Approved Minutes - 1935-08-20 . .
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q":-1 ,- -, •? . - )4: 1_11 ! C1 ', C?ut-•nil c ,11 :d to order
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.7 A:t.t.,Ir f,. , --• -_',c r'o..tland San i ta2.-y S,..).ry i k.;:-: Inc .aol:ing
for p 1 : i t,:,,i on '..) ..r Yk up g..;,,s':drwe •... 1 t hi ri t;e Ui ty of 0.37/0:c.;:i . .
t si t. i.'t I I i'i:A 1.h,-... pi...e:;ent service /..,?s .bt givinu sf.itis- ,
f‘ ,(,s,t ; 1): et.o. n, UCt.l ln tv.kon.
-.1rljlet fmf t1,:-. 01.:y Lot reg .rdin life s ? rol.f.
c,r..t .. .J...: %;1,- ,Ii.. ..u! ced and beins t,,%t. the 1:.:1..%. allot
could not furnish the necessary persona it w-a deoided not to
oon:: ide-,- the project this year. ..
. ' Loved by Trul) inr second by Goss that the fallowing
resolution be adopted,"A resolution authoriing the E.J.Duis ,
ity Recorder to file ea app ' ichtion to the United SttAeu of
Acr,:rt' !- through tni oederal Irer:,, !!,:v Ad:aiLit.U.ation of
fur n lot(t- and cv.Int to aid in fin-ncing the -...)nstrutton of a
sewer systeni and d,!.A,7nattntr, B.,1*.Duis, to furnish such i,o...'smation
as tl Oov^rrent ;hay requaort . Carried en1 so ordered.
A 'letter from" the 1--ortlar.d Vh.,te- Buretu sttlting th,t
1. .ey we-,. wi11in.! to serve the City Of Oswego :, ith ti stand-by
service at the Rivera 'up ii0113.e f‘..,r a :..onthly chat of 610.00
II after due consideration it was, F.ioved by 'rullint!er second by
Sadilek that i 'he' )ffer of the Portland Water Bureau of (/00.CO ,
pcv it,ohth fer :.;tai. ch-•rt7e at the ' Rivera YUriip Vote be ' ac-
ce::ted. C:.rried and ordered.
Moved bylTru3line- second by Sadilek thz.t the permission. .
c, !.dt..ld K,,rties of hai.r,•! dirt from omth Str. be cancelled.
carkied and t-: o orde'red. .. .
The ordi%nce drentjna water and telephone. rr,tes to the
.Cit3 QolIncil and the Mayor wativen second read, iaoved by,
• e!: second b.: Trullintzer tht the proposed arinace: be ,:v
'• adopted as road carried and 00 'ordered. . .
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•. , . • • Recorder.
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• , Our O e5Cre.
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, MA8.204935 . ..
. .
A.11x0ounxilmamilevlare?Lettng of t'ne City vOut:eil culled
to order by gayor Ewing.-i-A11: 00unoilman:rellent:- Recorder Dui&
obsent.-Bills r.tad approVed by finance con.iittee 'and ordered
);t:•L' L31 CouncilAen present Votihg',"yes" .
Contatainittion or tI Lake vster 'MA talked ab )ut kke.
and Dr. Trullinger said he 4ould tak.i. semples of lake water and .
Tualatin River water to the State Board' of for ami-
II .
• nation.
Moved by Trullinger Sevond by Goss that a notice be
publit;hed in tIte Oswego ? per r,!cit‘evting the pArn.ts to be -,
present at the firat Ale... ting in Septe!Cr.per to discuss the riding .. ,
of Licycleu , on the sidewalk . Also a curd sent. to parent's of
knov,n owners of bicycles askirt thela to appear at said v.e4ting.
• The culvert at the intersectift of Cedr tad. Cornell otr.
was referred to the Str. ommittee for' rdoornendation.
. ,. .
. .
. . .
. .
1' • , .
moved by "nhrbaugh and ue':'.nd by Trullinger that 150 ft. of
3/9 inch hoot! be bouGllt for tie mire Deportn;ani; Orried and ec
` orderkd.
Th ,•o, , i r,,, no t'rrrt'r;t:r buuineus tha "ounci J ad¶or�rned.
Vic.St,<ltlel . y ; '
• Recorderkro.Tem. f
• Qity Pall ,
0:3r e0,ore. .
Sal.t.21,1`. 31i.
i Ae r a i , tJ 1
r,trlt• �:��. t tn�, ut' Lire Cit; 'ou.7ci c'Aled to
order by 1":Styor i;wince. --voul;cil;:ron .Iorthin?;i. lHi,RJhrb' ugh,
and I0.2t:r absent .--There be 'nM no gourum and ao bus_j,r1eft;
couldbe trqnsacted the Council adjourned, 0 /j .
T+,. Y..hlis, � ��
Re o oardo r.
City Ha,1:1, '
Sept,l7,1035. •
Regular rnoc t ing of the- City Council called to
order by Mayor Ewing.--All Councilmen present.--Regular
order of business suspended for the benifit of citizens
present and the matter of slot machine operations within the
Gity of Oswego was discussed some of the business man and
other citizens were present,this matter was discussed at'
lenght and it appeared that the business men and citizens
present favored the licensing of the slot machines:and
" let them operate within the. City of Oswego, the matter was .
,. left to ' the license committee and xaitexuadtabled till the
next regular meeting. .
The next subject u,• for discussion was. the bicycle
riding upon sidewalks eta. after' ax lenghty discussion it
. . , was dicided that ordinance #87 prohibiting bicycle riding on
sidewalks be repealed. "
The matter of parking in front of the School" House
during school hours was discussed and it was moved by. Goss
second by Trullinger that parking in front of .the School
'house between the hours of 8100 A.M. & 000 P.M. on school • .
days be prbhi.bited,carreid and so ordered. ."
Moved by Trullinger second by Goss that the City
give. the School, Board authority to close Middle Greet Road '
and Ridgeway Road, be tween the hour: ',l2.*00. Noon,. to 100
P.M. during school days and."that..M1 .Mo:.Vey be . appoint special
officer,carried end so ordered. . , _ ,
An ordinance repealing. ordinance 07 was given "
first reading moved by .Sadilek seoon&,by Trullinger that the
proposed orrdiarnoe be tabled for the, aeognd reads»g,carriod
and so ordered.the proposed ordinance given second reading
moved. byn Trullinger .second by Sadilek that the proposed or.-
, ' dinance be adopted se read carried lrnd so ordered.
The Fire committee report .,on the condition and '
the care given the fire equipment this matter was discussed
pro and con bu.t no action taken until further investigotion
could be made. .
Various bills read and approved by the finance,
committeemoved by Sadilek second by Trullinger, that the bills •
• be r.illowed end warrants drawn to cover on roll call all present