Approved Minutes - 1937-08-03I
City Ikll, Oswo~o,“OrfJ, * AUTOS, 1,337. lle&Llar I:;(:<: ‘; ii;” of the City Council caJJ,ed to order ! by &yor 23Y I. t1g ) .‘I? ?. ounc ihnen present. Mine, of ;)i*ovioW met! t Itlc I*~:I:\ ~1x1 n:>j)ra-Jed,- v~~ai~~;~ bI.l I.3 Paaii ctnd a:,j)roved
IJy f;bc finunca co:xnittca rlO’;ed by grm ue:c9rd by 3udilck
thut the hi3 3 3 he nllo;usd and wn :wtnts drawn t;o cover on x.1.‘. Cfll.!. c!. ! pri:rjcttt vat ~~.:ti; “ycrJ” ca?*ried and uo 0 rd :I I‘ : :i *
h~)l~J.i::;rt l.on ,;OY ;jc:::- t: xtr~z li~‘3 x0 4’ NrMon Broo YUS Gubmittad for endoresr:,ent by the council. :i1: :‘lns mo*qo:\ by 9ad.i IC 1: SOCO~I~ by l&\!.ze 11 that the sa!~ bo ctidorved by tllo . Cout~cil cazied and IIO ordsrod. ~~~.~c)*!icken,rop~‘e~cnt itig the ?ort.Iacd Cent1 Elec;
c 2: * !ii i,ned the the ,,ro~~aotl new frnnchioe ~IJ d13ta L.1 and this xat t or \;‘a:; discuaoed :lt lenght,no act ion taken at
this. mci!t i rip;, i.‘i~ved b; (toso, sac~~~d by 3adi.Lek that the City Atty. bo ins tmctod S'U !,reilair an or:: ttmnse a~& Inc ord itntkcc No.274 !ilo.l~!:l~ the lib,, -~tmo fees for pin ball machines to road E:S folloaa; $lO,OO par mor’lth ger machine of the l@
ba 1.1. tlyiia. ,and $20;00 per mouth psr maohinb of the laba
than 1.0 ball tYpc,ci:rric:d a~:d ~6 ordered, Ifovad. by Goad rtocond by
cf i.(r,,J,*HI.Kir~g,tte Park. %:A.
Sadila :( th;; t the sa lnry he $140.90 ;)rr mont$ during
t l-it t I.:!13 t ha i’r: r 1; ie u;jr?n and the salaria:; fur the Life
. yui3 xl 51 ilIcf 0 r July r1t-d Aug, be a min. of $25.00 per PM& rmt; th based on ,r(O par hour ~13. other time for life guairdo ?itr. paid. at t?lo xtrr of ‘40 per hour. on rol.1 c:llJ. 4x31 present vot!t:g llyts” excel>t J.Ir,Inkstcr -;:ho did .
IlOt VsJt3 or. tlia quo.;t ion,ca .rted and GO ordered, j,fr ,Y/orth i nst on re irortad th:l t GLa nn Waldorf vlished to know \vhat GiZU :rrc:d1.’ ae~ioa, i’jcca to bc uosd in .a nd*.v house ,nn. the .city hr;l no pl*;-xbing code he \,aa inforined
that t>.iu y/as governed by’ the 3tata code,k?r,3orthi tigton a.luo reportc\d that Hr;Eu;;;cna Wx@..@xMa:dorf would . liks to know .;hat could be done about Lay;.ng a i’tater main
. to his ;l?o:?crty e. i, Block 28 Yo,Oswe@o,it nns decide that I!$.*,‘:la’!dorf a:)paar before the uouncF1 in :),crson, abob+ this request, Letter from tha Osvrago Mbrnry Board xtb z-cad and ordered recorded in the mine, letter read as follo;7af
Oow~o ,Ore,icn,
Honornb.La Mayor & City Count il, July,30,1937,
City of Oewego,Orcgon ’ ., : 00 nt J.em1in I At the last meet in8 of the C itg of OOVZ;;O Library Board,t::e matter of noodod inorensad shelf room WU~J again
br x@t t3 their at tent ionby Mrs. Bliss, librarian. This has bon 5i.3cnssed before and no doubt suggestions for ufleii-
at ing t’:~ cotlguo t ion ha*re b :en xadc and d iacuasad at your
llu.2 c t 111 ({a l .\!.IdItiOtiG hy )j~l*~h086 ~ti by [(iftRX. are l>ilin(~ Ui) IiIOtIthb, .
