Approved Minutes - 1935-07-16 1 nn
I City Hall,
=:Otwego,Or .-
Ito.ntl:,r uiee tink of the Ot ty Council celled tc` order
II by Actine. Leyor Inkr;tcr. --Mayor 'V .rg rabt,ent. 4 ins of prcvieue
ri:eet t: ; reed and eeeroved•--
Regeler order of eats; it►eee suepe'.n 1 d fur the e3nefit of
itieene j.reeenit ,Mr.PaW.Uutler ai;ked if could e eenr!' ewe top
uuil off of D.Ave . , i.etwee.n 9th and 'ltt, Str. ,or on O.Ave . thie
mat} ''!' eee tit`;Ctt, eed et lenchtl it wee de ;i::c:d that tcte dirt
on D.Ave. seeel e net be -t';er uwey re it 'r.oulti be used in the
g eed to ., of D,Av . ,stud it wee de etee'd that Yr Dhoeghe be cen-
uultear ee to the 3irt on G.Ave . , F.,is the Council had even him
thin toy: eoi1. eometi.;::e ro for Mr.Cutleru further action
t is i- e t i.h i v time .
The Recorder v:r:ti instructed to advise: Mr.l. .A.Butte",A.I...1
Cleepe n ,t:nd J.l'ienel , of i.D:rttx unnenitery conditions of their
. outride toilets and notifying Ihe:.i to dig a new vault send taut id
a new privy.
T:ie r'1(' : Ler of eeeure a t;t:. nd.•hy ee''vlee fi'o::: tne• "ity of
Poet.l_ rd for Bull :tun ;jitter 'rc: e diecueued and Councilmen 7nketer
and Sedtlek were to tie rr.i,:ur:shall Chief Clerk regar. tieg this.
A letberfroi 1'r.Bernetein objecting to the new water
supply the l.ett,er Wil ordered answered end placed on file .
roved by Rohrb:writ e;eeond by Gosa that the city purcheee
a mutt f )r the eerinfr boerd end a dribk iU fount: in for the City
Tot .
The :,te iter of ,rolicr protection wee uiveuscsed ut length
II r.o : ctioe t .kcn.
roved b:.' Trul.lie •e: second by Sadilek t'rt t tee ::oust;: i ]
taadj L i'h tin t it 7 :00 .'.1:.July,1'l, 193.;. carrtec and i;o ordered.
. Rec rder. o,�t '4
"i ty Heil e
. Ozwego ,Ore.
' July ,17,1935.
Adjourned uieetirg called to oi':seer bey Acting Mayor
Inks'ter,-Mayor :.w ng,Reeereesr Dvis ,x1..xxxt and Councilman
Wort}iiee'ton absent.--The ►:n' tt'=r of giving top coil to Mr Cutler e,
wee ar'tein ciiecu:,aed and it Was moved by Trollinger second by .
Sadtlek that in view of tho fact that Fr Dhooghe cannot fulfil
hi.a contract with Mr Cutler for moving toe- oil from G.Str. ,
to .:r.Cutlec's l.ot. ; the revolution of Apri1 ,2 , ia hereby resinded.
carried end eo ordered.
i?.oved by Sedilek uecend by Truilinger, that,hereaftec
the Cl.ty of Oewego give no :store dirt or i oil hurry from City
property,utreete,or wlleys curried and so ordered.
ftarehul .i.G.Schatz tendered hie reuignatton and it wee
:roved by :iadilek second by T'rullinger that the resignetiort of tz be; accepted cerried and .so ordered.
II 3L aved by Teiull iro cr second by 00€ 6 that }..".r. cha tz and '.hiss
be grec:ted two weeksv::. cation eith pe de ring the er of :t935.
Carried and zo ordered.
Suge e ted by Acti►:g ltuyo • Inkster that Lloyd /.Shriner
be a. pointed City ',iurehal to fil4 tho veceboy. •
}.roved by Sac3ilek t►cu;end y Goss that },:r.I,loyd .i.a}seiner
be af:i,oi.rted "lity ktarnheal for the unexpired ter►a,ca.rried end
so ordered.
