Approved Minutes - 1937-06-29 G I 1 2 Vity Null, • Oawe go,O1+e June ,15, 1937. Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by }Sayer EWLng.-_Counci)reen Worthinton and uoss absent.- Mins of previous meet Inge read and approved.;- various bills II read and approved by the finance ,00mmittee ,Maved by Dalzell seoond by Inkster that the bids be allowed and warrants drawn to cover on :.col.) call all present voting "yen ' carried and so ordered. Regular order of burliness suspended for the bonifit of citizens preoent(about 15)Rev.Keadall asked for Douce information about the pin ball machines if they were here •_ perminently or if it wp:� just .an experilnent,this matter ' wee discussed at lenght and a number of the. other citizens present stated their objections to the machines.-It was moved by Sadilgk seoond by Inkster That the recorder issue no more license fur Pin Ball Machines until further orders from the City Council on roll onll a21 present voting eyes" oarried and so ordered. An Ordinance regulating the Fire Wept. was )resented for the second reading. Moved by S!adi.kek`second by Dalzell that the proposed ordin9noe be adopted as read on roll call . all proaent voting "yes", oarried anti 30 ordered. Recorder was nutiorized to order two Jantzen,Spring.• boards one for the 4it te .lower dock and one for the Lake-- wood lot ,the Laketwod Olub to pay for ono and the City 8or the other. A tile to be placed in Alley between pots 5 & 6 LakeII view villas was discussed and left . to R000rder to have this done. The bill ogvgrin ; the repairs on the North Shore sewer line ^:used ley the heavy blasting on Lots 341. & 342 �bo be given to Mr ' oehr.for oolleotion from the owners e ,t. Drs.Methiue & Holman. . Moved by Dalzell seoond by Inkster that Resolution No.631 be adopted as read carried and so ordered. • Mt. Roehr authorised to• close den]. bath Ladd Estate for the Treating Plant Site near the River. There being no furhter business the Council adjourne{.,until June ,29,1937 at 8100 PM. E,J.Duis 1 �1��1,►,� Recorder. . \ . • . City Hall . Oswego,Ore. - June ,29,1937. Adjourned meeting of the City COUniol called to order by Mayor Ewing ,..All `e.ouncilmef present& thin meeting was primarially for the purpose of furthor' discussing the pin .Ball Machine question this discussion was opened by the Reoorder reading letters from the Oswego•Womens ClubII and Oswego Christian Endeavor Society f i Lt u ng their W. teat to the licensing of thoia mnohinea ,a10o a letter from Sam Meldrty expressing his views on the gdeution.This was followed by Mr.Walter Taoze Attorney for the Oregon Merv. chants - Legislative ll:ague exereloa ing his views favoring the .nachtnee ,L :ol.ainin„ that they W3 3 not g.�Ablin3 davLoes , 1 .1 3 etc, ,P.Ir,Ilarold Weidman ThJ spoke for the Oswego Vhriptian Endeavor again brought out the fact that these machine ' ire a detriment for the Oswego ,ebuboitilly :t) a young 11 peepta ,eto. From this point on number of citizens ,?resent expressed the se1Qos on the question and it was very • ob a ious that the majority were in favor of hav hag the machines incensed; It was moved by Gad i le k second by �a1ze l l that the Council reoind the motion of June 15,.1937 and that the Council authorize Recorder to issue Pin Ball Machine license according to the Ordinance covering the same, on roll call all nreoent voting 'yea" carried anu so ordered. Mr.Itoehr reported that he had spoken to Mr. Murphy and that iintisfactory arrangements could be made regard in�� the purchase of till Treating Plant Site, Moved by Dalzell aecotiui by Goss that the be authorized to tivrite aleter' to the U.S.Ha1t.Bank regarding the hazuardoue condition of the buildings on the old DeBau property at 2nd &. D.Ave. ,carried and so ordered. • Moved by Sadilck second by Dalzell that the Mayor & Recorder be authorized to enXer into a two mohth free trail agreement of Corrodicide for water softening purposeo;the motion past with the following vote: Sad i le k,yea t Sullivan,yea t Worthington,no,Gosa,Abaent t Dalze1l,yeat Inkoterool. khere being no further• business the eounc it adjourned, E.J.Duis, ?/ t>/ Recorder, N� Iw • City Halt, OBwego,Ore. .July,6,1937, ' Regular meeting of the City Council called to order by Mayor Ewing--Councilman Goss ,Sadi1&k,and Sullivan absent there being no gourum The Council adjourned. /�s ti i Recorder. y