudted` to ,write some • ooneumers 'gven` theinoa''-fl.Nial"iiotibefsfid ii' hot paid: to { '': shut the'wa ter,,bffa.urr till,Fiubh'.bi}lVwttevOaidi :i:t.< -.: ,: :t . There being no further bueirneb's1;t,fietio`bti o1il •oid3ourn'ed'. ;•. . ,,' 0. .. w.-4'04.,;lix.? .i-i 1t('.ti'(�iz)!,,i= .:`r.s iiiyys':,.-d@ ci.}",-,,i " 3. 1 L'•.U�.:f : "°tla fs•: '#' bit-,B j Yuia-, 4, i 1 .. q a1i ; i. i >1f . 0 'mo .c-t .Aedorder� 0 `� \ti . . .i ,, . A tc c- ).> , -.,�; .r . . . . :E`• - . . , • !ii: . `.t:i s .1 ;'4 .r (• `� 4 't ,( 0 4 ;.t - > .': y 1 i , ! .i i - ts;.t, fii iiF'. Ir . . . {' . ♦ , ` ., .. a -.-• i.' ' , it. ' - 5...+:lw',is +' . .I .E.,e ;() •t4}GY.�• 14.3 i ; t`. e ` If' \I ' .. . i:' •,e to F)•:.I +r I.:(s;: !.. ;•' ' ') k 1 ' 44 .