Approved Minutes - 1937-09-21 it. .l fty
City Hal.1,
• ' ' Oswe go,Ore..
Uo t.7,lr•37,
II Regular mooting of the City Council called to order
by Ltayor "'eriug.-Li•vu cilmen ,1 )rthinllton and 3adilek absent
Mi::s of previous meat rose read :Ind approved.-Varioue bills
rze'l and a.yroved by the finance committee-Moved by Dalze L1
secpW. by Goss that the bills be allowed and wort•unts drawn
to cover on roll colt all preeent vet tnn "yes" carried and
so oriered.
Mr.Mylin of the County :engineers office a. '..ed if it
would be pipe:Able to have jt3axliei:llock 3tr. vacated between
Tarrissh & : atton enable the County to enlarge the
crusher pit thru this portion of Hemlock Str. and into
Block 59, this me t ' e s• wau d iecuseed and ta1;led till, next
The )ropossed franchise ordinance of the ?ortland . .
'er:eral. Aidotrio 0 . was eg in discussed and referred to the
Light Counittee -to- reeort at the next meeting.
The following citi.cns wore appointed to serve on
the Citizen° Budget committee, 1•dr.O.C.Roehr, lir.vhau BVickner,
Mr. 3.l{.Pcttenger:•,vnd Dr. :Y.H.Watson Atternnto* V '.
The matter of City Elutionfor this yczSr was con-
sidered,a3 the City Charter conflicts with the State Law
pia to when these elections are to be held,and referred to
Aity Atty. Roehr for an opinion.
To liat+rovad Cedar Street between Cornell and l,'. . :nar
atr.waas co!:u iderod und.'referred to the Street Committee .
A letter fro.:, Mr..Amaoher, City Auditor,t7ith reference
to the City Tax ulatrn from the County,war3 read and it was •
decided that Mr.Amscher,City Recorder, and as many members
of the. Conseil that could go,to melt. with the County Court
and got some definite action on the payment of this xra3mx
There being no further business the Couno it ad j of;reed. a' r�)
t. i t.
. :,.J.Dufss, 1c ! t
Recorder. {
City Hall, •
. Oswego,Ore .
3e pt,21, l937 .
Regular meeting of the City Council cn i.J.dd to order
by Mayor Ewing»-Councilmen i1orthini;ton,Dalzeli,and Sullivan
abeeat. ..'ihere be i a;;' no quorum no regular bun mess wasz •
tuanssacted exceot the following motion was made by Coss
second by Uadiiet that the rscorde,• by instructed to •
notify ilr.C.D.Johns;on that the permission granted him
• on July,7,1937 to haul some top soil from Tenth 3tr.
between D P. 3 Ave. ,and fro'rt G.Str between 9th & 10th 3tr.
is hereby recinded and tht't thin action be placed before
the Council at its next regular meeting for rat iftout1i u
carried and uo , .rdered.