Approved Minutes - 1935-04-02 City }(ail, et 3
O:swego,4re. •
Assri102,19 t.
• Regular meeting of the City Council cJ.led to order
by May3r Ewing. -vonnoilinan all prevent.--mina of P. previous
:nestlings read and upproved.•-Yarioius bills read end approved '
by tee finance committee moved by Sadilek second by 'Trull ; never
that the bills be ellowed and warrants drawn to cover on
roll ca? ] all present vot ing "yea" cerrted and no ordered.
ext order of bunineee was the considering the bid
of the Osw-.,;o Lurnbe Co. , for fencing the Gtty Lot in the
aui nuit of 3543.00 the amount of fence required,quelity .
etc.ull exelained in the bid.rmn well as offering one, of their
experineced Foremen with tools at the rate of .77 per hr.
often due c )nstderattnn end discus3si )n it wee moved by
Trullinger second by Sadilek that the bid be accepted and the
Foreman hired as augasested ,on roll cull ell present voting
"yes" curried and no ordered.
Mr.:,e. iDhooghe asked for permission to take aor:ie
top soil from, .Avc . bmtween 6th & 7th Str. for the Cutler home
Loved ,by Inkster second by Sadilek that the matter be left
up to the Street committee with power to act ,careted and so
A petition carrying the ui„natures of ten citizens
requesting a concrete sidewalk on Leonard Str.'.rae re.d.t►oved
by Tru'_1tnN;er second by Sadilek that the petition be tabled
carried end, so ordered.
lir.r.F.Fields .uoked for the City Council to endor:;e
his application _for beer lip:erne stating that he had pur-
chased the Lake Onviego Cafe.lioved by Inkater .second by Sadilek
that the City Council endorse the ,a ppli.ation carried and no
t;r.Trullinger reported ,that Mr.Kehrli and Dr. Green
wou'.d be in the City some time this week to make a general
survey of the City es to sanitation etc. , 'r
A co:nplai;nt of careless handling of fire arms within
the City limits v{tue read the matter was referred to the City
Lfarshal. •
The matzgr of bicycle riding upon the oidewalka wee
again d iaeueued and it was moved by Trullinger second,by ti
Rohrbaugh that the ordinance prohibiting bicycle riding
on sidewJ'..ks be enfoe:ced and the Recorder instructed have
such notice printed in the local paper,carried and so ordered.
The next que st i )n for discussion was the City Nurse
contract situation. Mr.Kelley ,City Atty.reported that the
agreement of purchase had been drawn and redrawn but there see:
ed to be some questions and one of the mein questions ware
the over all plant officienoy and that he had been instructed',
to dram; up on agreement with a 70$ over-ell .plaant efficiency
- clause.Mr.Btnrghnm expxlnincsd th.jt the. wire to water,or over
ell plant efficiency were one and the same . tir.Magnus.on of
the Peerless Pump go. , agreed th.•t this was correct.
btr.Kelloy a stated that the;•e wee no oontr..ct binding
the City to any ;'amp at the ereuent time .Mr.Binghem ecknow•11
ledge:) that that was his understanding at the present time.
Mr.Kel.ley then stated that the City Cduncil could open ell
bids a:ge in and consider :sumo . Moved by Inkster second by
Rohrbaugh that we vote to purchase a pump and do not require
that they lay the certified check on • the tt;ble to-ntght ,on
roll call all present voting "yes" carried and so ordered.
Ballot s we -e distributed .vith the following results'
a eerleuo Pump receiving two votes and the Bingham Pump Go. ,
receiving four votes ,Bighum bid being accepted.
1' Moved by Trullinger second by Uudi lek that all bids except
the Bingham Pump "o. ' e. bid be rejected,carried and so ordered.
Moved by Trullinger second by Goes t tat an ordinance be
' drafted atathorixtng the entering into a contract With the
Bingham Pump 'so. , curried and no ordered.
An 0rd i.mance for the entering into of ti contract
providing for the installution of pumeing equipment in the
Ui ty ',Weal was given first reading and it was moved by Inkster
second by Sadilek that the ordin.cnoe be tabled for the second
reading,carried and no orde rA.The proposed o.rd lance given sec-
ond reaiiing and it was moved by Sadilek second by Trullinger
that the pr...Toeed ordi.ance be adopted an reed,carried rnd so
• An ordinance for the entering into a contract pro-
viding for the testing by pumping of the City Yell was given
first reading moved by Sadilek second by Worth ► ;ton that the
proposed ordi.ance be tabled for the second reading carried end
au ordered.The proposed or.liance given second read and it was
moved by Sadilek ue,.;ond by Trullinger that the proposed or,
dinance be adopted as read carried and so order•:d.
There being no further busines» the Council adjourned.
City Hall
.'regular meeting of tite City called to order by
Mayor•••Councilman Rohrbaugh ,absent.--No mins read ,
Various bills read and ac.proved by the finance committee
moved by Sadilek seconb Trullinger that the bills be allowed
and warrante drawn to cover,on roll call a.:ll present voting
"yes" carried and eo ordered.
Bids for the plumbing materials for the bath
houses on the City Lot wre accepted stone being as followait
0oneolidated 8upply Co. , 0100.55
Standard Supply Co. , 0101 .90
Meyers ]'1 . & Elec. Co. 94 .50
" Labor 50.00
Mr. Meyers ex;:lalned that a different ty,:e toilet
than the type included in the bid would be more suitable
the difference in cost would be approximately 010.00 and
- • also the piping Tor hot Water Was discussed and Hr.stated that
it would coot approximately 010.00 extra and it was d4cided
to have both of these features included,M.o ed by Inkster
second by Trullinger that the bid of Meyers Plumbing and
Electric C . , for material and Laobor be accepted on roll call '
all present voting "yes" carried and so ordered.
Moved by Inkster second by Goon that we purohaee a
near meter for the Cement Plant and turn in the old meter fob• c
credit,ce_•rted and so ordered.The Alley for Wells resident wan
ordered graded.Moved by Inkster second by Worthington that
the painting of the be th houses of the vity lot be green
roofs and cream colored body,carried and so ordered.
Latter from Mr.Cznia nuking for some street impro••
Cement to gat access to hie Lots 58 & 59 in So Oswego the
matter referred to the 9 �'qut ,Oonb�rit toe.
Unsanitary �1'8'{•e4 reported to exist at the followings
Butts,Toilet ,liouee on 5th,toilet , 1;.D.P oulson,Burn,;
Barn ,D.iarner, toilet,Kiasel,toilet ,:'t.7,.Chapman ,toilet.sar a ,too
be reported to the Health Officer. e. �,
There being no further business th6 Council adjourned. ,��