Approved Minutes - 1935-07-30 (02). ILily Or: LC (Ji Yell 600 Cli l ft. it1lJl:r;d of 3co c:u.l‘t. uf )/ate? for the II!inr~‘t*r I:rotlth !llIC! t11:at t1.b City ~,UY tileilg 10~~1 tt.leph!>ne, the proi;oncc\ orti\tlur!cc gtvt?rl xnmad Pirst roadir:g :mved ;jy Trullin;:c?r jl GC(:O~I~ by !j:ldiI.(~l; th::t th+: iaropoocd OP.\~ tiilllC#: t(: t:xLlti!d fl>r tiic .-’ second Yt!ikdCrl~ O:t!‘rif!d I lld 80 O:‘:lfi?‘f?d. Yoved by Trull inye** vac:irnd by %dilek theft headu of ull !)cpr.rtmnti be inotmcted ,lly titc :lttc~~rdP:r%t o Inuke ~I),OU tirly raporta carried illid GO ordered, ,i ‘rj!t?:~c Lt3 ,ng 117 P. rthel* L\lrjinelir tl;c! Cuuncil udjourrlad, I P ( 9\? 6 !‘:.G.C~OBE, hc t lrg Ilecarder. j\\“ , .. Cl 1y He 1.1 08weg0, ore su1y,30,1935.: Sj)‘ecial Ilieati?g 01’ the City Council. cal.l,cd to order & I,:~lyor Ew irig.--ioul:c ilnlun Yopthi~l~tyn abucntmr-Tbe Liayor stated the purlsoc:e fol the r.eo t i.ng W:iU )tiL 8 to tGd in Qlc;, mc t ir,g t~oticsf~., : to cli,scut;6R ti;c Ci.lit+q of tiif? upplimktion far tLc, Sewer Syr t erfhx, _I etc. ,i\ft:!r !LU’.!F: :!tocuc+r!ion it v:nrr.n~ved W Tml lingc~ secnnd c ! by Sadilek that the !\ecorder .Cs intltructsd to 1 rsceed with J execiitin$ c-nd filing of upplicEtion with tiie ,".*ii,lk, for Pewer sye t en proj 3ct, c:ir?bied III~~ BU ol*dered* timed. by Tmllinger second by Itikutor,thpt if the “. apy\icutlon filed vi th, the Pr‘.‘l,AA for a oewcr 8yFttem project h~#fs . beer1 ;~~p~‘ovsd,t c City4cekll u ~pecit41 elcction,for the pwycrrc 0 f Yirtini.: ;.& bmd iaH\le to fin: iice tiic const1wction of a s,,I?vd@r , syrctcin;;;‘ith in t,!lirty d~lys,up,on tllc notific!utio011 of upyrovul , of o:.itl rti;~)lioution,cr!rl~isd and uo ordered. _ ,> // ‘~!hc!~~ct~ iog on ft:rther bu~inercrs tire Council ::dj ourned, L’ . 5. J..I)uis, 0 .* ii. 1i ‘.