Approved Minutes - 1937-02-16\r I I:r Ha 1.1 ) 3.0:
oavsgo , Ore l “‘obx, J.G, 1937.
Regular meet in 8 of the City Counoil oalledt:) o:rdor by Mayor 8w ing, - - auto ilmall &J.ze?.\ abrterlt. -Jnirh Ibf pre vioue noc)t tngs rend and approved lagxi&dt,-VarQono blJ.La
read and u!)groved by the f iwnco aotnmit too mowd by Gous 8eoonfld by Yadiluk that the bll.lo be allowed and ’ . .
warranto draw 1;t) covef on roll. an.l.1 nl11 prcuent vot Lng nyou’l cnj:!*iod and (to ordered,
Auditor Maoher rendered his rei)ort on the County Tgx: Audit and explAinud OWIXI in detail. The report ohowed thut the City had #374.7R do:rltnc from the uounty on delinquent tcrx interest, He ex!)latn thut ‘.
more WOl’k 8hOU1:1 be.dcne to mai<o a oo:.u:.,lete.audit Of . tax- eituat ion, this work wao authorized,
The folldwing rerrolutigfi wua 2resenl;ed : to . the : Count il. WQW3T FOR EXTEX ION OF ‘P 1I.a BOCKlIT . NO, OREG , 1038H, OSWGG , ORE, 9 . *
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tUiS0LVE-D .
und tie! Cit:; Reaorder ii hereby inetructed to write to 1ILr.C .S.Ifookley,Stato Diroctor,Bederel Emergenoy Adminis trait ion of lubl to iYork ,Fort land ,Ore +
and request that the tine for Bin&l Accoptanoo of this
pirojeot be extonded,to April 1,1937,for the following ..
reason8 t .
FIRST, That the t lmo limit for the Plnal Acoeptanoe of .\.
s!ixoND, this projeot expired on Babrua,Fg,&‘19374:, Thtlt thOr8 still rdmaino major 2~ &#W ~x&s&mnzW whioh mu&t be repaired be- fore Binal Acoeptanod aan be made.,
TH=% That the contractor can not repair these leaks . .
until the wl1ter io lowered in Lakwood Boy; . FOURTH, ‘that the control of the water level in blie- -:food Bay lieu with the lladd Eetnte and that the owner and Contractor are making every effo::t to get the aaid water lowered and have bean ..
x Y romised that it will be lowered about Maroh,
l ,1037. Moved by Inkater second by Goss and on rol..? call the following Councilmen voted *yes” V.X,BtBdiJ.ek,S, ~.I{ohrb~ugh,E.Q.Gooa,~~l~ena i’Iorthinaton,an.d Fred C, Inkstor,theuo being all of the membera thnt were . / r present. Thareugon the &yor iY.S,Ewing declared re- aolut ion gaaeed, *
Upon motion duly made by Ink8ter and neconde’d by Sardilak, the following Reaolut ion ws ;)lacod before the Count 11 z %solvod that the City Engineer be inetruc- ‘,
ted to prepare nnd submit tie C,S,Hacklsy,Stata Director I for the Fedora1 Emergency Administration of Pub116 Vorks,a Construct ion rlhange Ord8r Request to cover the
ovorrunu nnd undahxnu CM ahown on tho llinal Oonutruot- ‘:
ion Eat !-mate, lifter duo oonuiduretion the Mayor iV,S,Ewing
:rubmLtted the above Resolution to the council for its final aotion and the following Uouncilman voted ‘FIGS’1
V,!I,Sadil&,Eugene Vorthtngton,Fred C, tnketer,S.S,Rohr-
baugh,arl d E.G. 008~. Tharu~)on hha, there be Lng no dB,, sant iqg voteo, the &yor daolared the reeolut ion oarried.”
. Moved by Inkstera second by Sadllsk that the follovtitig &solution be pacjoedt
Rerrolvsd tind tjle City Reoorder is hereby In& struated to make,a request to C.q,Hockley,Stnto Director of the ?ublLo iY.orka Administration for Q Projeuli (Ihange
Order to reviso the funds available under the e(Iven Item8 of Claseifioafian to oonfonn to the Actual Coot ,hich ifi3 ahown a8 fOl~.OWal
4 ,Engineering 5,Legal & Adm, 6,Intoreat 7 rLfif30e llaneoua
Upon roll 0~1.1 the follorring ob&Ailmon voted
\ *
nY;F3’t:~l,)iiSadilek,r;\lga~le Vorthington,l?red O,Inketer,S,S, Rohrbaugh,and E.G.Goea, Thereupon the Mayor dealared the adopt ion of the ‘aforesaid Rosolut ion,
An ordcnance oovaring the oonneotlons to the 8ewr eyatom ,eto. was given. f irot roqding,after considerable die, via.6 moved by Inkater asaond by Sadilek
that the proposed ordinanoe ,be. tabled fyr, the,~.eo&nd reading QS sl?:on~ed,oayried Rnd ao .ordered, .
It wag duly moved and aeoonded thrrt the Counoil adjourn until 9huraday. Febr.18,1937 8800 P,& onrried and:83 ordered.
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