Approved Minutes - 1935-03-11 4.0 City, }lull
lira ruh,11,193b
Meeting called' to order by Mayor Ewing:-- Al). council - .
men present.-- The Mayor explainedthe-purposa= of the meetingg
wail: to straighten out some legal phriaes regarding the pump
situation. ,i.,Atty for the City,explained that the
City Charter provided- that the City was not bound by any
contract unlesr; the same had been authorized by an ordinance
and the sane executed in writing and.,'eigned•by the Mayor and
Recorder, thorefore ,he stated, that at the present time the
was not bound by the "deois°ion of the of March 8th ari no
.ard .nr:nce had been passed and no contract had been signed.
Mr.Trullinger explained that there had been a mieun-
dcretanding of price° etc. in the previous meeting and that
being the reason for the results of the ballots for a pump
at that meeting.
Moved, by' Trullinger second by' Sadilek that the '
action heretofore taken" on the bids }dut submitted be rescinded.
carried and so orderedi . •
Moved by Trullinger second by •Sadilek that we open
for consideration all:bide that' have beenHIubraitted,carried
and so ordered. '
The following had their certified' oheoku placed with
the Council and, their Prices were as•'followet '
c . M.R.•Nade (W. Pomona pump) 2011:00iTest '348.88
• Bingham Co. •Bingham Pump)$2792.45,Test 190.00
J.Bear: Co. ' Peerless punp)$2904 :94 "•Test 350.00 plus
+ Frt.backto factory.
Moved by Trullinger second by' Sadilek that we only
consider the Pomona,Binghem,and Peerless lump bids,Isi-otion
withdrawn. ,
Moved by, Rohrbaugh second by Worthington that we cast a -
vote for one of these pumps by written ballot,carried and ,so ordered '
Result of the ir. t ballot as follows s
Bingham -3- .
Pomona -2-
Second ballot as follows ; Third ballot as follows;
Peerless -1- P'cerlees -2-
Bingham -3- Bingham -3-
Pomona -2- Pomona -1-
Fourth ballot as follows;
Peerles's -2-
Bingham -3-
Pomona -1-
Moved by Goss second by Sadilek that we declare a five
minute recees,curried and so ordered. •)
Meeting called to order again and the Fifth ballot
taken with the following results; •
Peerless -1- .
Bingham -3- II
Pomona -2-
Sixth ballot as follows ;
Peerless -1-
Bingham T4 T
Pomona -1-
Moved by Goon second by traiiingnx8adi lek that all the
bids except the Bingham Pump vo. ,bid be rejected,carried and
so ordered. l
Moved by Goss second by Trull.ingvr that the bid of the Bingham
:ump Co. in the amount of 2792.45 be accepted ,on" roll cull
al) (resent voting "yes" carried and so ordered.
Moved by Inkster second by Rohrbaugh that the bid
of the Bingham Pump Co. for testing the City Well for the
amount 090.00 be accepted. on roll call all preiien t voting
"yes" carried and no ordered.
Moved by 3t+dilek second by Northiegton that e contr_ct
be drawn with the Bingh:.m Pump Co. carried vnd so ordered.
}tnutei of previous meetings read and approved La read
accept the mtns.of the adjourned meeting of }.tarch,8th and
it wee moved by Inkster second by Sadilek that the minutes
of the meeting of Merch 8th be corrected tb read as follows
That we adjourn until 8100 P.M. Merch 11,1i.:5b,carried end ao
An ordi►►unee was ►:reee►nted and read authorizing the
Mayor and Recorder to sign a contract with the Bingham Pump Co.
for the purchase of a purnp,rnoved by Sudilek second by Trul.lin;er
that the proposed ord .ance be tabled for the second reading,
carried end so ordered.The• proposed ordianoe given second reading
►n 'ved by Sadilek second by Goss that the propooed ordLnce be
adopted tit) read carried and so ordered.
An ordnance was presented and read authoriaazing the
• M,yor and Recorder to sign a contract with the Binght+m 7ump
Co. , for the testing of the City Well,moved by Goss second by
Trullinger that the proposed ordhince be tabled for the second
reading curried and so ordered.The proposed ordinance given .
second reading moved by Trullinger second by Sadilek that the
proposed ordinance be gdopted as read carried and so ordered.
The Council adjourned until 8t00 ?.h.l;arch,12 ,1935. A ,e
Recorder. c/C ` >/
City Hell,
Ma rch,lc►,19;t6.
Regular meeting of the City Council called to order
by Mayor lwing, --All Councilmen present.--no.atins read.--
Various bills read and approved by the Finance committee
moved by Trull inner second by Inkster that the bills be
allowed and warrants drawn to etover on roll call allpresent
voting "y'es" carried and so ordered.
Regular order of business suspended and citizens heard
from Miss H.;Ventworth present her application for beer license
for it ' s endorsement by the Council. •
Moved by Inkster second by Sadilek that hx11$ moo u U
license application for beer received oy the City Council
should first be Imett.ixutd referred to the license corrunittee
• for investigation and then acted upon by the ciouncil ,carried
and so ordered.
1r.Inkster explained that he did not intend this •
m')tion to effect the applications which would be presented
at this meeting,but he intended in for these appelicants
that would interview individu:.11y,on the street or other-
wiue ,betweon regular Council meetings this pratiee should bot
be toleratod,heroat'ter.
Mires H. lentworth appliN).tion was disoussed at lenght
and it was moved by Inkster second by itohrbeugh that we take
a ballot ,either to reject or allow this a, plicution, ths' vote
be .ng ee followssSedilek,No.Rohrbaugh,Yes.'►Worthington,Yes.
Gose ,1:o.Trullinger,No.Inkster,Yes.the results being a tie vote