Approved Minutes - 1937-03-16 City Hall,
Regular meeting of the City Council called to
:order by Mayor Ewing,--A1lCounoiLnen present..-Mans of
prevelous meeting read and approved.--Various bills read
and approved by the ftmmnoe cornrnittee,moved by Dalzell
second by Goss that the bills be allowed and warrants
drawn to. cover on roll call all present voting "yes"
carried and so ordered.
Lir,D.G.Allen was present asking if the City in-
tended to do some thing regarding a water softn r for
the .City as he was having considerable trouble with his
hot water system.
Recorder reported that there had been some heavy
blasting done between manholes 46 & 48 and the sewer
had been daraaged,extent not known and that the same
should be repaired.Atter do consideration by the Council
employed Mr.O.IJ.Baloom to make the necessary repairs
on the above tangents,and the owners of the property
to be advised that there should be no more blasting until
proper had been made for a blasting permit,
Mr.Baloo.n reported that he would be thru with
sewer repair work for the Contractor to-morrow,
Dire works ordinance w9s discussed and it was
decided to redraft the ordinance and change the sales
and the discharging of fire• works dates to from June 26th
to July,5. . •
An Ordinanou covering the connections to the
sewer etc, ,waw, given the final reading,moved by Dalzell •
sec')nd by Sadilek that the proposed ordtnvice be adopted
as read carried and so ordered,
lidved by Sadilek second .by Dalzell that the. Cj.ty
accept. the sewer system. subjeot to the conditions *of the
Gilpin Construction Co.( letter dated Febr.26,1937 and
subject to the approval of .the P.W.A. on roll call' all
present voting "yes" carried and so ordered.
There being no further business the Council adjourned,
• (:# r` 1
Recorder. ,
Cn5< `}) � ) ) •
City Hall
Maroh,16, 1937.
Regular meeting of the Ctty',Council called to
order by• Mayor Ewing.....Councilman Rohrbaugh absent.No
ffns read.'V rious bills red and approved by the
finance cor iitittee moved by Dalzell beoond by aosa that the
hills be allowed and vrarranta drawn to cover on roll call •
all present voting "yes " carried and so ordered.
The following Notice of approval and final aocep»
tance of the sewerage system was placed before the council
and read e
Doaket No. Orog. 1038R
Type Sewerage Sytem
Location Oswego,Ore.
I 106
` I%U.J.Duis ,the duly elected and qualified City Re.
corder 'of the City of Oswego,elaoksmaa County,Oregon,do
hereby certify that the .work on Contract No.One,haa been
entirely coMNlOad in accordance with all approved plans, .
s yeaificationi' and c.or;traot documents and that the Mayor
and City Council in regular aesaion •o4 the night .oj
Maroh,16, 1937,ordered the entire docket and this certi»
ficate of Completion and Aooeptanoe to be issued..
City of Oswego '
By .
City Tteoorder.
Moved by Sadilek second by th.keter that the '
above resolution of Completion and Acceptance be adopt
and the Recorder be authorized to sign same,carried and so
ordered. ,
Reoorder instructed to write Mr DeBaU. regarding
the conditions of the . buildinge on his property at Second
& D.Ave. ,
An ordintioe prodiding for the sale and firing -:,
of fire works was given first reading moved by Dalzell
second by Poe$ that the proposed ordi.nar:oe be tabled for
the second reading carried and so ordered.
Letter from Mr.O.C.Roehr,City Atty. icxx regarding
Tax Limitation for Cities etc. was read and a copy . of ' .
same to be forwarded to Mr.A.L.Amaoher for=his in1prm£,tien
Letter from John D.Inketer regarding the Life
Saving pos Lt ion at the City Lot for the ensuing, reason
was read and it .was moved by Dalxell oecond, by Worthington
that the City employe the game life Gaurds no last. year
a . i. Marian Emmett and.John D.Inkster,for 4O01 Cents per
hour if a.00eptable byr them_ and .?tr.J;?I.King as Supt.; on roll
call all presopt voting oyesr ,exoept; P,C.Inketer. who: did
not vote on the queot i9n,mot ion carried.
Moved by Sadilek second by Goss that threCity.
notify the Librarian,Mre.L.Blise,thrat do to the fact that
.W.r,A. .wishes introduce a Library :Project and wish 'to have
Mrs.Bliss as Supervisor of the Projeot,thtat the City would
release her,carried .snd so ordered.
There b@•ing no further business the Counoil adjourned.
r.J.Duia, On,�o, �.''
• { City Recorder.