Approved Minutes - 1935-07-30 50 Mayor. be Oven 600 cu.ft. inite'A of 3u0 cu. ft. of 'Water fur the . min.pvr r:.onth and th:,t tr.e City pay their local tel.ea:hone , the proposed ordiriur:ce given mtzu 4. first reading .loved ay Tru:llin er - second by S:adil.cic that the proposed orr-t nanc�r be t:,bled for the second reading carried rrd ro ordered. loved by Trul l inc;,. " second by ;udi lek thyt headu of all Dept. rtmontrx be inutructed ,by the Recor(Ierrrtto make monthly reports carried and ..o ordered. There tau .ng no .'r. rther business the Council adjourned. )51\ Actirg Recorder. City Hull Oswego,ore Ju1y,30,1935.. Jlecial meeting of the City Council called to order by L:ayor ';'lorthir,.tun abuent.--The Mayor atuted the purpose for the n;eeting wau ,e atnt'd in the meeting notices•, to discussR the f it tr;=z, of the application for the, Sewer System,, : ete . ,after ::o,.:'; discussion it wus rr;oved by Trul linger second by Sndilek that the Recorder .1:u instructed to i roceed with • executing and filing of applicPtion with theP.W.A. for sewer system prof 3ct ,cnrried rind no ordered. Roved. by Trullingzr second by Inkuter, that if the application filed with, the for a sewer system project hits - been a, proved, t e Cityicall a special election,for tits puypcae // of votinr' a bond issue to fin:.nce the construction of a sewer uytstem,;;ith in thirty dnys , upon the notification of approval of a:. id vpplicution,ct!rried and uo ordered. '1h`yeLe ing on further businesses the Council adjourned. L Jr..Jui s, Reoorde .