Approved Minutes - 1935-10-01 53 voting "yes" curried and no ordered. Moved by Trullinger second by Sadilek that the recor- der be authorized to trunsfeor the neponuary money from the Water bund to-the General Fund to meet the current bills until the tax money was received carried and ud ordered. It was authorized to install a culvert on Yifth Str. south of A.Ave. ,and the drain on cedar Str. , The insurance on the City Hell was discusijed end it was Moved by Trullinger Second by Sadilek that the insurance be g'ven to RohrbAugh at the rate mention in the les,ter,carried and so ordered. Moved by Trullinger second by Sudiaek that the Recorder be authorized to have the Pump house and the bath house insured with Rohrbaugh,carried and no ordered. The following -citizens were appointed as a citizens budget committee J.V.Savage,O.C.Roehr,and arm Beckner. to Meet with the Council to prepare a budget for the ensuing . year. There being no further business the Council adjourned. • • Recorder. A\r . . • Oit y Hall; Oswego,Ore... Oct.1,1935. Regular meeting of, t3%e city Council called to order by Ziayor ;Ewing. --All Councilmen prouent. • Regular order of business suspended for the benefit of the citizens present.--Mr.F•W.Allen of the W.P.A. spoke in regard to the assignment of men from outside of . City on the city project stating that thin wtao •done , in error from the Portland office,st-tiug that the matter . could be straightened out in the very near future it the the Council would consent . letting these men start on the job on the ..3sd of Oct .uncj just as quickly as possible they would be transfeered _to some other project and replaced ' f with Oswego men,Moved by Goass second by Trullinger' that this matter be taft in the hands of tkAat Mr.Allen and the Recorder to settle ,oarried and so ordered. . The. matter of slot machine within the city was again brought up for diecueeion,tY}erecorder read five resolutions from various church organization etc.protesting against licensing the slot machines and asking that they be . prohibited. to operate within the City,Mr.Neckaaan,a slot machine represer:tative,,, -prKsented a petition with approximate 120 name; asking,thet the• slot machines be licenee0, Cee, Josue. woos dtseupsed at lenght b lth pro & con Mrs.l[scdougall ,Proo ident of. Amerioun .Legion Auxilary Unit , /l92,atated that the •Unit,at their lost meeting,went on recordax as being infmvor of prohibiting slot machine II and other gambl.ine, 4evioee in the City.Mr.Alf.P.Kelley , spoke at lenght stating very clearly to the public ;' what a slot machine would do etc. he impressed uou the citizens present that it was not desirable to have these - gninbling devibes in the stores in our ooi nunity.and bad influence for the children. . .11 -Moved-by Worth .ni{ton second by Rhorbaugh that the slot machines and all other games of chance be prohibited to operate withinthe aapx corporate limits of the Oswego. onn roll call all present voting"yes"ea.rried and so ordered. _ram J1: The ''tatter of the C•it,. }call Insurance was opened for discus- eion, thie insurance was given the Manufacturing Lumbermens Underwriters at the laut regular meeting since that time some question as to the reliaUltty of the Company had been brought up by various citizens and insurance agents therefore this disousuion. Mrs.Wobster spoke regarding her Insurance Company etattng that they had carried this Ins. for .1 number of years etc. Atr.Banks Special ,agent for the Royal Company spoke and explaine;; that the rates charged by their company was strictly in accord with, the Oregon "fit ing Bureau and he brought out the• good points of his company etc. Mr.Russell of"the Manufacutring Lumbermens Underwriter explained que:;tions as to his company at; well as the rates etc. ,after lertghty discussion it was decided by the Council to leave the t}:3 insurance with the Manufacturing Lurnbor tens Underwriters as voted in the la:3t me 't ing. • Moved by Sadilek second by Worthini;ton that ;he Recorder be authorized to sign the contract with the Standard Oil Co. ,for gasolene for a period of mete year for 130 per gal.carried and so ordered. Various bills read and approved by the ftnnnoe committee moved by Trull.inger second by Sadilek that the bills be hilowed and warrants drawn to cover on roll oall all present voting "yes" carried and so ordered. Moved by Rohrbaugh second by Gose that the council adjcu:•na until Monday Oct.?th 8t00 PM:}.carried and so ordered: Recorder. , / . City Hall Oswego,Ore . Adjourned meeting of the Otty-' el.0le"d to order bj Mayor Ewing .--all Councilmen present:--The citizens budget committee also mot with the Council and repair a budget for the ensuing year,A Committee of the Oswego Womens club consisting of Mrs 2eetenger,Mru Centerejlirs McCormick,and Lire ?oulson were present and made a request that the allowance for the operation and the buying of books for the library be increased some what over t$tb lust year's allowance. After the Completion of the ,-repai'stion of the budget regular business •Hsu rosurne,moved by Sadilek second by Rohrbau,ih •that the nominating obnvention be held Tuesday Oot.29th 1935 to nominate candidates for the. coming City election,oarried and so .ordered. Letter from tkxx•Mr.A.L,Amaphsr,C.P.A. giving a bid of $125.00 for one years audit or a three yeuru con- tract for the sum of $3bM0 another letter from Wm r.Ueyers C. P.A. ;riving a bid of $100.00 for one years audit was re:d,no.definite oction ' taken.An ordiance prohibiting -the operation of slot 11 machinea,ineluding pin ball muohinos in the corporate limits of the City of Oswego iris given first reading . moved by Sndilek' second by Trullifger• that the proposed ordinance be tabled for the second reading carried cnd so orodered, the propose ordinance given second reading moved by Trullinger second by Sadilsk thaGt the proposed ordinance be adopted as rn-id carried and so ordered. s