nc:r porodiaala aysear at the reading tabla,morc .)eo;~Lc are
i;ZU’<1I:c:’ LNJO of both the circulation department and the raatlY,; itlg roor~.‘l’he juvenile readers are n,>t cett itig all. they ”
chould out of l-he ?~ok uhs lvea”dtie *L 2 the crarn;)ed quarters
City Ikll, Oswo~o,“OrfJ, * AUTOS, 1,337. lle&Llar I:;(:<: ‘; ii;” of the City Council caJJ,ed to order ! by &yor 23Y I. t1g ) .‘I? ?. ounc ihnen present. Mine, of ;)i*ovioW met! t Itlc I*~J:I:\ ~1x1 n:>j)ra-Jed,- v~~ai~~;~ bI.l I.3 Paaii ctnd a:,j)roved
IJy f;bc finunca co:xnittca rlO’;ed by grm ue:c9rd by 3udilck
thut the hi3 3 3 he nllo;usd and WI :wtnts drawn t;o cover on x.1.‘. Cfll.!. c!. ! pri:rjcttt vat ~~.:ti; “ycrJ” ca?*ried and uo 0 rd :I I‘ : :i *
h~)l~J.i::;rt l.on ,;OY ;jc:::- t: xtr~z li~‘3 x0 4’ NrMon Broo YUS Gubmittad for endoresr:,ent by the council. :i1: x16 mo*qo:\ by 9ad.i IC 1: EJOCO~I~ by l&\!.ze 11 that the sa!~ bo ctidorved by tllo . Cout~cil cazied and IIO ordsrod. ~~~.~c)*!icken,rop~‘e~cnt itig the ?ort.Iacd Cent1 Elec;
c 2: * !ii i,ned the the ,xo~~aotl new frnnchioe ~IJ d13ta L.1 and this xat t or \;‘a:; discuaoed :lt lenght,no act ion taken at
this. mci!t i rip;, i.‘i~ved b; (toso, sac~~~d by 3adi.Lek that the City Atty. bo ins tmctod S'U !,reilair an or:: ttmnse a~& Inc ord itntkcc No.274 !ilo.l~!:l~ the lib,, -~tmo fees for pin ball machines to road E:S folloaa; $lO,OO par mor’lth ger machine of the l@
ba 1.1. tlyiia. ,and $20;00 per mouth psr maohinb of the laba
than 1.0 ball tYpc,ci:rric:d a~:d ~6 ordered, Ifovad. by Goad rtocond by
cf i.(r,,J,*HI.Kir~g,tte Park. Yu:)t.
Sadila :( th;; t the sa lnry he $140.90 ;)rr mont$ during
t l-it t I.:!13 t ha i’r: r 1; ie u;jr?n and the salaria:; fur the Life
. yui3 xl 51 ilIcf 0 r July r1t-d Aug, be a min. of $25.00 per PM& rmt; th based on ,r(O par hour ~13. other time for life guairdt~ ?itr. paid. at t?lo xtrr of ‘40 per hour. on rol.1 c:llJ. 4x31 present vot!t:g llyts” excel>t J.Ir,Inkstcr -;:ho did .
