Approved Minutes - 1935-03-05 `pity Heil 1. Oswego;;0:u. , rctr*19,1936. Regular meeting of the City Council culled to order by Hayor Ewing. ..All Councl lmeri ,present. tinu ,of pr1!vious meeting' read.rand approved..... arious..bills; r'Aad - ' and approved by the finanoe, 00mmittee"Moved by xruilnger second by Sadilek that ,the bills be . allowed- and war an.ta,. , drawn to cover on roll call all present v;,ting wyea,� . carried and so ordered* • , The question of changing the. parking system from diagonal to parallel was . again discussed and a petition signed by 32 ,ci ti zena protesting 4he ,propon,ed ohango was . read,Moved by Trullinger second, by Dose that the matter , be tabled indefinitely;darried-and eo ordered. . Regular order of buaitnese suspended and the . follow» k ing men explained their pumps:, in- detail,*r.Turner,By.xvn _ . Jackson Pump# ,Mr Reid,Pomona Pump; M.r.Trusoott,Co9k Pump.; ( Mr.Creary ;Pearleaa PumppMr Bingham,aingbamPump! • ' Thaasa it was •explainetf to thq Gounoil, that Mr. Janneen suggeetedy.that;,the;;► ell be case and thpt ho was • willing to , case lama full depth,,Witl . a:10,n gaping- if the . _ . . ai ty was ,wi.l,l.ing .to,,allow• the $100.00 which was puthorizod . for springing the well to•.go - toward that oastng,o,f- th,e well and, it, was Moved by! Tr.%l3.:inger second by, 8$dile�'t that ., - the well be. cased as suggeated,,oarried and po! ordered. - The Recorder was: inetruated. to. advartiee; for , . . , : -bids for the ;pump .fox the gityLW-04c y ' There being no. further, busine$e; the Council fdJouxrne(F,. • o � • IF ' • • 1,/. J 1 Dula s.' ,}' 11ecQrdor. + . City, thl) �� . 28w.e80,,O�Ce. '- - •. . • Mavoh,6,l93 . Regular meeting of the "iyit1, Council 9a1leJ- to,- . order . by Mayo�';.4r�r.�ng ;,.Council�nan .jYQr..thii,,gton at�eent; .. ,4) Thi a being .the,..tlme set`= f,Qtt'„, the,,..open ing,.: ida fo,r,-, this, , , pump, for . the City wellthe..Mayor 9rdervd._ the,, p 4-:bps_ned, 12 bids were received and) read,$sn¢; ager:;tabu].`ca,ti0e they :' quoted. the' following. pr,ico j •-F •. . , , : . . . Layne & Bowler lst. $2687.1 ' Fairbanks Morse 05031.32 " a 2nd $3301.84 Kimball Krough 2937.00 -`'.,- John Bean ufg. Co. $2904.92 sterling Pump Co. $2702.76 . .', Byron Jackson Co. 2063.20 Pomona Pump cc. ? $3201.78 ? , ' Consolidated Supply Co. , 29t3.20 Western Pump ' o. , ' $3031.32 , ` , Bingham Pump Co. , $2861.92 Worthington Co. , i $2907.32 Deming Pump Co. , , $2870.20 Each bidder was-given 11 _mins. to explain his bid and pump in detail, . • Regular order •of, business resumed,Varioua bills, a} .4 were read and approved by the f•ar.14r.ce oommitte moved by ' Trullint;er second by Sadilek that the bills be aldloWed. and ,warrentu drawn to ()over on roll call all present voting "yes" carried and so ordered. :r The Council adjourned untili 8i00P.1S. Moroh 7,1936. 6�i4 - Recorder. � .f. `J