Approved Minutes - 1935-06-02 48
• (;it' Hall
;ruly,2,1 35.
nebular :meeting of the City Council called to order by
Mayor Ewing.--councilmen Worthin;ton a Goss absent;.'--
aiina. of previous inoe t in!rs: read and approved. - V ri ous
bills read and approved by the finmcrr committee moved II
by Sad :lek second by Trullin er that the bills be. allowed
and war 'ati is drawn to rover on roll .call all prerrllnt voting
"yes" carried and no ordered.
the matter of putting barb wire on the fence •
at the city lot was discussed and 'a letter from the
Standard pence offerin.f to do this work as well sv some
othyr work outlined in their letter for the price of $58.00
was read. it was removed by Aohrbplugh second by Trullinger
the't the improvements be teude at the price offered by the
Standard fence "o. , The opaining and clon ng hours of the
pool was discussed and it was decided that the it should be
kept open .longer on Hcllidr,ys rind real hot days this zwtter
] eft up to the Recorder .and Caretaker.
}coved by Trullimrer second by Inkster that the
Council ratify the action of the Mayor and Recorder in re-
grad to the borrowing $5000.00 from the Oswego State Bank,
instead of cashing in the Oswego Bonds now held by the City,
to meet the '5000.00 Bonds maturing July,1,1935. arried and
so ordered,.
Moved by Trullin ger second by Sadilek that the
permission be granted the Ladd Estate '"o to erect a sign with
the General Petro. sign on the oorner of. State & A.M. but that
they resume all liablity and maintiner.ce during the life
of the•ried and no ordered.
The F,,ifth Str. grade orossinf; was discussed and }
it wan moved by' `'ouncilman Rohrbaugh second by Councilman
• Inkster that the Jloyor and Recorder be authorized t i sign
the agreement with the Southern Pacific vomp3ny, for the
Fifth Street gru;le crossing,curried rand so or'J srcd.
loved by inkater second by Ilhorb. ugh that the
Mayor and recorder be authorized to sign r,greement with ihr
Southern ?acific Company for the right-away for water rrvin
at Fifth Street and make payment of $5.O0 to cover charges
made by the Southern Pacific Company,carrted rind so ordered.„,,
There being no further business the Council adjourned'.
Recorder. le7