Approved Minutes - 1937-04-06 107 City H611, Oewe o Ore. • Apr,G, :937. Regulcsr meeting of the City ,Oouncil called to order by r.inyor Ewtng,.»_All `'ouncilmen present,--Mina of previous !^eettngs read and aeproved,-_Varioan bills read and aeproved by the finance conuntttee,moved by Goss eeo )nJ by Sadilek that the bills be allowed sand warrants drawn to -cover on roll clall all present voting "yes" carried and so ordered. Mr.i.If.Meyers represent . eg the American Legion asking if it was .posuibJ.e for the Uity to take over Oswego 0erletery and mike it a public Oemetery, it is understood that the last legislature had made money available for the purpose of building roads in. publi.: Cemetexles etc. ,this matter was discussed and turned over to City .•Atty. Roehr to investigate the legal statues of the situation. Mr.:l.'i.Truchot asked if a turn around could be fix on the south end of Sixth Str. as the rocked road is to narrow to ' )ermit the cars to turn around etc. Moved by Dalzell second by Goss that the matter be left up to the Recorder to °fix_ Street. City Atty, Roehr reported that everything wan in order with the P."'.A. and that the grant should come thru within a few.days. • ' ll,Turnell otatmd that he was building a house and would like to know whether or not the amity :ou1d extend tht sewer to his lot, this matter was deferred . until the next meeting. Moved by Sadilek second by Goes that the blasting permit of ON.Balcom for lots 341 & 342 Lakewood add. be revoked,merrioutx carried and so ordered. Moved by Dalzell second by Goss that the Recorder . be authorized to engage the Oounty Oiler for Street lrtching carried and so 'ordered. There bedng .no further business the Gous;cil adjourned --to the call of the Mayor. U,i M E.J,Duie, , • Recorder. „ •( .j��• City Hall, . Oswego,Ore. Apr.13,1937. Adjourned meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Inkster,Mayor Ewing absent.--All Councilmen present.-.... Mayor Ewing appeared a fed minutes late and presided 11 over the meeting. r'irat order of bury mess was :',?°;.Turnell's applic ation for newer extension on take Front Road.After lengthy discussion it was Moved by 3adilek second by Goss that the City would not constructtnnx sewer extension on lake Front Road at the present time.carried and so ordered. Mr.Jordan of the Premutit Co. , gave a detailed explanation on water uoftnor and the process and the . cost of same etc. llo.a,t ton taken.