A. i rej; eed ordinance Iroviding t i t the Coarse il..:ee eta'
1 nn
I City Hall,
=:Otwego,Or .-
Ito.ntl:,r uiee tink of the Ot ty Council celled tc` order
II by Actine. Leyor Inkr;tcr. --Mayor 'V .rg rabt,ent. 4 ins of prcvieue
ri:eet t: ; reed and eeeroved•--
Regeler order of eats; it►eee suepe'.n 1 d fur the e3nefit of
itieene j.reeenit ,Mr.PaW.Uutler ai;ked if could e eenr!' ewe top
uuil off of D.Ave . , i.etwee.n 9th and 'ltt, Str. ,or on O.Ave . thie
mat} ''!' eee tit`;Ctt, eed et lenchtl it wee de ;i::c:d that tcte dirt
on D.Ave. seeel e net be -t';er uwey re it 'r.oulti be used in the
g eed to ., of D,Av . ,stud it wee de etee'd that Yr Dhoeghe be cen-
uultear ee to the 3irt on G.Ave . , F.,is the Council had even him
thin toy: eoi1. eometi.;::e ro for Mr.Cutleru further action
t is i- e t i.h i v time .
The Recorder v:r:ti instructed to advise: Mr.l. .A.Butte",A.I...1
Cleepe n ,t:nd J.l'ienel , of i.D:rttx unnenitery conditions of their
. outride toilets and notifying Ihe:.i to dig a new vault send taut id
a new privy.
T:ie r'1(' : Ler of eeeure a t;t:. nd.•hy ee''vlee fi'o::: tne• "ity of
Poet.l_ rd for Bull :tun ;jitter 'rc: e diecueued and Councilmen 7nketer
and Sedtlek were to tie rr.i,:ur:shall Chief Clerk regar. tieg this.
A letberfroi 1'r.Bernetein objecting to the new water
supply the l.ett,er Wil ordered answered end placed on file .
roved by Rohrb:writ e;eeond by Gosa that the city purcheee
a mutt f )r the eerinfr boerd end a dribk iU fount: in for the City
Tot .
The :,te iter of ,rolicr protection wee uiveuscsed ut length
II r.o : ctioe t .kcn.
roved b:.' Trul.lie •e: second by Sadilek t'rt t tee ::oust;: i ]
taadj L i'h tin t it 7 :00 .'.1:.July,1'l, 193.;. carrtec and i;o ordered.
. Rec rder. o,�t '4
"i ty Heil e
. Ozwego ,Ore.
' July ,17,1935.
Adjourned uieetirg called to oi':seer bey Acting Mayor
Inks'ter,-Mayor :.w ng,Reeereesr Dvis ,x1..xxxt and Councilman
Wort}iiee'ton absent.--The ►:n' tt'=r of giving top coil to Mr Cutler e,
wee ar'tein ciiecu:,aed and it Was moved by Trollinger second by .
Sadtlek that in view of tho fact that Fr Dhooghe cannot fulfil
hi.a contract with Mr Cutler for moving toe- oil from G.Str. ,
to .:r.Cutlec's l.ot. ; the revolution of Apri1 ,2 , ia hereby resinded.
carried end eo ordered.
i?.oved by Sedilek uecend by Truilinger, that,hereaftec
the Cl.ty of Oewego give no :store dirt or i oil hurry from City
property,utreete,or wlleys curried and so ordered.
ftarehul .i.G.Schatz tendered hie reuignatton and it wee
:roved by :iadilek second by T'rullinger that the resignetiort of tz be; accepted cerried and .so ordered.
II 3L aved by Teiull iro cr second by 00€ 6 that }..".r. cha tz and '.hiss
be grec:ted two weeksv::. cation eith pe de ring the er of :t935.
Carried and zo ordered.
Suge e ted by Acti►:g ltuyo • Inkster that Lloyd /.Shriner
be a. pointed City ',iurehal to fil4 tho veceboy. •
}.roved by Sac3ilek t►cu;end y Goss that },:r.I,loyd .i.a}seiner
be af:i,oi.rted "lity ktarnheal for the unexpired ter►a,ca.rried end
so ordered.
A. i rej; eed ordinance Iroviding t i t the Coarse il..:ee eta'