Approved Minutes - 1935-10-07 _ram J1: The ''tatter of the C•it,. }call Insurance was opened for discus- eion, thie insurance was given the Manufacturing Lumbermens Underwriters at the laut regular meeting since that time some question as to the reliaUltty of the Company had been brought up by various citizens and insurance agents therefore this disousuion. Mrs.Wobster spoke regarding her Insurance Company etattng that they had carried this Ins. for .1 number of years etc. Atr.Banks Special ,agent for the Royal Company spoke and explaine;; that the rates charged by their company was strictly in accord with, the Oregon "fit ing Bureau and he brought out the• good points of his company etc. Mr.Russell of"the Manufacutring Lumbermens Underwriter explained que:;tions as to his company at; well as the rates etc. ,after lertghty discussion it was decided by the Council to leave the t}:3 insurance with the Manufacturing Lurnbor tens Underwriters as voted in the la:3t me 't ing. • Moved by Sadilek second by Worthini;ton that ;he Recorder be authorized to sign the contract with the Standard Oil Co. ,for gasolene for a period of mete year for 130 per gal.carried and so ordered. Various bills read and approved by the ftnnnoe committee moved by Trull.inger second by Sadilek that the bills be hilowed and warrants drawn to cover on roll oall all present voting "yes" carried and so ordered. Moved by Rohrbaugh second by Gose that the council adjcu:•na until Monday Oct.?th 8t00 PM:}.carried and so ordered: Recorder. , / . City Hall Oswego,Ore . Adjourned meeting of the Otty-' el.0le"d to order bj Mayor Ewing .--all Councilmen present:--The citizens budget committee also mot with the Council and repair a budget for the ensuing year,A Committee of the Oswego Womens club consisting of Mrs 2eetenger,Mru Centerejlirs McCormick,and Lire ?oulson were present and made a request that the allowance for the operation and the buying of books for the library be increased some what over t$tb lust year's allowance. After the Completion of the ,-repai'stion of the budget regular business •Hsu rosurne,moved by Sadilek second by Rohrbau,ih •that the nominating obnvention be held Tuesday Oot.29th 1935 to nominate candidates for the. coming City election,oarried and so .ordered. Letter from tkxx•Mr.A.L,Amaphsr,C.P.A. giving a bid of $125.00 for one years audit or a three yeuru con- tract for the sum of $3bM0 another letter from Wm r.Ueyers C. P.A. ;riving a bid of $100.00 for one years audit was re:d,no.definite oction ' taken.An ordiance prohibiting -the operation of slot 11 machinea,ineluding pin ball muohinos in the corporate limits of the City of Oswego iris given first reading . moved by Sndilek' second by Trullifger• that the proposed ordinance be tabled for the second reading carried cnd so orodered, the propose ordinance given second reading moved by Trullinger second by Sadilsk thaGt the proposed ordinance be adopted as rn-id carried and so ordered. s ___ 7-- 55 An ordinance prohibiting the operation oVpunah boarde ~within the corporate limits of Oswego was g�iVien first read- ing moved by Trulltnger second by Sadilek tht the proposed ordinance be tabled for the second reading,aa,:rrjedoand so ordered . the proposed ordinance given second reading moved byr• Trullinger second by Sadilek that the proposed ordinance be adopted as read ,carried and Bo ordered. There being no further business the Council adjourned. ArsAb" G.J.Duis, •1 Reoorder. off ' I t_: City Hall, Oswego,0r. October,l5 ,1935. • Regular meeting of the Ui1;y Council o.11ed to orede'• by Mayor .'swing. --Councilman Goes .ubse, t.--:.sins of previous Meeting!:; read r sici approved. --Various bills read and appr3ve • by ft ianee comriitt.:e ,moved by Trullinger second by Cacti.lek tiu. t the bills. be allowed and warrants drawn to cover on roll call ell preuer,t voting "yen" curried and so ordered. . '' Regular grder of business suspended for the benefit ' of citizens preoont.Mr.Frye spoke in regard to the Iron Mountains Blv d. be.twee n e n w Ito d from Oswego city limits to Iake Grohy otleffi ; Tip•"- " �aids Co. was now operating their stages over this road and that the . streets, in Forest Hills being very narrow for all this • ;tra'f ip, he asked if the city would passed a resolution asking the County Court to take over that portion of. city • ,streot,betw3en the New road and A.A•vc: . ' pavoldent at 10th . 5tr. ,us County road And have. sane of the members of the City Council accompany a committee of Lake Grove citizens . who hed un appointment with the County Court the following morning. Moved by Sedilek second by. Trullinger that an a resolution be drafted asking the County 0ourt -to take over that portion of City Strecta connocting .the Now . , Iron 14. Road and . the A•.Ave. pavement .at 10th Str. ,as . "ounty Ro::d'., carried and so ordered. i! Mr.Am;icher,Auditor,was reduont in regard to the city's annual audit,ho stated his price and after some discuusion it was moved by Trullinor second by Worthington that we accept Mr.Amuo}tors offer of } 300.00 ,for a three year period,paymente to be made in three equal isxxxa • payments when each yours audit is 'eempleted,oarried and ' no ordered.: - ' The recorder was asked 'to write ,the business men . regarding the unloading teucko to do' their unloading in the alley as it is to dangerous to hove the large trucks back up to the curb and unload. ' ., , The fire Dept.wua discussed at length and Chief was asked to furnish a list :ot active members and active ,' officers to the Fire 0.t.uiiit toe. Moved by Rohrbaugh second by Worthington that ' ' the recorder have three no parking signet( painted and . place saga; in front of the sohool house . " A resolution asking the County/ `'ourt to, take over . the portion of streets bhat connect the new road to Luke Ur. '' sad the A.Avo .pvetaent at 10th Str. . r.