Approved Minutes - 1937-08-17 and inadpquatt' di:; !Jlny of booku. It wi]. !, lie but, a short time until uhelf rooms now avail.. able in the, present quartgra trill be filled up to oa)a- city and further expansion will be again in order. With that i thought in mind ,you will recall, or will find on record that when the City Hal) woo erected it wan designed and built with the idea of a:lding a second story at eo:w future date . Tht+ Li.b:nry Board is of the opinion that an ideal set- uo would be to set aside the entire lower floor,exeiusive of the fire department,for library use. This would place the, little used nuditriwn on the second floor. and »rovida and entirely new lay-out for city requirernedite. As all now ronlire ,the library is an established fact ,fast growing and in nod of rocognition it ileserveu. Temporarily, additional shelving will ouffice . The Board wiahou at thus t sme to nuggeut to your worthy body the advisability of preparing for this nod and adjuot Ong next yoarf p budget to cover it. , Yours very tru .y, CITY OF. O3WF GO LIBRffftY BOARD VA eN By_Ufi ned) H.J.Adtu.e , F.j.Adbine,, Secretory. i There ba ing no f urthe:^ bud inesu the Council adjourned. E.J.Duis, Reoorder. • (jIty fiat:]., Oawego,O +e. Aug.17,1037. Regular ir•.peting of tyo City Council cal.lod,.,.t,p orc:,er by Mayor ] w tag.--Oo'.tn.c i limn Inkuxer R Dalze l liabnent; No mins read.--No bills prevented. 5 )rac street work was discuused,no act ton!.taken. ' The 'ity liel.ath officer tp be notified to inform Johnny's Market to clean up refuse and if order not complied " with to have officer fl.l.e complaint. Moved by Gone second by Sadilek that the Council adiourn4,carried and so ordered. E.G.Goss Acting ste.00rdor. ,/ • \