IlOt VsJt3 or. tlia quo.;t ion,ca .rted and GO ordered, j,fr ,Y/orth i nst on re irortad th:l t GLa nn Waldorf vlished to know \vhat GiZU :rrc:d1.’ ae~ioa, i’jcca to bc uosd in .a nt~*.v house ,nn. the .city hr;l no pl*;-xbing code he \,aa inforined
that t>.iu y/as governed by’ the 3tata code,k?r,3orthi tigton a.luo reportc\d that Hr;Eu;;;cna Wx@..@xMa:dorf would . liks to know .;hat could be done about Lay;.ng a i’tater main
. to his ;l?o:?crty e. i, Block 28 Yo,Oswe@o,it nns decide that I!$.*,‘:la’!dorf a:)paar before the uouncF1 in :),crson, abob+ this request, Letter from tha Osvrago Mbrnry Board xtb z-cad and ordered recorded in the mine, letter read as follo;7af
Oow~o ,Ore,icn,
Honornb.La Mayor & City Count il, July,30,1937,
City of Oewego,Orcgon ’ ., : 00 nt J.em1in I At the last meet in8 of the C itg of OOVZ;;O Library Board,t::e matter of noodod inorensad shelf room WU~J again
br x@t t3 their at tent ionby Mrs. Bliss, librarian. This has bon 5i.3cnssed before and no doubt suggestions for ufleii-
at ing t’:~ cotlguo t ion ha*re b :en xadc and d iacuasad at your
llu.2 c t 111 ({a l .\!.IdItiOtiG hy )j~l*~h086 ~ti by [(iftRX. are l>ilin(~ Ui) IiIOtIthb, .
nc:r porodiaala aysear at the reading tabla,morc .)eo;~Lc are
i;ZU’<1I:c:’ LNJO of both the circulation department and the raatlY,; itlg roor~.‘l’he juvot~ile readers are n,>t cett itig all. they ”
chould out of l-he ?~ok uhs lvea”dtie *L 2 the crarn;)ed quarters
ojxt i nadp qun 1 r: d it; :: Iny of booku. iI
It ~ril.!~ IIC bu$ a ullort time until shelf room rro\y rtviiIl-
abla in 1:)~: yrcsant qutirtgl*H trill. be f I.LXed 11)) to o~,w- <’
city and furtl:op cx~~~~ncinn v/i 1.1. be ngnin irk order, ‘;lith that km thought in l:Iind ,you al. 13. rcc~J 1, or w.iJ.1 find on record that vhatt tho City Hn.?1 vms erected It v:ns dosigned <‘and ” built .;~it:h the iden of aAdLi!$ a c8c9nc! st9ry at 802IU future date, Thr! l.Lb:ar:, ?3r\ard is nf the opinion that a~ ideal sot- UI) wou!.d bc to uet ~sida the ctltiro .Lo\/sr flCOr,OxChSiV8 df t;hc fire depal*tti:lant ,for library use. This vrau!.d pJace the. 1ittXa used auditriwn on the sucond floor. and L)rovido
* at-d o nt ire J.y new lay-out for c i ty ~squirame/~ts , 1. .‘., no all. nov/ roalim,the library is an ostnbllshed fact,fast gw; i:rg cr.d in nood of rococniti on it deserveo, Ter~~)o~arCly,
. aCditFunr.\l shelving vrill suffice, The Board 1713h00 at this t lrne to nuggaut to ymr l I:orthy body the advisability of pralmring fur thiu nzod ut;d adjust ;n.g next yoarfp budget to cover it, .*
Yo& very truly
I c ITY o>. OSsfII:GO’ &lURY BOARD 8 ,q By ~~S.g$~)_H,J,Adcum, AA 1r : --. --;2(lbiio., S;ucp$ayyb \ . ..,‘. .
Thora bping no fuythe:? business the Cour~il. adjourned,
I L E,J,Duls,
. Recordor,
c . Gity If&U.,
Oov:e~o) 0 ‘9 l Aug. 17 ) I.537 l -
_, ‘3
(8.S 7% ?
, .‘i
Regular lr#St ilJ[; l&y!n EV! it?g.b.- of tye C& ty Council ca1..10,$.,.t,p ,~i*$,~r .by Co~r!oiLtfien mine road Xnkster R- DaLxa.Iy-abnsht,-’ 130 ,--No billy presented, $mo street no~ic was discussed,no act Lon!.taken,
The bity lielath officer th> be notified to itlforn
Johl?nyts Market to clsau up refuse and if ordes not comi>liod vlith to have officer i‘j3.e complaint.
Moved by Goas second by Eadilok ‘that the Count il-
adj ourng,carried and so ordered.
. . E,G,Goaa Act irrg ‘.~e.o~rdor. , ,.’ ! ’ ‘! I,” 8 p’ A i .