Approved Minutes - 1937-02-02 1.o same committee 's ao of 1936. Approved by the Council, Pere being not further business the Council adjourned. , LY I �lJDtis , Recorder. City Hall Oswego,Ore. • Jan. l7,1939. Regular meet inc of the City Council called to order by Mayor wring rCoUncilman Rohrbaugh absent.No. ltins . read Various bills read and approved by the finance committee Moved by Inkster second by Dalzell that the bill;, be allowed and, warrants drawn to cover, on roll call all present vot Lng ''yea " carried and so ordered. City Engineer Davis presented the final estimate pf the sewer Contract and explained same in detail and after due consideration it was moved by Sadilek second by Goss that the. final set innate be approved not to exceed the amount of 2116,600.00 and subject to the approval of the Y.R.,', on r„ll call all present voting "yee"curried ;end so ordered. Committee from the Fire Dept, vac present regarding ant ordinance regulat :ng the fire department ,the committee to meet vr"ith the counci?. Loire Committee . Moved by Michell soc )nd by Inkster that the Re- corder be auth,rized to sign the Gasoline contract for the ensuing year with the Union Oil Co. , and the Shell Oil Co. ,. - carried and so ordered. • There Laing no fkrthor business the Council adjourned. 0.-% E.J.Duiu,• Recorder. 21�,;. • City Hall Oswego,Oie. Webr.2.1937. ReguJ.ar meet in:� of the City Council called to order by Aoting Mayor Inkster,thero being no gourum tU Council adjourned till li 100 P.M,. Febr.4,1937. F.J.Duir3,,Rocorder.1 City Hall Oswego,Oxe. • Febr.4,1937. Adjourned hooting oalled to order by Acting Mayor Inkster,-.-ldayor wwing»»Recorder Duis,--Councilmen badilek and Worthington absent. • Various bills read and approve by the finance committee moved by Roorbaugh second by Dalzell that the • bills be allowedand warrants drawn to cover on -roll call ' all present votirg "yes "' carried and oo. ordered. Moved by Goes second by Rohrbaugh that if it S=\r is feasable that the City Recorder place a concrete floor ,,\'t' in Children° swirlm ng pool and place a plateform over large rock in large pool before Lake level is raised,carried and i Y; so ordered, B.G.Gosa-, Act ing Recorder, • CS