Approved Minutes - 1935-05-21 . �. City Hall, 45 Oswogo,Ore . ltuy,7, l935. ReeHJer meet ins. of the City Uounci).eailed to order by Mayor Ewing. --All Councilmen erosent . --mina of prcv'i ous meetings rend ..nd approved. --Various hills read and a proved by the finance committee. --Roved by Rohrbaugh second by Inkster that the' bills be allowed end warre ntrs drewii to cover on roll call all pressent vet- ing "yes" cr:rrted and so ordered. • Regu.ier order of bueineen esdspend ed for the benefit Ent of citizens present ,;irs. 3noke ,l'resident of the AMerican Legion Auxilery was preierrt and stated that the Amortcen legion Pout #92 and Auxilnry wished to present a flIg tole end `flag to the City same to be placed on the Chil.drens Recreation G•:'cund same to be dedicated on June 14th the National Flag day. btrd.Macdougall stated the:t they wotild like to have permission to hold these Flag Dey eeevices on the Children( Grounds on June 14th.Moved by Inkster second by Worthington that we accept slag and Fleg pole with thenko , that a ccrnrhittee of the Council together with the Lemon meet to select an +.ppropreate loeetion for sure end that permission te granted to have the services on the Grounds,caeried and so ordered. • Letter frOm :. B.Beker oskrg permission to poppies on the strecta on poppy d:,y was preeented,permisuion granted. An ordinance regulating privies within the City was given first reading,moved by Inkster eee:nd by Sadilek th<'t the reposed ordtnenc" be tabled for the second rending carried and so ordered.The proposed ordinc:ee given second rending,moved by Trullinger second Inkster that the proposed ordi:er'nce be adopted as read carried end 30 ordered . Moved by Trullinger second by Sadilek that the Recorder be instructed to write e: letter to the County ';ourt asking that. the Terwilliger Extension be inproved from the MultnorfinntZ line to the City Limits et' Oe•rrego ,00py of same to be me:iled to Mr. 6toll. 'erried end so ordered. Moved by Goss second by Sadilek that the Mayor end recorder be eethori:.ed to initi::el change ,of the Surity Co. in the Pump contr..ct with, the Bingham Pump ''e. ,C:arrted and eo ordered. Moved by iruilinger eecond by Inkster taut the Recorder be authorized ' to order the neceesary water mein fro t the Well to the Reservoir carried and so ordered.l,toved by Trullinger second by Goss that we rent a meter for the Well teat carried and so ordered. The question of the fire de'eartment answering calls out- side oQ the City limits was discussed at lenght and it was decided not to send the equipment out of the city any more. There being no furthtir businesv the oounnil adjourned. ei e,‘, J.I}a i s, �1 r?/,' • ecorder. ' City hell, Oowego,O1e. ' May,r1,1935. "eguler meeting of 'the vity "ouncil (galled to order by Acting bioyor Inketer. --Meyor Ae ing ;and Councilmen Sadilek absent No.mins read. -- 'earioun bills read and eeproved by the finance coeenittee ,moved by Trullinger second by Goss that the bills be allowed and wnrr:.nta drawn to cover on roll call all present voting "yes" carried and so ordered. Letter from C.]e.Bixler asking permission to keep the Small dress,ng r eom and pump house on the alley between lots J 4: 5 & 6 in Oavrego I ke Villae,periitiseiou granted. . The (sueotion of the efficient test on the new pump ws.0 disscus;sed . and the s:tq ttcr of securing an engineer for, the City to make the test was; loft up to the ,dater Cori:aittce %rtth I'.A.Tt'ullint;er .appointed temporary Ch.tirinan . Moved by Trullinger second by Goya that sire of the new pump house at the well be ItCXXX 120 X 160 carried and uo orderd. Moved by Trullinger second by Rohrbc.ugh that ayplica t ion+ for a project be m:.de to tine S.:;R\ for the improvement of Oak Str. c irrtec1 kind so ordered. • Kr.Gose reported tht t he had received a letter from the League of Oregon Cities gating ing that they did not h::ve a model taxm Ordinance gove sing V. .Dept. also stating that they had written severe! cities xnaxttxXlaexx piegttxttx to secure copies of ordin:aices they :.ould forw.,rd Oswego one if they • • received a copy from other cities. . There be into no fut4se...• business the Council udj ourned. 4 \�� . L J.Du i s , fi Recorder. f4•` ` •s City Hell, . 0swego,0re. Juhe ,9,1965. . 13egalar meet is:g of the �`i ty Council culled to order theie being no gourum :,resent the Oouncil adjourned to the, call of the k uyor. If f !;', V , .11uis, ,;�', A '' . aZecorcier.. d�, City Hall , Ar Oswego,Ore. June ,11,193b. Adjourned meeting of the City Council culled 'to artier by Mayor "wing. --Councilmen Trullinger & `{ohrbaugh absent. ThQ main reveon for the cull of this meeting was to establish new water rates after considerable discussion z,nd coneidurat ton the following ',rites were adopted upon motion by Inkster sec. by Sadileks Within the Uity. Outside of City. 300 cu. ft . min'./ . .10 300 ou.ft. ;..►in 1.60 300 cu. ft . V45s per C. 300. ou. f t.c*Sb; per 0/ . 800 c..i.f t �?20s/ per CY Ba Le LOf/ per 100 .Bal . 0 ,' s.' per 100 cu. ft . e opening of the swimming }0.'.1 was discussed nrs it wua une ,•t:.�in j tlat when the Sli1A would put on their life euvora and caretakers it witty dictded that the ,ity should open the , pool in the afternoons. . Moved by Inkster second by Worthington that the city Recorder be authorized to oil the streets . r i The .e. being no further business the Council.adjourned.� .J.Dais . .\? Recorder. ft� • a\