Approved Minutes - 1937-01-04 1.01
fpr their endorsement after due oonAdderation and d i.euse ion
it was moved by Sadilek second by Dalzell that the applicat-
.to of Mylee & Violet Anderson not be approved` by the
Council,the roll was called with the following restates
ad ilek,yes,Rohroaugh,yeo,Worthinr;ton,yes,Dalze ll ,No.
and Inkster,^yes". motion oarriod.Dhere upon the citizen
pri:sont asked the Council to reconsider their aot ior, and
give Myles & Violet A 'dereon a chance to make ,go,after
considerable discuss toil it was' moved by 1nkuter second
by Dalzell that the reoind the motion just pest rognrd ng
the Anderson's appilioation,the motion was called with the
fol.lsawing results Sadilek,no,Rohrbaugh,no,vPorthington,yes,
Dalzell,yes ,Inkster,yea,motion oarried.Thereupo'n it was
moved by Inkster second by Dalzell that the application of
Myles and Violet Anderson be approved the motion was called
with the following resultu ,Sadi].ek,no,Rohrbaugh,no, Worthin%ton
yes , Dalzel,yes ,Inkster,yes.carried and so ordered. � �1��
There being nc further business the Council adjourned. \r1 c.A4
Recorder, //tit( ?
City ,Hall
Oawego,Or .
Annual meeting of the City Council,as prescribed
in 3eo.55 of the City Charter,oalled to order by Mayor
Ewing. More being no qourum thb Counoil adjourned.
E.J.Duis ,
fledorder. (2./ 1/4/.
City Hall
Jan.5, 1937.
Regular sleeting of the City Council called to order
by Mayor EwingAll L'ouneilmen present.-..iinutee of previous
sue !t ings read and approved...-Various bills read and approved
by the fin:Inge committee Moved by Inketer second by 'Nor"
thington that. the bills be allowed and warrants drawn to
cover on roll call all present voting ''yes" carried and so
Atty.Roehr reported that Alexandroff would sign the
eaee,nent in a few days.
City Engineer Davis reported that North Shoreline
had been repaired except. sever,.,l leaks. in the east end of th
Bay due to the raising yf the lake at Chr is.tmasa tithe .
Sewer extension to Fryer►s resident was approved.
Mr.Rohrbaugh stated that most of the City streets
being hard surfaced it may be possible to secure some
kind Of a city mail delivery.
The Mayor stated that it was in order to sleet
a President of the Council for the ensueing year and that
nomination were in order, Moved by Sadilek seoond,.by Gess
that Coµncilman Inkster remain ?resident of the Council
for the ensuing ye;.r carried tend so ordered,
There being no change in the personnel of the
Council the Mayor reappointed the same councilmen and the